Chapter 313 : Target


Seeing so many Spider-Men, Scorpion, and Norman didn't choose to fight; instead, they simultaneously transformed into phantoms. One soared into the sky, while the other burrowed into the ground.

At that moment, Peter raised his right hand, and a strange wave emanated from his palm. Scorpion and Norman reverted back to their physical forms. Norman appeared unharmed, but the Scorpion remained stuck in the ground.

"What fools."

The Old Demon smiled disdainfully as the power controlling the Earth wrapped around the Scorpion, rendering him immobile.

Upon witnessing this, the blond Spider-Man and the middle-aged Spider-Man swiftly shot spider web to adhere to Norman's calf. They both exerted force simultaneously, causing Norman to crash into the ground with a loud thud, creating a massive hole.

"How is this possible?"

Norman and the Scorpion exclaimed in disbelief. They refused to accept defeat and attempted to utilize their phantasmal abilities once more, yet their bodies only flickered a few times without transforming into phantoms.

"This is a quantum jammer, a technology from a long time ago," Peter explained.

He shrugged and continued, "After you escaped last time, Mr. Stark spent five minutes installing this feature on my uniform specifically for dealing with you."

This technology can also assist the Ghost in stabilizing her body, alleviating her discomfort.

"A quantum jammer?" Norman and the Scorpion were left speechless. What kind of world is this, and how is such advanced technology available?

"Norman, surrender peacefully," the blond Spider-Man urged as he rushed towards Norman. Spider-Gwen followed closely behind, while Spider-Ham patiently waited for the right moment with a hammer in hand. Norman's heart sank, realizing that this time he might truly be defeated.

The middle-aged Spider-Man chose not to join the fight. After all, his aging body wasn't suitable for strenuous activities. He asked Peter, "Your suit seems different from the Vibranium one you had before, isn't it?"

Peter replied, "Indeed, it's quite different. This suit is equipped with numerous advanced features and even has an intelligent system, making it incredibly user-friendly."

The middle-aged Spider-Man looked at Peter with a mix of envy, jealousy, and resentment. In this world, Peter seemed to have all the luck. In the future timeline, he had Tony Stark as his mentor, and in this timeline, he had the wealthiest man in the galaxy as his benefactor.

"Understandably, this suit is versatile, but it's also quite expensive, and its defense is not as strong as the Vibranium suit. I'm always on edge when wearing it, fearing that if it gets damaged, I won't be able to afford repairs," Peter explained.

The middle-aged Spider-Man nodded in agreement, gazing at Peter speechlessly. This kid always manages to make the most out of any situation, truly deserving a good scolding.

Soon, Norman was apprehended, and the Spider-Men wasted no time in taking them back to S.W.O.R.D.

"Norman Osborn, Scorpion, tell us the location of Kingpin, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude," Steve stated as he personally interrogated Norman and Scorpion.

"I'm not Spider-Man, and I won't show any mercy to you," he coldly added.

"We're well aware of Captain America's name," Norman smirked. "Unfortunately, we can't give you the information you seek."

Steve inquired, "Can you provide an explanation?"

"Certainly. I consider myself a decent person, and I have no intention of being executed," Norman replied. "The Scorpion and I have quantum chips implanted in our heads. If we reveal something we shouldn't, the quantum chip will kill us."

"Don't expect to remove the quantum chip. It's impossible. Dr. Octopus's expertise is highly advanced, and the quantum chip is fully integrated with our brains. If it's removed, we'll die instantly."

"No wonder Kingpin had the confidence to send you out," Steve sighed, then called out to the monitor, "Get Tony or the future Tony here. We need their assistance."

Coulson immediately responded, "Yes, Chief."

"Norman Osborn, why did you follow Kingpin's orders? Aren't you of a higher rank than Kingpin?" Steve asked curiously. "In our world, you were an impressive figure from the beginning."

"Then he was killed by the Blood God," Norman rolled his eyes. "I'm not working for Kingpin; I'm working with him. Kingpin wants to resurrect his wife and son, and I want to resurrect my wife as well."

Steve shook his head, "That's not resurrection; it's merely finding another person from a parallel world."

