Chapter 308 : Spiderverse

Seeing Wanda getting angry, Bert explained, "Don't get me wrong, she's someone you know."

Ghost-Spider Gwen also reacted at this time and hurriedly jumped out of Bert's arms. Then, she said, "Thank you for saving me, but I don't seem to know you."

Wanda gritted her teeth and said, "Bert."

Bert said, "Don't get me wrong, she is Gwen, and you know her."

"Gwen? Why are you dressed like this?"

Wanda was stunned. She really knew Gwen. After all, the other party was Spider-Man's girlfriend, and everyone was about the same age.

Gwen was a little confused and said, "You can recognize me when I wear a mask? No, I don't know you at all!"

Wanda looked at Bert again and said, "Yes, why do you know her wearing a mask? You know her very well, Bert. She is Peter's girlfriend."

Bert smiled and said, "If I told you I could see through my eyes, would you hit me?"

Gwen was shocked when she heard the words, and she hurriedly covered her chest and stepped back. Bert waved his hand and said, "Just kidding, Gwen. Come to the teahouse and explain your business. Otherwise, don't blame me for calling George. If he saw you dressed like this, he will definitely lock you up."

Wanda nodded and said, "Certainly, he has been very dissatisfied with your Spider-Man boyfriend."

Gwen was confused and said, "It's true that my dad is George Stacy, but where did my Spider-Man boyfriend come from? I'm Ghost-Spider myself."

"Let's go to the teahouse."

Bert said. Gwen hesitated for a moment but eventually followed Bert and Wanda into the teahouse.

After some confusing explanation, Gwen finally understood her situation. "This is not my world. In my world, Peter died in front of me, and then I became the Ghost-Spider."

"You're from another world? Haha, take a picture with me later, and I'll send it to Gwen in this world." Wanda looked at Gwen, her eyes lit up, and she seemed amused.

Bert asked, "How did you come to this world?"

Spider-Gwen explained, "I was patrolling the city, and suddenly something came in front of me and started twisting. I couldn't avoid it and was sucked in. Then, I fell from the sky of this world and was caught by you."

"It's actually my world? Not the world where Spider-Man died. If you say this, 80% of the other Spider-Man will come to this world."

Bert thought for a while and asked Spider-Gwen, "Gwen, what are your plans?"

Spider-Gwen said, "I want to return to my own world."

"If that's the case, I'll ask Wanda to take you to S.W.O.R.D."

Bert smiled and said, "S.W.O.R.D. is an organization that deals with troublesome things in our world. The director is Captain America Steve Rogers."

"Captain America?"

Spider-Gwen was stunned. She hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

"Don't worry, we won't cheat you, otherwise Gwen in this world will definitely go crazy."

Wanda smiled and said, "Let's go. Let's go to S.W.O.R.D."

After the two women left, Bert gave instructions to Jarvis: "Monitor New York and look for unusual characters, such as the poorly equipped Spider-Man, the black-and-white Spider-Man who can move without wind clothes, and the Robot Spider-Man, the cartoon character Spider. Spider-ham."

"Is there too much Spider-Man?" Jarvis complained. "I'll start looking right away."

"Well, after finding them, send someone to contact them and bring them back to S.W.O.R.D. They are not bad people," Bert said.

"Understood," Jarvis replied.


Above the Empire State Building in Midtown Manhattan, a blond Spider-Man from another world looked down, feeling puzzled. The view was familiar because it was still Manhattan below, with most of the buildings and streets the same. But it was unfamiliar because suspended sports cars flew in the sky from time to time, and the people on the street had colorful skins like aliens.

"Is it even possible to cross?" the blond Spider-Man muttered to himself. Just then, an elderly security guard came over and shouted, "Young man, come down quickly. Don't stand on it like Spider-Man. It's very dangerous."

The blond Spider-Man turned his head and said, "I'm Spider-Man, so I don't need to learn."

"I've seen a lot of people like you. I know that Spider-Man likes to see the scenery in the Empire State Building, so people dresses like him and run up to take pictures and show off. Some even do various dangerous actions," the elderly security guard sighed. "The problem is, Spider-Man won't die, but you will. Come down quickly. If you die, I'll lose my job."

The blond Spider-Man jumped down and reiterated, "Actually, I'm really Spider-Man."

