Chapter 315 : Threat

Riot, who was running, was unaware that he was being followed by two little Ant-Man. In fact, he couldn't escape. It was Tony who deliberately released water and intended to use it to locate Kingpin.

"I have to say, this guy is really ugly."

The future Ant-Man, riding on Anthony Ant, sighed and turned to the Ant-Man beside him, asking, "Why do you have wings?"

Unlike the future Ant-Man, Ant-Man directly removes his wings and flies in the air. He knows at a glance which method is better.

"Because my armor has been improved. I am different from you. Your armor is from Dr. Pym. Dr. Pym doesn't like you and won't help you improve your armor at all."

Ant-Man smiled and said, "My armor is from S.W.O.R.D., and all the possible functions have been added."

"That's very kind of them."

The future Ant-Man looked envious, jealous, and resentful. At that moment, he thought of something and asked, "What happened to Dr. Pym, still have no clue?"

"We have no clue at all. Now we can only wait for the quantum channel to be established."

Ant-Man sighed, saying, "Although my future father-in-law isn't very good, I really don't want anything to happen to him. If that's the case, Hope will be devastated."

The future Ant-Man replied, "It should be fine. Wasp is still in the quantum space."

After a while, Riot took the elevator to the underground base below. Kingpin and Prowler noticed and immediately raised their energy guns.

"What are you up to?"

Riot became furious, but the Prowler remained silent and shot directly at the Ant-Man behind him. The Prowler's mask had scanning and analysis functions.

"What the fuck?"

Ant-Man cursed and quickly dodged. Then, he threw five pocket unmanned battle armors forward. The pocket-unmanned battle armors rapidly grew in size in the air and returned to their normal size upon landing.

Once restored, the unmanned battle armors immediately raised their energy guns and started shooting at Riot and the Prowler. The two cursed and dodged as they fled toward the gate.

The future Ant-Man's eyes lit up. "Wow, you actually carry unmanned battle armors with you?"

Ant-Man proudly smiled and replied, "It's standard. Don't be surprised."

"Not surprised, but envious."

The future Ant-Man sourly remarked that his equipment was completely incomparable to Ant-Man's. In fact, he struggled even against gang members. It was as if Ant-Man could summon five unmanned battle armors with a mere wave of his hand.

Not to mention, an unmanned battle armor is worth at least 100 million US dollars!

Future Ant-Man couldn't help but sigh, "If only I were the Ant-Man of this world."

"The underground base has been discovered. Come down quickly."

Ant-Man used the intelligent system in his armor to control the elevator while giving the report. Tony and the others nodded, leaving some people to handle the Life Foundation security guards, while the rest went to the underground base, following the route they used to escape from Riot earlier.

Eddie didn't want to follow, but Venom kept urging him, so he had no choice but to follow the Avengers.

"You're pathetic, Eddie. You don't even know how to seize the opportunity to fight alongside the Avengers."

Venom said contemptuously, "As long as we fight together, we're comrades-in-arms. At that time, do you think we won't be able to become superheroes?"

"You're clever, and I'm a little timid."

Eddie awkwardly smiled. He had no intention of becoming a superhero; he just wanted to escape.

The problem was, he couldn't say it. If he did, Venom would definitely kill him in an instant.

Eddie thought to himself, 'There are so many powerful people here. It should be fine. I'll just be a bystander.'

Soon, including the four Spider-Man, everyone gathered in the underground base. Ant-Man returned to his normal size and, while projecting an image, said, "Based on the data detected by the mechanical armors, Kingpin and the others are in the super collider. They're waiting for us there."

"Sounds cool. We'll meet them once we go in."

Tony snorted coldly and said to Strange, "If this underground base collapses, remember to open the portal as soon as possible. Don't waste time like in 'Avengers 4'."

Strange helplessly replied, "In the past three days, you've insulted me seven times. How much grudge do you hold against me?"

"In that case, you don't need to snap your fingers at all."

Tony expressed his dissatisfaction, saying, "We had a conflict before, and you see that I'm not happy. So you took revenge on me and tricked me into snapping my fingers, right?"

The future Tony nodded in agreement, saying, "I think so too."

Angry, Strange retorted, "I'm the Sorcerer Supreme, not a supervillain. Besides, it's normal for you to be unhappy. Who's here to make you happy?"

Led by Human Torch, everyone nodded in agreement. Tony raised his middle finger, stopped wasting time, and led everyone into the underground base.