Norman questioned, "Captain, if your Ms. Carter were to die and you traveled to a parallel world where there happened to be an available Ms. Carter, would you choose to stay by her side?"

Steve hesitated for a moment and replied, "If I couldn't return, perhaps."

"Everyone thinks the same way," Norman smiled. "Captain, Kingpin, and I don't intend to cause trouble in this world. After all, this world is under the control of the Blood God. Once the quantum realm is stabilized, we will immediately return to our own world. Keep your focus on us."

"That won't be possible. I made a promise to Spider-Man to send them back to their own world," Steve asserted. "Furthermore, you are the villains, and we are the heroes. It's only fitting that we fight against each other."

"In that case, there's nothing more to say, Captain. We're not so easily defeated," Norman laughed. "We haven't wasted over a year of our time. We'll bring you plenty of surprises."

Steve declared, "S.W.O.R.D. is never afraid of surprises."

"I appreciate surprises, but I don't appreciate being captured and subjected to research experiments," Tony entered the room discontentedly. Steve briefed him on the situation, concluding with, "There's no other option. Dr. Pym's whereabouts are unknown, so we have to rely on you."

"Great, more trouble," Tony cursed, raising his hand. Nanobots formed a specialized instrument to scan Norman's head, resulting in a three-dimensional brain projection hovering in mid-air.

Tony examined it and remarked, "Indeed, it's a quantum chip. It's a bit troublesome."

Norman sneered, "Tony Stark, what are you pretending to be? It's not just a little troublesome? You can't solve this quantum chip at all."

Tony responded with disdain, "I meant it's a bit of trouble, like half a day's work. Do you really think this jerk can outsmart Tony Stark? Who do you think I am? Some third-rate scientist like you?"

Norman, taken aback for a moment, gritted his teeth and retorted, "Tony Stark, no matter which world you're in, I despise you just as much."

"To be precise, no matter the world, your talent is remarkable," Tony snorted.

"Are you capable of fixing it within half a day?" Norman asked with disbelief.

Tony's face darkened, and he replied, "Norman, you're underestimating me. I'm not just capable; I'll have it done."

Norman burst into laughter, "Just you? You're nothing more than a second-rate hero. By the way, your name is quite famous in our world."

Mockingly, he continued, "Everyone knows how your so-called 'anti-XX' battle suits failed miserably and were torn apart. You're considered a comical hero."

Steve couldn't help but smile, "Tony, I never expected you to have titles like 'being beaten every day' in a parallel world, or 'either being beaten in the face or on the way to being beaten in the face.'"

"Shut up," Tony replied unhappily. "I'll definitely visit your world and show everyone the true power of Iron Man."

Norman disdainfully remarked, "I hope you won't come back crying."

Tony paid no attention to Norman's taunts and focused on studying the quantum chip. The most challenging aspect of the chip was its connection to the brain, as any mistake could lead to Norman's brain being destroyed.

Meanwhile, Steve kept himself busy by gathering information about the other world and attending to his own affairs.

Norman casually revealed that, in general, he was working for S.H.I.E.L.D.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.? I wonder if the S.H.I.E.L.D. in that world has also turned into a Snake Shield," Steve pondered silently. Suddenly, Coulson's voice came through the speaker, interrupting his thoughts: "Director, there's a report stating that the Life Foundation in San Francisco is under alien control and is preparing to destroy humanity."

"Aliens?" Steve was taken aback. After a moment of consideration, he instructed, "If Danny Rand is in San Francisco, have him lead a team to investigate. If there really are aliens, send a specialized team to apprehend them."

Tony abruptly interrupted, turning to Norman, and asked, "Is Kingpin at the Life Foundation?"

Norman was shocked, but quickly composed himself and replied, "As I said before, I can't say anything."

"Your brain waves just betrayed you," Tony coldly remarked. When Coulson mentioned the Life Foundation earlier, Norman's brain waves exhibited significant fluctuations, so Tony deliberately deceived him.

Norman glared angrily at Tony. This guy truly despised him.

Tony continued, "Alright, Director, let's save time. Deploy the Avengers and let's retrieve the complete super collider. They should have already built it for us."

