Chapter 317 : Knull's Plan

Although he felt that there was a problem, Bert didn't want to let go of Knull. He pulled his hands, and the void rushed towards him.

Even the void was pulled over by Bert, not to mention those symbiotes. They fled in horror, but the more they ran, the closer they got to Bert.

Immediately afterwards, Bert opened his mouth wide and spewed out overwhelming dragon fire, covering all the symbiotes.

The dragon fire was unparalleled. Most of the symbiotes were burned to ashes. Only one symbiote was still struggling. Bert grabbed the symbiote in his hand and said coldly, "Knull, you are so weak."

Knull roared, "Blood God, don't be arrogant. My body won't let you go."

"I won't let him go. I gave you a chance, but unfortunately, you don't know how to cherish it."

Bert snorted coldly and used the damaged Symbiote's body to sense Knull's body. After a while, he opened the portal to an unknown star field.

In this star field, there is no sun, and it looks a little dim. Bert raised his head, and in front of him was a planet similar to the moon. It was very dead, and there was nothing on it.

Of course, this is only on the surface. With Bert's eyesight, he could see that on this planet, there were densely populated symbiotes—they covered the surface of the planet.

Bert shouted with mental strength, "Knull, I'm here. Why don't you come out now?"

Along with Bert's shout, the entire symbiote planet shook violently like an earthquake, and then countless symbiotes fused together and turned into a thin man with long hair.

The long-haired and thin man raised his head and roared at Bert in space, "Blood God, you're just a nouveau riche. How dare you come to trouble me? I will not only swallow you, but also your Earth."

Bert was too lazy to talk nonsense, and with a gesture of his hand, the dazzling spear of God appeared in his hand. Then, the spear of God grew bigger and brighter. In the blink of an eye, it was tens of thousands of meters long, shining like a little sun.

Knull was surprised when he saw this, and countless symbiotes turned into a shield, blocking the sky above the planet.

"Knull, go to hell!"

Bert shouted loudly and forcefully threw the spear of God in his hand. Knull looked solemn, but his heart was filled with joy. The Blood God was even more stupid than he thought.

At that moment, the Spear of God suddenly transformed into fireworks, blooming in the air. Immediately, Bert smiled and said, "Surprise!"


Knull was dumbfounded, angrily asking, "Blood God, what do you mean?"

"Knull, do you think I'm as foolish as you?"

Bert sneered, "You were clearly trying to lure me in. That's why you sent the symbiotic dragon to attack me, even though you knew you were no match for me.

On one hand, it was to entice my hatred, and on the other hand, it was to leave traces of your body tissue and draw me here.

If I'm not mistaken, your intention is for me to destroy this planet, right?"

Knull disdainfully responded, "This planet is mine. Why would I lead you to destroy it?"

"Yours? You're truly joking. This planet is your prison, and you're sealed on it, correct?"

Bert sneered, "Knull, I may be domineering, but I'm not naive. Don't think I'm easily fooled at such a young age.

Hmph, you've lived for so long. If you hadn't been sealed, how could you have no reputation whatsoever?"

"Detestable." Knull cursed, and the symbiote shield in the sky quickly disintegrated, falling down like rain.

"Blood God, I underestimated you."

Then, Knull proposed, "Let's make a deal. If you let me out, I will grant you a significant favor."

Bert inquired, "What are the benefits? Let's discuss it first. If it's valuable enough, I may consider releasing you. However, you must promise never to enter the galaxy for eternity."

"Yes, the universe is vast, and the Milky Way is nothing more than a speck." Knull stated, "Have you heard of The God Butcher?"

Bert straightforwardly replied, "I haven't heard of it."

Knull was speechless. He explained, "The God Butcher Gorr is a relentless hunter of gods. He has been pursuing and killing gods throughout the universe. And the reason he can slay gods is because he wields All-Black the Necrosword."

Bert asked, "All-Black the Necrosword?"

"Yes, All-Black. I specially crafted that sword to combat gods. In fact, it can be considered as the first symbiote."

Knull nodded, continuing, "Later, I was defeated and sealed on this planet, and the All-Black was lost, only to be picked up by Gorr.

As a result, Gorr went from being a mortal to becoming a renowned God Butcher."

Bert asked curiously, "From a mortal to a God Butcher? Is this sword that remarkable?"

"It's extraordinary. When I forged that sword, I incorporated the concepts of devouring and fusion. The sword devours the power of gods and shares it with its wielder."

