Chapter 331 : To the Future

"No problem."

Future Tony immediately contacted Future Ant-Man, who excitedly responded, "That's great, I'll be right back."

After ending the call, Future Ant-Man solemnly addressed Thanos, "Master, this Blood God is not simple. Will he see through my disguise?"

"Your concerns are justified," Thanos replied.

Thanos hesitated for a moment in the Sanctuary II, then spoke to the void, "Hide me."

The Goddess of Death replied, "No problem. I will not only help you hide but also attach a force of death to your weapon to aid you in defeating the Blood God."

"Great, don't worry. This time, I will definitely succeed." Thanos exclaimed with joy, "Because I am... Destiny."

The Goddess of Death found herself a little speechless. Hearing the phrase "I am the destiny" once was impressive, the second time was acceptable, but the repetition became excessive.

Now, Thanos had said it hundreds of times.

'I still prefer Wade. Although he's long-winded, at least he doesn't keep repeating the same sentence,' Death shook her head.

With a flick of her hand, an invisible layer of strange energy enveloped Supergiant (Controlling future Ant-Man) and the Sanctuary II.

Then, the Goddess of Death touched Thanos' weapon and infused it with some of her power. In the future, he wouldn't have to worry about many things.

Feeling assured by Thanos, Future Ant-Man ran excitedly to Tony and the others. He admiredly said to Bert, "Blood God, you are too powerful."

"Does that even need to be said?" Bert glanced at Future Ant-Man and found nothing wrong. He opened the portal and said, "Let's go and see this world's Tony in women's clothes."

The two Tonys corrected simultaneously, "It's Iron Man's women's clothes, thank you."

Everyone laughed, "Aren't you Iron Man?"


Back on Earth, Iron Man's face turned black. Women's clothes? Those bastards actually want me, the dignified Iron Man to wear women's clothes. He didn't want to be embarrassed, huh?

"I refuse. I can't. I disagree," Iron Man repeated vehemently. Wolverine sneered, unhappy with the situation. "Didn't you keep talking about protecting the world? Now that the world needs you to make a small sacrifice, you don't want to?"

Many people nodded in agreement, saying, "Yes."

Iron Man angrily retorted, "You all are so righteous and awe-inspiring, then why don't you dress up with me?"

"I never said I wanted to protect the world," Wolverine snorted coldly. "I can survive on any planet anyway."

Iron Man clenched his teeth in anger. At that moment, Doctor Strange exclaimed in shock, "Dark Phoenix has already entered the solar system. It won't be long before she arrives on Earth."

Everyone's faces grew solemn, and Black Widow said, "Iron Man, if it's a big deal, I'll accompany you by wearing men's clothes."

Iron Man furiously replied, "Is your men's clothing the same as mine?"

"Same. What's the difference? Gender equality!" Black Widow responded, with everyone nodding and saying, "Yes, men and women are equal. Tony, you can't be sexist."

"A bunch of bastards! Let me tell you, even if I die, I won't wear women's clothes," Iron Man rebuked. Captain America smiled and reassured him, "It's alright, we can help you."

As Iron Man looked at the group of persistent superheroes, he screamed in a high-pitched voice, "Don't come near me!"


Outside the moon, Dark Phoenix glared at Bert and said with a menacing expression, "I finally found you, but I no longer need your help. You can die."

"It's quite audacious. Have you brushed your teeth today?" Bert looked disdainful as he replied, "You should know that your past life perished at the hands of the Iron Fist."

Thousands of years ago, Iron Fist Wu Fongji killed the Phoenix, which shattered and left fragments on Earth. These fragments were inherited by Jean Grey, giving rise to the Dark Phoenix. However, Jean Gray only inherited a portion of the phoenix's power, not its entirety.

The Dark Phoenix on the mutant planet is the true phoenix, possessing strength comparable to the Elder Gods.

"No wonder I have such a strong desire to kill you. Go to hell!" Dark Phoenix shouted, and the invisible power of the phoenix surged toward Bert. Clenching his fist, Bert pulled it back and unleashed a powerful strike.

The space and phoenix power shattered simultaneously, and a space storm, propelled by Bert's fist, blasted towards Dark Phoenix.

Dark Phoenix's expression changed drastically as she attempted to dodge, but she encountered a problem with the surrounding time. All her movements became slow-motion, leaving her unable to evade Bert's fist.

"How could he be this strong?"

Dark Phoenix felt despair, and memories from her past life flooded her mind. This individual was stronger than Wu Fongji in her previous life.

At the moment when Bert's fist was about to strike, Dark Phoenix would undoubtedly meet her end. However, in the final moment, Bert closed his fist. Then, with a thought, the red light of the Reality Stone illuminated his fist.

