Chapter 312 : Venom

In the movie "Venom," Eddie relied on Dr. Dora to easily infiltrate the laboratory of the Life Foundation, as if entering uncharted territory. However, in the real world, things wouldn't go quite the same.

As soon as Eddie arrived at the door, he was promptly arrested. The head of security looked at him disdainfully and said, "Don't you know there's a temperature detector at the entrance? Dr. Dora, you're skilled in research and espionage, but this guy is not suitable at all."

"I...," Dr. Dora stammered in fear, unable to utter a word.

"She knew nothing. I voluntarily hid in her trunk, intending to follow her home and rob her," shouted Eddie, who had been pulled out of the trunk. "Dude, just by looking at me, you can tell I'm a homeless person. How could she ask someone like me for help?"

The security supervisor scrutinized Eddie from head to toe, feeling slightly unsettled. After all, Eddie was quite disheveled, but he had no intention of letting him go. He said, "I'll hand you over to the boss. The boss will deal with you. Take them to the office."

"Yes," the security guards nodded, escorting Dr. Dora and Eddie to the office. Eddie sighed, realizing it was over. Now he could only hope that Dr. Drake had forgotten about him.

Unfortunately, Dr. Drake not only remembered him but also greeted him with fresh recognition. "Well, well, if it isn't our esteemed reporter," he remarked.

Eddie smiled bitterly and said, "Can I interview you again, please?"

"I'm sorry, but you don't have that privilege. By the way, the reason you haven't been able to find a job is because I made a call," Dr. Drake boasted.

"Asshole," Eddie exclaimed.

In a fit of anger, Eddie lunged at Dr. Drake, but the attendant beside them promptly kicked him to the ground. Then, two security guards aimed their guns at him simultaneously.

"Take it easy, it was just a little joke. Learn to have a sense of humor," Dr. Drake said, smiling. He turned to Dr. Dora and asked, "Dr. Dora, I have treated you well, so why did you betray me?"

"I didn't betray you; it was you who betrayed humanity. You want to replace us humans with those alien monsters," Dr. Dora shouted, fighting against her restraints. "You're not human at all; you're a devil."

"No, I am an angel, an angel who saves mankind and the Earth," Drake proclaimed righteously. "Humans keep taking and taking, behaving like parasites. If this continues, the Earth will be destroyed within a hundred years. The only way to save the Earth is by integrating symbiotes with humans. This will reduce human destruction and enable survival on other planets. In the end, humans and the planet will not only be saved but thrive."

Dr. Dora scolded, "After merging with the symbiotes, will humans still be humans?"

"Of course not. They will become a higher form of life," Dr. Drake declared.

Suddenly, Dr. Drake transformed into a three-meter-high creature. His mucus-covered body, black skin, white eyes, and fang-filled mouth shocked everyone present, including the security guard who took several steps back.

"Wow, if this is what the higher life looks like, then I'd rather die," Eddie exclaimed.

"Your offal must be delicious." Riot licked Eddie's face with his long tongue. Eddie was almost scared out of his wits. Fortunately, Riot didn't do anything else and quickly changed back to Dr. Drake.

"You know nothing," Drake smiled dismissively. He extended his hand and declared, "I will be the savior of this world."

"There is only one true savior in this world, and that is the Blood God. You aren't even worthy of carrying his shoes," Eddie retorted, wiping his face disdainfully. "Besides, the issues you mentioned, the Blood Gods group are already addressing them. If you don't support it, don't obstruct."

"The Blood God is undoubtedly remarkable, I won't deny that. But his approach is too slow, and more importantly, he is too compassionate," Dr. Drake explained. "Why bother with useless parasites? Why not opt for re-employment training? What's even more absurd is that he has a whole army of robot constructs, yet he confines them to warehouses to avoid unemployment concerns."

"Charity won't get us far. Blood God isn't cut out for significant undertakings. To make a real impact, one must act swiftly and mercilessly. If those outcasts dare to resist, we simply seize them and transport them to other planets for mining. It's a simple matter," Dr. Drake proposed confidently.

"If you had the resources of the Blood God, Earth would have long been populated by aliens," Eddie retorted.

"Fortunately, you're not the one in power. While I may have my reservations about the Blood God, I currently support him wholeheartedly," Eddie sneered. "Blood God may have flaws, but he is a qualified protector. A traitor like you, Drake, is in no position to compare."