"Wearing a few hundred bucks worth of Spider-Man suit, and you think you're Spider-Man?" the elderly security guard said with contempt. "The Spider-Man suit worth hundreds of millions of dollars."

"Hundreds of millions of dollars? Is his suit made of gold?" the blond Spider-Man exclaimed.

"More accurately, it's made of Vibranium. Wakanda's nano-Vibranium technology. The hundreds of millions are actually just publicity. The real price is beyond your imagination," the elderly security guard said.

At that moment, a voice came from behind. "In addition, I have two sets of suits. The other is a high-tech type. Nano-Vibranium is good for everything, but it is not compatible with high-tech."

The blond Spider-Man turned his head and saw another Spider-Man standing on the fence looking at him. Although the other party's uniform was similar in shape to his, at first glance, he knew that it was a high-end product with a completely different texture.

"This is Spider-Man," the elderly security guard smiled and turned to leave. With Spider-Man around, he could be lazy.

The blond Spider-Man looked at the other Spider-Man and was about to say something when he suddenly resonated with the other. They both shook at the same time. Spider-Man has a mysterious sense between each other, which is why so many Spider-Men traveled together.

"You are indeed Spider-Man, and my previous perception was correct. That's why I said so much before," Peter exclaimed, a little excited at meeting his own kind.

The blond Spider-Man sighed, "It seems that I have really crossed the world. In my world, I am the only Spider-Man."

Peter asked curiously, "Travel through the world? Are you talking about a parallel world? Is there really a parallel world?"

"I'm here, it means there really is," the blond Spider-Man said. "If I guessed correctly, it should be related to Kingpin's super collider."

"Kingpin? He's been dead for a long time. Uh, no, he's not dead. He was turned into a vampire by Mr. Wang and has been serving in the army now," Peter explained.

Peter also mentioned that War Abomination and War Lizard were outdated arms, so Bert gave them to the military entirely.

"Kingpin was turned into a vampire?"

Blonde Spider-Man was dumbfounded. "Who is so good at turning Kingpin into a vampire? Wait, are there really vampires in this world?"

Peter was about to answer when Jarvis' voice came from his earphones. He listened for a while and said, "My friend, can I invite you to S.W.O.R.D.? S.W.O.R.D. is an organization in our world that specializes in dealing with strange events. In addition, other Spider-Men have also crossed over."

"I'll take a look with you."

The blond Spider-Man did not hesitate and agreed directly. He didn't believe in S.W.O.R.D., but he believed in Spider-Man, and Spider-Man has no bad guys.

"Okay, just in time to chat with you."

Peter nodded, and then the two Spider-Men shot spider web at the distant building together, and then swung hard at the same time. Both of them laughed, which was a strange feeling.

"Why do I see two Spider-Man today?"

Citizens were a little surprised but not too concerned because what happens in New York City is normal. This is a city that is both blessed and cursed.


At S.W.O.R.D. headquarters, Hulk and Fat Thor fought in the open space. Overall, Hulk had the upper hand. Although Thor had Stormbreaker, his five-year otaku career made his combat effectiveness plummet.

He could only bring 30% of his strength, whereas previously, he could play 120%.

"Your reaction is as slow as a pig. Are you really Thor?" Hulk avoided Thor's axe and punched him on the side of his waist. Then, he didn't chase after him and sneered, "You still want to be rough? Anyone here can take care of you."

"You die for me."

Thor was furious, pulling infinite thunder and lightning towards Hulk. Hulk smashed the thunder and lightning with one punch, rushed up to knock Thor hundreds of meters away, and kept sliding on the ground.

"Wow, the Hulk of your world is amazing."

The future Banner watching the game couldn't help but sigh. Tony said, "This is not his strongest state. He can transform into God of Wrath. More than a year ago, he demolished most of New York."

"God of Wrath?"

Future Banner was stunned and asked, "He demolished most of New York. Don't you hate him? I think he is very happy, completely different from my situation at the time."

"No one will blame him. In fact, everyone likes the Hulk very much. His peripheral sales almost caught up with mine."

Tony said, "As for happiness, that's normal. He and Banner are both about to become fathers."

"With Betty?" Future Banner was shocked. He looked at Hulk with envy in his eyes. Such a life was what he had dreamed of.

