Chapter 314 : Exposed

Seeing Venom's heartbeat, Eddie was overjoyed. He said, "In this laboratory, except for Drake and other high-level executives, only the Security Chief Roland Treece is qualified to use mobile phones.

Over the past few days, I observed his patrol route and found that he would come to our location at 1:00 pm every day. At that time, we would directly attack him, knock him unconscious, take his mobile phone, and report it to S.W.O.R.D.

Afterward, we would jump into the sea and flee. No matter how severe the Riot was, there would be no time to chase us."

"It's pretty simple."

Venom nodded repeatedly. At that moment, it suddenly asked, "Eddie, are you using me?"

Eddie's heart tightened, and he replied, "Why would you think that? Can't you check my memory? Besides, we are in a symbiotic relationship now."

"You know it's true. If I die, you definitely won't survive."

Venom snorted coldly. In reality, it couldn't view all of Eddie's memories but could only perceive a part of them. It said that mainly to scare Eddie.

Venom doesn't know that Eddie is already aware of this. Otherwise, how would he dare to deceive Venom?

Indeed, Eddie is lying to Venom. What a joke! Who would want to live in symbiosis with such an ugly alien lifeform? By the time they reach S.W.O.R.D., those influential individuals will surely have a way to separate them.

Losing Venom is regrettable, but not a significant problem. With this accomplishment, he will definitely be able to revert to being the popular reporter he used to be. That is enough for him.

Looks determine everything, and Venom is so ugly.

"That guy should be here soon. Venom, get ready." Eddie said excitedly, "We will see what the future holds."


Venom retracted into Eddie, who was also a little excited because he genuinely didn't want to be an Outcast anymore.

Drake betrayed humanity, Venom betrayed the symbiote, and intelligent life is like that.

After a while, the head of security, Treece, arrived at their location with two security guards. When he saw Eddie standing up and glaring at him fiercely, he sneered, "Why, do you want to come out and fight me? Fine, as long as you can get out, I'll let you fight."

The two security guards laughed. Eddie smiled and replied, "Since you're asking for it, I'll fulfill your request. After all, I am a good person."

After speaking, the venom on Eddie's body erupted violently, completely enveloping Eddie in a black and white monster over three meters tall.

"How can this be?"

Treece was shocked and instinctively reached for his gun. Upon seeing Venom, it lunged forward and bit Treece's head in one bite, swallowing it whole.

The other two security guards were frightened and immediately turned around and fled. Venom shot two black strands of web-like substance from the palm of its hand, catching them like spider web. Then, it devoured the heads of the two security guards one by one and swallowed their bodies and guts.

"That was delicious." Venom looked excited and then returned to Eddie's body, urging him to make a call.

Eddie hesitated and asked incredulously, "You just ate them?"

Venom replied matter-of-factly, "Yeah, they're my food."


Remembering that he also had a share, Eddie vomited on the spot and cursed in his heart, "You still want to be a superhero like this?"

Which company would hire a superhero who eats people? Fortunately, I only fooled Venom, or else I would have met a miserable end.

Venom scolded, "You're really useless. Hurry up and make the call. Let me tell you, if I can't become a superhero, I'll eat you."

"Don't worry, you'll definitely become a superhero."

Eddie endured the nausea and picked up the phone from the body of the security supervisor. He used the supervisor's finger to unlock the screen and dialed S.W.O.R.D.

Upon hearing Eddie's report, the operator immediately responded, "Mr. Brock, we will dispatch agents to the Life Foundation for investigation."

"As soon as possible. By the way, millions of symbiotes are heading toward Earth. Alert the space fleet to intercept them. The symbiotes must not be allowed to enter. And regarding the symbiotes..."

Eddie continued providing information. Dr. Drake burst into the room with a group of people. When he saw Eddie's phone, he was shocked and immediately transformed into a silver-black riot, charging at Eddie.

"Venom, let's get out of here!"

Eddie was startled and quickly threw his phone at Dr. Drake. Then, he transformed into Venom and was thrown to the ground by the riot.

"You've betrayed us and betrayed our God!"

The riot roared as its right hand transformed into an axe, ready to strike Venom, the second or fifth host.

"I want to be a superhero. I don't want to be an Outcast anymore!"

Venom, weakened by Eddie's feeble punch, struck back at the riot, slamming it to the ground. It then quickly turned towards the security guards with aggression.

