Chapter 316 : Knull

"Damn, what is this bastard doing?"

In the underground base, Tony, who had hung up the phone, cursed him. Just as he was about to say something, Peter shouted in surprise, "Mr. Stark, the artificial sun has disappeared completely."

Tony quickly turned his head and noticed that all the artificial suns in the projection were gone, leaving behind empty white houses.

"This is completely unscientific," Tony muttered under his breath. Finally, he understood what Bert meant - such a trivial matter shouldn't take this long.

Tony felt extremely frustrated. What his group of people couldn't accomplish with all their efforts, Bert could do it effortlessly.

"He truly is remarkable."

Future Tony and the others were astonished. Future Banner said, "No wonder your world is so safe. It would be great if our world also had a Blood God."

Tony replied, "The Blood God is indeed powerful, but with him around, he steals all the spotlight."

"What do you mean? Safety is the most important thing." Future Tony shook his head, having gone through so much, he had come to realize it completely.

Seeing the sudden disappearance of the nine artificial suns, Kingpin and Dr. Octopus exchanged concerned expressions. Kingpin urgently asked, "What's going on? Why are all the artificial suns gone?"

The female Dr. Octopus checked and replied, "The artificial suns have been taken away. It must be the Blood God. I didn't expect him to be capable of such a thing."

The female Doctor Octopus hadn't anticipated this turn of events. Although the Blood God was a star-destroying powerhouse, destroying nine artificial suns spread across different locations in a matter of seconds was an entirely different feat.

Dr. Octopus gritted her teeth and said, "As of now, I can only resort to another trump card. However, Kingpin, this trump card hasn't been tested, and I don't know what the outcome will be."

Kingpin decisively replied, "Don't overthink it. Use it directly. In any case, I have to return to my original world and find my wife and son."

"Then let's begin."

Doctor Octopus grinned, and both jets ignited with an eerie glow, indicating the gathering of energy.

"They're starting the supercollider. Stop them!"

Blond Spider-Man shouted as he shot spider web upwards. Everyone was alarmed and swiftly used their abilities to fly towards the opposing side.

Kingpin remained composed and coldly instructed Riot, "Riot, you can use your trump card."

"How did you know? Forget it, we'll talk later."

Riot was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head. He tore off a piece of his own body tissue and threw it in front of him. The tissue swiftly transformed into a pitch-black vortex, from which numerous symbiotes emerged like a tidal wave, rushing towards the superheroes.

This wasn't due to Riot possessing the ability to open space vortexes, but rather the creator of the symbiote known as Knull, using his body tissue to transmit divine power and open the vortex.

Eddie urgently shouted, "Those are symbiotes! Be cautious, don't let them possess you."

"Get away!"

Future Thor was in a sour mood. Upon hearing the warning, he immediately conjured a tremendous amount of lightning and thrust it forward. Tony and the others followed armor, using missiles, flames, lasers, and various other attacks to strike the symbiotes one after another.

In an instant, numerous symbiotes were destroyed, but their sheer numbers overwhelmed the heroes, and many managed to attach themselves to everyone.

The four Spider-Men swinging through the air were the first to bear the brunt. They were immediately infiltrated by the symbiotes, causing their uniforms to rapidly change colors.

"Damn it, activate Extremis mode!"

Numerous symbiotes leapt onto Tony's armor, infiltrating through the gaps. Tony snorted coldly as the temperature of his armor rapidly increased, causing the symbiotes to scream and turn to ashes.

Future Tony and Hawkeye Barton utilized the battle armor's clearance function to prevent symbiote infiltration and then unleashed lightning to obliterate them all.

Future Thor and Human Torch, unleashed lightning and flames indiscriminately, resulting in the deaths of numerous symbiotes at their hands.

Strange opened the Mirror Dimension, capturing all the symbiotes that rushed towards him, and sent them to Senior Brother Mordo for future research.

Steve protected his body with Chi, preventing the symbiotes from invading.

Most of the heroes successfully blocked the symbiotes, but Future Banner, Future Ant-Man, Future Steve, and Ant-Man were all possessed by the symbiotes.

The superheroes possessed by the symbiotes not only underwent rapid physical changes but also experienced altered minds under the symbiotes' influence.

"Why? Why am I so miserable? Bankrupt in middle age, divorced, and even sporting a big belly. I've done so many good things, I'm a superhero! I refuse to accept this!"

