Chapter 311 : The Movie

"That's really worth taking a look at," Tony said enthusiastically. He was very interested in his original destiny and wanted to know how he died—cool or not, handsome or not!

Bert smiled and didn't say anything more. "What's the matter? We can discuss it after watching the movie."

'It's a pity that when I first came, my strength wasn't good. Otherwise, it would have been very interesting to watch the whole series from the beginning with their counterparts,' Bert thought to himself. For example, Nick Fury and Pierce watching "Captain America 2" together, and the moment they realized Pierce was a Hydra, the scene must have been remarkable.

'How about trying to find a parallel world?' Putting aside Bert's nasty thoughts for the time being, Gwen also joined tonight's party and kept revolving around Spider-Gwen.

Gwen asked curiously, "I didn't expect that I could also become Spider-Man. Spider-Gwen, is there a Peter in your world?"

"Yes, because he was bullied all year round, he was injected with lizard serum and became a lizard man," Spider-Gwen sighed. "And eventually, I accidentally killed him."

"I became a Lizardman? I was killed by you? Why have I been dying of old age recently?" Peter was stunned. He was bullied a lot before becoming Spider-Man, but he never thought of killing someone.

Spider-Gwen shook her head and didn't say much. Since Peter's death, she hadn't made friends for a long time, and her temperament had become a little cold.

"Spider-Gwen, can you give me some of your blood?" Gwen asked. "I want to look into it."

Peter hurriedly stopped her. "No, you must want to extract spider serum and turn yourself into Spider-Man."

"Why not? Spider-Gwen's DNA should be the same as mine, and I can probably use her spider serum," Gwen said dissatisfied. "This is different from yours. Your spider serum, no one else can use it except you."

Spider-Gwen looked at Gwen in astonishment. The version of herself in this world was actually a mad scientist? This was truly beyond her imagination.

Peter said helplessly, "No, it's too dangerous, Gwen. Why do you always want to be Spider-Man?"

"Because I want to be a superhero with you. Why can your childhood sweetheart do it, but I can't?" Gwen snorted coldly. "You display your love on the screen every day. Have you ever thought about how I feel?"

"Why are you acting like those people? Harry and I are innocent. What you see as a show of affection is just an ordinary interview!" Peter was becoming a little crazy. Gwen said, "I don't care. From now on, your partner can only be me."

Gwen was a jealous girl, and that was not untrue. In fact, at the beginning, she secretly followed Peter and Harry's comic books, which were more exciting than Spider-Man and Electro-Man. After all, he was Peter's childhood sweetheart.

But later on, Peter and Harry's relationship became increasingly intimate, and the two even developed a deep emotional connection. This made Gwen feel a strong sense of threat.

So Gwen had to do something, or else maybe one day Peter would truly run away with Harry, or worse, leave her behind.

Spider-Gwen blinked. She truly didn't understand feelings or something like that. After all, she had never been in love, not even with friends.

Thinking about this, Spider-Gwen suddenly felt a profound sense of sadness.

As Peter and Gwen argued, Bert shouted, "Ladies and gentlemen, the wonderful movie is about to start. Don't miss it as you pass by!"

As the Human Torch approached, he asked curiously, "What movie is it that so many people want to watch? Could it be the secret history of the Blood God?"

"Tomorrow, I'll find someone to create a secret history of humanity," Bert said angrily. He then activated the device, and a 3D light curtain appeared. Everyone gathered around the light curtain with their barbecued meat.

Instead of diving directly into the plot of "Avengers 4," Bert first reviewed the events of "Avengers 3." This included Hulk being defeated by Thanos, Strange being overwhelmed by Ebony Maw, the Guardians of the Galaxy team being defeated by Thanos, Tony Stark being struck by meteorites and subsequently beaten by Thanos, and so on.

"Why do we all end up getting beaten?" Tony complained, as he already anticipated what Bert was going to show and was slightly excited.

A dissatisfied Hulk asked the Future Banner, "Aren't you too weak? You got beaten by Thanos to the point of shutting yourself off?"

Future Banner explained, "It's not shutting myself off; it's a problem between me and the Hulk. The Hulk is angry."

