Chapter 324 : Into the Parallel Universe

For Thanos' question, the Goddess of Death shook her head and said, "You know, I can't act at will."

"If I can't go to the future, I can't do anything."

Thanos frowned, saying, "Blood God is too powerful; even if I release Knull, he wouldn't be a match."

"Although I can't act directly, I can offer you some assistance, like resurrecting the dead."

The Goddess of Death smiled faintly, flicked her hand, and two figures materialized next to Thanos out of thin air. Then she said, "They will help you travel to the future."

Thanos glanced at the two bewildered figures and posed his final question, "Being in another universe, will I die?"

"What do you think?" The Goddess of Death smiled and vanished.

"That's good." Thanos smiled contentedly, about to sit down, but realized he had smashed the throne himself. He coughed awkwardly and asked the two figures, "Who are you?"

Loki and the others also looked curiously at the two figures. How did they appear?

The figures consisted of an elderly man and an elderly woman, both visibly aged. They had now regained their composure and were holding each other's hands excitedly.

The old man was about to say something to the old lady but was interrupted by Thanos. He turned his head, looked up at the towering Thanos, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Thanos narrowed his eyes and inquired, "You speak English; are you Earthlings?"

Although Thanos doesn't speak English, being a god-level powerhouse, his language possesses its own spiritual power. As long as he intends for others to understand, they can comprehend him.

The old man grew increasingly astonished, "You know about Earth? Who are you?"

"The mighty Thanos, and this is Dr. Pym, a scientist."

Loki stated, "If I recall correctly, he is the inventor of the Pym particle used by people in the future to travel through time."

"Dr. Pym?"

Thanos felt delighted; now it made sense why Death had sent them. It turned out that one of them was the inventor of the Pym particle.

"You're Loki, Thor's brother? Hey, why are you a woman now?"

Dr. Pym asked, astonished. Loki's appearance in the movie closely resembled the real Loki, so Dr. Pym recognized him.

"I am both male and female; I embrace both within my heart."

Loki used an illusion to influence Dr. Pym and asked, "Dr. Pym, why are you here?"


Dr. Pym appeared confused as he replied, "I don't know. I remember entering the quantum realm, and suddenly there was a storm within it. Despite my attempts to escape, I was still affected by the storm and lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was already here."

"If I'm not mistaken, we should be dead."

Janet, the original Wasp, who stood beside Dr. Pym, spoke, "I sensed your presence at that time and went to find you, but I was also caught in the quantum storm."

"We're dead? So why are we here? Did God bring us back to life?"

Dr. Pym grew increasingly perplexed. He was unaware that it was not God who had resurrected them, but Death herself.

Loki's curiosity was piqued. 'Resurrection? Could this be the reason why the Blood God spared Thanos in this universe?'

Thanos spoke arrogantly, "Dr. Pym, I want Pym particles. You will help me create them, and the more, the better."

"Why?" Dr. Pym snorted coldly, despising the idea of others using Pym particles on him.

"Dr. Pym, this is the great Thanos," Loki introduced. "You should show respect in his presence."

"Thanos? Thanos?" Dr. Pym was momentarily stunned, then exclaimed, "Are you the madman who wanted to eliminate half of all life on Earth?"

"More accurately, half of all life in the universe."

Thanos seized Janet by the neck, lifting her up, and declared coldly, "You owe your lives to me, and I can reclaim them at any moment. Dr. Pym, give me the Pym particles, or she dies."


Witnessing Janet's agonized expression, Dr. Pym was shocked and hastily pleaded, "Fine, I promise. Release her, release her now."

"Very well."

Thanos nodded approvingly, released his grip, dropped Janet, and then turned to General, saying, "Keep an eye on them. I want the Pym particles as soon as possible."

The frail-looking General nodded in agreement. "Yes, Master."

"The mighty Thanos desires to journey to the future, but Pym particles alone won't suffice."

Loki explained, "I overheard from Thor in the future that a positioning device is also required, but unfortunately, due to Thor's abrupt arrival, I was unable to acquire the device."

"Pym particles will be enough. We'll follow their trail to the future," Thanos chuckled. "Fat Thor carries the essence of his demise, which serves as his living coordinates."

After a brief pause, Thanos continued, "Furthermore, we still possess the Reality Stone. Loki, I shall prepare a plentiful offering for you. It is a reward well-deserved."

