Chapter 321 : Undercover Hero

"Blood God!"

Upon seeing Bert, Eddie was momentarily stunned before quickly getting up and eagerly standing in front of him.

For a long time, Eddie had desired to rid himself of Venom, but he had never dared to confide in anyone about it, as Venom could kill him at any moment. Although Captain America, Iron Man, and the others were immensely powerful, it was likely too late to stop Venom.

But now, the Blood God had arrived. With the Blood God's abilities, Venom was nothing. Couldn't you see it cowering and hiding within your own body?

"Blood God? You're the Blood God!"

Exclaimed Anne Weying, considering who most people on Earth longed to encounter. Of course, it was the protector of Earth, the powerhouse capable of annihilating planets — the Blood God! Unfortunately, the true form of the Blood God remained unseen, and only a select few had ever laid eyes upon him.

Weying hadn't anticipated that Mr. Wang was, in fact, the Blood God. She now regretted not making a move during their last date. If only she had the opportunity to spend a night with the Blood God, her life would be filled with countless tales of boasting.

Bert smiled and responded, "Yes, I am the Blood God, but keep it to yourself. This is highly classified information."

"Don't worry, I'll never breathe a word of it."

Weying nodded excitedly. It suddenly made sense why no newspapers or magazines dared to report on Mr. Wang. It turned out that he was the supreme Blood God above all other beings.

Eddie, seeing Weying, asked incredulously, "Anne, why are you here?"

Turning around, Weying replied, "I was about to ask you the same thing. Why are you here?"

Bert smiled and said, "Venom, let's approach this from a different perspective."

"Change shape?" Eddie was momentarily stunned before Venom willingly manifested itself. Weying was taken aback, even dropping her handbag to the ground.

Venom appeared ferocious, yet its expression was oddly servile. Bowing its head, it respectfully addressed Bert, "Blood God."

"Very well, you may return."

Bert's words prompted Venom to obediently retreat. Its compliance was easily understood—the other party possessed the power to end its existence with a mere flick of a finger.

Clutching her chest, Weying asked Eddie in shock, "Eddie, what's happening? Wait, that creature was you just now?"

"Eddie is the hero who saved the world," Bert smiled and declared. "What he has merged with is the original symbiote, distinct from previous experiments."

"I simply did what every person on Earth should do."

Hearing the Blood God praise him, Eddie felt elated. He ignored Weying and subtly winked at Bert.

Curiously, Bert inquired, "Are your eyes twitching?"

Eddie was rendered speechless, and Bert grinned. "Don't worry, I understand what you mean. You want to rid yourself of Venom, right? Venom, do not harm Eddie."

Venom's head emerged from Eddie's neck and angrily shouted, "Eddie, you lied to me!"

"I didn't lie to you; it's your own issue. You have a penchant for consuming people."

Bert's presence filled Eddie with courage, and he exclaimed, "Think about it, which superhero actually eats people?"


The Venom symbiote threatened to engulf Eddie, but with Bert present, it didn't dare. It whimpered in protest, "Our symbiote is meant to consume people, what's the problem?"

"Does it make sense for you to eat people?"

Eddie snorted contemptuously as he implored Bert, "Blood God, please remove this creature from my body. I cannot bear to spend another second with it."

Bert asked, his smile half-formed, "Are you certain?"

"Of course! You don't understand; I can sense it when he consumes people. The sensation..."

Eddie's expression displayed his desire to retch. He wasn't alone — Weying too looked disgusted. She exclaimed, "Eddie, please spare us the details. It's repulsive."

Bert raised his hand, conjuring a stack of reports from thin air. "These are your medical reports. Your liver is two-thirds diminished, your lungs are three-quarters diminished, and your stomach is nonexistent..."

"What? This is impossible!"

Eddie hastily seized the report, growing increasingly shocked as he read. "How can this be? How can this be?"

Bert stated, "In simple terms, Eddie, you have become the physical embodiment of Venom."

"Hahaha, Eddie, do you wish to rid yourself of me? Dream on! You have been completely transformed by me, and you will perish once I depart from your body." Venom chuckled triumphantly. "Eddie, I warned you not to lie to me, or you would regret it. Let us play this out, Outcast."

"No, this can't be!"

The report slipped from Eddie's hand, falling to the ground weakly. He scratched his head, his face etched with pain.

Unable to bear it any longer, Weying beseeched Bert, "Mr. Wang, can you help Eddie?"

