Chapter 318 : Spider-Man Day

"Hulk, more power."

Future Hulk roared wildly, and his already enormous body grew even bigger. His fighting method is straightforward: using brute force to overpower others.

"You're just a beast, no wonder people in that world hate you so much."

Hulk shook his head, feeling grateful to the Blood God in his heart. If it weren't for him, he would have been reduced to a mindless beast.

"Hulk, not a beast."

The future Hulk slammed the ground angrily, causing the surroundings to shatter completely. Then, he charged at Hulk with great force, intending to smash him into a pulp.

Hulk shook his head and advanced towards the future Hulk. The future Hulk wasn't surprised but rather happy, and he punched Hulk's head like a heavy stone.

Hulk quickly ducked, avoiding Future Hulk's fist, then turned around and grabbed Future Hulk's left calf, using his rotational power to slam him into the ground.


The ground shattered, and the entire collider shook. But it wasn't over yet; Hulk swung his arm backhand and smashed Future Hulk repeatedly, like a hammer. The collider continued to vibrate, and two large pits, tens of meters wide, appeared on the ground.

"How brutal!"

The immense commotion caused by Hulk drew everyone's attention. When they saw the horror of the future Hulk, they couldn't help but be filled with awe.

"Damn, when that guy fought against me, he concealed his true power. Fortunately, he held back." Future Thor cursed and charged at the female Doctor Octopus with an axe. He aimed to capture her and extract information about the supercollider.

"When did Thor get so fat? I used to have a crush on you."

Seeing future Thor rushing towards her, the female Doctor Octopus felt not only unafraid but also a little disgusted. The quantum jammer was ineffective in the super collider, and she had the power to phase through matter, making her invincible.

"It's more satisfying to crush you than it is to crush Loki."

Hulk felt triumphant as he threw the future Hulk into a large pit, clapping his hands as he spoke.

Future Hulk was immobilized, and tears seemed to well up in the corners of his eyes. At that moment, he finally understood how Loki must have felt.

Hulk squatted in front of the future Hulk and asked, "Hulk, what is the meaning of your existence?"

"The meaning of life?"

Future Hulk looked confused. How could he know why he wanted to survive? For him, it was all about smashing, smashing, smashing.

"Hulk, one can only become a true being when he understands the meaning of his existence. Although we originate from Banner, we are not exactly Banner. We and he are like two branches on the same tree."

Hulk explained, noticing that the future Hulk seemed to grasp the concept. He didn't say more and placed his hand on the future Hulk.

Then, Hulk exerted all his strength to tear off the symbiote. Immediately, the future Hulk transformed into the future Banner. He exhaled and said, "Couldn't you be a bit more gentle? I feel like my bones are broken. Can you call an ambulance for me?"

"You truly are a humorous character."

While complaining, Hulk infused the symbiote in his hand with a great deal of anger. The symbiote writhed in agony but couldn't escape Hulk's grip.

After a while, the symbiote was assimilated by Hulk's anger and turned into a cloud of green liquid. Satisfied, Hulk nodded and wrapped the green liquid around future Banner's forearm like a wrist guard.

Future Banner was momentarily stunned and then asked, "Hulk?"

"Yes, Hulk's residual consciousness resides within the symbiote. When you need it, you can allow him to attach to your body and assist you in battle."

Hulk nodded and said, "The choice is yours, Banner. You aren't cut out for combat. Even with ten percent of your strength, you can barely demonstrate ten percent. So, let's focus on honesty and humor in the future."

Future Banner weakly replied, "Actually, I'm a scientist."

"A funny scientist."

Hulk stood up, and at that moment, Tony shouted, "Hulk, be careful!"

Hulk turned his head and saw a body covered in wounds. The grotesque symbiote monster was flapping its wings and flying towards him, with Tony and future Tony in pursuit.

Realizing that Hulk was prepared, the monster disintegrated into dense black lines and rolled towards him. It understood that it couldn't defeat the two Tonys, so it sought to control the strongest superhero present.

There was no doubt that Hulk was the most powerful of them all. Moreover, Hulk was the embodiment of anger, making him more disciplined than the others.

"Do you think I'm an easy target?"

Hulk grumbled unhappily but didn't evade, standing calmly and waiting for the symbiote monster.

Of course, the monster wasn't going to be courteous to Hulk and tightly enveloped him. Tony was astonished. New York knew just how formidable the Hulk was.

"This is troublesome."