The middle-aged Spider-Man roared, and his red Spider-Man uniform quickly turned black, indicating that he was under the control of the symbiote.

"You can't control me. I am Spider-Man." As the blond Spider-Man yelled, he tore the symbiote off his body, ripping it apart.

"I won't let myself be controlled by mere alien life." Future Steve also tore at the symbiote. His belief was stronger than steel. How could he allow himself to be controlled?

Peter, Spider-Gwen, Ant-Man, and the future Ant-Man were in a stalemate — not yet under control but unable to break free.

In contrast, Future Banner's situation was dire. The symbiote merged with the residual will of Hulk and regained control over his body, effectively resurrecting the future Hulk.

"Hulk isn't a comical character. Hulk is an unstoppable force, and I am Hulk, the embodiment of anger."

Future Hulk roared, and his body rapidly expanded as the symbiote enveloped him, turning him into a ferocious green beast.

Subsequently, the future Hulk took control of an aircraft and charged towards the other superheroes. Upon seeing this, future Thor immediately rushed forward to intervene.

Covered in thunder and lightning, future Thor and the powerful future Hulk collided with tremendous force.

Amidst the fierce winds, future Thor was sent flying and crashed into a wall. The future Hulk did not fare any better. The aircraft was struck by lightning, and he plummeted to the ground like a heavy stone.

"Wow, this isn't good. What about our Hulk? Didn't he come? At such a critical moment, you're telling me he didn't show up?"

Tony became a bit frantic. Unfortunately, Banner didn't join them this time. The reason was simple: Betty was pregnant, and Banner had been skipping work to be with her.

"Strange, close the space vortex. Human Torch, unleash your flames against the symbiotes with all your might. They're vulnerable to fire."

Steve wielded an energy gun to eliminate the symbiotes while shouting. Human Torch transformed into a blazing figure and unleashed flames relentlessly upon the symbiotes, reducing many of them to ashes.

Apart from Strange, the others also unleashed their attacks to destroy the symbiotes. Strange, on the other hand, employed spatial magic in an attempt to seal the space vortex.

During this time, the middle-aged Spider-Man rushed towards Peter, seeking to teach this affluent Spider-Man a lesson.

Upon seeing this, the blond Spider-Man immediately intervened to stop the middle-aged Spider-Man, resulting in an intense aerial battle between the two Spider-Men.

The middle-aged Spider-Man originally wouldn't have stood a chance against the blond Spider-Man. However, now that he was possessed by the symbiote, his strength had increased to a point where even the blond Spider-Man struggled to subdue him.

"Drake, is the symbiote proving useful?"

Riot chuckled with pride as he charged towards Venom along the wall, wearing a grim expression of betrayal towards his God.

"Useful? Very much so, but it's not enough," Dr. Drake responded. He acknowledged that the symbiote was causing chaos among the superheroes, but he believed that with their strength, the heroes would eventually regain their footing.

"Don't worry, this is just the appetizer," Riot declared confidently. He manipulated his ten fingers to launch an attack at Venom, who sensed the danger and swiftly dodged sideways.


This time, Venom didn't retreat. It roared and lunged at Riot, engaging in a fierce battle. It sought to earn merits in exchange for a prosperous and wealthy future.

Kingpin stepped onto the aircraft and shouted, "While they're in disarray, let's join in as well."

"Good," nodded Prowler and Doctor Octopus simultaneously. Doctor Octopus wore a smile as she added, "Just five more minutes, and the supercollider will be fully activated. Then, the superheroes will be in for a big surprise."

As they spoke, four rubber tentacles emerged from behind the female Doctor Octopus. Unlike Doctor Octopus' mechanical tentacles, the female Doctor Octopus' tentacles were made of rubber. They normally remained retracted, concealed behind her back, and were deployed for battle.

With Kingpin and the other three joining the fray, the battle grew more chaotic. Dealing with these three individuals, who were all highly skilled, proved challenging. Quantum jammers were ineffective against them.

At that moment, accompanied by a strange cry, a massive monster head slowly emerged from the space vortex.

"What the hell is that? Can these aliens get any uglier?" Tony turned his head, glanced at it, and couldn't help but curse. Then, he shouted to Strange, "Strange, hurry up and fix that blasted vortex."

