Chapter 323 : Watch the Fun


Thor, who was attending to official business in the study, suddenly sensed his hammer vibrating and couldn't help but roll his eyes. His beloved hammer was about to go astray again.

"Forget it, it's not the first time anyway."

Although Thor was upset, he didn't take it too seriously. After all, he was accustomed to such occurrences. At that moment, the hammer flew up, opened a portal in the air, and soared through it.

Thor glanced casually and immediately froze — instead of his dear sister, it was a rotund, bearded, excessively greasy man.


Thor grew instantly furious. Even if it had betrayed him for his sister, what was the meaning of betraying him for a fat man? Am I less than a deceased overweight man?

Without a word, Thor transformed into Thunder and darted into the portal. He then seized his hammer and struck the excited fat Thor who had witnessed its appearance.


Fat Thor crashed heavily onto the ground, got up, shook his head, and asked discontentedly, "Why did you hit me?"

Thor clenched the hammer and angrily inquired, "Who are you, daring to seduce my Mjolnir?"

"How dare you address me that way? That's my Mjolnir!"

Fat Thor was equally dissatisfied. Here I am, attempting to make a confession, and you barge in? Do you intend to ruin my reputation?

"Yours? Hmph! Just look at your own appearance. Unkempt beard, greasy body, and a belly larger than Odin's. If I were you, I'd never step outside and subject myself to shame."

Thor grew increasingly annoyed. He despised Fatty for stealing his hammer and Mjolnir for betraying everyone. How could such an obese man not be ridiculed if the news spread?

Fat Thor was speechless. He used to excel at hurling insults, but now he snorted coldly, "Shame? You're the one who should feel ashamed. Your girlfriend left you. You're a single dog. Let me tell you, I have a girlfriend, and she's incredibly beautiful."

Thor was deeply wounded. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Can someone like you really have a girlfriend?"

Loki, who had remained silent, finally spoke up, "Yes, I am his girlfriend."

"Loki? You're his girlfriend?"

Only then did Thor notice Loki. He stood dumbfounded for a moment, then erupted in fury. Thunder and lightning crackled around him as he bellowed, "Not only did you seduce my hammer, but you've also seduced my brother, no, sister? You wretch, I'll kill you."

"Brother? Loki?" Fat Thor was stunned. He pointed at Loki with trembling fingers and asked, "Is he Loki?"

"You don't even know his name, you imbecile?"

Thor went berserk, soaring into the sky and hurtling down upon Fat Thor with thunderous force.

Fat Thor awkwardly dodged, shouting, "This can't be! Loki is a man, not a woman."

Thor attacked ferociously, driving Fat Thor back, and shouted, "He was a man before, but now she's a woman. What's the problem? Do you dare to discriminate against her, you scoundrel?"

Fat Thor felt utterly overwhelmed. His brother had become his sister, and what was even more outrageous was that he was in a relationship with her...

Fat Thor instantly lost his composure. He even gave up resistance, allowing Thor to strike him forcefully, sending him hurtling through the air like a cannonball.

Thor's animosity persisted as he relentlessly pursued Fat Thor, delivering inhumane blows. Fat Thor remained passive, feeling that death might be a better outcome for him.

He simply couldn't accept what had transpired.


Loki laughed like a man. It hadn't taken her long to devise this plan. The sight of Thor's anger and Fat Thor's expression made it all worthwhile.

Loki said, "Thor, that fat man is actually you."

"He's me? That's impossible. How could I be so overweight?" Thor turned around and roared, "Furthermore, how could I ever attack my sister? I'm not a despicable person."

"Perhaps, Scum Thor. Farewell, two brothers."

Loki smiled and used the Reality Stone to make a wish, opening a portal to depart. The prank was still in play.

"Loki, don't go. Let's clear things up."

Thor hurriedly shouted as he saw Loki leaving, but Loki paid no attention. The portal closed instantly, leaving Thor bewildered. He shook his head and resumed assaulting Fat Thor, convinced that this was the right course of action to punish his sister's betrayer.


On Earth, Bert, and Hela all burst into laughter, while Odin maintained his solemn expression.

Bert smiled and said, "Odin, don't be so angry. This is a good thing, a marvelous thing."

"Good for nothing." Odin cursed, then sighed repeatedly, "Our family is plagued by misfortune, plagued by misfortune."

