Chapter 306 : Future meets Present (II)

"Your world is not safe at all," Tony said disdainfully as he activated a projector. "Just look at our world. The Earth Federation is about to be established, the space fleet guards the solar system, the lunar Inhuman base and space station are secure, we have allies in Xandar and Sovereign, and we've even occupied a small galaxy in the Kree Empire, with a large amount of energy shipped back daily. It won't be long before everyone on Earth can live an American life."

Future Tony was stunned as he looked at the information on the projector. The Earth in this time and space was too strong. Had they surpassed his world?

In contrast, their Earth had been standing still, almost unchanged. After Thanos snapped his fingers, the strength of the Earth plummeted.

"Leading the world forward?" Future Tony sighed in defeat. He was no match for the opponent in terms of strength, vision, or ambition.

Seeing the future Tony's expression, present Tony became more and more complacent. "The war between you and Thanos, in my opinion, was almost like a village-level battle. The fate of half of the universe was affected by such a small war. The decision, to be honest, was kind of hilarious."

Tony retorted in dissatisfaction, "The scale of that war was not small at all. There were more than 100,000 monsters."

"More than 100,000? We just fought a million-level plane invasion war a year ago."

Present Tony released a picture of the battle between New York and the Serpent Dimension and said, "To be honest, if Thanos in this world is the same as yours, then he shouldn't be afraid at all."

As he looked at the dense army in the light curtain, as well as the battleships, angels, and aliens in the sky, Future Tony was greatly shocked. In contrast, the Wakanda War seemed like a minor skirmish.

Seeing Present Tony's smug look on his face, Future Tony felt unhappy and mocked, "All of this should be due to the Blood God, right? You're a part-time worker at best."

"I'm not a part-time worker, I'm a collaborator."

Present Tony snorted unhappily, but he knew in his heart that all these changes were due to Bert!

Without Bert, this Earth might be the same as the Future Earth.

Present Tony thought of something, looked at the future Tony, and said, "Wait, the guy in Bert's prophecy, shouldn't it be you?"

Future Tony was puzzled. "What prophecy?"

"Mr. Wang predicted that Mr. Stark would be killed in battle, and then Ms. Pepper would take his daughter to remarry his driver." Jarvis said, "Based on the current evidence, I have reason to suspect that Mr. Wang knows everything about your world."

Bert had basically nothing to hide in terms of spoilers. It was normal for Jarvis and Tony to guess. In fact, there had been many people who doubted this, such as Nick Fury, who had been looking for Bert's secret.

To this day, Bert no longer considers the secret of transmigration important. He even admitted it himself, so what's the point?

"What? Am I going to die? Is Pepper going to marry Happy?"

Future Tony was momentarily stunned before scolding, "No wonder that damn Happy held onto my engagement ring for several years. He was interested in Pepper all along. When I go back, I must set things straight."

"Is there another one? It seems that Bert's prediction was correct."

Present Tony grew increasingly certain of his judgment. "Those who travel through time will be devoured by time. If you do get six Infinity Stones in the future and save half the life in the universe, you'll likely die."

Sighing, Future Tony continued, "Perhaps that's what happened. The magician looked at me strangely before he died. Looking back now, it must have been guilt."

Suddenly, Jarvis asked, "Mr. Stark from the future, are you willing to sacrifice yourself for half the life of the universe?"

Future Tony was silent. He shook his head and said, "I definitely don't want to. We've never been big heroes like Steve."

Future Tony's expression was so complicated that he didn't even know what he wanted.

Jarvis glanced at the future Tony, who was obviously more mature and responsible than Present Tony himself.

Seeing the future Tony's hesitation, Present Tony was taken aback. He used to despise those great heroes. He never expected that he would become one of them.

"Do we live the way we hate the most?" Present Tony asked himself bitterly. "We're our own people. I'll help you as much as possible, but don't hold out too much hope. Bert and his master, Ancient One, are very close. If Master Ancient One blocks you, then Bert will stop you too."

"Now it's your turn to introduce. Let's start with the Blood God, Bert." Future Tony exhaled and said, "I'm very interested in him."

"To put it simply, he's an asshole. Although he's saved many people and the world many times, he's still an asshole."