"You have assumed the form of Venom, and Venom has assumed your form," Bert explained. "Venom will not kill you because you are now completely intertwined. From what I know, the symbiote only transforms a host it genuinely recognizes."

Gritting his teeth, Eddie yelled, "Recognizes? Should I be thanking it then?"

"Don't thank me; I must be blind to believe you are the most suitable host for me."

Venom spoke with hatred. "Rest assured, I won't kill you. We will be bound together for life, playing this game at our leisure."

"Wow, it sounds so insane," Bert chuckled. "Eddie, Venom has become a part of you. The sooner you accept that, the easier your life will be."

Eddie shouted, "How can I accept it? Its appearance is the least of my concerns; the problem is that it consumes people."

Venom sneered, "I simply enjoy consuming people. What's wrong with that? I won't just consume them; I'll devour them."

Weying felt a mix of fear and speechlessness. It seemed like a quarrel between a married couple.

"It consumes people for sustenance, and I can provide it with more nutritious alternatives."

Bert drew a magic circle and branded it on Venom's head, stating, "Venom, I have bestowed upon you a rune. If you ever dare to consume people again in the future, It will eliminate you instantly."

"I won't dare, I promise I will never consume people again in the future. I can consume live animals instead, but they must be alive. Eating dead food is useless for me."

Venom spoke sincerely, while Eddie scolded, "Eating live animals is equally repulsive."

Venom sneered, "Don't worry, we'll be sick together in the future."

"Don't say such things."

Bert smiled and said, "Venom, Eddie, I have a task for you."

Venom immediately adopted a submissive tone, saying, "Blood God, you have my loyalty. What task do you have for us?"

Eddie furrowed his brow and asked, "A task? Blood God, are you not going to include us in the Avengers?"

"I will include you in the Avengers, but it won't be public knowledge."

Bert shook his head and explained, "I want you to become undercover superheroes."

Eddie was taken aback. "Undercover superheroes?"

"Yes, undercover superheroes."

Bert nodded and continued, "You will remain in San Francisco, and as long as you refrain from consuming people, you can do as you please. I will provide you with a monthly salary equivalent to that of a superhero, and there will be bonuses during the New Year holidays.

Your main objective will be to await the contact of Knull, the Lord of the Symbiotes."

"The God of Symbiotes?"

Both Eddie and Venom exclaimed simultaneously, with Venom adding, "Blood God, how dare I confront the Lord of the Symbiotes? Besides, he might already know about my betrayal."

"With me here, what do you have to fear? Besides, he is unaware of your betrayal. I have examined remnants of the Riot symbiote, and it did not report it."

Bert snorted coldly. "The Lord of the Symbiotes will be a threat to Earth. I need an undercover agent. Eddie, are you up for the task?"

Eddie looked at Bert and asked, "What if I refuse?"

"It's not ideal, as I am a proponent of justice, and I won't force you." Bert smiled and added, "If you decline, Anne will take your place."

"I'll be an undercover agent?"

Weying pointed at herself in astonishment. "Mr. Wang, I never said I wanted to be an undercover agent, and I don't think I'm cut out for it."

"Anne Weying, you've never been one to conform," Bert lightly stroked Weying's face with his finger and said with a smile. "Are you truly uninterested? The thrill of battle, passion, strength, life and death!"


Weying's breath quickened. She wasn't a woman who adhered to conventions, as evidenced by her career as a prosecutor.

"No, Anne can't let this opportunity pass."

Eddie looked angrily at Bert. This guy was essentially blackmailing him, yet had the audacity to claim he was a champion of justice.

Moreover, he had his finger on Anne's face. Wait, could it be that this guy was having an affair with Anne?

Weying said angrily to Eddie, "Why not me? Do you think I'm inferior to you? Eddie, you're still as arrogant as ever."

Eddie wanted to reveal the truth but remembered Bert's identity. He clenched his teeth and said, "Blood God, I am willing to take on the role of undercover agent, but I want to know when Knull will contact me."

"I do not know."

Bert shook his head and added, "On Earth, Venom is the only symbiote with self-awareness. If Knull intends to harm Earth, he will surely make contact with Venom."

Though Bert had set up a magic circle to block Knull, he still had reservations about him. Therefore, he had made preparations by placing a chess piece in advance to be prepared.

Eddie asked with a grim expression, "So, this might be a lifelong mission?"

"Isn't a lifelong mission preferable? How many people dream of receiving a salary without having to work?"

Bert smiled and said, "I'm not stingy. You'll earn at least a million dollars annually."