"I can't fully resolve it. The other side is an eldritch god," Strange retorted. "All I can do is disrupt the space vortex and slow it down."

Simultaneously, outside the solar system, Bert (Dragon Soul clone), who was searching for a spacecraft, felt a shift within and grinned, saying, "I've found you."

Space is vast, and even Bert had difficulty locating a spaceship. Luckily, the spaceship had forcefully opened a portal to Earth. Bert followed the spatial fluctuations and successfully locked onto the spacecraft's position.

Bert then opened a portal and appeared before the spacecraft. Using his perspective eye, he examined the vessel and discovered that it was teeming with numerous symbiotes, which sent shivers down his spine.

Bert had no time for small talk. He clasped his hands together, causing the surrounding space to ripple like waves. Suddenly, the space transformed into a massive hand and reached out towards the spaceship.

In that instant, a powerful divine force erupted from the spacecraft, obliterating the spatial hand. Then, a mental message entered Bert's mind: "Blood God, you're quite audacious. No need for pleasantries, just make your move."

"You've already invaded Earth, and now you expect me to let you go? What do you think of Earth, and what do you think I am?" Bert sneered. With a wave of his right hand, he severed the space channel directly. Witnessing this, Knull hastily commanded the symbiote monster, resembling a flying lizard, to emerge from the space channel.

As the symbiote monster entered the underground base, the space vortex behind it exploded, causing it to let out a relieved roar and spread its wings.

"What's your name? Don't you know you look hideous?" Tony taunted, gazing at the 30-meter-long symbiote monster before rushing towards it, accompanied by the future Tony.

The symbiote monster grew furious upon hearing the insult. Its claws rapidly extended, attempting to grab Tony and the future Tony.

Both Tonys dodged with agility, and their energy launchers fired simultaneously. Four energy flames slammed into the monster's back, burning away a significant amount of symbiote tissue.

In pain, the symbiote monster swung its tail like a whip and aimed a powerful strike at them.

"Monsters like this exist too? The symbiote is incredibly formidable," Dr. Drake exclaimed with excitement. In contrast, Riot frowned, wondering why the space vortex had disappeared and what had gone wrong.

In space, aboard the spaceship, Knull controlled numerous symbiotes to spread beyond the space shuttle. Addressing Bert, he stated, "Blood God, in this universe, those who are domineering don't live long."

Bert laughed disdainfully and replied, "Domineering? You invaded Earth, and you dare to accuse me of being domineering? Knull, are you old and confused?"

Knull inquired, "You know me?"

"I've heard of you, an antique said to have existed longer than the universe," Bert retorted. "Knull, surrender obediently, or I won't hesitate to destroy the symbiote planet."

Knull grew furious. Being older than the universe itself, he could be considered an elder among elders. Now, he was being threatened by a junior like this.

"Boy, I'll make you understand that you're nothing," Knull declared.

Along with his words, the symbiotes outside the spacecraft erupted violently, forming a black symbiotic dragon that stretched hundreds of meters in length, freely soaring through space with a dominant presence.

This was Knull, but not his true body nor a projection—just a massive dragon comprised of a mix of his body tissue and an army of millions of symbiotes.

"A dragon?" Bert sneered. "Knull, please send a proper projection instead of wasting everyone's time with this pathetic concoction."

This symbiotic giant dragon was merely at the level of an ordinary god and posed no threat to Bert.

"To deal with you, the symbiote dragon is more than enough," Knull coldly snorted. He spread his wings and traversed through space, biting down on Bert with immense force. With each movement, the surrounding space compressed, immobilizing anyone within.

Bert sighed, finding it rather dull. He had no interest in wasting time, so he flew into Knull's mouth as a bright red and white light, obliterating the symbiotes like a bamboo breaking through, and piercing through Knull's back.

Knull let out a scream, but the ordeal was far from over. Bert clenched his fists, causing the space he traversed to shatter, transforming into a spatial storm that swept the area. Knull's body was instantly torn in half.

"This is impossible!" Knull exclaimed, his disbelief evident. Following that, the symbiote dragon disintegrated, turning into countless symbiotes that dispersed in all directions.

"What do you think of this performance? It's incredibly fake," Bert's eyes flickered slightly. Something seemed off about this situation. If Knull didn't know of his existence, it would be understandable, but sending a giant dragon to die seemed peculiar.