Chapter 322 : Loki's Mischief

"Fuck Off!"

Loki abruptly ended the communication with Bert, wearing a grim expression. She was indeed bisexual, but her relationship with Thor was purely brotherly.

Using the Reality Stone, Loki made a wish and projected herself onto the Sanctuary II, relaying the information to Thanos.

Thanos appeared shocked and exclaimed, "Two Iron Man, two Hulk, and a Fat Thor?"

"Yes, the Blood God has gained significant control over Earth. I could only gather these surface-level details," Loki replied.

Loki continued, "I don't believe it's a trivial matter, so I wanted to report it to you."

Thanos nodded in satisfaction and said, "Well done, Loki. Do not act impulsively. The Blood God is incredibly formidable at the moment. You should focus on developing the Frost Kingdom and await my orders."

Respectfully, Loki acknowledged, "Yes, the great Thanos."

As Loki vanished, Thanos turned toward the empty void and inquired, "Can you assist me in investigating what's happening? The two Iron Men aren't frightening, and neither are the two Hulks. However, two Blood Gods? Heh, that might prompt me to consider retiring early."

After a brief pause, Thanos expressed shock, "What? They don't belong to this time? That Fat Thor carries my deathly aura? In other words, Fat Thor killed me?"

"Darn it, what's happening?"

Thanos furrowed his brows, pondered for a moment, and then stated, "Assist me. I want to uncover the truth."

Just then, Thanos received a kiss on the cheek, accompanied by a voice audible only to him, saying, "I will assist you. Don't worry, you will never die, as I promised."

The tyrant's heart was instantly put at ease. If it was said that he wouldn't die, then he truly wouldn't. No matter how many times he was slain, he could be resurrected.

For she was the god of death, devoted to it throughout his life and willing to sacrifice everything for it.

After a while, the goddess of death spoke, "Fat Thor carries your deathly essence. I will transport him away from Earth. As for the rest, you can handle it on your own. I cannot act too conspicuously."

"Send him to the Frost Kingdom, and I will task Loki with the matter."

Thanos remarked, "Loki cannot be trusted completely, but she is exceptionally useful. I have a feeling that this time, I might be able to fulfill my destiny ahead of schedule."

The goddess of death smiled and departed silently.


On Earth, Fat Thor was engrossed in playing the "Superhero" game with Hela. While controlling the short-haired Thor to attack Odin, he shouted, "Hela, increase the attack speed! Odin is almost defeated!"

Hela calmly gave orders, saying, "Your aggression level is about to exceed the limit. Stop attacking, Lina, prepare for spider confinement. Mindy, Odin is about to unleash mobs. Get ready for the ultimate hellfire move."

Odin, who was observing nearby, rolled his eyes in exasperation. He truly had a dutiful son and daughter. Especially that troublesome Fat Thor, who had even taken away his holographic projection game console, depriving him of the chance to play.

"Sister, forget about the aggression level. Odin is on the verge of defeat. Let's give it our all and finish him off," Fat Thor exclaimed excitedly. This game was incredibly enjoyable, far better than any game from the future.

"Shut up and follow my instructions," Hela scolded. Just then, young Odin turned around and attacked the short-haired Thor. The latter was hit twice and was sent flying into the streets. Subsequently, young Odin released a horde of mobs, causing chaos as everyone rushed to the streets.

"Thor, you're such a dimwit. Now we have to start the pre-dungeon all over again," Hela grumbled, removing her glasses and cursing loudly. Fat Thor was also infuriated. "Just because you're my sister doesn't mean you can scold me. How was I supposed to know that young Odin's attack would be so powerful? That old man Odin used to be fierce even when he was young."

Hela sneered, "If you didn't know, you should have obediently followed the commands. It's no wonder Asgard was destroyed because of you."

"What did you say?" Fat Thor seethed, ready to explode in anger. Hela stared back fearlessly. After a moment, Fat Thor let out a sigh and left the room with a desolate expression on his face.

Odin expressed his anger, saying, "Hela, stop provoking Thor. It's not easy for him."

"And once again, I'm right. He is incapable of ruling Asgard. Odin, I'm telling you seriously now, give Asgard to me," Hela said, looking at Odin.

"I promise you that I won't indiscriminately kill innocent people or conquer the universe. Master can attest to my promise," Hela added.

"Hela, that's not enough. If you could be like Little Hela, then whether you desire the throne or not, I would give it to you. But you can't, even if you wanted to," Odin shook his head and explained. "Right now, you, just like Thor, are an unfit king."