"Millions? And I don't have to work?"

Eddie couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and Venom quickly chimed in, "Don't worry, Blood God, we will most certainly fulfill this undercover mission."

Millions of dollars per year — who could resist that?

Weying also regained her composure and asked cautiously, "Mr. Wang, am I even qualified to hear these secrets?"

"You are qualified. I will bring you into the Avengers and make you a new superhero."

Bert said, "Your superpower is the newly developed unconscious symbiote by S.W.O.R.D."

"A superhero?"

Weying's eyes lit up, and then she hesitantly asked, "Mr. Wang, I truly want to be a superhero, but isn't that symbiote too grotesque?"

Venom glared at Weying, but Eddie nodded repeatedly. It wasn't just grotesque; it was super grotesque. Perhaps that's why the Blood God didn't include him in the Avengers.

"The Avengers also have to consider their image," Bert responded. "If you find it ugly, you can change it. You can even design your own appearance."

"Weying, from now on, you will be Eddie's liaison," Bert continued. "If he needs anything, he can reach out to you."

"Anne will be my liaison?" Eddie's eyes brightened. Did this mean there was a chance for them to reconcile?

"The opportunity is there for you. Whether you can seize it depends on your own abilities, but remember to keep a low profile." Bert's voice echoed in Eddie's mind. "We shouldn't delay matters with Knull for too long. Once I capture him, I will restore your superhero status."

"Okay," Eddie nodded eagerly, feeling a significant reduction in his resentment. Despite the Blood God's manipulations, he seemed genuinely sincere.

On the other hand, Weying was slightly disgusted. "I have to be responsible for this guy? Mr. Wang, he's very troublesome, arrogant, and annoying."

"After the lessons he's learned, I believe he will change," Bert replied calmly, not dwelling on the matter any further. He called Coulson to handle the remaining details.

Bert then teleported back to his manor and contemplated using the Reality Stone to contact Loki, whom he hadn't spoken to in a while. "Queen Loki, how have you been doing lately?"

"It's fine. The Frost Kingdom at least resembles a proper nation," Loki replied with a cold tone. "It's no longer the primitive tribe it once was."

Bert inquired, "Do you still aspire to be the queen of Asgard?"

"Why not? I was born to be the queen of Asgard," Loki sneered. "That idiot is incapable of leading Asgard. He just stood by and watched me build the Frost Kingdom without sending a single soldier."

Loki fell silent, frustrated by the fact that Asgard had not responded to her calls. She had been prepared for Asgard's support, but not a single soldier arrived.

"Queen?" Bert's eyes flickered. It seemed Loki had fully embraced her femininity. It was a shame Odin didn't approve of his plan; otherwise, she and Thor would have been a perfect match.

"It seems like you're quite pleased," Bert commented with a smile. "As for you and Thor, you can figure it out yourselves. And help me spread the news to Thanos."

Loki inquired, "What news?"

"There are two Iron Man, two... well, an overweight Thor," Bert revealed.

"Two Iron Man, two... an overweight Thor? Wait, do you have any pictures?" Loki asked with curiosity.

Bert shared a photo, and Loki burst into laughter. Thor had transformed into an excessively greasy and overweight man?

Loki curiously asked, "Where did they come from?"

"They're from the future," Bert explained briefly. "By the way, you were strangled to death initially."

"The Mad Titan actually did it?" Loki was shocked, not just by the fact that Thanos had truly done it, but also by the implications for Tony in the future when they returned to the past. She asked, "Blood God, what do you intend to accomplish by informing Thanos about this news?"

"I want to lead him to the future and kill him," Bert stated frankly. In the future timeline, Thanos is dead, meaning the Thanos in that timeline has no connection to the Goddess of Death. If he leads Thanos to that timeline, there's a possibility of truly killing him. Additionally, it serves as a test to determine if there is a Goddess of Death behind Thanos.

In the past, Bert wasn't strong enough, so he sought stability. But now, he can afford to be a bit bolder. Both he and Thanos are proactive individuals who, given the opportunity, would definitely seek to eliminate each other. The conflict between them is irreconcilable.

Loki questioned, "I don't doubt your strength, but why don't you eliminate him directly in this world? With my assistance, it wouldn't be difficult to find him."

"The Mad Titan is not as simple as you think," Bert replied, shaking his head. "Anyway, do as you please. Just remember to inform me of Thanos' plans. If you're fortunate, you might be able to resolve this matter entirely, and then you can end your undercover career and even marry Thor."