The supercollider was a massive circular space with a diameter of several hundred meters. There were ejectors on the left and right sides. When activated, the two ejectors emitted strange rays of light that collided, opening the quantum space and allowing access to the parallel world.

At that moment, Kingpin, Dr. Octopus, Prowler, and Riot stood at the entrance on the left, while Tony and the others stood at the entrance on the right, facing each other hundreds of meters apart.

Tony glanced at the enormous Kingpin and exclaimed dramatically, "Wow, you're so fat! Can you even go out in public?"

"I'm not fat, I'm strong. If I can't get out, I'll tear it down," Kingpin retorted.

Kingpin chimed in, "Tony Stark, let's not waste time. I don't want to cause trouble in this world. Let me go."

Steve intervened, saying, "I'm sorry, Kingpin, but S.W.O.R.D. isn't open to negotiation in your case. Capturing you is straightforward."

"No negotiations? In front of me, everyone has to negotiate," Kingpin snorted. "Actually, I knew this day would come, so I prepared a special gift for you."

As Kingpin spoke, nine projection screens simultaneously lit up, each displaying the same scene: an empty white room with a special device at its center, engulfed in a blazing white fireball.

Seeing these devices, Peter exclaimed, "Artificial suns!"

Indeed, the Projections showcased artificial suns.

Dr. Octopus created these artificial suns with the original intention of developing an infinite energy source. Unfortunately, the technology fell short. Once activated, the artificial suns became highly magnetized and would eventually explode with tremendous force, capable of leveling an entire city.

Six months ago, Spider-Man had managed to propel one of the artificial suns into the river using his advanced armor. He believed he would never encounter the artificial sun again. However, not only was he facing it now, but there were nine in total.

"Artificial suns?" Tony and Steve's expressions changed simultaneously. Tony gritted his teeth and asked, "Are you threatening us with nine cities?"

"Yes, we are indeed threatening you with nine cities," Dr. Octopus proudly declared. "In this world, I, Doctor Octopus may lack abilities, but my creativity is still top-notch. Moreover, I have activated all nine artificial suns. With a single command from me, they will explode within ten seconds, obliterating a city."

Dr. Octopus added with a smile, recollecting something, "By the way, I must thank your extraterrestrial resources. Without them, it would have been nearly impossible to construct nine artificial suns, considering how scarce the required Earth element is."

"Ten seconds?" Everyone gasped. In such a short timeframe, they couldn't neutralize even one artificial sun, let alone all nine.

"Strange, can you stop this?" Tony asked through their internal communication channel. Strange glanced at the Projections and sighed, "Without any reference points nearby, I can't teleport."

Tony's expression darkened, and he quietly consulted Jarvis, "Can you take control of the system here?"

Jarvis replied, "No, the other party has utilized quantum technology. I cannot assume control without alerting them."

Tony bitterly remarked, "These guys were clearly prepared."

"Avengers, let us return to our world. It's that simple, agree or not?" Kingpin demanded arrogantly, while the Riot beside him remained silent. These individuals were truly unreliable. Thankfully, they still had their own strengths, and their current task was to buy time.

Tony asked, "The quantum space hasn't recovered yet. Even if you wanted to leave now, you couldn't, right?"

"In that case, we'll wait. During this time, all of you stay here and are not allowed to leave," Kingpin declared. "Furthermore, don't even think about locating these artificial suns. I have implemented special measures. As soon as your people approach, the artificial suns will detonate."

"Despicable," everyone muttered. Tony and the future Tony exchanged a glance and stepped forward. "Fine, you can go, but give us the complete set of super collider technologies."

The blond Spider-Man hesitated for a moment but didn't object. He reasoned that they could deal with Kingpin once they returned to their original world. Sacrificing the lives of people in nine cities was not an option.

"You want the supercollider?" Kingpin was taken aback, pondered for a moment, and then shook his head. "No, I can't give it to you."

Doctor Octopus nodded in agreement. "Yes, we can't give it. If we did, you would undoubtedly catch up to our world."

In reality, Doctor Octopus had left a self-destruct device in the supercollider. As soon as the Avengers passed through, the supercollider would explode.

"We are determined to obtain the supercollider. You must hand it over," Future Thor shouted loudly.

Kingpin sneered, "I'm sorry, you are not qualified to negotiate with us now. If you dare to try and take it, we will activate the artificial suns."

