Chapter 305 : Future meets Present (I)

"Why do you want to travel to 2016?" Tony thought for a while, and asked Future Banner. Future Banner did not hide it and briefly explained that Thanos had successfully snapped his fingers, killing half of life in the universe, and that the superheroes had returned to the past to find the Infinity Stones.

"I mean, seriously? You allowed Thanos to get all six Infinity Stones?" Tony asked incredulously. "Don't you have Bert in your world? The Blood God, the Guardian of the World, the star-killing powerhouse, and the number one scumbag in the universe!"

"In your world, who is Bert? Is that his title?" Future Banner was stunned.

"If you don't know who Bert is, then he doesn't exist in your world," Tony said with a blink. "Without Bert, the most handsome guy must be me, Tony Stark."

Everyone was speechless. Banner in the future nodded and said, "Yes, you are the leading superhero. Under your leadership, we successfully allowed Thanos to snap his fingers."

Dr. Reed couldn't help but laugh. "So, it turns out that Tony is the worst one."

"That's impossible. How could I be so useless?" Tony was dissatisfied. He was about to say something when Jarvis informed him that someone who looked exactly like him had gone to his villa. Tony immediately flew there and said, "It should be that loser. I'll go find him, and you guys go to S.W.O.R.D."

"Okay, leave it to me," Banner replied. He glanced at Future Banner and said, "This guy doesn't seem to have much fighting power. He doesn't even seem a little bit angry."

Future Banner said honestly, "I am a peaceful person and rarely fight."

Banner was speechless, and Hulk spat. Even the Hulk, who was not easily angered, was ashamed.

Tony stopped talking nonsense and flew to his villa in New York. Dr. Reed asked, "How many of you are there?"

"Tony, Thor, and Steve," Future Banner replied. "We're not bad people. Once we get the Infinity Stones and Pym particles, we'll leave immediately."

"I'm afraid that won't be easy. Bert won't allow you to take the Infinity Stones," Dr. Reed said. "The Space Stone and the Mind Stone are his possessions, and it's rumored that he also has the Power Stone."

"He has that many stones?" Future Banner was stunned. "I want to see him. It's not like I'll borrow it and not pay it back. Once I snap my fingers and save half of life in the universe, I'll return the stones to him immediately."

Dr. Reed nodded and said, "I'll contact him. If there's no problem, you'll see him at S.W.O.R.D."

"By the way, what have they been looking for?" Future Ant-Man pointed at Hope and Ant-Man and asked.

"I was looking for Dr. Pym. As soon as he entered the quantum space, the space channel blew up," Scott replied with a sigh.

"What?" Future Banner and Future Ant-Man were both stunned. Had their main target disappeared? What about their Pym particles?


Let's focus on Tony Stark's New York villa. As big events usually happen in New York, Tony bought a big one so he wouldn't have to fly over from Malibu every time.

At this moment, a figure walks into the villa, and the alert system set by Tony is unresponsive. The reason is simple: the figure is Tony, or in other words, Tony from the future.

"This world is completely different from ours. Mage Ancient One is right. This is a parallel world. In this case, we can directly cooperate with Tony Stark of this world. There is no time-space paradox in a parallel world."

In the future, Tony thought to himself that he believed this world's Tony would not refuse to cooperate because he was Iron Man, and he could get more future technology in exchange.

Also, Tony from the future knows that Tony lives here because he has just been on the Internet.


Morgan and Murphy, who were playing on the lawn, saw the future Tony and ran over on short legs.

Morgan and Murphy are only over a year old, but they can run and talk, and they are bigger than children of the same age. After all, they have been nourished by qi.

"Morgan! Hey, does Tony in this world have a son?"

Future Tony recognized Morgan and smiled, opening his arms to welcome the children. At this moment, Morgan and Murphy laughed at the same time, jumped up sharply, and their small heads slammed into Future Tony's chest.


How could Tony expect this kind of development in the future? He was knocked to the ground on the spot and almost vomited blood.

"Dad, that sucks."

