Chapter 333 : Battle in the Future (I)

Steve caught Mjølnir, and together with Fat Thor, they summoned thunder and lightning to violently strike Thanos, knocking him to the ground on one knee.

Taking advantage of the situation, the two Tonys raised their right hands to fire energy cannons at Thanos. Thanos raised his blade to block the incoming energy blasts. He then turned the blade, causing the energy to rebound, sending both Tonys flying.

Seizing the opportunity, Thanos quickly stood up and rushed towards future Steve. Steve, wielding Mjølnir, and Fat Thor, wielding the Stormbreaker, immediately attacked Thanos together.

Thanos had to deal with Steve and Fat Thor first. His strength was formidable, and even when Steve and Fat Thor joined forces, they couldn't match him. They were beaten back. Seeing this, the two Tonys quickly flew away and returned to fire miniature missiles at Thanos.

The miniature missiles exploded on Thanos' body one after another, but even his golden armor couldn't be broken, only managing to delay Thanos momentarily.

"So, you secretly borrowed Mjølnir. You used to be so cunning," said Thanos.

Future Steve kept throwing shield at Thanos' weak point, disrupting his attack rhythm, although it didn't cause much damage.

"You bugs! Puny bugs! I'm going to kill you," Thanos exclaimed furiously.

Thanos swung his blade towards Fat Thor, causing even space to tremble and cracks to appear faintly. Fearlessly, Fat Thor confronted him, but was sent flying with a bang. Thanos then took the opportunity to sweep Steve, slashing him away.

Steve immediately threw Mjølnir to future Steve, who caught it and smashed it into Thanos' face with a bang, causing him to turn his head.

Before Thanos could react, the two Tonys simultaneously grabbed a downed fighter plane and smashed it at Thanos. The dust rose as the plane crushed him.

Just as the two Tonys were about to continue their attack, a golden figure emerged from the wreckage of the fighter plane. He kicked hard, propelling the engine with a sonic boom towards future Tony, who flew backward screaming.

"Fuck," Tony exclaimed.

Tony immediately used a laser to attack Thanos, but Thanos blocked it with the Blade, striding towards Tony.

At a critical moment, a thundering hammer struck Thanos' knee, causing him to kneel down. Fat Thor took the opportunity to rush forward and decapitate him with his axe.

"You think you can chop off my head?" Thanos taunted as he blocked Fat Thor's axe with the blade, then landed a heavy punch on Fat Thor's chest, causing him to scream and fly backwards, leaving a mark on his chest.


The two Steves immediately rushed to stop Thanos. Thanos stood up, wielding the blade and slashing towards future Steve, creating a space crack. Future Steve hurriedly raised his shield.

With a bang, Thanos forcibly cut through the Vibranium shield. Future Steve was shocked and quickly retreated. Thanos was about to pursue him when Mjølnir struck again, splitting Thanos and sending him flying.

Future Tony, who had repaired his armor, fired missiles at Thanos and remarked in a condensed voice, "This Thanos is stronger than the one we fought before."

"So what? We're not weak, Veronica," Tony angrily shouted as a huge box descended from Knowhere. Thanos punched the air, creating a powerful force that hit the box like a cannonball, causing it to explode.

To Thanos' dismay, it wasn't a large battle armor inside the box but countless nanoparticles, which flew towards Tony and quickly formed a massive Veronica.

"A giant Nanoarmor," Future Tony exclaimed with envy and jealousy, realizing that he could create such a battle armor but lacked the physical fitness required to control it.

"Titan, take the call," Tony declared, wielding a massive Vibranium sword and slashing at Thanos. Simultaneously, Fat Thor and Steve summoned thunder, combining their powers to create a violent column of thunder and lightning aimed at Thanos.

"Bugs," Thanos roared, taking a deep breath and gathering all his strength into his hands. He then slashed towards the sky, tearing it apart with a massive space crack.

At that moment, an individual who had been preparing for a long time launched an attack. A black beam of light shot towards Thanos' back. Although Thanos sensed the danger, his efforts to split the sky prevented him from avoiding it. The black light struck him directly in the back.

Thanos believed his defense could withstand this sneak attack, but the black light proved to be incredibly powerful, overpowering him. It pierced through him in an instant, entering through his back, piercing his chest, and creating a large hole in his heart.

Losing strength throughout his body, Thanos could no longer continue splitting the sky. The thunder and lightning beams struck him, causing his body to smoke as if it were being cooked.

Soon after, Veronica's great sword slashed across Thanos' chest, not only splitting his golden armor but also leaving a deep wound from which blood gushed out.

In disbelief, Thanos looked at the superheroes and collapsed with a bang, kicking up a cloud of dust. Notably, he never let go of his Thanos blade.