Tony gritted his teeth. Was he going to ask for help again? He had already sought assistance twice today, and asking again would be embarrassing for Tony.

At that moment, future Banner rose to his feet and said, "Don't worry, Hulk will be fine. The Hulk in this world is highly intelligent. Tony, hurry and stop the supercollider. It's about to activate."

"Okay, it's up to you then."

Tony didn't waste time with further discussion. He turned and flew towards the entrance on the left. Kingpin and the others had come out from there, so the control center should be located inside.

"Hulk is smart?"

Future Tony didn't accompany him and sneered, "Banner, your jokes are getting better and better."

Before Future Tony could say anything else, a black line attached itself to his forearm. Hulk then threw him forcefully, causing future Tony to smash a flying robot into pieces with a loud crash.

The future Hulk was shocked and quickly prepared for battle. Meanwhile, the symbiote fell to the side and swiftly transformed into a black Hulk. Simultaneously, Dr. Banner returned to his normal state. He looked at Hulk in surprise and asked, "Are we separate now?"


Symbiote Hulk glanced at his hands, shook his head, and said, "We are still one entity. We can't be completely separated; we only use the symbiote for transformation and can't be too far apart from you. Additionally, in this state, I can't tap into the power of anger. It's only usable for games and household chores."

Banner and Hulk are not two distinct individuals; they share the same emotional space, which is why they both consider Betty their wives.

Tony sneered through the communicator, saying, "Wow, did I hear that right? Hulk, you can actually do household chores?"

Hulk replied contemptuously, "Banner does the housework, I play games. And don't think I don't know that you handle the household chores in your house, like washing dishes, for example."

Tony's expression darkened a bit, blaming "Avengers 4" for exposing his dishwashing duties to the world.

Future Tony, while dealing with the flying robot beside him, asked in surprise, "Aren't you being controlled by the symbiote?"

"How could the symbiote control me?"

Hulk smiled disdainfully. He snapped his fingers, and a pair of bone wings appeared out of nowhere behind Banner, with a giant spider devouring the soul of the symbiote monster.

"That was the Spider Demon God that I tamed. He swallowed the soul of the symbiote monster. Now the symbiote is completely under my control, making it a good piece of attire."

Hulk directed the symbiote to fly back to Banner's body. Then, Banner transformed back into Hulk. At the same time, the symbiote rapidly transformed and turned into a suit, fitting as closely as possible.

"Spider Demon? Can it even kill gods?"

Future Tony was taken aback, looking at Hulk and recalling something. He asked suspiciously, "Why does that suit look familiar?"

Hulk replied, "The one I wore at your funeral."

"Well, damn."

Future Tony exclaimed, convinced that the Hulk from this timeline is definitely a troublemaker.

Hulk smiled and soared into the sky with future Banner, dismantling the flying robot with his bare hands.

Leaving that aside for now, Tony flew towards the passage on the left, ready to cut through the door with a laser when suddenly, a massive black shadow descended from the sky and crashed into Tony.

Tony quickly evaded, simultaneously releasing Nine Extremis half-moon blades that flew towards the shadow. Unfortunately, all nine blades were sliced apart as the opponent phased through them.

Tony placed his hands on Kingpin and shouted, "Kingpin, surrender. You can't fight against us."

"It's just you?"

Kingpin didn't smile and charged towards Tony like a mountain, shaking the passage with each step.

Tony quickly utilized his nanoparticles to create a gravity device, enveloping Kingpin within its field. Kingpin couldn't move an inch and shouted in anger. He transformed into a phantom state and rushed out of the gravity area, delivering a powerful punch to Tony's chest with the sound of wind and thunder.

Tony controlled the nanoparticles to form a shield in front of him, while numerous nanoparticles beneath his feet stealthily attached themselves to Kingpin's pants like flowing water.


Kingpin's fist heavily struck the nano shield, but it remained steadfast. Kingpin was surprised by the shield's strength. What kind of shield was this?

The answer was Vibranium. Tony utilized advanced technology and replaced a batch of nanoscale Vibranium from Shuri. Since Vibranium wasn't entirely compatible with high-tech applications, he typically used nano Vibranium to form shields and weapons.

After blocking Kingpin's attack with the Vibranium shield, Tony activated the gravity device once again, attempting to immobilize Kingpin. Just as Kingpin was about to phase through, the nanoparticles that had secretly attached to his pants earlier emitted a strong electric current, causing him to convulse uncontrollably.