The security guards fired their guns in fear, but the bullets couldn't harm Venom. It grabbed the two guards and hurled them at the pursuing riot. Then, Venom leaped up and jumped out of the window.

The windows were tall, but it didn't matter to Venom, who used slime instead of spider web. It easily descended to the ground without any issues.

When they reached the outside, Venom was about to leap into the sea to escape. However, at that moment, two figures crashed through the window and landed in front of Venom, wearing grim expressions filled with murderous intent.

These two figures were successfully merged symbiotes. Dr. Drake had worked tirelessly during this time.

"Venom, how dare you betray us?"

The two symbiotes charged angrily at Venom. Venom scolded them, engaged in a fight, and rolled around on the ground.

As I mentioned earlier, this is normal. Venom is an Outcast, after all. It needs to be powerful. How else can it become an Outcast?

With a loud thud, the Riot descended from the sky. It gritted its teeth, gazing at the captured Venom, and demanded, "Who did you call, and what did you say?"

Venom was hesitant to answer, but Eddie's face emerged, and he replied, "Guess."

"Separate them for me. I want them to suffer, not living, not dead."

Riot grew furious, and upon hearing the words, the two symbiotes immediately grabbed Venom and forcibly separated it from Eddie.

Eddie and Venom screamed simultaneously. Venom resisted and scolded, "Eddie, you've doomed us. Now, not only can we not be superheroes, but we can't even be an Outcast."

"No, we are already heroes. So what if we die? At least we're protecting the Earth."

Facing the imminent life-or-death situation, Eddie remained composed. The only regret was that he failed to call Anne Weying. He wondered how she was doing and what she was up to.

"What does Earth have to do with me?"

Venom yelled. Just as it was about to be removed from Eddie's body, two miniature missiles shot from a distance, crashing into the two symbiotes and exploding. The symbiotes were instantly blown away, screaming in agony.

Symbiotes are vulnerable to fire and high-frequency sound waves, and missiles are highly lethal to them.

Riot turned angrily and witnessed several battle suits flying towards them, led by two identical Mark 50 suits, Tony and the future Tony.

Behind the suits were the superheroes led by Steve, including four Spider-Man.

"The Avengers are here! Wow, you guys work fast, don't you?"

Eddie exclaimed in surprise. The Avengers were different from the police officers. They arrived at the scene in less than five minutes. He wanted to give them a thumbs up.

In contrast to Eddie's excitement, Dr. Drake and Kingpin in the underground base shouted in anger, especially Kingpin. He never expected that even with careful planning, there could still be a problem.


"Damn Drake, should have killed him in the first place."

The anger in Kingpin boiled over, and he even crushed a ballpoint pen in his hand. He stood up and shouted at Dr. Octopus, "Activate our killer immediately!"

"No problem, I'll initiate it right away. Kingpin, should we activate the supercollider as well?"

Dr. Octopus blinked and suggested, "Although the quantum space hasn't completely stabilized, the killer I just developed should work."

"Use every means we have. We have no way out this time," Kingpin commanded.

"Understood." Dr. Octopus nodded eagerly and went to activate the supercollider.


"Wow, isn't this alien creature ugly?"

Tony complained as he looked at the repulsive-looking Riot. "Future me, have you ever seen anything like this?"

"I think there's an anti-hero named Venom who looks like this. He's not associated with the Avengers, though. I'm not sure," Future Tony contemplated, and Venom, upon hearing his name, immediately reverted back to Eddie and shouted, "I am Venom! Do you know me?"

"The fusion of two lives? Interesting," Future Tony remarked. "However, it's really hideous."

Venom seethed with anger, and if it weren't for Eddie's desperate attempt to suppress it, Venom would have pounced on Future Tony.

Eddie persuaded in a low voice, "Big brother, we want to be superheroes. We can't offend people without reason. That guy in the suit is Iron Man, so he must be a formidable opponent."

Venom gritted its teeth and decided to endure it. It retreated into Eddie's body, and Eddie took charge of communicating with the Avengers.

"Iron Man, his name is Riot, the leader of the symbiotes. They plan to transport millions of symbiotes to Earth to replace humans."

Eddie shouted, "And by the way, Venom mentioned that the symbiotes possess a God that outlives the universe."

"Millions of symbiotes? A God that outlives the universe?" Tony was shocked upon hearing this. He called upon Jarvis to contact Bert and raised his hand, shouting at Riot, "Surrender and explain everything clearly, or else we won't hold back."