"Outcast is Outcast; he has no understanding of the bigger picture," Dr. Drake scoffed.

"Don't waste any more time. Send them for experiments," Dr. Drake ordered, and Dr. Dora objected in terror. Dr. Drake sneered, "I'm sorry, but I can and will do this. Soon, I will replace the Blood God and become the guardian of this world."

With that, Dr. Drake gestured, instructing the security supervisor to escort the two into the laboratory.

Inside the lab, there were two jars containing liquid symbiotes. Dr. Drake pressed a button, causing the jars to open, and the two groups of symbiotes swiftly surged toward Eddie and Dr. Dora.

"Don't come any closer!" Eddie and Dr. Dora exclaimed in shock, desperately attempting to evade the liquid symbiotes. However, the confines of the laboratory were too restricting. Within seconds, the symbiotes overwhelmed them, swiftly infiltrating their bodies.

Terrified, Eddie fumbled around himself, when suddenly, a deep voice echoed in his mind: "You're in good health. I am Venom."

"What? Who are you?" Eddie shouted in horror, but Venom only laughed, offering no response.

Eddy, the Outcast from Earth, and Venom, the Outcast from the symbiote planet, had officially merged.

While Eddie successfully transformed into Venom, Dr. Dora's attempt ended in failure. Her body bled profusely, resembling a sieve. The symbiote didn't perish but quickly retreated back into the jar. Without the jar's assistance, it couldn't survive on Earth for long.

Dr. Drake showed no concern. He was elated by the unexpected success. Excitedly, he exclaimed, "Riot, our team has grown once again."

"That's not enough. The first wave only brought back a few symbiotes," Riot's voice resonated in Dr. Drake's mind. "The second time, I will bring millions."

Dr. Drake laughed. "By then, humanity will have evolved."


Meanwhile, in a restaurant, Bert's attention shifted. For the time being, he didn't pay much heed to it. If he acted now, Eddie wouldn't have the chance to grow, and Bert intended to leave the boss for Eddie to confront. After all, Bert wasn't all-knowing or all-powerful. He wasn't aware of Kingpin's control over the Life Foundation since Kingpin's people hadn't appeared before Eddie.

Observing Bert's distraction, the female prosecutor sitting across from him inquired curiously, "Mr. Wang, what's on your mind?"

The female prosecutor, Anne Weying, happened to be Eddie's ex-girlfriend. Don't misunderstand—the reason Bert met Anne Weying was that she could also bond with the symbiote.

"Nothing," Bert smiled and asked, "Miss Weying, have you ever considered becoming a superhero?"

Annie smiled in response, "I've thought about it, but they say in the movies that the poor rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology. I'm not wealthy, and I don't have the ability to mutate, so I can't be one even if I wanted to."

Bert smiled and said, "Perhaps there will be an opportunity in the future."


The following day, in New York City, the cloaked Spider-Man strolled through a secluded alley, expressing dissatisfaction, "Why am I the bait? Are you discriminating against pigs?"

"Besides you, only Penny and Gwen haven't made an appearance. The problem is, they are human and can blend into the crowd using their own appearances," explained Blonde Spider-Man. "Their sudden appearances might arouse Kingpin's suspicions. Comparatively, your role seems more reasonable."

Spider-Man snorted coldly, "I get it. You're really discriminating against me. I demand compensation in the form of hamburgers—vegetarian burgers. Humans are too cruel, consuming meat."

"Animals eat meat too," countered Blonde Spider-Man. "Spider-Man, there's a woman being robbed in the alley to your left. Go rescue her, and then accidentally expose yourself by removing the cloak, causing her to panic and flee."

"Will that work?" Spider-Man asked as he changed course.

"It will work because there will be agents who capture your photo and upload it online. The world has a vast network, and news spreads quickly. Kingpin and his associates will know soon enough."

Blonde Spider-Man remarked, "Kingpin and others likely possess some power in this world."

Spider-Ham added, "Alright, just make sure to keep me safe. I don't want to become pork chops. It's astonishing how humans can be so cruel when pigs are so adorable. How can they eat pigs?"

Blonde Spider-Man was slightly speechless and embarrassed, given his fondness for bacon burgers.

