Chapter 307 : Another party

I am immensely grateful to Danyel Rico for the invaluable support and decision to become a patron on Patreon.

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"Are Tony and the others okay? Great, I'll be there in a while," said Future Thor upon receiving the news.

Initially overjoyed, Future Thor soon asked somewhat embarrassingly, "Uh, where is the S.W.O.R.D.?"

Jarvis controlled Hela's mobile phone to display a map and responded, "Please come over as soon as possible; Mr. Wang doesn't like waiting for people."

"Who is Mr. Wang? Forget it, I'll rush over as soon as possible," said Future Thor, shaking his head. He looked at Hela strangely and asked, "You actually know how to use a mobile phone?"

"Am I very primitive?" Hela snorted and spoke to the phone, "Jarvis, there was a bastard who guarded my corpse for loots last night. Help me check his address. I'll go over and scare him to death."

"Wow, old lady, you also like to eliminate opponents outside the game?" Future Thor's eyes lit up as he often frightened netizens, which was super fun.

"Are you familiar with this? Crap," said Hela, picking up the phone and walking away disdainfully. Future Thor shrugged and said, "Father, it seems that Hela hasn't changed."

"Actually, she has changed a lot, at least she's not killing the other party," replied Odin. "Go and do your business first. Frigga and I will get a table and eat together when you come back. By the way, Thor of this world doesn't know about me and Hela. If you see him, don't say anything."

"Father, you've changed a lot," Future Thor couldn't help but sigh. Now Odin is like an old father, not the king of Asgard.

Odin patted Future Thor on the shoulder and said, "I've let go, Thor, and you have to learn to let go."

"I can't let it go. If it wasn't for my incompetence, the Asgardians wouldn't have died tragically," said Future Thor, giving a miserable smile. He didn't say anything, transformed into a sturdy thunderlight, and flew towards the headquarters.

Frigga sighed, "It hurts him."

"I'm the reason he's like this," said Odin, shaking his head. "In our world, Hela and Surtur should not cause Ragnarok again, but Serpent might. We have to prepare in advance, and we can't leave any trouble to our children."

The pit maniac Odin finally awakened.

"Serpent? He's not easy to deal with."

Frigga frowned. Serpent was Odin's brother Cul Borson, the former king of Asgard, the God of Fear. Because he was too tyrannical, he was overthrown by Odin and sealed on Earth.

"That's right, it's Earth again. It's not a big deal to fight him with the Reality Stone," said Odin, thinking of something. "Damn, that bastard Blood God borrowed my Infinity Gauntlet, and he hasn't returned them for more than two years."

"You have to ask him, and he will definitely say, why do you want it back now?" Frigga laughed, Thor in this world will not be as miserable as Future Thor, because there is a Blood God in this world.


In the S.W.O.R.D. conference room, Tony from the future, along with five other people including Steve, Dr. Reed, Dr. Banner, Ivan, Strange, and other superheroes gathered. Blood God was absent, and only his holographic projection was present, lying on a cruise ship with two bikini-clad women in his arms, one of whom was feeding him a fruit.

Banner couldn't help but complain, "Greasy, too greasy," upon seeing the hologram.

"I don't want to admit it, but he is," Tony shrugged and turned to Bert, asking, "Bert, I already told you, Infinity Stones, borrow or not?"

"What do you think?" Bert asked casually, the woman beside him oblivious to their conversation.

"Of course, we have to lend it. That's trillions of lives," Present Tony replied immediately, earning grateful looks from his future self and the others.

"I also think we should lend it," Steve chimed in, and Dr. Banner, Dr. Reed, Ant-Man, and the others nodded in agreement.

"I don't think we should do it. The Infinity Stones are too important. If they don't come back, what can we do to resist future enemies?" Ivan objected, but Future Tony and the others didn't take him seriously since he was already dead in that time and space.

"We will definitely send the stones back," Future Tony said confidently.

"I believe in your character, but traveling through time and space, interfering with fate, will inevitably be eaten back by time," Ivan warned. "At that time, you may not have the chance to send the stones back. We can't take this risk."

Present Tony frowned, and he asked Bert, "Bert, what will happen after they bring the stones back?" Everyone looked at Bert in unison.

