Chapter 319 : Prowler

"Iron Man, you can't crack my supercollider, and no one can stop it except me."

Doctor Octopus laughed confidently. At this moment, over 20 Spider-Man appeared in the void. After merging with the symbiote, they immediately launched an attack on the superheroes.

Hydra once again spewed ice, but this time, the effect was much weaker as most of these Spider-Man possessed unique abilities such as electric discharge, arson, and stealth.

"Wow, Spider-Man from other worlds have so many abilities?"

While dealing with the purple Spider-Man, Peter shouted in surprise. He had already defeated the symbiote, Spider-Gwen, and the two Ant-Man were approaching.

At that moment, Peter sensed danger and quickly evaded. Suddenly, a black boy dressed as a student materialized out of nowhere in the void and released lightning toward Peter's original position, wearing a blank expression.

Seeing Peter dodge, the young black boy immediately vanished.


The brief appearance of the young black boy allowed the Prowler, whose real name is Aaron Davis and is Miles' uncle, to clearly recognize him and was taken aback.

Miles is the protagonist of the movie "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse." After the death of the blond Spider-Man, he became the new Spider-Man, known in the underworld as the little black spider!

'No, I must ensure Miles remains safe. He's family to me.' The Prowler kept repeating in his mind. While he may be a villain, he has always valued family above all else.

"The supercollider must be destroyed, and Miles must return to his original world. Additionally, Kingpin and Dr. Octopus cannot be allowed to stay as they pose a threat to Miles' safety."

Just as the Prowler began to feel the urge to act, the entire space suddenly started shaking violently. Shortly after, a multitude of figures appeared around them—some were mere illusions, while others were real.

"Why am I here? Wasn't I buried alive after escaping?"

"Where is this place? I feel like I was drugged. Is this hell?"

"Mephisto, are you playing games with me? I'm Angry Johnny, and I'm not afraid of you!"

"Who's calling me? Hey, wait, why am I being attacked? Where am I?"

"Why am I here? Loki, are you playing some prank on me?"

Countless figures appeared and disappeared, creating a chaotic scene.

"A perfect opportunity."

Bert, who had been observing the situation, blinked, and invisible strands of spatial light merged into the bodies of these individuals.

This is a critical moment. Once the supercollider is activated, it will open a gateway to the parallel world where these individuals are located.

"Where am I? Huh!"

Thanos from a specific time and space suddenly appeared. He looked at the chaos unfolding before him, feeling somewhat surprised. Sensing something, he reached out and grabbed it. In the next moment, a flash of light and shadow made him disappear.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Thanos had also captured the future Ant-Man!

"Oops, the supercollider is going haywire."

Dr. Octopus shouted, showing little surprise as she had anticipated that something like this might happen. The technology for pulling in the Spider-Men was still in its early stages.

"Tony, hurry and find a way to shut down the supercollider. I can't hold it much longer!"

Strange shouted, and Tony responded irritably, "I want to shut it down too. The problem is, I have no idea how to do it amidst all this chaos."

Meanwhile, Kingpin, trapped by the gravity device, shouted, "Avengers, agree to our conditions, or else everyone will meet their end together."

"Yes, agree to our terms," Dr. Octopus chimed in. "If this continues, not only will San Francisco be destroyed, but the entire American continent will be wiped out."

Steve's expression turned grim as he attempted to contact Bert, only to find that all communication channels had been disrupted.

"It seems impossible. We may have to compromise," Tony sighed from the future. "We can't let so many people die."

Future Thor clenched his fist tightly and then reluctantly released it. He couldn't bear to witness the destruction of the entire Americas.

Just as Steve was about to nod in agreement, the Prowler suddenly spoke up. "The supercollider is powered by a quantum energy source, divided into four parts buried underground. If we destroy them, the supercollider will stop."

Saying that, the Prowler fired four signal flares underground, indicating the locations of the quantum energy sources.

"What?" Steve and the others were momentarily stunned, then filled with joy as they hurriedly rushed towards the four energy sources.

"Aaron, why have you betrayed me? Without me, you're nothing but dirt," Kingpin continued to roar. If it weren't for the gravity device, he would have lunged at the Prowler and torn him apart.

"Kingpin, I'm sorry, but I have to do this," the Prowler replied without a hint of regret. He ignited flames beneath his feet, flew towards the female Doctor Octopus, and with one claw, grabbed her chest.