The red light converged in the air, transforming into a small dragon that rushed into Dark Phoenix's body. After a while, the small dragon flew out, clutching a fragment.

This fragment, resembling a soaring phoenix, brimmed with an endless aura of destruction—it was a phoenix fragment.

The phoenix fragment writhed in the grip of the small dragon, but Bert used spatial magic to seal it. Then, his right fist glowed with the yellow light of the Mind Stone. Jean Grey initially appeared confused but gradually regained consciousness.

Jean smiled wryly and asked, "Why did you save me? He's already dead."

"Don't be so sorrowful. Cyclops may be gone, but Wolverine is still alive." Bert sneered, thinking that with the strength of the Dark Phoenix, if she were to unleash her full power, even Wolverine would perish.

"What nonsense are you spouting?" Jean retorted, feeling ashamed and angry. Thinking that she, Jean, was pure and virtuous from beginning to end and could never be portrayed as a bad woman.

"Poor Cyclops not only had his role as the protagonist taken away, but now his girlfriend too," Bert shook his head, not bothering to elaborate further. He opened a portal and sent Jean Grey back to Earth.

The Avengers were shocked at the sudden appearance of Jean Grey. Only Professor X exclaimed excitedly, "Jean, you're back!"

"I'm back, Professor. I'm sorry, everyone. I truly apologize," Jean Grey expressed guiltily. The group breathed a collective sigh of relief and reassured her that they were all fine.

"Talk about efficiency. The photo was just sent, and they've already dealt with the Dark Phoenix over there," Captain America said, patting Iron Man on the shoulder. "Tony, the world will remember your sacrifice."

"I didn't expect you to be such an asshole," the Iron Man in the maid outfit replied, appearing sad and angry. Ten minutes later, he felt like he wanted to die when someone posted a photo of his female attire on the internet.


In space, Bert extended his hand to grasp the phoenix fragment. The fragment transformed into a beam of light and attempted to destroy and annihilate.

Bert shook his head, employing his Chi to suppress the phoenix fragment. After struggling for a while, the fragment realized it couldn't escape his Chi's influence and voluntarily fused with it. This wasn't surprising, as after Wu Fongji killed the phoenix, he had also assimilated a portion of the phoenix's power.

"The power of space is growing stronger. It's not a bad thing to integrate the power of the Phoenix. It seems I'll have numerous encounters with Jean Grey from other worlds in the future," Bert mused. He opened a portal to return to the arena and addressed everyone, "Are you ready to go home?"

"We're all set," everyone nodded eagerly, and even Thanos in Sanctuary II stated, "I'm prepared as well."

Bert smiled and said, "Then let's go back."


On the Earth space station, a vivid array of lights heralded the return of Bert and the others. Future Banner couldn't contain his excitement as he stepped forward and asked, "How did it go? Did you retrieve all the Infinity Stones?"

Bert raised his hand, and the six Infinity Stones shimmered. Future Banner cheered, delighted that they could finally restore everything from the beginning.

Future Banner eagerly inquired, "When are we going back?"

"While I don't think there's anything wrong, we still need to be prepared as there's an 80% chance we'll have to fight Thanos upon our return."

Future Tony implored Bert and the others, saying, "Please help us for the sake of the future universe and to prevent me from snapping my fingers."

Bert grumbled, "Didn't you say you'd snap your fingers as soon as you saw Thanos? Ivan will be very disappointed if you back out."

"I don't care about disappointing him. Pepper will never belong to him, no matter the world," Tony declared fiercely. "I will definitely assist you in the future."

Future Tony nodded and expressed gratitude, "Thank you."

"I'll join too. I've vowed to avenge Hulk," Hulk said, causing future Banner to feel a bit embarrassed but not opposed.

"If we're going to play, let's go big. S.W.O.R.D. and the Oscorp will both send troops to fight Thanos simultaneously," Bert proposed.

"In addition, my clone will also accompany you," Bert added.

"It just occurred to me. You're merely a clone, Blood God. You're truly formidable. A clone can effortlessly handle the Infinity Stones," future Tony praised, expressing his admiration despite his usual arrogance.

While future Tony admired Bert, Thanos was utterly shocked. That guy was just a clone? It seemed outrageous to him.

"Where did this Blood God come from? So terrifying," Thanos wondered, hesitating for a moment. However, he refrained from immediate attack, as he wasn't entirely sure and deemed it a matter to be discussed in the future.

The Blood God's physical body wouldn't travel to the future, making it the optimal time and place to strike. Thanos contemplated, "I'll wait until he snaps his fingers before I make my move. No matter how powerful the Blood God is, he'll become vulnerable after snapping his fingers."