"The future has changed. I don't know what will happen to them, but it will definitely not be so smooth. This is the real thing against the sky," Bert answered.

"It's really outrageous," everyone nodded in agreement.

At this time, Strange spoke up, "I am against giving them the Infinity Stones."

"What, you object?" Future Tony and the others were stunned. Future Tony shouted, "Strange, you took the initiative to hand over the Time Stone to Thanos. All of this is your arrangement."

"It's me from your world, not me in this world," Strange said lightly. "After receiving your news, I jumped the river of time to watch the future and found that if I promise you, our world will be destroyed."

Everyone was shocked by Strange's words. "What, our world will be destroyed?"

"Your world is strong, how could it be destroyed?" Future Tony asked.

"That's the normal situation. The situation in our two worlds has long since become abnormal," Strange explained, glancing at Bert. The abnormal time and space were likely related to the Blood God.

Future Tony was speechless. After all, the two time and space scenarios were indeed abnormal. Future Banner shouted, "How can you let half of the life in the universe die?"

Present Tony said, "We're not, Bert. We've finished speaking. What about you?"

Bert didn't answer right away. He thought and said, "There is a special organization in the universe called the Council of Elders, and they set a rule that no one can hold multiple Infinity Stones. Back then, when I took three Infinity Stones, the group of Elders came to warn me. I was very upset and started a war with them, killing several of their Elders. Later, they told me that if the Infinity Stones were gathered, Nemesis would come back to life and destroy the world."

Strange suddenly realized, "So it is."

Future Tony shouted, "Bullshit! When Thanos snapped his fingers, there was no Nemesis at all."

"Your world is different from ours. For example, your world has no Dr. Reed, no Fantastic Four, no Blade, no Vampires..."

Bert said, "Our world is much more complicated than your world. The words of the Elders of the universe should be true. Therefore, I will not let the Infinity Stones gather."

In fact, even if they wanted to gather, the Space Stone was devoured by Bert, and the Power Stone lost its energy. So, he couldn't snap his fingers at all.

He didn't speak, and then the sleeping fat man Thor stood up abruptly and shouted, "No! We must get the Infinity Stones. This is my last hope, and I will never give up, no matter what."

Dr. Banner complained, "You finally woke up? I thought you were dead."

"We have to get the Infinity Stones, even if we have to rob them."

Future Banner said very seriously. Future Tony and the others nodded at the same time, looking extremely determined.

Bert said lightly, "That's easy, Steve. Someone threatens the world and arrests them."

Present Steve smiled bitterly, "Isn't that bad? Everyone is our own."

"Nothing wrong, just to complete the 'Civil War' chapter."

Bert said, "Capture them and send them back to their time and space. At that time, I will close the whole world so that they can no longer travel through."

After a pause, Bert said, "Of course, everyone is my own, and I will not do nothing. I will erase the memories of all the people on Earth so that they can forget the loss of their loved ones and start their lives again."

"Purge memory?"

Future Steve immediately objected, "I don't accept this method. It's escapism. They have lost their relatives, and now they can't even keep their memories, which is too cruel for them."

"It's cruel, but they won't know that the Earth will be reborn." Bert said, "From an overall point of view, this is beneficial to the Earth and not harmful at all."

"I agree with Bert's method," Strange nodded and said, "This is the best way for your world."

Future Tony shouted, "The best way is to get the Infinity Stones and snap your fingers to save them."

"Why should we take the risk to save your world? You screwed up the world yourself. Why should we take responsibility for you?"

Ivan sneered, "Also if half the people in the universe suddenly return. Do you know how many problems this will bring? Food problems, interest problems, power problems, war problems... In the end, maybe more than half of the people will die."

"Food, Profit, Power?"

Future Tony and the others were all stunned. Then Future Steve said, "Rescue them first. There is always a way to solve it."

"Really familiar optimism," Ivan sneered. "I vote for Bert's method. It's very good, even better than snapping fingers to save half of the people. What do you think?"

"I agree," Strange nodded first. Dr. Reed and the others thought for a while, then nodded too. They did sympathize with the future timeline, but no matter how sympathetic they were, they couldn't risk their own world.