"You're just fooling yourself," Hulk coldly snorted. "I will avenge this for you. In the future, I will definitely fight Thanos until he's defeated."

Future Banner was left speechless. He sighed, realizing that the Hulk's anger was an undeniable flaw. It seemed unlikely that the Hulk could simply overcome it.

Soon, the plot reached the moment when Thanos snapped his fingers, causing numerous superheroes and humans to turn to ashes and disappear. Everyone was stunned, and the previous sense of ease vanished.

Despite knowing about this for a long time, witnessing it firsthand was still shocking. This was especially true for those who knew each other, such as Black Panther, Wanda, and Peter Parker.

"Mr. Stark, something doesn't feel right... please, I don't want to die. I don't want to die..." Peter was deeply disturbed, shocked by his own tragic fate.

Gwen covered her mouth, her determination to become Spider-Gwen only grew stronger. She wanted to be Peter's partner, sharing both life and death.

Future Thor closed his eyes, unable to bear watching any longer. This was the deepest pain in his heart. Even after five years, the memory remained as vivid as it was on that day.

Future Tony refused to close his eyes. He gritted his teeth, determined to remember everything. He would find a way to obtain the Infinity Stones and bring back half of the vanished population, even if it meant sacrificing his own life.

The future Banner, future Steve, and future Ant-Man shared the same sentiment—they didn't want to be mere walking dead anymore.

"We must not allow such a thing to happen in our world," Tony and the others thought. They clenched their fists in secret, contemplating ways to defeat Thanos.

Several Spider-Man were stunned. Wasn't this too cruel? Compared to this, their previous adventures seemed like child's play.

Observing everyone's expressions, Bert nodded with satisfaction. The purpose of the plot review was to make everyone aware of the threat posed by Thanos.

Although Bert couldn't defeat Thanos at the moment, if the Personification of Death truly stood behind Thanos, then this battle would certainly be challenging.

Bert cleared his throat and said, "The main film begins. Please enjoy."

The crowd remained silent and focused their attention on the screen, including future Tony and the others.

The opening chapter of "Avengers 4" depicted the disappearance of Hawkeye Barton's wife and daughter. Barton was left dumbfounded, and he quickly turned to look at Future Tony. Future Tony nodded solemnly, and Barton sighed. He could already imagine the desperation he would feel in the future.

"Just like that, my whole family was gone," he whispered.

The movie continued—The Avengers managed to kill Thanos, but the Infinity Stones were gone, and everyone experienced a period of decadence for five years. Following that, Ant-Man emerged from the quantum realm, and a group of individuals embarked on a journey of time and space manipulation.

"Isn't little Morgan adorable?" Tony's eyes filled with jealousy. In the future, Tony's little Morgan was a sweet and innocent child, while his own little Morgan was mischievous. Every day, she teamed up with her mother to playfully tease her father.

Tony's resentful gaze fell upon Bert as he thought about something. The fact that Little Morgan's artistic style went astray was directly related to a certain jerk.

Angrily, Bert rolled his eyes and retorted, "It's Murphy's fault, not mine. Don't blame me."

Hulk glared at Future Banner, baffled by his own transformation into a comical character.

Future Banner smiled awkwardly, acknowledging that he had undergone a complete change after merging with Hulk.

The subsequent plot unfolded before Tony and the others in the future. They watched with utmost attention, not wanting to miss a single scene.

'Future Nebula and Past Nebula will resonate? Pay attention to this. We mustn't repeat the same mistake in the future,' Tony thought to himself.

Soon, the scene of Barton and Natasha sacrificing themselves played on the projection. Despite the tragic nature of this moment, for some reason, everyone felt a hint of amusement. Tony and the others teasingly looked at Barton and Natasha, suspecting that there was something more than a professional relationship between them.

"Just pure comrades-in-arms, nothing more," Natasha blushed slightly and said, feeling a tinge of embarrassment in her face. It felt like a public execution.

Barton, on the other hand, shamelessly chimed in, considering he had a wife and children. "Understood, pure as can be."

Laughter erupted among the group, and Natasha retaliated by giving everyone a savage middle finger.

"To sacrifice someone to obtain the Soul Stone? That's a dilemma," Future Tony frowned. They couldn't bring themselves to sacrifice their teammates for the sake of the gems. Such an act was out of the question.

