Chapter 325 : Stones Location

"Of course, we rely on charm."

Tony nodded in agreement, saying, "This guy and Bert, they both rely on throwing money. It's too low-level, and it will disgrace our playboys."

Iron Man smoked a cigar and expressed his dissatisfaction, saying, "What are you two whispering about? And who are you? Why do I sense that you're so upset?"

Future Steve laughed and said, "It might be a similar kind of repulsion."

Iron Man turned his head to look at future Steve, slightly frowning, and asked, "Who are you? Huh, your temperament is very similar to that old antique captain."

Ha ha!

Everyone burst into laughter, and Spider-Man quickly said, "Mr. Stark, let me explain..."

Iron Man had gone through countless experiences in his life, but even he was shocked at that moment, to the point of forgetting to smoke his cigar. He pointed at the two Tonys and asked, "An Iron Man from a parallel world and an Iron Man from the future? Spider-Man, are you sure you're not joking with me?"

"He's not joking."

Both Tonys were wearing Mark 50 nanosuits simultaneously. Iron Man was stunned and exclaimed, "My suit!"

Future Tony reclaimed his suit and sincerely said, "It's our suit, Iron Man. I hope you can help us find the Infinity Stones together."

Observing the weathered future Tony, Iron Man pondered for a moment and replied, "I've never heard of the Infinity Stones. Also, I need to gather other people to discuss this matter."

"Others? Are you referring to S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Tony replied, "I don't know how S.H.I.E.L.D. is in your world, but the S.H.I.E.L.D. in our world isn't very useful."

Iron Man smiled proudly, saying, "Of course it's not S.H.I.E.L.D. I can't reveal its name to you. Just wait here, I'll call them."

After speaking, Iron Man turned and left to convene a meeting with the members of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati is a super organization consisting of Earth's smartest and wealthiest superheroes, including Dr. Reed, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Professor X, Black Bolt, and Black Panther.

What can be said about this group? Although composed of brilliant individuals, they have never taken on any serious tasks. They're a super pitiful organization. For instance, in the future, they exile Hulk into space, only for Hulk to return to Earth seeking revenge, single-handedly taking on the entire world.

Not long after Iron Man left, Tony coldly snorted, saying, "The building is secured."

Future Tony added, "Not only that, there are numerous unmanned armors outside."

Fat Thor grumbled discontentedly, "What's the meaning of this? Does that idiot Tony Stark want to confront us?"

"Tony Stark isn't an idiot, and Iron Man, well, Iron Man isn't either, damn it."

Tony exclaimed angrily, "Don't worry, Iron Man doesn't trust others easily. It's normal for him to take precautions. Once he realizes the situation, he'll assist us because he's Iron Man."

Future Tony took it seriously, stating, "Iron Man doesn't have any bad intentions."


Everyone looked skeptical, feeling extremely dubious.


Setting aside Tony and the others for now, on the moon, Bert furrowed his brow as he sensed the space around him.

The space in this world is repelling Bert. Although Bert can still teleport, he cannot absorb the power of space like in the main universe.

In short, this is not Bert's home turf.

After pondering, Bert summoned the Infinity Gauntlet and used the Reality Stone to make a wish: "I want to know the whereabouts of the six Infinity Gems in this world."

The Reality Stone flashed red and quickly dimmed. Then, a message entered Bert's mind: "The Reality Stone in this world is interfering with me, and I can't gather information about this world."

Bert was taken aback: "Wait, you can't use it in this world?"

"It's not that it can't be used; it's being suppressed by the Reality Stone of this world."

The Reality Stone once again transmitted information into Bert's mind: "You don't have to worry, there are no Infinity Gems in this timeline. The Infinity Gems in this world can be used normally there."

"It turns out that this might not necessarily be a bad thing."

Bert's eyes flickered: "If there is suppression, it means that there are Infinity Gems in this world. The question now is, how do I find them?"

After contemplating, Bert opened a portal and headed to the location of the Celestial's heads—the spatial coordinates were the same as in the main universe.

The Celestial's head in this universe is also under the control of the Collector. Bert didn't waste time and went straight to Knowhere. As he looked at the dazzling array of items, he couldn't help but reminisce about the treasures in the main universe, which brought a smile to his face.