This interruption halted Kingpin's phasing ability, allowing Tony to take advantage of the situation. He commanded a large number of nanoparticles to attach to Kingpin while employing the gravity device to hold him down.

Tony proudly declared, "Kingpin, you've lost."

"No, it is you who will lose," Kingpin snarled defiantly. In the next moment, both Tony and Kingpin unleashed bizarre multi-colored energy rays at each other simultaneously. The two rays collided with tremendous force, causing the surroundings to distort rapidly.

Suddenly, a jar descended from the sky. It was none other than the black and white Spider-Man in the windbreaker, also known as Shadow Spider-Man.

The jar landed at the point of collision, intensifying the distortion around them. The supercollider transformed into a confined space, with countless skyscrapers, trains, and streets continually appearing and disappearing.

"A parallel world!"

Tony cursed loudly and attempted to shut down the supercollider, but to his dismay, the passage and door had vanished. He gritted his teeth and fired a laser towards the energy beam, only for it to be blocked by the strange energy.

"Come forth, my army of Spider-Man," the female Doctor Octopus laughed. In the next moment, a multitude of Spider-Man appeared, each displaying various colors, sizes, and even some in the form of spiders, creating an eerie sight.

"What is happening?"

Everyone was shocked. It is worth noting that these Spider-Man had vacant expressions, clearly being controlled by an external force.

Dr. Octopus commanded Riot to attach the symbiotes to the Spider-Man, enhancing their abilities. The Spider-Man instantly transformed into symbiote-enhanced versions.

"Kill these superheroes!" Dr. Octopus ordered as more than 20 Spider-Man, now empowered by the symbiotes, led the charge using their spider web to attack the superheroes. Future Thor couldn't help but complain, "Is today Spider-Man Day? There are so many Spider-Man!"

"It's troublesome," the blond Spider-Man remarked as he kicked away the middle-aged Spider-Man and attempted to jump down to rescue the black-and-white Spider-Man. However, he was caught by the tentacles of the female Doctor Octopus and thrown aside.

"This technology is not yet complete. Currently, I can only summon Spider-Man. But in the future, once I crack the secret of spider-sensing, I will be able to summon beings from other worlds. At that time, I will become a god," the female Doctor Octopus laughed. Her intelligence was on par with that of Tony Stark and the others, as evidenced by her ability to invent the supercollider.

Having an idea, Dr. Octopus smiled at the superheroes. "By the way, these Spider-Man are good people. You must not kill them. They are merely under my control, hahaha."

"Damn it!" The superheroes looked grim. They were faced with numerous Spider-Man, all under control. How could they fight against this?

"There's no other choice. It seems we have to be ruthless," Steve reluctantly pulled out a Poké Ball from his pocket and threw it, shouting, "Come out, Hydra!"

Everyone present was astonished. Captain America had a Pokémon? And Hydra at that?

"Dude, I don't remember having this hobby, and Hydra? Are you sure about that?" the future Steve looked shocked.

Steve rolled his eyes. Did he look like he had a choice? He was tricked by the Blood God.

Indeed, the Blood God had created this thing, even designing a special password. As for the purpose? It was undoubtedly a prank on Steve, there was no need to explain further.

Although Steve knew that Bert (the Blood God) was malicious, the Poké Ball proved to be unexpectedly useful, so he reluctantly carried it with him.

In the next moment, the Poké Ball emitted a bright light, and a gigantic Hydra appeared before everyone.

The Avengers were unfazed since they had encountered it before, but the future Steve and others were stunned. S.H.I.E.L.D. actually kept a Hydra as a pet? Was it still S.H.I.E.L.D. or Snake Shield?

Steve pretended not to notice the surprised gazes and ordered Hydra to quickly gain control over the Spider-Men.

Upon receiving the command, one of Hydra's heads lifted up and exhaled a chilling breath towards the Spider-Man, freezing them one by one.

"Scientists, hurry and find a way to deactivate this thing. I have a bad feeling that it's about to explode," Steve shouted. "Once it explodes, its power will likely be more terrifying than the artificial sun."

"We'll do our best. Hawkeye, keep an eye on Kingpin and don't let him escape," Tony cursed as he and the future Tony and future Banner worked together to study the supercollider, aiming to close it as soon as possible.

"We must hurry. The surrounding space is highly unstable, and I can't maintain it for much longer," Strange shouted. He had been exerting all his efforts to stabilize the space, preventing San Francisco from being destroyed by the supercollider.