Grateful, future Steve said, "Thank you. With you by our side, we'll be able to handle the consequences."

"It's the right thing to do," Bert smiled. "Alright, let's all return and rest. Tomorrow, we fight together for the future, in the Future."

"Sounds good," everyone agreed, nodding as they made their final preparations. S.W.O.R.D. and the Oscorp also mobilized, getting ready for what lay ahead.

After everyone departed, Bert raised his right hand and sensed the Infinity Gauntlet. After a while, he sighed in disappointment — the Infinity Stones from the parallel world was suppressed.

"Seems like I can't snap my fingers in this world," Bert lamented. While the other gems were manageable, he hadn't acquired the Soul Stone from this universe, rendering him unable to snap his fingers at all.

"I'm afraid those big shots won't allow me to gather the Infinity Stones," Bert contemplated. The bosses in the parallel world didn't mind, and some even wished for Bert to acquire all the Infinity Stones since he would leave with them and not affect their realm. However, the boss of this universe would definitely not sit idly by and watch Bert obtain all the stones.

"Let's take it step by step, no rush, no rush," Bert said with a smile. "First, let's kill Thanos. If we fail to do so, then next time it'll be his turn to die."


The following day, everyone gathered at S.W.O.R.D. Headquarters. In addition to the future team of five, there were the Avengers, superheroes from the Watchmen Company, the Knowheres' crew, and even King Doom who came to spectate.

(Here the Knowhere is the Celestial's head that was modified by Doom to be used as Blood God's Spaceship)

Doom stood on the observation deck of Knowhere and spoke confidently, "Knowhere will surely obliterate Thanos' Sanctuary II."

"Of course. How much did this Celestial's head cost me?" Bert replied with a smile. "If it can't rival the Sanctuary II, there's only one possibility: someone stole my money."

Doom responded, "I'm not overly greedy. Besides, Knowhere is undoubtedly the strongest battleship in the universe, unmatched by anyone."

"You dare to admit it so boldly?" Bert rolled his eyes and continued, "You can command Knowhere, and the Black Widows will cooperate with you."

Doom looked disdainful. He found it quite despicable that the bastard had turned all the Black Widows on Knowhere into crew members. "You have quite the appetite to handle so many Black Widows."

"I'm just fostering a sense of camaraderie," Bert said. "Enough about that. I'll leave it to you here while I return to Earth."

Everyone, including the Dragon Soul clone, nodded in unison. "Go in peace."

Bert waved his middle finger and returned to Earth, knowing he couldn't afford to be careless with so many superheroes absent.

"Wanda, if a fight breaks out, remember to take care of yourself. I might not be able to divert my attention."

The Dragon Soul clone instructed Wanda, who replied, "Don't worry, I'm not like Pietro monkey. I hope he behaves this time and doesn't go off on his own."

"With his nature, how can he stay still? Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him," Bert assured her with a smile. Soon, everyone was prepared. Doom activated the device, and Knowhere rapidly shrank until it entered quantum space.

"They're off," Thanos exclaimed excitedly, eagerly addressing the void. "I will return to you with victory and glory."

(Thanos from the original universe i.e., Bert's world. The other Thanos was from Blonde Spider-Man's universe, and is already shrunken along with Sanctuary II and kept with Future Ant-Man who is controlled by Supergiant.)

The Goddess of Death placed her hand on Thanos' double-headed sword and said, "Go. I will infuse a portion of the power of death into your blade. Use it to kill the Blood God and fulfill your destiny."

"I will never let you down. Wait for me," Thanos declared, overjoyed. He then loudly commanded, "Initiate the device and follow S.W.O.R.D. to the future."

"Yes, Master," General and others echoed. It's worth noting that Loki was also present and played a significant role — she now had enough sacrifices.

Dr. Pym sighed helplessly, activated the device, and the Sanctuary II rapidly shrank. Dr. Pym silently prayed, "God, please forgive me."


In the future time, future Black Widow and Rocket controlled the device. At that moment, the device displayed a notification, and Rocket exclaimed excitedly, "They're back!"

In the next instant, an energy beam emerged beneath the platform, and a colossal head appeared, growing larger and larger.

Realizing that the platform couldn't contain it, Skull quickly flew to the side. With a loud crash, the head smashed through the wall and flew outside.

"What's going on?" Everyone was startled and hurriedly rushed outside to investigate. They discovered a massive head in the sky, blocking the sunlight.

"Celestial's head! How did Knowhere end up here?" Rocket shouted incredulously. Just then, a beam of light descended from Knowhere, and a group of figures appeared below.