Meanwhile, the two Ant-Men were chatting, and the future Ant-Man sighed, "Your life is much better than mine. When I got out of prison, I was fired from any job I found, and I couldn't even receive alimony. I had to resort to stealing. After being placed under residential surveillance for a few years, and finally being freed, that bastard Thanos snapped his fingers."

"Compared to you, my life is indeed better," Scott nodded repeatedly. "I became an agent in prison, then became a superhero. Now I have hundreds of thousands of dollars in dividends every month."

The future Ant-Man looked at Scott speechlessly. Even without comforting him, did he have to rub salt in his wound?

The future Ant-Man hit Scott and said, "You really are me."

"Of course, what will our daughter look like when she grows up? Will she be beautiful?"

"Of course she will be beautiful, I have pictures here."

"Hurry up and show me."

As Scott spoke, he thanked the Blood God in his heart. If the Blood God hadn't looked out for him, he wouldn't be where he was today.

In the open space, Future Thor looked at the Hulk rushing over and shouted, "Stop."

Hulk stopped and sneered, "Admit defeat?"

Thor shouted, "I won't admit defeat, but it's my lunchtime. We'll fight after we finish eating. Coulson, order me two buckets of fried chicken. Remember to order extra Coke."

Coulson pretended not to hear. Would the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D. go order food for a fat man like you? Who do you think you are, the future Captain America?

"Thor, you're not only broken physically, but also broken-hearted," Hulk shook his head. Future Thor was silent; his spirit had collapsed.

Looking at Thor like this made everyone feel a little uncomfortable. Tony couldn't help but project Bert's holographic projection: "Bert, if you can help, try to help them."

"I think so too," Ivan added. Everyone looked at him in astonishment. Had he changed his mind?

Tony asked vigilantly, "Madman, what's your deal?"

Ivan laughed it off, "What bad thoughts can I have?"

Tony blinked and asked Jarvis, "Jarvis, did you tell him our inference?"

"He asked, and I answered," Jarvis responded through his computer.

Tony's face suddenly darkened; the bastard obviously wanted to take over.

Tony walked up to Ivan and whispered, "You can't even think about it if you're with me."

Ivan said dissatisfiedly, "Tony, be kind. You already have one, do you still want another?"

"So what?" Tony shouted, "No, I won't let my future self die, and I won't let Pepper become a widow."

Ivan snorted coldly. "Forcibly interfering with fate, be careful that you die yourself."

Tony glared at Ivan, and Bert complained, "Are you two going to kiss? You're so close."

"Fuck Off."

Tony and Ivan tilted their heads at the same time. Bert smiled and said, "They're here, let's continue the meeting."

Future Tony said happily, "Great, I hope there's a real turnaround."

In the conference room, everyone looked at Spider-Man, Blonde Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, and the robot Spider-Man that Jarvis had found.

"Where did so many Spider-Men come from? Including robots and cartoon characters?" Tony was a little dumbfounded. "Although I've said this many times, I still want to say it again, it's not scientific."

The five Spider-Men also looked at each other - through spider sensing, they confirmed that everyone was Spider-Man.

"I'm from New York in 3145," a little Asian girl jumped out of the spider robot and introduced herself lively. "My name is Peni Parker..."

Spider-Ham also said, "My name is Peter Porker..."

Gwen took off her mask and said, "My name is Gwen Stacy. I heard that you have me in this world..."

"I'm Peter Parker, and I'm here because of Kingpin's supercollider..."

The blonde Spider-Man also took off his mask and said. His appearance was different from Peter's, which made Peter greatly relieved. At the same time, he looked at Gwen curiously. Is she really exactly the same?

"Supercollider? Parallel world!" Tony and Future Tony immediately understood Bert's plan. Future Tony asked excitedly, "Do you want us to go to a parallel world to find the Infinity Stones?"

"Yes, I am the guardian of this world and cannot take risks in this world," Bert nodded and said. "Fortunately, there should also be Infinity Stones in parallel worlds. I will try my best to help you fulfill your wishes."

Doing this will not only help Tony and the others in the future, but also do some experiments, such as the experiment of killing Thanos, the experiment of gathering six infinite stones, and the experiment of devouring other world Space Stones.

"This can be," Future Tony and the others were very happy. Although this was a lot of trouble, it was better than fighting with Tony and the others. The strength of this world was too strong. If a war was really fought, they would have no chance of winning.