Murphy got up from Future Tony's arms and said contemptuously, while Morgan nodded and grimaced, "Dad, that's bad."

"The Morgan in this world is definitely a black-hearted cotton, and that kid, what a fool."

Future Tony clenched his teeth and got up from the ground. Just as he was about to say something, two suctions came from not far away, and Morgan and Murphy were sucked in.

Pepper kept Morgan and Murphy behind her and asked Future Tony, "Who are you? Why are you like Tony?"

"Pepper, hey, why are you so young? What brand of makeup do you use?"

Future Tony was surprised by how good Pepper's skin looked, like a twenty-year-old girl's.

Pepper said, "Thank you for your compliment, but this is a private place. Jarvis, take him and wait for Tony to come back and deal with it."

The ground rumbled open, and then Jarvis' huge body appeared in front of everyone - there was an underground base under the villa, which was Jarvis' home, and Yelena also lived there.

"Jarvis, you're not dead? Well, why are you so big? Who has such bad taste?"

Future Tony was stunned, and Jarvis said, "Mr. Tony Stark from the future, Mr. Stark is rushing back, please go there and wait for him."

Pepper was stunned. "The future Tony Stark?"

"Yes, I contacted Mr. Stark. This Tony Stark is real; he is from the future. He is a waste - the latter evaluation was added by Mr. Stark."

"I personally agree," Jarvis said.

"Who are you calling a waste?"

Future Tony's nose was almost crooked, and Jarvis said, "Of course, it's you. Mr. Stark is very dissatisfied with your command of the world, and he even refused to recognize your identity."

Future Tony gritted his teeth and said, "You have no idea how powerful Thanos is."

"No, you don't know how strong we are," replied Jarvis.

Jarvis said confidently, "There is no way Thanos will snap his fingers in our universe. I'm very sure of this."

"Really? Then I'm going to see what you can do. Come on, let's fight," Tony responded, snorting coldly as his nano-suit quickly covered his body. He wanted to show Jarvis who was the superior one.

"Vibranium shell, Anti-matter power furnace, gravitational wave, laser, lightning cannon, high-temperature beam of light, black hole. Are you sure you want to fight me?" Jarvis calmly replied, opening his breastplate to reveal his Anti-matter power furnace.

Future Tony was shocked, immediately changing his words, "You misunderstood. I want to fight Tony Stark of this era, not you. You're my relative. How can I fight you?"

"Anti-matter power furnace, black hole. This is too advanced?" Pepper rolled her eyes, thinking that whoever Tony was, he was acting cowardly.

Jarvis remained silent as a figure descended from the sky.

With a bang, Iron Man landed on one knee in front of everyone. He then stood up, opened his visor, and said to future Tony, "I heard that someone wanted to fight me. So here I am."

"Two dads?" Morgan and Murphy were confused. Why were there two dads?

Pepper shook her head and took the two children back into the house. It seemed that another problem was going to happen, but it wasn't a big deal since the Blood God was there.

"I'll beat you first, and then I won't be happy seeing your face. It's super greasy, like a little white face," Future Tony said.

"How dare you say that? When did you come back? Why do you look so old? You're still bitter and angry. Going out is a shame for me," retorted Tony.

The two of them closed their upper armors at the same time and raised their hands to fire large pulse cannons at each other. Boom! The pulse cannons collided and exploded violently. Future Tony was thrown away, while Tony remained motionless.

"How can your pulse cannon be so strong?" asked future Tony, shocked.

"There's no reason. Your Arc reactor doesn't have that much power," Tony replied, proud of his accomplishment. "I used a large reactor with three times the power of a normal one."

"Aren't you a strengthener?" asked future Tony, surprised.

"You could say that," Tony responded. "The power gap is too big. Regardless of whether your technology is more advanced than mine, you can't beat me."

Though reluctant, future Tony knew Tony was right. He sighed, lifted the Nano suit, and said, "Have you seen the Hulk?"

"Hulk and Ant-Man," replied Tony.