Present Tony hesitated for a while, then said to Future Tony, "If you can't get the Infinity Stones, cleaning your memory is indeed a good way. At least you won't die, and you can protect Morgan and grow up with peace of mind."

"Death?" Ivan's eyes flashed slightly.

Future Tony shook his head, "But I'm sorry for Peter. I'm sorry for those who sacrificed. And can he really brainwash all the people on Earth?"

Tony looked at Bert. Bert smiled, "It's not a big problem."

Seeing that Future Tony was a little shaken, Future Thor shouted, "I said, I don't accept it. If you don't give it, I'll grab it. I can even cut off Thanos' head, let alone yours?"

While speaking, a storm axe appeared out of thin air in Thor's hand, and then, with a flash of thunder, his clothes were replaced by armor. The belly was still there, and he looked very clumsy.

"I don't accept it either," Banner stood up, tore his vest, and said, "I don't like fighting, but that doesn't mean I can't."

Future Ant-Man quickly shrank while Future Steve picked up his shield and got ready for battle.

Future Tony didn't move. It's not that he was really shaken, but he knew that his group of people was simply not enough to fight against the others.

There was no need for the Blood God to take action. Other people were enough to clean them up.

Dr. Banner turned into the Hulk and shouted, "Haha, I wanted to beat you for a long time. You are not Hulk at all."

"Do you think you can run wild with us?" Ivan was equipped with a magic battle suit and had a sneer on his face. Present Steve quickly said, "Don't do it. Everyone is your own, and let's discuss things carefully."

"There is nothing to discuss. We must get the Infinity Stones," Thor shouted. Seeing that the battle was about to break out, Bert suddenly said, "Hulk, you and Thor go out to play, and the others continue to have a meeting."

Future Tony's eyes lit up, "Continue the meeting? Mr. Wang, have you changed your mind?"

Bert smiled and said, "Things have changed a bit. It should be an opportunity for you. However, you still have to fight. At the very least, you must know our strength."

"Afraid you won't succeed?" Future Thor shouted. Hulk grinned, rushed up, and grabbed Thor, then jumped out of the window together. Steve shouted, "Hulk, keep your hands, don't smash the S.W.O.R.D. headquarters."

"Clear," Hulk's voice echoed as a rumbling movement below indicated that the two were fighting. If it were the future Thor at the height of his power, Hulk would not stand a chance against him unless he became the embodiment of pure anger. However, this Thor, who had been in a state of decadence for five years, was a cause for concern as his strength was not what it once was.

Ignoring the battle below, Present Tony turned to Bert and asked, "Bert, what are the chances?"

Bert replied, "The traversers are not only Future Tony and the others."

"What?" Everyone was stunned. Could they still crash after all they had been through?


Let's go back a bit. Outside of Dragon Teahouse, Bert put his arm around Wanda and said, "There's a new super spicy hot pot restaurant on South Street. They're having a challenge-free event. Let's give it a try."

"You eat, and I'll watch. You eat the vegetables, and I'll eat the peppers," Wanda complained.

"Besides, you're the richest man in the galaxy, and you're settling for something so cheap?"

"It's not about taking advantage of the situation; it's mainly for fun. If it's a big deal, we'll reduce his rent," Bert smiled and said. The storefront of that hot pot restaurant belonged to him.

"Aren't you going to raise the rent?" Wanda asked.

Thinking of something else, Wanda said, "By the way, don't look around for a while. Summer is here, and those women hate having to wear clothes when they go out."

"Are you really in a position to talk?" Bert complained. "Don't worry, I promise not to look."

Suddenly, a black and white figure fell from the sky. Bert instinctively caught the figure, diverting their momentum. As he looked at the figure in his arms, he was stunned. Why was she here?

The figure was wearing a black and white Spider costume with a hoodie on her head. If Bert remembered correctly, it was Gwen Stacy, the Ghost-Spider from the 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse'

"Hey, how long are you going to hold her?" Wanda was very dissatisfied. She couldn't believe that Bert said he wouldn't look at other women and then turned around and hugged a masked beauty and refused to let go. This guy was a scumbag to the core.