"In the family, there is no misfortune. You've seen 'Avengers 4' as well. In the end, Thor relinquishes the throne and chooses to embark on a journey."

Bert continued, "In other words, your Odin family will lose Asgard completely. If you don't want that to happen, you must ensure that Thor marries Loki.

Loki, with her cunningness, would undoubtedly not relinquish the throne to Valkyrie. She would take control of Asgard herself and could even manage the Frost Kingdom effortlessly, let alone the desolate state of Asgard.

Furthermore, Loki could gain entry into the Frost Kingdom. Then, Asgard would no longer need to reside on Earth, and Odin could become the ruler of the Frost Kingdom.

Moreover, with Loki's resources in this world, they could be transferred to another realm and serve as the foundation for Asgard's resurgence."

"You're right... it actually makes sense." Odin intended to curse, but upon reflection, this plan seemed truly promising.

"Indeed, it makes perfect sense. People in that realm are unaware of Loki's true identity, so they won't object to this marriage."

Bert said, "Your son has found a suitable wife, and your daughter has found a suitable husband. Odin, you can depart in peace."

"It's true... Now get out, you're irritating me to death."

Odin scolded, rubbing his chin, and continued, "Anyway, things have already come to this point, so let it be. Thor also needs a woman to bring him joy."

"Yes, that's the spirit."

Bert laughed. This was truly intriguing, and if Thor ever discovered the truth, it would undoubtedly add more excitement to the situation.

"Our family is plagued by misfortune." Hela feigned a somber tone, and Odin snorted, feeling as though he had been outsmarted.


On an unknown planet, Thor grew exhausted from the relentless beating. He sat on the ground and shouted, "Who are you? Let me tell you, stay away from my sister from now on, or I'll beat you every time I see you."

The fat Thor, his face resembling that of a pig, replied reluctantly, "I am Thor Odinson, a useless and despicable wretch who went after his sister. I might as well be dead."

"How dare you impersonate me?"

Thor fumed with anger. Just then, Thor's hammer opened a portal, and a massive hand from another dimension seized both Thor and Fat Thor, transporting them back to Earth along with the hammer.

Naturally, it was Bert who had intervened. It is worth mentioning that Odin was not present — if Thor knew he was fine, he would surely return Asgard to him. Odin was well aware of Thor's true character.

"Thor, how did you encounter the future Thor?" Bert pretended to be unaware and asked, "Also, what happened to you, Future Thor? Why did you suddenly vanish from Earth?"

Thor looked puzzled and replied, "Future Thor? What future Thor?"

Bert smiled and said, "I haven't told you yet. He is from the future. Even though he's a bit heavier, he couldn't have become that fat in middle age."

Thor was shocked and exclaimed, "Bert, are you joking? How could he be me? How could I turn into such a fat, lifeless man?"

"It's true, it's a long story. I'll give you the 'Avengers 4' movie later, and you can watch it for yourself."

Bert continued, "But for now, let's focus on you, Future Thor."

Fat Thor nervously asked, "About me? What's going on?"

Bert explained, "You suddenly disappeared from Earth... and what's with the wound on your face? Who attacked you?"

"I don't know what happened exactly, but all of a sudden, I found myself in the Frost... Suddenly, I was in outer space," Fat Thor explained. "Later, I summoned Thor's hammer, and Thor thought I was trying to take it away, so we ended up fighting."

Thor glared at Fat Thor. This guy had concealed the truth. Fat Thor looked at Thor pleadingly, silently urging him not to mention Loki. He couldn't bear to face the consequences if the truth came out.

Thor gritted his teeth and decided to say nothing about Loki. If that fat man truly was his future self, then... damn it, Thor felt like dying. But before he did, he had to ensure he killed the damn Fat Thor.

"Is that so?" Bert cast a magic circle around Fat Thor and said, "During this time, you should stay in the New York Sanctum and not wander around. The mastermind behind all this may attack you again."

"Okay, I promise not to leave. I won't go out, I swear," Fat Thor nodded repeatedly. After causing such a huge disaster, how could he dare to leave again? Odin would find out and beat him mercilessly, probably even crueler than before.

"Alright, take your time to explain the future timeline to Thor."