"I want to see why you're so welcoming," Riot roared angrily, transforming its hands into two axes. Meanwhile, the two symbiotes that were previously blown away stood menacingly behind Riot, glaring at Tony and the others.

"No, Riot, we're no match for them. I'll stall for time while you contact your God to see if he can assist us. And in case of a real fight, take the others to the underground base. Kingpin is there," Dr. Drake instructed, and Riot nodded in understanding.

"It's done. The spacecraft has already reached the solar system, and with the power of God, it should be able to transmit a portion of the symbiotes to Earth."

"That's good," Drake sighed in relief. He then protruded from Riot's chest and addressed Tony, "Tony Stark, I'm not harming Earth. I'm saving it. The fusion of symbiotes and humans will create a new race."

"Do you believe this, Dr. Drake from the Life Foundation? And your so-called new race is truly repulsive," Tony sneered. Simultaneously, Jarvis contacted Bert. After hearing Tony's information, Bert assured him, "I'll take care of that symbiote's God. Don't worry."

Bert was unaware of Knull and the symbiote's God. In his previous life, he primarily focused on movies, and only those with a keen interest would seek out such information.

Nonetheless, it wasn't a major issue. In the main universe, Bert only feared the five Celestials. The others, at worst, could be evenly matched, or even defeated without the use of the Infinity Gems.

If the Reality Stone and Mind Stone were utilized, even the Celestials would dare not face Bert.

As for living longer than the universe, it may sound impressive, but longevity doesn't necessarily equate to strength. The Elders of the Universe live for extended periods, yet they can be defeated with relative ease.

Bert smiled lightly, "I hope this Knull can bring me some surprises. The more puppets, the better."

Tony felt reassured with Bert's assurance. When he saw Dr. Drake about to speak again, he interrupted, "Don't bother with your nonsense. Surrender quickly and explain everything about the symbiotes and Kingpin."

"Who is Kingpin? I have no idea," Dr. Drake attempted to buy more time, but Tony fired a pulse cannon directly at him. Frightened, Dr. Drake quickly retracted his violent form.

Riot shielded against the pulse cannon with its transformed hand. Then, it tore a nearby stone and hurled it forcefully toward Tony and the others.

"Their abilities are somewhat reminiscent of Spider-Man, but still, they're ugly," Tony remarked as he destroyed the stone with a single blast from his cannon. Two devices emerged from his shoulders, firing crimson energy beams towards Riot.

Riot evaded the attack and thrust his hands forward, transforming his fingers into ten spears and attempting to impale Tony mid-air. Tony used a nanoparticle shield to block the blow. Then, six miniature missiles emerged from Tony's back, launching at Riot.

Riot hastily retreated, but the miniature missiles followed, causing explosions behind him. Flames roared, and the shockwaves surged. Riot was thrown and crashed heavily to the ground.

Before Riot could recover, another six miniature missiles were fired, this time by Future Tony. Riot sustained severe injuries and screamed amidst the sea of fire.

"I could have handled that," Tony expressed his dissatisfaction and Future Tony shrugged, remarking, "When have you ever seen me just standing by?"

Tony sighed, realizing that with his "ADHD," it was impossible for him to stay idle.

Observing Riot in a desperate situation, the two symbiotes rushed forward, enduring the fear of the flames. Barton, wearing the Hawkeye battle suit, disdainfully smiled and shot an arrow, hitting the back of one of the symbiotes, causing it to scream and collapse.

As for the other symbiote, Human Torch took care of it. Flying in the air, he unleashed two massive flames from his hands, causing the symbiote to panic and desperately avoid the attacks, appearing extremely embarrassed.

Meanwhile, the security guards from the Life Foundation, armed with heavy weapons like machine guns and bazookas, engaged in a firefight with Tony and the others. They had to deal with these adversaries first.

Seizing the opportunity, Riot tumbled into the sea and made his escape into the underground base through an entrance beneath the water.

Riot expressed shock and anger, "These superheroes truly live up to their reputation."

Drake anxiously asked, "Will God come to save us?"

Riot repaired his injured body and reassured him, "Relax, God is already preparing his methods, and a large number of symbiotes will arrive soon."

Dr. Drake inquired, "Besides the symbiotes, are there any other reinforcements? While the symbiotes are powerful, they need to bond with humans to fight effectively."

"Don't worry, our symbiotes are not that weak," Riot replied confidently, quickly retreating deeper into the underground base.