Chapter 332 : Sneak Attack

What came down from Knowhere were the Future Five and superheroes such as Bert, Tony, Ivan, Wanda, and Steve. It is worth mentioning that Nebula also came down, and she wanted to meet her future self.

Doom did not come down; he took Jarvis and some superheroes to stay in Knowhere to monitor the surroundings.

"Are you from the past?" Future Natasha looked at everyone and asked in surprise.

"Yes, I am you in the past," Natasha looked up and down the future Natasha and smiled. "This time, I'm here to save you, lest you jump off the cliff for Barton."

People who have seen the movie burst into laughter, but Future Natasha and the others are stunned. Future Natasha said with contempt, "Who would be so blind and jump off a cliff for Barton?"

Future Barton pretended to be sad, "I will be very sad if you talk like this."

Everyone laughed, and Rocket couldn't wait to ask, "How is it, have you found the stones?"

"Of course, we found it; otherwise, we wouldn't have the face to come back." Future Tony couldn't wait to say, "Blood God, when will we start?"

"No hurry, bring Captain Marvel here first." Bert said, "She is powerful and must appear in advance."

Future Banner asked, "Blood God, is there enough time?"

Bert said, "Of course, it's not too late, Rocket, give me your communicator."

"Who are you, do I know you?" While complaining dissatisfied, Rocket threw the communicator to Bert.

"It's fairly familiar. In my world, you have been helping me with some work," Bert took the communicator and said while contacting Captain Marvel.

Rocket was stunned, "I'll work for you? Really, are you rich?"

Natasha smiled and said, "Introduction, this is Mr. Bert, the richest man in the galaxy, and I am also working for him."

Steve heard the words and said, "He started S.W.O.R.D. In a sense, I am also working for him."

"The richest man in the galaxy?" Everyone was amazed, and Rocket asked with bright eyes, "Rich man, do you have any openings?"

Future Natasha glanced at Bert and Natasha, and intuitively thought that these two people are connected.

'Past me had a good time, and she actually hugged the richest man's thigh. Hey, her skin seems to be better than mine, her chest is bigger than mine, and her legs are longer than mine. What's going on?' Future Natasha blinked. It was obviously the same self, why would the other party be more beautiful than herself? This is unscientific!

Unlike the others, Future Nebula has been looking at Nebula. Although the other party is no longer a robot, she still recognizes the other party at a glance. She asked a little excitedly, "Have you recovered your flesh and blood?"

"Well, I made a boyfriend who is proficient in body modification. When this matter is over, I will introduce you to each other," Nebula said with a smile. Future Nebula was surprised to see her smile. She hadn't laughed for a long time, let alone this kind of sincere smile.

Future Nebula said enviously, "It seems that you are very happy."

"I am indeed very happy, so I want you to be happy as well," Nebula said.

At this time, Bert contacted Captain Marvel, and Captain Marvel asked in surprise, "Who are you and why are you holding Rocket's communicator?"

Bert didn't answer; he sensed her location for a moment, pushed his hand through the portal, and directly grabbed Captain Marvel from space back to Earth.

"I'm back on Earth?" Captain Marvel looked at Bert in shock and asked, "Who are you?"

Others were also stunned. The richest man in the galaxy is too powerful, right? In other words, shouldn't his wealth be 'caught' back like this?

"In the past time and space, I was your master. As for in this time, I can barely count as a comrade-in-arms," Bert smiled, and Captain Marvel looked suspicious. "I will worship you as a teacher? Is it true?"

"Of course it's true, but let's leave that aside for now," Bert clapped his hands and said, "Everyone is here, I'm going to start snapping my fingers."

With that said, Bert raised his right hand, and the Infinity Gloves and Infinity Stones appeared out of thin air.

War Machine Rhodes hurriedly said, "Wait, just fight like this? Shouldn't you be prepared? For example, close the base, and everyone surrounds you like this?"

"Yeah, for such an important matter, it has to have a sense of ceremony." Future Natasha nodded again and again, and Bert smiled, "No need, it's better to be outside than in the base, at least it won't be attacked, I don't know."