Tony said, "In the past, all the girls in the United States wanted me to pick them up. After he came, all the girls went to him. For example, the beauty on the cover of 'Motto.' This year, he didn't leave a single issue untouched. What a beast..."

In agreement, the future Tony nodded. "That's quite beastly. I missed one."

Jarvis complained, "You two are just bastards, aren't you?"

"Shut up," Tony scolded. "Although Bert is a god, he's no different from ordinary people. He likes to cheat people a lot..."


Meanwhile, in the square at the entrance of the S.W.O.R.D. headquarters in New York, the future Steve, wearing the uniform of Captain America and carrying a shield, stood silently looking at the statue in front of him: his own statue.

"I was too vain in this world, wasn't I? Erecting such a large statue for myself while everyone else died..."

Future Steve complained to himself. It's worth mentioning that he arrived here after coming out of the quantum space and didn't come here on purpose.


As passing agents saw Captain America, they saluted one after another. Their eyes were a little surprised. Why was the director wearing this old uniform? That said, the uniform did show off his figure.


Future Steve nodded in embarrassment, but fortunately, the agents just said hello and didn't ask anything."

Future Steve thought to himself, 'The situation is unclear right now. I should speak to Steve Rogers from this world. He seems to be better than me.'

At that moment, a somewhat familiar voice sounded from behind, "Director, why are you here? Still dressed like this?"

Future Steve turned his head and found that it was Coulson. He shouted in surprise, "Coulson, aren't you dead?"

"Not dead? When did I die?"

Coulson was a little stunned. He looked up and down at Captain America, suddenly pulled out his gun, and pointed it at Future Steve, shouting, "You are not the director, who are you, and why are you pretending to be the director?"

The agents nearby were stunned when they saw this. The deputy director pointing a gun at the director? Is this a plan to rebel?

Future Steve opened his hand and said, "I am indeed Steve Rogers."

"You are very similar to the director, but you are not him. First of all, your figure is slightly worse than that of the director. The director's muscles are better than yours. Second, the director's hair is thicker, skin is better, and he looks younger than you."

Coulson said confidently, "In addition, there is a small scar on the director's face, which he got from an injury caused by a six-armed snake lord more than a year ago, and you don't have it. You're a fake. Raise your hand, or don't blame me for being rude."

The agents looked at Coulson in astonishment. Although everyone knew that Coulson was a fan of the director, they didn't expect Coulson to be so observant. Isn't this guy similar to a pervert?

Future Steve was also horrified. He said, "How does Steve in this world endure your gaze?"

"This world?" Coulson was stunned.

At that moment, two figures came out from the gate of S.W.O.R.D. It was Steve and Carter.

"Carter!" Seeing the young and beautiful Carter, Future Steve's eyes widened. Present Steve smiled and said, "Dude, this is my wife, not yours."

Future Steve asked incredulously, "How is this possible? Carter is in her nineties, even if she's alive?"

"Let's go inside and talk about it. Coulson, you will follow."

Present Steve shook his head. He had received the transmission from Dr. Banner and knew what was going on with this Captain America.

In the S.W.O.R.D. Director's office, after hearing what Steve said, Coulson's eyes lit up. Double Captain America, double the happiness.

Present Steve said to Future Steve, "Hulk and Ant-Man are coming here. You will meet them soon. As for the others, we will help find them."

"Thank you." Future Steve nodded, his eyes never leaving Carter. He asked, "Carter, why are you so young?"

"That's a long story, Steve. I have a question for you." Carter looked at Future Steve and asked, "In your world after I died, did you immediately hold my niece Sharon and kissed her?"

Present Steve hurriedly said, "Carter, how could I do such a thing?"

Future Steve said embarrassedly, "How did you know?"

"You actually did it?" Present Steve was dumbfounded, and Coulson looked at Future Captain America in astonishment. It turned out that he didn't know enough about Captain America. Captain was actually a scumbag.

"Huh, huh, man." Carter snorted twice and walked out of the office angrily in high heels.

Steve sighed and said, "Dude, you're hurting me. I'm going to have to sleep on the sofa for a month now."

"If Carter is still alive, let alone for a month on the couch, I'm willing to do it for a year," Future Steve said.