After Spider-Ham executed the plan, its appearance quickly spread across the internet, sparking a heated discussion.

"Is this an alien? It kind of looks like Spider-Man, though."

"There have been too many Spider-Men lately. Just two days ago, three Spider-Men appeared in Manhattan. The real deal, I mean."

"Could it be that Spider-Man is being mass-produced? Can I have one?"


In the underground base, the female Doctor Octopus reported the news to Kingpin. Kingpin furrowed his brow and remarked, "It's too coincidental. There's a 50% probability that S.W.O.R.D. is behind this."

"I believe so too, but I think we can give it a try. Besides, they won't be able to catch Norman and Scorpion," said Doctor Octopus eagerly.

"The more Spider-Men, the faster I can study. Kingpin, Spider-Man's spider-sense is fascinating. If we can study it, it will not only help you find a wife and son but also greatly enhance our power. We might even become gods," Doctor Octopus exclaimed.

Kingpin was taken aback. "Becoming a god?"

"Yes, becoming a god. Kingpin, don't you desire godhood? Like the Blood God, a force to be reckoned with!"

Doctor Octopus enthusiastically continued, "This journey through time has expanded my horizons and made me realize how limited my previous pursuits were. I want to become a god, to explore the entire universe and acquire all knowledge."

"God?" Kingpin couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. Becoming a god meant transcending his status as an underground emperor and becoming a true emperor. Additionally, he would no longer need to worry about his wife and son. They would bask in limitless power, glory, and wealth. Their previous aspirations seemed insignificant in comparison.

"In that case, let's give it a try. Even if they capture Norman and Scorpion, they won't find our location," Kingpin stated confidently. He was certain that Norman and Scorpion wouldn't disclose their secrets if captured. In this world, kingpin could be cautious since there were greater powers at play.

"Very well. I will ensure Norman and Scorpion proceed with caution and confirm there are no ambushes before we proceed," Doctor Octopus affirmed, content with the course of events in this world.


At noon on the third day, Spider-Man found himself cornered in an alley by Norman and Scorpion.

Norman exclaimed in surprise, "Can pigs be Spider-Man too?"

Scorpion's eyes gleamed, "I wonder if its meat is delicious?"

"You want to eat me?" Spider-Ham grew furious. He pulled out a wooden hammer from his pocket, larger than one would expect, and charged towards Scorpion with ferocity.

"How did that hammer fit in your pocket?"

Scorpion looked puzzled before transforming his hands into pincers and swinging them forcefully at Spider-Ham's head.

Spider-Ham agilely dodged Scorpion's pincers and leaped into the air, utilizing the wall for assistance. He struck Scorpion's head with the hammer.

Although the hammer was not particularly heavy, Scorpion felt an intense dizziness, swaying and almost losing his balance.

"To think you humans would desire to eat me. It's too much," Spider-Ham boasted arrogantly, not concerning himself with scientific explanations as he is a cartoon character.

Just as Spider-Ham landed, Norman, now transformed into the Green Goblin, swooped down from behind. Spider-Ham couldn't evade in time and was forcefully thrown against a wall.

As Spider-Ham was about to face the consequences, a large dirt hand suddenly emerged from the ground, grabbing hold of Norman's ankle. With a forceful tug, the hand brought Norman crashing down, raising a cloud of dust. This distraction allowed Spider-Ham to regain his freedom. He angrily raised his hammer and swung it at Norman. However, Norman swiftly transformed into a phantom, then flapped his wings and took to the air.

Looking down, Norman noticed a figure slowly rising from the ground. With an unpleasant expression, he questioned, "Earth? This is truly a trap."

"Of course, it's a trap, Norman. This time, you won't escape," replied the blonde Spider-Man, Peter, middle-aged Spider-Man, and Spider-Gwen simultaneously. They had been concealed with stealth technology, and Earth Demon, specifically invited by S.W.O.R.D. to protect Spider-Ham, was also present.

S.W.O.R.D. wouldn't allow any harm to befall their bait.

Scorpion regained his composure and grimaced. "Do you think you can capture us like this?"

"Why don't you find out, If we can?" retorted the four Spider-Men. Without wasting any time, they lunged forward. Before reaching their targets, each Spider-Man fired their webbing at Norman and Scorpion simultaneously.