Having defeated his future self, Tony was in a good mood. "They told me about it. Honestly, I feel ashamed. The world I led has failed."

Future Tony said, "I still say that you don't know how strong Thanos is. We tried our best to stop him, but he easily defeated us and took all the Infinity Stones."

Tony snorted coldly and replied, "It's not that Thanos is too strong, it's that you are too weak."

Future Tony wanted to argue back but remembered the previous test. He couldn't help but sigh and said, "Tony Stark, I need your help."

"No problem, you're one of us. By the way, can you tell me about your experience in detail? Hulk only gave me a brief overview," Tony replied with a smile.

Future Tony explained that he had wanted to compete with Tony to convince him. Only then would he cooperate honestly, as he knew too much about his own virtue.

"Okay, but first, tell me about the Blood God," Tony asked.

Future Tony responded, "According to the internet, the Blood God is the guardian of Earth, but there's no Blood God in our world."

"Although he doesn't want to admit it, he is indeed the guardian of the Earth, and he has the final say about the Infinity Stones," Tony added.

Tony continued, "The Blood God is a Vampire..."

But future Tony interrupted, stunned. "Wait, a vampire? Are you kidding me? How can there be such an unscientific thing?"

Tony was equally astonished. "You don't know about the Vampires? Wait, you don't even know about devils, angels, and gods, do you?"

"Where is the devil in the scientific world? As for the gods, they're just aliens like Thor, Loki, and Odin," Tony shook his head.

"There is a magician who's said to be able to do magic, but he died just two days after I met him," future Tony said.

"You don't even know about Vampires and devils. No wonder you couldn't beat Thanos. You don't know anything about this world," Tony shook his head in disappointment with his future self.

Future Tony was surprised, "There really are vampires and devils in this world?"

"I'll tell you, my son is Mephisto reincarnated? Mephisto, the devil of hell!" Tony said, forgetting that his son pits him every day.

"What? That kid from earlier was the reincarnation of Mephisto?" Future Tony was dumbfounded by the exaggeration of his future self.

Tony waved his hand dismissively and said, "Forget it. You better tell me about your experience first, and then I'll gradually introduce you to our world."

"Okay, ever since I became Iron Man," Future Tony said, shaking his head as he recounted his own experiences to his past self. Tony listened carefully, making sarcastic comments from time to time.

Jarvis watched the two Tonys, almost identical in appearance but with vastly different temperaments, and shook his head silently. Though they were not much different in age, future Tony seemed much older and depressed, while present Tony was full of energy and enthusiasm. Seeing them side by side, they looked more like father and son than the same person.

"Ivan that bastard is dead? Hahaha, he deserved it. That guy was really weak," present Tony chuckled.

"It turns out that it was me who sent the nuclear bomb into outer space, not Bert. That guy stole my limelight! What? Post-traumatic sequelae? Are you too weak?" he continued, boasting to his future self.

"I created Ultron? And destroyed Sokovia? No wonder Bert won't let me make any more robots."

"You actually signed that agreement? That's outrageous."

"Wanda is actually with Vision?"

"Fighting Thanos in two ways? What do you think?"


"Shut up! I am you, you are me, and if you were in my world, you would do exactly the same as me," future Tony finally shouted, unable to stand present Tony's arrogance any longer. He had to admit that his previous self was truly terrible, and he now understood why so many people wanted to beat him up.

Jarvis nodded in agreement. "Yes, you are indeed the same person, the same bastard," he said.

The two Tonys glared at Jarvis simultaneously. Future Tony asked, "Why didn't you disassemble this guy if he's like this?"

"You think I don't want to?" Tony replied, his face darkening. He turned to future Tony and said, "It's not me, your vision is too narrow. All you know how to do is fight and kill all day long, and you don't actually lead the world. You're more like a group of fighting tools than a group of superheroes, and you're being controlled by the United States."

Future Tony frowned, sensing the criticism from his past self. "Leading the world forward? We have been trying to make the world as safe as possible," he said defensively.