Loki responded joyfully, "Thank you, mighty Thanos."


A few days later.

"Dr. Pym and Wasp have disappeared?"

Bert was taken aback upon receiving the news from Loki. According to their usual routine, shouldn't the two of them have been banished to other worlds and eventually rescued by him? Why had they vanished?

"It appears that these two have met their demise."

Bert shook his head, contemplating, "What about the future Ant-Man? Is he dead or entangled in other worlds?"

"I cannot dwell on this. The game has been set in motion. It is time to seek the Infinity Stones."

Thoughts of the Infinity Stones furrowed Bert's brow slightly. In recent days, he had learned in detail about the parallel world where a blonde-haired Spider-Man resided, discovering not only its immense power but also the existence of mutants.

"Let's observe first. If it doesn't work out, I can always change worlds. After all, there are numerous parallel worlds to choose from."

Bert ruminated for a moment, teleported to the location of the super collider, and found a group of Spider-Men swinging through the air, engaged in battle.

Bert found himself slightly puzzled. "What's going on? Why are the Spider-Men fighting?"

"They were just getting restless, but fortunately, the supercollider is finally ready."

Future Tony couldn't contain his excitement. "Blood God, the supercollider can be activated at any moment."

Upon hearing Tony's words, all the Spider-Men immediately ceased their fighting and turned to Tony with astonishment.


Bert nodded in satisfaction and called upon Female Dr. Octopus to lower the supercollider to the ground. Then, he called out, "Dr. Reed!"

In the next moment, a colorful light descended from the sky, enveloping the entire supercollider, which was then teleported to the enormous space station.

This space station had been jointly established by Oscorp and Stark Industries. Initially, it served as a shield for Earth and later became the main structure for the replicated Bifrost Bridge.

After the war in New York, Bert decided to expand the space station. The current size of the space station was comparable to that of a small town, more than sufficient to accommodate a supercollider.

Future Tony used a device to determine their location and asked in astonishment, "Space station? Blood God, what does this mean?"

"The supercollider was too dangerous to conduct experiments on Earth, so I had Dr. Reed transfer it to the space station," explained Bert. "Once everyone is here, we can officially commence."

Future Tony pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "You're right, safety first. However, I think we should double-check the collider since it has been moved."

Doctor Octopus chimed in, "I agree with Tony."

Bert smiled and replied, "As you both suggest, we will begin tomorrow."


The following day, everyone assembled on the space station. Thor, who had arrived with Fat Thor, gazed at the collider in awe and asked, "This device looks quite ordinary. Can it truly traverse parallel worlds?"

"Absolutely. The presence of all these Spider-Men is evidence enough," Bert assured them, looking at the enthusiastic group. "I'll send you all back home in no time. Don't get too excited."

The Spider-Men felt a bit embarrassed, and Spider-Gwen expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you for your hospitality during our stay. If you ever visit my world in the future, I promise to host you well."

"Don't worry, we won't meddle in other people's worlds without cause," Bert replied, understanding Spider-Gwen's concerns. He smiled and added, "If we do decide to visit your world to search for the Infinity Stones, we will definitely inform you."

"That's reassuring." Spider-Gwen breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that outsiders would disrupt her world.

Miles couldn't contain his excitement and eagerly asked, "Can we begin? I really want to go home now."

"Then let's get started."

Bert nodded to Female Doctor Octopus, who wasted no time and led a group of researchers to initiate the supercollider.

The process followed the familiar routine, with two beams of multicolored light colliding. However, compared to previous attempts, the current supercollider was remarkably stable, devoid of any distortions.

This achievement was not only attributed to Female Doctor Octopus but also to Tony, Future Tony, and the two Banners who contributed their expertise.

Under Tony's control, an unmanned battlesuit flew into the multicolored light. Bert closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment before stating, "The unmanned battlesuit is functioning properly and has successfully reached a new world."


Spider-Man and the future superheroes cheered in unison, prompting Bert to chuckle. "Spider-Man, it's time for you to go home."

"Thank you, Blood God."

The Spider-Men expressed their gratitude to Bert. Then, following Tony's instructions, they, one by one, leaped into the multicolored light. The supercollider would lock onto their respective worlds based on the quantum fluctuations within them.