Knull explained, "Simply put, the more gods the All-Black kills, the stronger its owner becomes. Blood God, Gorr has slain numerous divine beings over the years. This sword can greatly enhance your power."

"I see. Well, goodbye then."

Bert turned around, about to leave, leaving Knull almost speechless. Why did this guy act completely against common sense? He shouted, "Blood God, what do you mean?"

Bert cursed without turning his head, "You want to trade with me using a sword that doesn't belong to you. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Knull argued, "Although the sword is not in my possession, I have control over it. Once we find Gorr, we can easily kill him and retrieve the All-Black. It's as good as giving it away."

"I don't have so much time."

Bert halted his steps and said, "How about you give me control first? Once I obtain the All-Black, I'll return to free you."

Knull sneered, "Blood God, do you think I'm a fool?"

"You're not a fool. Otherwise, how could you be sealed here?"

Bert laughed disdainfully, opened a portal, and stepped through.

As the portal was closing, Knull smiled disdainfully, thinking it was merely a psychological ploy, confident that the Blood God would return soon.

Just as the portal was about to close, a hand reached back and said, "I almost forgot something."

"I knew you would come back, Blood God. The power of the All-Black is beyond your imagination."

Knull proudly spoke, but in that moment, Bert snapped his fingers, and a massive golden spatial magic circle appeared out of nowhere, enveloping the entire symbiote planet.

Soon after, the magic circle vanished along with the symbiote planet. Don't misunderstand—it wasn't that the symbiote planet was exiled. Instead, the space around it was blocked. Unless one possessed expertise in space magic, finding the symbiote planet would be impossible.

In addition, unless the space blockade is broken, the symbiotes inside will never escape.

In shock and anger, Knull demanded, "Blood God, what are you doing?"

"Why don't you ask? Of course, I'm sealing you up. No thanks needed; it's my duty."

After speaking, Bert withdrew his hand, and the spark of the portal flickered and closed completely.

"Blood God!"

Knull roared. He never expected this turn of events. The Blood God truly showed no mercy.

An hour passed, and the Blood God still hadn't returned. Knull realized that the Blood God had truly left. He cursed, crushed a gem in his hand, and a projection of Thanos appeared before him.

The projection displayed a huge purple figure, resembling the incarnation of a purple potato, the most notorious criminal in the universe — Thanos!

Knull expressed his dissatisfaction, "Thanos, the Blood God didn't fall for your deception as you claimed."

"Can he truly resist the allure of the All-Black and you?"

Thanos frowned. He had planned everything meticulously.

The crude strategy of luring the Blood God to split the planet was merely a prelude to attracting Bert. The real killer moves were the All-Black and Knull.

Thanos had prepared two sets of plans. As long as Bert showed interest in the All-Black or Knull, he would fall into Thanos' trap. At the very least, he would be sealed away for a thousand years.

Setting aside the All-Black plan for now, Knull's plan was straightforward—to consume the Blood God, unlock Knull's seal, and merge the two to completely eliminate the Blood God.

Thanos was not idle; he would not stand idly by, waiting for the six Infinity Stones to fall into his lap. He had been monitoring Earth, waiting for an opportunity.

Originally, the situation seemed promising. The two major obstacles, Odin and the Ancient One, encountered setbacks one after another. However, the Blood God emerged, surpassing the threat posed by Odin and the Ancient One. Under these circumstances, Thanos would naturally find a way to deal with the Blood God.

After all, the Blood God was different from the Ancient One and Odin—this individual was immortal and could not be consumed like other beings.

So, prompted by "Her," Thanos sought out Knull and devised a plan.

To be honest, Thanos was highly confident in this scheme. After all, the Blood God was notoriously greedy and domineering. He wouldn't let go of either the All-Black or Knull.

Unexpectedly, the Blood God suddenly changed his tune and foiled Thanos and Knull's plan entirely.

Unknown to Thanos, Bert didn't suddenly adopt a vegetarian diet or spare Knull out of the blue. The reason was quite simple—he didn't have the time.

After all, Knull was an Elder God who hadn't lost his ability to resist. It would take at least ten years to consume him. That meant Bert would be occupied, and if any issues arose on Earth, it would be troublesome.

Despite Bert's somewhat careless demeanor, he still cared about Earth.