"Yes, not in the base," Future Tony and the others nodded again and again. "However, preparations are still to be done. Friday, lock down the base, it will enter a state of full alert. Once the enemy is found, automatic attacks are allowed."

"Yes, Mr. Stark," answered Friday. The Avengers base was fully operational immediately.

Future Banner hesitated and said, "Blood God, why don't I do it? You are the main force and cannot be injured."

Dr. Banner's face flashed green, and the Hulk sneered, "Banner, you should keep your hands. After all, you are destined to be single for a lifetime, and hands are very important."

Everyone laughed. Future Banner pointed his middle finger to Hulk. This guy is definitely a bastard.

"No, I can handle the Infinity Stones," Bert shook his head. He wanted to experience the power of the Infinity Stones for himself, which would be very helpful for his future development.

"Oh well."

Everyone hesitated, stopped talking nonsense, and formed a circle around Bert.

Bert didn't waste any time. He raised his right hand and said, "I am... Blood God."

Immediately afterwards, Bert rubbed his fingers and snapped, and an incredible energy burst out from the Infinity Gloves, sweeping every corner of the universe.

At the same time, Bert's consciousness entered a strange place, surrounded by mysterious rules and concepts.

"This is the core of the universe! Six Infinity Stones go straight to the core of the universe, so it can do anything."

Bert suddenly realized that he wanted to see more clearly, but his consciousness was directly expelled, and he returned to his body.

"This time, I made a big profit."

Bert was a little disappointed, but more excited. He already knew how to proceed in the future.

"Bert, are you all right?"

The two Tonys shouted while spraying dry ice on Bert's right hand. Bert's right hand was severely burned and there were cracks everywhere.

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem," Bert weakly shook his head, and was about to speak when a giant figure in golden armor appeared out of thin air next to the future Ant-Man, with a two-meter-long broadsword in his hand aimed at Bert's head, ready to strike.

The blade came down, and space broke apart. This was not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing was that there was a black light covered on the edge of big sword, the blackest in the world.

When everyone saw the black light, they all felt as if they were about to die. They couldn't help but tremble.

That was the power of the goddess of death.

As the target, Bert faced the power of death, and countless images of his own demise suddenly appeared in his mind. Moreover, he had just snapped his fingers and was in a weakened state, unable to resist at all.


Thanos was overjoyed. This was his long-awaited ultimate strike, which was almost faster than time itself. Combined with the power of death, even the Blood God would be killed on the spot.

As the broadsword was about to strike Bert, at that very moment, two beams of heat emerged from Bert's shadow and slammed into Thanos' chest, sending him flying.


Thanos roared in frustration. The power of death on the broadsword surpassed time, instantly seeping into Bert's body, seeking to eradicate him completely.

Fortunately, at that moment, Bert snapped out of the illusion of death. He clenched his fists, and the power of the six Infinity Stones enveloped his body, desperately resisting the power of death.

It was pure gem power, not the act of snapping his fingers. Bert didn't have the time or ability to snap his fingers at that moment.

Elektra jumped out of Bert's shadow and, while protecting him, shouted, "Thanos!"

"The tyrant has truly arrived?"

Everyone regained their composure after the brush with death and stared solemnly at Thanos, who had risen from the ground. They knew that Thanos was coming, but they hadn't expected the danger to be so intense right from the start.

"Kill him!"

Enraged by his failure to kill Bert, Thanos shouted loudly. When Future Ant-Man heard those words, he immediately launched Sanctuary II into the sky.

Growing in size, Sanctuary II prepared to descend with the intention to attack. However, at that moment, a massive beam of cosmic energy slammed onto its defensive shield, almost shattering it, causing the entire main ship to shake violently.

Startled, Ebony Maw inside the Sanctuary II quickly turned his attention to the opposing side and discovered that Knowhere's right eye was fervently gathering cosmic energy.

"Master, they're ready. The main ship needs to deal with Knowhere first. I will send the army down to assist you," Ebony Maw ordered, commanding the energy cannon to gather energy while dispatching troops below.

Amidst the dazzling light, Vanguard guards (the creatures from "Avengers 3"), Chitauri soldiers, and over a dozen Leviathan beasts filled the sky around Thanos.