Before Spider-Gwen departed, she cast an apologetic glance at Peter and said, "I'm sorry."

After uttering those words, Spider-Gwen jumped into the multicolored light. Peter was momentarily taken aback, but he soon understood and bitterly smiled. It was evident that Spider-Gwen had given Gwen some of her blood.

Peter thought with a hint of a headache, "The future is going to be complicated."

After a while, all the Spider-Men, except for Blonde Spider-Man and Peter, were successfully sent away, and the supercollider performed flawlessly.

"It seems that it cannot be detected across the universe," Bert murmured to himself. Nonetheless, this was not a significant issue since he possessed the supercollider.

"It's our turn," the blond Spider-Man said, turning his head to address the future Tony. "Mr. Stark, your promise still stands, right?"

"Don't worry, as I've said, it won't have any impact on your world. Let's first go to the Iron Man in your world and then use him as a starting point to search for the Infinity Stones," assured future Tony, visibly excited.

"If your world doesn't have the Infinity Stones or they're difficult to obtain, we can always change to another world," he added.

Blond Spider-Man breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "How many of us are planning to visit?"

"I'll definitely go, Captain, and Thor will join as well. As for Banner, uh, the Dr. Banner in this world will go. As for you, Future Banner, your size is a bit of a challenge, so we'll figure that out later," future Tony explained.

Future Banner replied with good temper, "No problem."

"I'm going too," Tony and Thor said simultaneously. Tony then looked at future Tony and complained, "Three Iron Men? Don't you think that's a bit excessive?"

Future Tony defended himself, "How can I pass up such an important scientific opportunity? Besides, I can be of great help."

Tony contemplated for a moment and reluctantly agreed, saying, "Fair enough, then count me in."

As future Tony was about to say something to Thor, a sudden burst of colorful light enveloped Thor's body, causing him to vanish.

On the Bifrost Bridge, Heimdall sighed, "Thor, you're the king. Skipping work and taking risks in a parallel world, do you want Asgard to crumble?"

Initially annoyed, Thor quickly became contrite. "I understand, Heimdall. Don't worry, I'll protect Asgard from any harm."

Heimdall appeared surprised but also relieved. However, he couldn't help but wonder how long Thor's resolve would last. After all, huskies were not known for their patience.

Back on the space station, the fat Thor rejoiced upon witnessing Thor's disappearance. In recent days, Thor had been relentless in trying to get him married to Loki.

"It seems our key male protagonist has returned to his homeland," the fat Thor remarked.

Tony shrugged and turned to Bert, asking, "Are you coming?"

Future Tony and the others eagerly looked at Bert, hoping for his participation. With Bert on board, their mission was bound to be more successful.

"As the Earth's guardian, I can't leave. However, my clone will accompany you," Bert responded. He opened a spatial portal, and the Dragon Soul clone emerged alongside Wanda. The clone smiled and said, "Leave it to me. But we'll take different paths. You'll search for the Infinity Stones on Earth, while I explore the universe."

"Splitting our forces is a good plan," future Tony agreed, feeling relieved that everything would be easier with the presence of a Blood God.

Excited about the prospect of parallel worlds, Wanda chimed in, "I want to come along too."

The Dragon Soul clone reassured her, saying, "Next time, I'll scout ahead."

Disappointed but understanding, Wanda replied, "Okay then."

Suddenly, she thought of something and warned him, "And don't flirt with anyone else. If you do, I won't let you go."

The Dragon Soul clone smiled and replied, "Don't worry, I'm not as promiscuous as that other guy."

"Go and have a safe journey, my dear," Bert teased, rolling his eyes. He then called out to the female Doctor Octopus, "Liv, get ready to start. Everyone, good luck."

"Thank you for your well wishes," they all nodded in unison, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation for the world with infinity stones.


In the universe where the blond Spider-Man resides.

This morning, several visitors arrived at Iron Man Tony Stark's office — Spider-Man Peter Parker, Iron Man, Captain America, Dr. Banner, and the overweight version of Thor.

Tony whispered to future Tony, "This guy doesn't look like us; he's really unlucky."

"Yeah, he's much uglier than us," future Tony agreed.

"I dare say those girls are only after his money, unlike us, who never spend a dime," he added with a smirk.