Moreover, there was better sustenance awaiting Bert than Knull—the Space Stones of other worlds. With a sufficient supply of Space Stones, Bert could even become a God of creation.

Thanos pondered for a moment and said, "Don't worry, the Blood God is probably just playing hard to get. He'll come back to find you soon enough."

Knull expressed his dissatisfaction, asking, "Soon enough? So, you're not going to help me break the seal?"

"I will fulfill my promise, but not right now. Just be patient."

Thanos knew that, with his own strength, he couldn't break the seal. However, he had someone behind him who could.

"Alright, I'll wait for you for three years, Thanos. We are natural allies, and our goals align."

Knull nodded and remarked that, for a being like himself, three years passed in the blink of an eye. The short span of time was almost negligible.

"It's not the same. I am striving for the balance of the universe, while you seek to destroy it," Thanos replied, shaking his head. "Notify me immediately when the Blood God returns."

With that, Thanos' projection vanished. Knull snorted and quickly dissipated, leaving only his muttering behind: "This place... I arrived first."

In Sanctuary II, Thanos sat tall in his chair, brows furrowed. He couldn't acquire the Infinity Gems without defeating the Blood God. After all, the Blood God possessed three of the precious stones.

The problem was that the Blood God had grown too powerful, surpassing what "She" had informed Thanos. Thanos turned his head and spoke to the empty void, "You're here. What can I do to become stronger?"

The soldiers below immediately lowered their heads, avoiding eye contact. After a while, Thanos continued, "The God's Cemetery (God Quarry)? I will find a way to reach it, my dear, and restore the balance of the universe."


Now let's rewind time a bit to the underground base. As the supercollider was about to activate, Steve urgently shouted, "Deploy the unmanned battle armors!"


Everyone tossed out the compact unmanned battle armors they carried, which rapidly expanded to their full size and flew towards the symbiote, firing relentlessly alongside Kingpin and the others.

Since the mass production of Pym Particles, S.W.O.R.D. superheroes began carrying unmanned battle armors with them. The usefulness of Pym Particles couldn't be denied.

"Do you think you're the only ones with robots?" Kingpin sneered. The sky grid opened swiftly, releasing a swarm of flying robots that engaged in fierce combat with the unmanned armors and superheroes.

But that wasn't all. Numerous gun turrets mounted on the walls, under the control of the intelligent system, fired energy beams at the superheroes.

Kingpin had been preparing for this day for over a year. He wouldn't rely solely on the artificial sun as his ultimate weapon.

Amidst the onslaught of flying robots and energy blasts, the superheroes found themselves in a tight spot. Two of their own had "betrayed" them, and some lacked the means to protect themselves at the moment, requiring their comrades' assistance.

"Trouble," Strange muttered. Realizing the dire situation, he forced open a portal. Dr. Banner emerged and exclaimed, "Wow, things are lively here. Hey, how did the Future Me end up looking like that? It's not a pretty sight."

Flying toward the wall, Strange instructed, "You deal with him, and I'll handle the energy guns."

The future Hulk, engaged in combat with the future Thor, caught sight of Dr. Banner and immediately kicked the future Thor away. He then charged toward Dr. Banner with a thunderous roar, throwing a punch that aimed to pulverize everything in its path. "I am the Hulk!"

Observing the future Hulk charging at him, Dr. Banner shook his head and swiftly transformed into his Hulk form. With his right hand raised, he effortlessly caught the future Hulk's incoming fist. Hulk's body remained unmoved.

The future Hulk, with his fist clenched tight, felt a mixture of fear and anger, recalling the memories of being pummeled by Thanos.

"You think you're worthy of being called the Hulk too?" Hulk sneered, his massive fist resembling a sand bowl colliding with the future Hulk's face. The future Hulk was sent reeling, losing two teeth in the process.

Spitting out his teeth, the future Hulk charged forward with a roar. Unleashing a flurry of powerful punches, he aimed to overwhelm Hulk with sheer force. However, Hulk effortlessly evaded the blows and seized an opportunity to kick the future Hulk in the chest, sending him flying dozens of meters away.

"You rely solely on brute force, lacking even the most basic control. No wonder you couldn't defeat Thanos."

Hulk's voice dripped with disdain. "Your fighting style boils down to overpowering your opponents. Under normal circumstances, you win because your strength is truly formidable. But once you encounter an opponent whose strength surpasses your own, you become feeble, or even crushed completely."