Amidst the laughter and applause, Ivan came up with a terrible idea. "You can let Pepper push you down; you're going to die anyway," he suggested.

Future Tony gritted his teeth and replied, "Then why don't you take over, huh? Tony in this world is utterly useless, and he hasn't managed to kill you yet."

Ivan sneered, "I almost did kill him."

As the film continued, with some twists and turns, the Avengers successfully gathered all the Infinity Stones. Then, Banner snapped his fingers, but Thanos seized the opportunity for a sneak attack, leading to a massive battle.

"Avengers Assemble."

This phrase ignited everyone's blood, and they couldn't help but applaud Future Steve—except for Thor, who glared at him. How could this guy, who deceived him before, wield Thor's hammer?

In response, Future Steve smiled. He had wanted to say that line for a long time, but for some reason, he had always been interrupted.

"I am Iron Man!"

Finally, Iron Man snapped his fingers, and Thanos turned to ashes. Everyone sighed and looked at Iron Man with reverence. Regardless of his flawed character, he was a true superhero.

Future Tony was not afraid, but instead smiled, saying, "So, this is how I go out. Not bad."

Bert smiled and added, "Actually, what Strange meant was that Banner still had a trick up his sleeve."

Laughter erupted among the group, and future Tony pretended to say, "How could I forget about that?"

Future Banner helplessly said, "Leave me a hand, I need to go to the bathroom."

"This doesn't make sense. Why do I have to snap my fingers? Can't someone else do it? I mean, those girls are so strong, any one of them could snap their fingers, right?"

Tony couldn't help but complain, "Especially Captain Marvel, with her power, snapping her fingers wouldn't even strain her."

"And Strange, are you kidding me? While everyone else is fighting, you're off playing in the water," Tony exclaimed.

Strange calmly responded, "I told you, that's me in another world."

"Don't ask, it's one in fourteen million." Bert smiled and said, "Do you know why I wanted you to watch this?"

"For fun, to see our reactions, to play pranks," Tony replied, and everyone laughed again. It was indeed in line with the Blood God's character.

"Am I really like that? Showing you this was to convey that no matter what you do, you will eventually face a real battle with Thanos."

Bert said solemnly, "You must be prepared; otherwise, your world will not only remain the same but will become even more miserable."

Future Tony gritted his teeth and declared, "I will make all the necessary preparations. If needed, I'll snap my fingers right from the start."

"I fully support you. Let's applaud Future Tony. Tony, you're doing great, and I'll take care of your wife and daughter," Ivan chimed in, clapping his hands.

Tony replied, "I totally agree. Ivan, please be yourself."

Laughter filled the room. Bert shook his head and said, "Okay, after the movie, the party continues. I have prepared many delicacies from another world for everyone to enjoy."

"Dishes from another world?"

Everyone cheered; it was a treat that money couldn't buy.

Tony approached Bert with a glass of wine and asked, "Bert, did it really only take seven days to make this movie?"

"With the 'two-structure' technology, we managed to finish it in just seven days. By the way, the person who invented this technology was poached from Stark Industries," Bert explained.

Tony expressed his dissatisfaction, saying, "You actually stole my thunder?"

Bert shrugged and replied, "You're just a second-tier superhero, and your copyright isn't worth much. In the end, I had to use you as the protagonist."

Tony retorted with disdain, "Nonsense! I, Tony Stark, am a top-tier hero in any world I'm in."

Bert sneered, "When you visit the parallel world, you'll realize your true status, Tony. Don't expect too much."

"I don't believe it, but let's not dwell on it. I'll go back with the future Tony to continue our technology exchange. Also, I've informed Steve about the plan to lure the snake out of its hole, and he said he'll take personal responsibility for it."

Tony shook his head and left with the future Tony. They had sparked numerous ideas and advancements in technology during their time together.


Meanwhile, Bert invited everyone to watch a movie, while Eddie, hidden in Dr. Dora's trunk, accompanied her to the Life Foundation laboratory.

"I hope everything goes well. It's been a while since I've felt such excitement," Eddie murmured, his expression a mix of confusion and mockery. Today was different from the past, as he was now just a Luther living in the slums.