"No problem, Tony. Well done," Steve exclaimed with joy. He immediately began making calls and requested Strange's assistance in opening a portal. Given that this matter involved other worlds, Strange, as the Sorcerer Supreme, had an obligation to participate.

Soon, everyone gathered. Alongside the Avengers, there were four Spider-Men and the Spider-Gwen. The lineup was indeed impressive. The primary objective was not solely to eliminate Kingpin and their allies, but also to acquire the Super Collider.

As we shift back in time, while Steve and the others are interrogating Norman, Eddie finds himself engaged in a conversation with Venom within the laboratory of the Life Foundation. "Venom, help me. Let's escape from here together and alert S.W.O.R.D.," Eddie pleads.

Venom sneers in response, "Why do you think I would help you? I am a symbiote, and you are merely my host."

"No, I am not just your host. We have a symbiotic relationship. You are me, and I am you. We are one," Eddie insists.

Disdainfully, Venom retorts, "Who is one with you, Outcast? In the future, I will find better hosts."

"I understand. I am an outcast without a job, without a girlfriend, without a future," Eddie calmly acknowledges.

Unfazed, Eddie continues, "But aren't you also an Outcast?"

"What did you say?" Venom grows furious, and a menacing head emerges from behind Eddie, staring him down.

Undeterred, Eddie states, "Am I wrong? You are an Outcast too, an Outcast like me. The Outcast aura within you cannot be hidden from me."

Gritting his teeth, Venom refrains from denying it because, indeed, he is an Outcast on the symbiote planet. Perhaps, that is the reason it can bond with Eddie.

Eddie presses on, "Venom, as fellow Outcasts, we should help each other to free ourselves from the Outcast label as soon as possible."

"So you want to help those defenseless people?" Venom coldly snorts. "It's pointless. You have angered the Blood God and Iron Man, and you are destined to remain an Outcast for the rest of your life."

"Under normal circumstances, they won't do anything to me, but their influence is enough to keep me excluded from high society forever," Eddie sighs. "Nobody dares to defy them. I even considered just lying low as an Outcast. After all, I won't starve to death. Watching TV, eating fried chicken, and drinking Coke every day isn't so bad."

"But luckily, God hasn't given up on me. He has given me a chance. If I succeed, I won't have to be an Outcast anymore. I can become a master," Eddie proclaims, looking up at Venom. "And Venom, this is your opportunity too. If you seize it, we will never have to be Outcasts again."

Venom falls silent for a moment before asking, "What chance?"

"We escape from here together and warn S.W.O.R.D. This would be a huge accomplishment. Once that happens, S.W.O.R.D. will undoubtedly invite us to join the Avengers," Eddie says, his eyes shining with excitement. "That means we will become superheroes, superheroes admired by countless people."

"Us, superheroes?" Venom is dumbfounded. Eddie's imagination seems to be running wild.

"Yes, let's be superheroes. You mentioned before that our strength wouldn't be inferior to Spider-Man's. If Spider-Man can do it, why can't we?" Eddie declares confidently. "Think about how glorious it would be to be a superhero. Do I need to explain it to you again?"

Venom appears slightly moved and asks cautiously, "Will the Blood God and Iron Man try to stop you?"

Shaking his head, Eddie replies, "No, they are big shots and won't be that concerned."

Venom hesitates, then voices its fear, "But if we betray them, our God might come after us. He won't spare me."

Curious, Eddie inquires, "Is your God powerful?"

"Not just powerful, but immensely powerful. Our God is called Knull, and he is an ancient Elder God, older than this universe itself," Venom reveals fearfully. "Knull is both our God and our master, as he created the symbiotes."

"Older than the universe?" Eddie gasps, trying to comprehend the concept. The symbiote's God is truly terrifying.

After a moment, Eddie regains his composure and asserts, "No matter how strong he is, he won't be stronger than the Blood God. With the Blood God around, he can't even set foot on Earth."

"In your world, the Blood God is indeed formidable, and his reputation is known throughout the universe," Venom admits, gritting its teeth. "What should we do then? Let me make it clear in advance—I can't defeat the riot."