Hela felt resentful and said jealously, "Isn't Little Hela me? Besides, her performance isn't anything special."

"Little Hela's performance is far superior to yours. She is now an assistant to the mayor. By the way, she recently led a parade that received praise from the media all over New York," Odin boasted proudly.

Hela couldn't bear to listen any longer and stormed off in anger. Odin shrugged and was about to tidy up the room when he suddenly heard Hela exclaiming from outside. He hurriedly went to investigate and discovered residual spatial fluctuations in the air.

"What's going on? Hey, where's Thor?" Odin urgently inquired.

"I don't know. A spatial vortex suddenly appeared and took Thor away," Hela frowned, informing Odin. "There's a distinct aura of death in that space vortex."

"The breath of death?" Odin was shocked for a moment and quickly contacted Bert, asking for assistance in tracking the spatial fluctuations.


With a loud bang, Fat Thor plummeted from the sky and crashed into the hard ice, creating a large hole upon impact.

Clumsily crawling out of the pit, Fat Thor gripped the Storm Axe and bellowed, "Whoever is plotting against me, reveal yourself now!"

There was no response to Fat Thor's outcry. Puzzled, he contemplated using the power of the Storm Axe to return to Earth, only to realize that the weapon couldn't summon the Bifrost Bridge's power.

"What's going on?" Fat Thor furrowed his brow, deep in thought. He transformed into a powerful bolt of lightning and soared into the sky, scanning the world in search of answers.

Before long, Fat Thor stumbled upon a palace, surrounded by numerous Frost Giants. He was taken aback. "Frost Giants? Could they be plotting against me? No, they don't possess such strength."

After a moment of hesitation, Fat Thor landed forcefully at the palace gate and shouted, "I am Thor, the God of thunder! Summon your leaders to face me!"

"Thor?" The guards were initially startled but soon burst into disdainful laughter. "You dare to claim that you're Thor? Where are Thor's chiseled eight-pack abs? All we see is a rotund figure."

"Exactly! Don't think you can pass yourself off as Thor with a few lightning bolts. Although we are enemies with Thor, we still admire his courage. As for you, you're just a pudgy imposter."

Fat Thor seethed with anger, gripping his axe tightly, preparing to charge. Just then, a Frost Giant came rushing out and said, "Our Majesty, welcomes you inside."

"When did the Frost Kingdom have a queen?" Fat Thor was surprised but entered the palace nonchalantly, not fearing any potential ambush. It wasn't because he had confidence in his own strength, but rather he hadn't anticipated this turn of events.

As Fat Thor walked in, Loki didn't feel as jubilant as she had imagined. Instead, she felt a pang of sympathy. Descending the steps in her regal attire, Loki gently touched Fat Thor's face and said, "How many hardships have you endured? How weary are you? How burdened with self-blame?"

Fat Thor, taken aback by this Loki's resemblance to his brother, couldn't bring himself to pull away from her touch. Hearing her words, he felt a surge of emotion. He truly was tired and filled with remorse. If it weren't for his own incompetence, there wouldn't have been so much loss of life, and Asgard wouldn't have been destroyed.

Taking a deep breath, Fat Thor asked Loki, "Who are you?"

"I am Laufey's daughter, the Queen of the Frost Giants."

Loki stepped back and spoke with solemnity, "I can sense a tremendous power within you. Who are you? Don't pretend to be Thor. Thor isn't as formidable as you."

"I am Thor," Fat Thor replied, slightly disgruntled. It all made sense now—they looked so alike because Loki was his sister. He continued, "Let's forget about that. Can you lend me a spaceship? I need to return to Earth, and I'll repay you twofold."

"We have plenty of spaceships in the Frost Giant Kingdom, so why should I lend one to you?" Loki turned and headed back to the throne. Waving everyone away, she continued, "However, if you help me with a task, I'll lend you a spaceship."

"What task?" Fat Thor inquired.

Loki explained, "A group of Ravagers infiltrated our Frost Kingdom a few days ago and stole a valuable treasure. I want you to accompany me in apprehending them."

"But the universe is vast. Where should we start searching?" Fat Thor questioned skeptically. "Moreover, isn't this beneath your dignity as queen? Why must you handle it personally?"

"That treasure holds great importance, and I must handle it myself. This matter cannot be known to others," Loki revealed. "Furthermore, I know the whereabouts of those individuals. Let's return quickly. We can resolve this within a day."