"You insects are all going to die!" Thanos roared. At the same time, the future Ant-Man shrunk in size and flew back to stand with General Deathblade and others in Thanos' camp.

"You're the insect, Thanos. Let's settle the score," Future Tony said calmly, knowing that there would be a counterattack. He raised his hand high, and a beam of light descended from Knowhere as Jarvis led a multitude of unmanned battle armors flying through the sky.

But it didn't end there. Numerous unmanned armors also flew out from the Avengers base. In the previous timeline, future Tony had mobilized the army of armors.

The superheroes tightened their grips on their weapons, ready for a decisive battle. Despite facing a larger enemy force, they were unafraid because this time, they had to emerge victorious.

"Just you?" Thanos sneered. He was about to give the order to attack when, at that moment, another Sanctuary II crashed through the roof of the Avengers base and soared into the sky.

"How is this possible?"

Both those below and Thanos and his companions inside the Sanctuary II were shocked. What was happening? Was there a collision during the decisive battle, or was it a collision with themselves?

After a brief hesitation, Thanos descended from the sky with his formidable army. Holding his double-headed tyrant's blade, he locked eyes with the opposing Thanos.

In appearance, Both Thanos were identical, even down to the matching golden armor. The only difference was their weapons.

One Thanos wielded the double-headed tyrant's blade, while another Thanos brandished a massive several-meter-long sword.

"Destroy the humans first," Thanos ordered, other Thanos nodded and replied, "No problem. These bugs must die."

"I despise this swarm of bugs as well," Thanos remarked, taking the situation seriously. Then, both tyrants raised their hands simultaneously, and General Obsidian led the numerous Chitauri and Vanguard forces to charge towards the Avengers. At a glance, the entire world seemed to be their enemy.

"Two Thanos?"

Everyone was stunned, their hearts sinking. Dealing with one Thanos was already difficult, and now there were two. What was happening?

"Two Thanos, double the repercussions? Is it because we brought people from the past to help?" Future Tony gritted his teeth. He rushed to Bert's side and grabbed the Infinity Gloves with his hands. "You wanted me to snap my fingers, right? Well, I'm calling you, Tony. Help me protect Pepper. Don't let that pig Ivan bully her anymore."

Seeing this, Elektra swiftly grabbed Tony Future's hand and forcefully threw it away. She scolded loudly, "Do you want to die? The master is battling the goddess of death. His body is filled with potent death energy and stones energy. Anyone who touches him will die, with not even their soul remaining."

"What? The goddess of death? The goddess of death, one of the five creation gods?" Wanda exclaimed upon hearing Bert mention the goddess of death. "Will Bert be okay?"

"Don't worry. The master can handle it. Even if he can't, it doesn't matter. He's just a clone anyway," Elektra reassured her.

"He's not just a clone," Wanda objected. "How can we help him?"

"We can't help him. In a battle of this level, he can only fight on his own," Elektra explained. "What we can do is defeat the tyrant. The current situation is caused by Thanos, and we must not allow Thanos to approach him."

"In other words, we have to give it our all? Then let's fight," Future Tony gritted his teeth and shouted. "Tony, Steve, Thor, the five of us will deal with the later appearing Thanos. Hulk and Captain Marvel, you deal with the earlier appearing Thanos. The rest of you, destroy the surrounding monsters."

"Kill!" The superheroes roared loudly. Led by the two Tonys, they charged towards the Thanos' army.

Meanwhile, in the sky, the Knowhere clashed with the two Sanctuary II. Dr. Doom was not afraid, but rather exhilarated. Only such a formidable enemy could prove the power of the Knowhere and show that he had fulfilled his mission of transforming Knowhere into the strongest warship.

"Die," Both Thanos sneered simultaneously as they rushed forward with their blades in hand. They met the superheroes in battle.


Thanos slashed future Steve with his blade and disdainfully remarked, "You want to fight me too? You can't even stop me with one hand."

"Then two hands it is. I have more hands now," future Steve retorted, hurling his shield at Thanos. Just as Thanos was about to cleave through the shield, a hammer crashed onto it. With a resounding bang, even Thanos felt a jolt of pain in his head.