Or should I take another vote?

The white-haired, seductive-looking Collector stepped forward and said, "My guest, your smile is quite wicked. Moreover, the aura you emit doesn't seem to belong to this universe."

"You seem more knowledgeable than others in this universe."

Bert smiled and said, "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Blood God, and I come from a different universe."

"Wow, an Alien Universe, Blood God! Are you here to sell your remains?"

The Collector's eyes lit up as he asked, "Don't misunderstand me, I just wish to add your body to my collection."

"If others heard this, they would definitely misunderstand, but not me, because I happen to be good friends with the Collector of our universe."

Bert smiled and said, "He even gave me a non-unique item."

"He gave you something? Well, be cautious, he's likely to demand it back tenfold."

The Collector bluntly remarked before asking, "So, my guest, what brings you to me? Are you here to buy or sell?"

Bert replied, "I want to purchase some information."

"As long as you can afford the price, I can provide you with any information."

The Collector smiled confidently and said, "Since you're my friend, you must know what I desire. If you can offer a unique item, I will answer any of your inquiries, including methods to kill me. However, if it's just an ordinary valuable item, I can only answer your ordinary questions."

"Don't worry, I know your preferences."

Bert took out a worn-out Infinity Gauntlet from his pocket and said, "This item should be able to exchange for a wealth of information."

"Infinity Gauntlet?"

The Collector was momentarily stunned, then he quickly snatched the Infinity Gauntlet and caressed it as if it were a treasure. "It carries the essence of the Infinity Stones! My goodness, it destroyed the Infinity Stones."

Of course, the Infinity Gauntlet is not the only one, but an Infinity Gauntlet that has destroyed the Infinity Stones is absolutely unique in this universe.

This Infinity Gauntlet was specifically brought by Bert to allow future Tony to return to his own timeline and trade with the Collector.

By the way, Tony also brought back replica Nano-Infinity Gauntlets from the future, and Bert has one in his possession.

"Since you're well acquainted with the merchandise, things will be easier."

Bert inquired, "My world is gone, and I want to know where the Infinity Stones are in your world."

"As you wish."

The Collector held the Infinity Gauntlet and stated, "In our world, the Infinity Stones are all kept by the Universal Presbyterian Church, precisely the same Universal Presbyterian Church where I reside."

"Among them, the Power Stone is in the possession of the Champion, the Time Stone is with the Horticulturist, the Space Stone is held by the Runner, the Soul Stone is in the hands of the Grandmaster, and the Mind Stone is embedded in the Mediator's forehead."

"As for the Reality Stone, I have it."

"The Infinity Stones are actually in the possession of the Elders of the Universe?"

Bert was slightly taken aback, but it made sense considering the close connection between the Elders of the Universe and the Infinity Stones.

"Yes, I will provide you with their locations, but I can't guarantee they are still there. You know how our Elders of the Universe tend to wander around."

The Collector remarked, "Regarding the Reality Stone in my possession, as you know, I never trade unique items. It's almost like asking me to forfeit my life."

"Two for one?"

Bert proposed, "You would make a profit this way."

"No, it's a matter of principle. I would rather die than surrender the sole item."

The Collector spoke sternly, and Bert smiled, saying, "This complicates matters. I'm determined to acquire the Infinity Stones."

"That's your problem, not mine. Besides, safeguarding the Infinity Stones and preventing them from being brought together is the responsibility of the Elders of the Universe."

The Collector placed his Infinity Gauntlet down and lightly clapped his hands. A multitude of robots and powerful beings gathered, surrounding Bert.

Bert raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are you planning to do something to me?"

"You are my guest, and you've presented me with a remarkable collection. Why would I harm you?"

The Collector smiled, saying, "I'm simply taking precautions to ensure you don't cause any harm to me."

Bert sighed and replied, "I am a gentleman, and I have no intention of causing harm. However, I am determined to obtain the Infinity Stones."

The Collector maintained his smile, remarking, "As I said, that's your concern."

"In that case, there's no other option."

Bert stood up, stretched his neck, as if preparing for a confrontation. The surrounding masters and robots aimed their weapons at him.