"A day?" Fat Thor happily agreed, "Alright, I'll help you deal with the thieves, and then you can provide me with the spaceship."

"Very well. Let's depart immediately," Loki responded with a smile, though inwardly she sighed at how foolish the old man still was. Despite Thor's increased intelligence in "Thor 3," after five years of decadence, his intellect had plummeted once again, even worse than before.

Not long after Loki and Fat Thor set off, a powerful consciousness swept across the entire Frost Kingdom, causing the Frost Giants to tremble in fear. They wondered which formidable being had just arrived. It was truly terrifying.

Back on Earth, Bert reported to Odin, "It's done, Odin. Don't worry. I told you that Thanos is planning something and wants knowledge about future time."

"I'm not concerned about Thanos. I'm worried about the person who took Thor," Odin solemnly replied. "To be able to snatch Thor right under my nose, that person must be at least an Elder God."

"Don't worry, it's not an Elder God," Bert assured with a smile. "It's the God of Creation."

"Depend on it," Odin scolded sarcastically. How could he possibly relax?

"Could it be the goddess of death?" Hela couldn't help but ask. "The aura of death earlier was incredibly pure, purer than mine. I can't think of anyone other than the goddess of death, one of the five creation gods."

"It's very likely. I've always suspected that the goddess of death was behind Thanos. That's why I didn't eliminate him immediately," Bert stated. "After this encounter, I'm even more certain that the goddess of death is truly allied with Thanos."

Odin's brow furrowed deeply. "This is troublesome. With the goddess of death by his side, Thanos will never die. He'll only grow stronger."

"In that case, I plan to transfer Thanos to another time and space and kill him there," Bert proposed.

"Even so, there's no guarantee that Thanos will truly die. The power of the God of Creation surpasses our imagination," Odin shook his head. "Furthermore, it's a risky move, Blood God. Once Thanos possesses the Infinity Gauntlet and snaps his fingers, the entire universe could be erased."

"Don't worry, I'm prepared," Bert confidently stated. If he dared to play this game, he was sure of his victory.

Hela interjected with hope, "Master, if you restore my strength, I will assist you."

Bert looked at Hela and smiled. "Hela, it's not up to me to decide whether to restore your strength or not. It's up to your old father."

Hela glared at Odin and Bert upon hearing this, then angrily turned and left. It seemed she wouldn't be regaining her strength anytime soon.

"In that case, I won't say anything more," Odin conceded. Despite his disdain for the bastard Bert, he still trusted his abilities. When he had an idea, he extended his hand toward Bert and said, "Return the Infinity Gauntlet to me. I can make use of it."

"Not now. We'll discuss it later," Bert quickly changed the subject and asked, "Odin, Loki had a wicked look in her eyes when she left. I suspect she wants to do something to Thor."

Odin withdrew his outstretched hand, wearing a hopeful expression. "The child probably wants to play a prank again. It's not a big issue."

"Are you sure it's not a big issue? Don't forget, she's now a woman, and Thor is a man — an otaku who hasn't been with a woman in five years," Bert chuckled mischievously. "Odin, you might become a grandfather soon."

"No way!" Odin was dumbfounded, and his beard was about to fall off. If that were to happen, should he be happy or angry?


Seven days later, Fat Thor raised the Storm Axe and declared to the heavens, "I am truly Thor, the Thor from the future. Trust me, and I will be responsible."

"This idiot. Once Thanos is gone, I'll definitely share that video with everyone," Loki sneered. Fat Thor was far too gullible, and an illusion would solve the problem. She wore a mischievous expression and said, "If you don't want to be responsible for me, there's no need to tell such outrageous lies."

The past seven days could be summarized quite simply. The duo embarked on a quest to find the Ravagers, encountered hardships, faced traps together, lived and fought side by side, and made pledges to one another. It followed an old-fashioned routine, but Fat Thor had fallen for it.

The reason wasn't solely because Fat Thor was foolish, but also because he held a strong fondness for Loki. After all, Loki was his younger brother, someone who had been by his side for thousands of years.

"I am truly Thor. Wait, I have a way to prove it. Only Thor can wield Mjolnir, so I will summon Mjolnir right now."

Fat Thor had a pounding headache, but after a while, he came up with a clever idea and raised his hand in a hammer-like shape.

"Here it comes. It's going to be quite a show," Loki's eyes gleamed mischievously. It was bound to be entertaining.