The female Doctor Octopus's expression changed, and she immediately transformed into a phantom. Likewise, the Prowler turned into a phantom, knocking the female Doctor Octopus away with a swipe.

Upon witnessing this, the blond Spider-Man swiftly shot webs at the female Doctor Octopus. She shattered the webs with her tentacles and then roared at the Prowler, "Aaron, I won't let you get away."

"And I won't let you escape either," the Prowler's eyes turned cold. For Miles' safety, both Kingpin and Doctor Octopus had to die.

While the Prowler dealt with the female Doctor Octopus, the others hurriedly made their way towards the four energy sources. Hulk was the first to reach one of the sources. With a powerful punch, he sent a group of Spider-Man flying, creating a deep depression in the ground. Soon, a shimmering quantum energy source came into view.

Hulk attempted to smash the energy source with a punch, but his fist went through it. Frowning, he asked, "Banner, how do we destroy this energy source?"

Banner replied, "We need to forcefully disrupt the space. Space's power can erase anything."

"No problem, Spider-Demon, lend me your power. Symbiote, infuse Pym particles into my fist."

Hulk took a deep breath, and his fists swelled several times their size. Then, with a simple yet forceful punch, he shattered the space in front of him like a spider's web. The quantum energy source instantly fragmented into dozens of pieces, sucked into a rift in space, and disappeared.

Energy source destroyed.

"What kind of trick is this?" Future Banner was stunned. Was the Hulk in this world incredibly powerful?

"The Blood God calls it the third gear. Well, it's basically a giant application of the Pym particles. The Pym particles are quite peculiar. When enlarged, they greatly enhance strength. After Ant-Man becomes a giant, he can even destroy planes."

Hulk remarked, "It's highly unscientific and goes against the law of conservation of matter."

Future Banner complained, "Why does it sound strange coming from you?"

"I, Hulk, am also knowledgeable, okay?" Hulk rolled his eyes and rushed towards the energy source on the other side.

Simultaneously, Steve, with the help of Hydra, successfully unearthed an energy source. Hydra, representing destruction, condensed a destructive energy ball and obliterated the quantum energy source along with a small portion of space.

In contrast to Hulk and Steve, the others faced difficulties. Spider-Man desperately tried to stop them.

"Liv, since they won't let us go home, let's make sure they have no home either."

Realizing the dire situation, Kingpin angrily shouted, "And erase all information about the supercollider. Even if they die, their wishes cannot be fulfilled."

Understanding Kingpin's intentions, the female Doctor Octopus activated an operation projection and began deleting the information.

"No, we don't want this!"

Future Thor cried out in horror, "If you leave the supercollider, we can send you back. Stop, stop immediately."

The Avengers had no objections. After all, the supercollider held immense importance, directly affecting the fate of the universe.

The others halted their actions, except for the Prowler. He didn't understand why the Avengers coveted the supercollider so much. All he knew was that if Kingpin and Doctor Octopus didn't die, his nephew would be in danger.

Future Thor took the initiative to intervene and stop the Prowler from reaching Doctor Octopus. The female Doctor Octopus laughed proudly, pressing the pause button and saying, "Release Kingpin first, no delays. Time is of the essence."

Tony gritted his teeth, about to follow her command, when Strange appeared behind the female Doctor Octopus in a mysterious manner and delivered a slap to her back.

With that strike, a phantom emerged from the female Doctor Octopus' body—it was her soul or her Astral Projection. Strange swiftly cast a spell to seal the female Doctor Octopus' soul.

Without her soul, Dr. Octopus' body plummeted straight down.

"Take her."

Strange commanded the cloak, then shouted, "Shut down the supercollider; I can't bear it any longer."

"Wow, you're finally catching up. In other words, this trick is pretty cool. Why don't you use it on Thanos?"

Tony sneered and led the crowd to block Spider-Man, allowing Hulk and Hydra to destroy the energy source.

After a while, the remaining two energy sources were also destroyed. The multicolored light of the jet quickly vanished, and the surroundings returned to normal. No phantoms or real shadows were seen.

However, the Spider-Men did not disappear. They fell to the ground in pain and lost consciousness.

"It's finally closed."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The battle was incredibly intense. Thankfully, they arrived early; otherwise, the situation would have been much worse.