Future Steve sighed and replied, "Steve, you're much luckier than I am."

"Thanks to Bert. Otherwise, I wouldn't have had the chance to reconnect with Carter," Present Steve said, smiling.

"By the way, how are you and Sharon doing?" Present Steve asked curiously.

Deputy Director Coulson complained, "Director, why are you so happy?"

Present Steve replied, "Just curious."

Future Steve felt a little embarrassed and said, "Not long after I kissed Sharon, I became wanted. I haven't seen her since then. I heard that she was also wanted for helping me."

"You scumbag," Present Steve said contemptuously. Future Steve became increasingly embarrassed. In reality, he didn't love Sharon. At that time, Carter had just died, and he was feeling vulnerable. By accident, he kissed Sharon, who was somewhat similar to Carter.


At the tofu shop in New York, Hela, with disheveled hair, wearing pajamas and serious black eyes, picked up the plate with stinky tofu and threw the water glass into the frying pan.

The oil pan burst open, and hot oil splashed everywhere. Odin was already prepared and had retreated far away. He laughed and said, "Hela, you've used this trick too many times."

At this moment, the little wolf Fenrir jumped up and broke the fire protection device. The sprinkler above sprayed a lot of water, and Odin suddenly became drenched.

Hela threw a piece of stinky tofu to Fenrir and said proudly, "Fenrir, if you did a good job, I will reward you." Fenrir caught the stinky tofu and swallowed it happily.

"Hela," Odin sighed. "It seems that we can't open for business again today. If this goes on, maybe I will have to go to the bank for a loan."

At this moment, Odin sensed something, turned his head sharply, and saw a fat blond man looking at him in a stunned manner outside.

It was the fat Thor from the future. To be honest, he was very confused. What was going on? Odin was selling tofu, and Hela still lived with him?

"It's totally impossible?" Odin walked out. He touched Thor's face and asked with heartache, "My child, what's wrong with you? Not only did you lose one of your eyes, but you also look like this?"

"I... father!" Thor wanted to make up an excuse, but as soon as he said it, he couldn't help crying. He knelt in front of Odin with a thud and shouted guiltily, "Father, I'm sorry, I didn't keep Asgard well."

Odin lifted Thor up and said, "Get up, let's talk slowly. Hela, go and call Frigga and tell her that future Thor is here."

"Future Thor? No wonder he's as fat as a pig." Hela glanced at Thor contemptuously, took a plate, and ate tofu while looking for Frigga.

Thor looked at Hela's back and asked inexplicably, "Father, why is Hela with you? Doesn't she hate you to the bone?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you about it later," Odin smiled bitterly.

It didn't take long for Frigga to rush over and hug Future Thor in distress. Future Thor was so excited when he saw Frigga that tears flowed again.

Hela looked at it with disgust, and thought that only useless people shed tears.

Then, when everyone returned to the backyard, Future Thor explained everything one by one. Hela listened and slapped the table, yelling, "What's wrong with you? You took the initiative to help Surtur destroy Asgard? Odin, this is your chosen heir. How dare you say he is better than me now?"

Odin said, "He is indeed better than you. At least he kept the people of Asgard. If it were you, all Asgardians would have died."

Hela exploded in anger. She shouted, "He saved them? First, he was defeated by Thanos, and then more than half were killed by letting him snap his fingers, and finally, a group of people were left to fish on the Earth. Asgardians are fishing on Earth, and you are not ashamed. I am. Odin, give me the throne. Then, what is it about that tyrant? I will deal with him. He is not my opponent."

Future Thor said in frustration, "I'm sorry, Father. I failed your expectations."

"You didn't let me down. It's me who's sorry for you, leaving Hela to you to deal with." Odin shook his head. He said, "Apart from the five years of self-deprecation, there is nothing wrong with you, Thor. What you are sorry for is actually yourself."

Future Thor smiled bitterly, "I'm useless."

"It's not that you're useless. You just can't stand the successive blows," Odin sighed. He was about to say something when Hela's cell phone rang. After she connected, Jarvis' voice came from inside, "Future Thor, please come to S.W.O.R.D. to meet with everyone. Everyone is here, only you are missing."

It was Jarvis who discovered Future Thor's trail through surveillance.