In response, Future Thor summoned the Stormbreaker into his hands and roared angrily, "Do you think I care?"

"Hey, hey, don't be impulsive. Those are nine cities," Tony hastily interjected. Saving half the universe was important, but they would never sacrifice nine cities to achieve it.

Future Thor roared, "You want to stop me?"

"Thor, those are nine cities!" Tony shouted loudly. Steve, Strange, and the others immediately surrounded the Future Five, and the Spider-Man glanced at each other and chose to stand with Steve and the others.

Observing the superheroes' dispute, Kingpin and the others were somewhat surprised but watched the situation unfold with a cold gaze.

"Calm down, Thor. Everyone, calm down. Don't be swayed by anger," Future Tony tried to mediate. He continued, "There must be a solution to this matter. We will not sacrifice the lives of people in nine cities, never."

"That's right, Thor. Put down the axe. That's not our style," Future Steve chimed in. Seeing that no one supported him, Future Thor reluctantly lowered his weapon but emphasized, "Regardless, we must obtain the supercollider."

"Rest assured, we will definitely obtain the supercollider," Tony assured them with certainty. Future Tony's eyes lit up upon hearing those words, and he eagerly asked, "Tony, do you have a way to deal with these nine artificial suns?"

"There is a way. Just make a phone call," Tony sighed and said through the internal communication channel. "But it's a bit embarrassing."

Steve inquired through the same channel, "You want to call Bert into action? Tony, you didn't call me."

Tony, reluctantly, responded to the future, "Have Blood God help? Can he do it? Resolving nine artificial suns in ten seconds is an extremely challenging task."

"There's nothing he can't do. I'll make the call. You pretend to argue and buy us some time," Future Tony reluctantly agreed. He truly disliked making this phone call, as it made him feel useless. But when it came to Kingpin and this game, Bert was truly remarkable.

The question was, what was Bert doing at the moment? Probably immersed in some activity.

As Bert continued to soak in his leisurely activity, he attracted the attention of many women. His handsome appearance, great physique, and unique aura made him a subject of fascination. Even when he walked alone on the street, women often approached him for a chat. The American atmosphere was quite open, so he enjoyed mingling with people and sometimes went out to meet new acquaintances.

"Boys should be cautious when they go out, otherwise they might get devoured by female goblins or end up with a harem," Bert joked with the beauties around him. Meanwhile, his wristband vibrated, indicating an incoming call. He gestured to the women, took out a small earphone from the wristband, and placed it in his ear.

"What's up?" Bert asked.

Tony complained, "Don't tell me you're watching videos again. Bro, didn't you say you'd deal with the God of symbiotes?"

"Do you think I'm as unreliable as you? My clone has already left the solar system to intercept the spacecraft. Hurry up and tell me, what happened?"

Bert responded angrily. It's worth noting that he lowered his voice in the second half of the sentence, ensuring the beauties couldn't hear it.

"That's good."

Tony stopped wasting time and informed Bert about the artificial sun situation. Bert exclaimed, "Wow, Kingpin is quite creative."

"It's quite troublesome. We not only need to locate the artificial suns but also deactivate nine of them simultaneously."

Tony asked, "How much time do you need? We'll try to keep them occupied as long as possible."

"Buy time? Tony, you're getting better at cracking jokes," Bert chuckled. He couldn't be bothered to say more and hung up the phone.

One of the beautiful women glanced at Bert's bracelet curiously and asked, "Is your bracelet the latest holographic projection bracelet produced by the Oscorp?"

"Really? I heard it uses alien technology."

The other women gathered around, intrigued by the holographic projection bracelet. It was not only a mobile phone but also a personal computer, each one costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. Due to its high price, it remained limited to high-end users.

Bert smiled and replied, "Indeed, it's true. I'll send you a few later. By the way, Iron Man just called me for help."

"Just you?" The women jeered in unison, clearly not believing him. Bert didn't mind their disbelief and waved his hand in front of them, revealing nine small crystals. Each crystal contained a glowing artificial sun.

The women were astonished. "You can do magic too?"

Bert smiled and said, "Of course. If you're interested, we can explore it together—one-on-one or even one-to-many, whatever you prefer."

In the end, adults don't settle for just one choice—they want it all.

"One-to-many? Quite ambitious, aren't you?" The women exchanged glances, deciding to teach the handsome guy a lesson and make him understand the importance of not spreading oneself too thin.