"It seems I didn't need to take action."

Bert retracted his finger. S.W.O.R.D. didn't disappoint him. He could now trust them to handle things in the future while he continued to pursue his own interests, or rather, restore humanity.

"Something always seems off with Knull's side. There appears to be a conspiracy at play."

Bert pondered to himself, "In any case, the main body can't leave Earth. Earth is my foundation; there can be no mishaps. Moreover, I must exercise caution when dealing with the parallel world this time and not take unnecessary risks."

As the Earth's guardian, one mustn't roam about carelessly. It used to be possible when the Ancient One was in charge, but now that they're gone, Bert is the highest authority.

Now let's shift the focus back to the underground base. Just as everyone was relaxing, a scream suddenly emanated from the left side. Everyone quickly turned their heads and saw Kingpin being shot by the Prowler with an energy gun, collapsing to the ground with a deafening thud.

"Why did you suddenly betray us? Do you have to kill Kingpin again?"

Hawkeye, standing nearby, aimed his arrow at the Prowler, bewildered by the turn of events.

"For your safety, Avengers, for my reputation, please refrain from investigating my identity. Also, turn my ashes into paint and apply them to the walls of Brooklyn."

The Prowler uttered these words and pointed the gun at his own head. In the next moment, his head shattered like a watermelon.

The Prowler didn't want Miles to discover that he was a villain, so he had to die.

"It feels so strange."

As they watched the falling body, Hawkeye couldn't help but shake his head. At that moment, Venom exclaimed, "Riot is trying to escape! Stop him quickly!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw the Riot running frantically towards the exit. Hulk snorted, conjuring a bone spear out of thin air and impaling him.

"I surrender! I surrender!"

Dr. Drake met his demise on the spot, but the Riot remained alive, screaming in horror. Tony was about to speak when Venom lunged forward, tearing the Riot apart with its claws.

There can only be one symbiote on Earth, and that's him — the San Francisco Venom!

Everyone regarded Venom warily, and Venom declared, "My name is Venom. I made the call to the police earlier. I hope to join the Avengers and protect the Earth alongside you."

"Join the Avengers?"

Everyone was quite taken aback. Steve stepped forward and said, "Venom, we appreciate your report. Otherwise, no one knows what would have happened. As for joining the Avengers, I will personally conduct an investigation. If you meet the requirements, the Avengers will gladly welcome you."

"Thank you, Chief." Venom was overjoyed, then retreated back into Eddie, relinquishing control to him.

Finally, he didn't have to be Venom anymore.

"A cannibal like you wants to join the Avengers? When I get the chance, I'll inform S.W.O.R.D. of everything and let them take care of you."

Eddie sneered inwardly. No matter what, he couldn't accept cannibalism, and he believed S.W.O.R.D. wouldn't accept it either.

Steve called out, "Alright, the rest of you, follow me. Tony, Future Tony, Future Banner, focus on researching the supercolliders."

"Sounds good."

Everyone nodded and started to wrap things up. The Human Torch incinerated the remaining symbiotes, Peter and the blond Spider-Man teamed up to defeat the middle-aged Spider-Man, and so on.

Future Tony flew over to Strange and asked, "Sorcerer, just to confirm, we can extract all the information about the supercolliders, right?"

"Yes, whether it's through hypnotic magic or extracting her brain to access her memories, you can obtain what you need."

Strange said with absolute certainty, "Personally, I recommend handing Dr. Octopus over to the Blood God to take control of her. It's 100% secure."

"That's good to hear."

Future Tony breathed a sigh of relief, as did Future Thor. The supercolliders were finally within reach.

At that moment, Ant-Man suddenly shouted, "Wait, where's Future Ant-Man? Why is he gone?"

Everyone was taken aback and hastily searched the surroundings. They discovered that Future Ant-Man was indeed missing, leaving no trace behind. Even his communicator signal vanished.

Future Banner furrowed his brow and said, "Could he have gotten involved in another parallel world?"

"This is troublesome. With so many parallel worlds, how do we determine which one he's in?"

Everyone furrowed their brows deeply. It seemed that those who dabbled in quantum were always facing ill luck, constantly disappearing.

Steve sighed. Although they had emerged victorious, there were still many matters to attend to, such as Future Ant-Man and the group of Spider-Men.