With a wave of Bert's hand, both Thor and Fat Thor were teleported to the New York Sanctum. As they disappeared, they could faintly hear Bert muttering, "What an unfortunate family!"

In the New York Temple, Thor watched clips from "Avengers 3" and "Avengers 4." Filled with rage, he grabbed Fat Thor by the collar, resembling an enraged bull, and roared, "How can you be so useless? You couldn't even protect the people of Asgard! And how could you do anything to Loki? She's your sister!"

"I truly am a waste, a scumbag. I don't deserve to live in this world," Fat Thor pounded his own head with his fist and cursed loudly. Seeing this, Thor helplessly sat on the ground, pulling at his hair, feeling utterly frustrated.

Loki, the sister-killer. Asgard destroyed, its people massacred by Thanos, and his future self getting involved with Loki... To say that Thor was mentally distressed would be an understatement. He wanted nothing more than to smash his head against the wall and knock himself unconscious.

With a loud bang, Thor slammed his fist into the ground, creating a large crater. Through gritted teeth, he declared, "I will never let Hela and Thanos destroy Asgard. I will protect Asgard with everything I have."

Fat Thor sighed in frustration and said, "You don't have the strength for that. Although you're stronger than I was, you're still far too weak compared to Hela... er, I mean, Thanos."

"Thanos may be formidable, but so what? Should we just give up and do nothing?" Thor shouted, deeply dissatisfied with his future self. He had lost not only his physique but also his spirit. How could this be his future?

"It's good to be young," Fat Thor muttered with a bitter smile. Looking at Thor, who was still filled with fighting spirit, he envied his present state, untouched by the harsh realities yet to come.

"Shut up! In our world, we have a Blood God, and things won't turn out the same as in your pathetic realm."

Thor thought of something and grabbed Fat Thor, asking, "What do you plan to do about Loki?"

When it came to this, Thor felt his mind going crazy. He was not only furious about his future self getting involved with Loki, but also furious about his baby sister being mistreated by a pig.

In Thor's mind, the future Thor was nothing more than a pig.

Fat Thor was also furious, saying, "How was I supposed to know what to do? I didn't initially realize she was Loki, and it's clear that Loki did it on purpose."

"What? Are you trying to avoid taking responsibility?" Thor roared. "Let me make it clear to you, you must take responsibility. Marry Loki and let her help you rebuild Asgard."

Fat Thor hesitated and said, "But isn't it wrong for me to marry Loki? She's my sibling, um, sister."

"If you dare refuse to marry her, I will kill you," Thor gritted his teeth and declared. "Get up and fight me. I want to know the difference between myself and Hela and Thanos. Also, don't ever harm Loki in the future, or I will definitely beat you."

"But isn't this really wrong?" Fat Thor said, feeling completely stuck.

"Wrong? You bastard! After playing around, you want to shirk responsibility?" Thor punched Fat Thor into the air and then charged at him with his hammer.

Meanwhile, Loki, the mischievous troublemaker and the instigator of all this, was reporting the information he had gathered to Thanos.

"These fools, a bunch of ungrateful bugs. They want to turn the tables." Thanos was so enraged that he kicked his favorite throne to pieces.

"Master, allow us to destroy those damned Earthlings for you," the remaining five members of the Black Order, the Ebony Maw, Midnight, and Black Dwarf, knelt down simultaneously and shouted.

"You are not worthy opponents for the Blood God. I need to plan this carefully. I won't let them ruin my efforts."

Thanos paced around, contemplating the situation. After a while, he looked into the empty void and said, "You're there. Why would I die in that timeline?"

Witnessing Thanos making yet another 'mistake,' everyone else lowered their heads, except for Loki, who looked at Thanos curiously.

"In that timeline, you and I never crossed paths," the Goddess of Death stated. "This proves that even without me, you would maintain the balance of the universe. It's your destiny."

Thanos proudly declared, "I am the destiny."

"Yes, you are destiny," the Goddess of Death affirmed. "Thanos, eliminate all resistance. Destroy those bugs."

"I will exterminate them all," Thanos vowed. "But not now. Can you send me to the future? I will kill them there and acquire all six Infinity Stones. The Blood God won't leave Earth, and no one else can stop me. Then, not only will I crush those bugs, but I will also fulfill my destiny by obtaining the Infinity Stones."