"Why are you all so tense? I'm just dealing with a stiff neck. Collector, we shall meet again."

Bert waved his hand and opened a portal to depart from that place. The Collector didn't try to stop him. His intuition told him that this individual was not to be underestimated.

"Yet another person vying for the Infinity Stones."

The Collector motioned for the others to disperse. He didn't take it too seriously, as Bert was not the only one desiring the Infinity Stones.

Moreover, Bert chose to leave, indicating that his power might not be significantly greater. If he possessed formidable strength, he would have undoubtedly initiated an attack.

Why did Bert leave? The reason was quite simple: Tony and the others faced a problem, and Bert intended to return to Earth to aid them.

Let's go backward a bit to the Stark Building, where Iron Man returns to his office accompanied by a kind-looking elderly bald man in a wheelchair.

Upon seeing the elderly bald man, everyone's expressions changed, with both Iron Man equipping themselves with battle suits. The old bald man looked astonished and asked, "Do you know me? Do I exist in your world?"

"No, but someone warned us that if we come across a friendly old man in a wheelchair, we should be cautious."

Tony explained, "Because that old man has a penchant for delving into people's minds."

The old bald man, Professor X, a mutant, appeared slightly embarrassed. He stated, "Normally, I don't invade people's minds, only skim their surface thoughts. But this time, I truly desire to read your minds. Allow me to apologize in advance."

Spider-Man asked curiously, "Professor, why? They are good people, they don't lie."

"We have substantial evidence that we are from an alternate universe."

Future Tony chimed in, "This professor cannot read minds. I refuse to expose my thoughts to an old man."

"Neither do I."

Others nodded in agreement, and Iron Man added, "I'm sorry, whether you agree or not, we must proceed, Professor. Sometimes dreams can be deceiving. Let's get started."

"Tony, they are good people, and we should explain it to them."

Professor X urged, "It's a matter of basic courtesy."

"What do you mean?"

Everyone grew wary, sensing ill intentions from these two individuals.

"You pose a threat to this world, so we will wipe your memories, destroy your supercollider, and expel you completely from this world."

Iron Man's body emitted a large amount of nanomaterial, forming a blood-red armor, as he spoke coldly.

"We don't want our world to be invaded."

Professor X stated, "I hope you can understand us and agree with our course of action."

"Understand you? I'm sorry, but I don't understand. Are you even worthy of being called superheroes?"

Tony sneered, "The future time could enter my world at any moment, but I never thought of destroying them, although it would be quite easy."

Future Tony added with scorn, "Indeed, you are no superheroes at all. You're just a bunch of selfish cowards."

"No matter what you say, we are doing this for the sake of the world."

Iron Man declared, "If you don't agree, we will take forceful action. If casualties occur, don't blame us."

"Tony, I always believed you were the most disliked person in the world. I never thought someone could surpass you."

Dr. Banner shook his head and commented, "The only one capable of surpassing Tony Stark is Tony Stark himself."

"Why does that statement sound so harsh?"

Tony complained, "But you're right, this guy is truly irritating. I take back what I said earlier about Iron Man having no bad people."

"If that's how it is, then there's nothing more to be done. Don't worry, I won't harm you."

Professor X sighed and used his abilities to enter Tony's mind. However, as soon as he made contact, a flood of information rushed into his own mind.

The message bore the title: "Mutant Doomsday." It depicted Professor X in the future succumbing to a brain disease. With the exception of Wolverine and another mutant, all the other mutants perished under his own abilities.

"This cannot be true, it's impossible! I... I destroyed the mutants?"

Witnessing the images of wailing mutants, Professor X screamed in horror. He had dedicated his life to the mutants, yet in the end, he was the one responsible for their annihilation?

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."

Tears streamed down Professor X's face as his mind fell into chaos. Being in a wheelchair, he couldn't even utilize his abilities.

"What have you done?"

Iron Man shouted in shock and anger. Wolverine, who was outside, sensed something amiss and immediately rushed in with Cyclops, Jean Grey, and others.

Witnessing the tragic state of Professor X, Wolverine was consumed by fury. Six long, razor-sharp blades emerged from the back of both his hands as he glared at Tony and the others. These Adamantium blades were virtually unstoppable.