"Nailed it," everyone exclaimed in joy. Ivan, wearing a magical nano-armor, emerged from cover and proudly stated, "The so-called Thanos is nothing more than that." It was Ivan who had initiated the attack, utilizing the newly developed black hole annihilation gun that managed to penetrate Thanos.

"If it weren't for us, you wouldn't have been able to hit Thanos at all," Tony disdainfully remarked, acknowledging their desperate efforts to divert Thanos' attention, which allowed Ivan to succeed in the sneak attack.

"Regardless, the headcounts for me," Ivan snorted coldly, while Fat Thor healed himself and sneered, "It's just Thanos. I've dealt with worse."

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly," Tony gleefully exclaimed. Future Tony arrogantly added, "When Tony Stark takes a shot, is there anything he can't accomplish?"

"Oops, Tony is bragging. With his 'either being slapped in the face or on the way to being slapped in the face' setup, Thanos will be resurrected," Ivan's face changed dramatically, hastily pointing the Annihilation Gun at Thanos on the ground, preparing for another shot.

Tony, with a somber expression, retorted, "I don't have that kind of setup."

Before Tony could finish his words, Thanos on the ground abruptly opened his eyes. He then punched the ground with tremendous force, causing a bang as the ground sank. Ivan lost his balance and couldn't take the shot.

Seizing the opportunity, Thanos stood up and slashed at Ivan with his sword. Ivan quickly utilized a shield made of nanoparticles to protect himself. However, with another bang, the shield was shattered by Thanos, and Ivan was sent flying backward, screaming.

"Just you bugs, you want to kill me too?" Thanos cursed with intense hatred. His heart was filled with anger and fear. If the Goddess of Death had not bestowed upon him the power of death, he would have truly perished just moments ago.

What Thanos feared was not death itself, but the failure to fulfill his destiny.

"He doesn't die?"

Everyone's expression turned solemn, and Future Tony called out, "Tony, what other tricks do you have up your sleeve? Let's figure it out together!"

"Get lost! Where would I have any tricks?" Tony shouted angrily and charged towards Thanos with a loud bang. Raising his Vibranium sword, he swung it at Thanos. Thanos agilely evaded and kicked Veronica, sending it flying.

"That's his second trick, getting beaten every day," Steve shook his head and joined the fray with Mjølnir.

"So many tricks," Future Tony grumbled, joining the battle alongside Fat Thor. Tony and Ivan also flew in, attacking Thanos together.

Although Ivan had been slashed by Thanos, his iron fist combined with the defense of the magical armor prevented serious injury.

Despite being surrounded by so many opponents, Thanos was not at a disadvantage. In fact, he fought more fiercely, sending Tony and the others flying one after another.

However, that was as far as it went. Though Thanos was strong, Tony and the others were no pushovers. Within a short time, he couldn't manage to kill any of them.

"This can't go on. I need to find a way to turn the tide," Thanos' eyes gleamed as he conceived a cunning plan. He grinned wickedly, knowing that these Earth bugs would soon regret their actions.

This time, Thanos not only intended to seize the Infinity Gauntlet but also to annihilate the Earth and its inhabitants.

Simultaneously, Thanos (from the original timeline) also initiated the war.

Captain Marvel of this universe had never been defeated by Bert and was seething with anger. Without waiting for the two Hulks, she charged at Thanos with a dazzling light. Raising her fist, she delivered a powerful blow to Thanos' face.

Thanos raised his left hand and firmly caught Captain Marvel's fist. Captain Marvel was taken aback and swiftly delivered a series of kicks to Thanos' chest.

Undeterred, Thanos swung his large blade towards Captain Marvel. Startled, Captain Marvel emitted a radiant light from her body, transforming into a shockwave that struck Thanos' chest. Thanos took a few steps back.

With a cold snort, Thanos lunged forward, slashing at Captain Marvel. The void ruptured, and a dark spatial crack rapidly expanded towards Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel hastily evaded the spatial crack, but Thanos's sword closed in, leaving her no time to dodge. She could only gather her body's energy and withstand the strike from Thanos's sword.

With a disdainful smile, Thanos forcefully tore through the energy barrier with his massive blade and closed in on Captain Marvel. Cold sweat trickled down Captain Marvel's forehead. This Thanos was far stronger than she had anticipated.

To be honest, Captain Marvel had underestimated Thanos. After all, in the battle five years ago, when Thanos was severely injured, he appeared considerably weakened. She had rarely encountered opponents in the universe and had never truly faced a challenge.

Now, Captain Marvel realized the true extent of Thanos's strength. It was no wonder that so many superheroes had fallen before him.

In fact, the Thanos from the parallel universe was significantly stronger than the one encountered in the future.

Just as Captain Marvel was about to suffer a devastating blow, a mighty green fist slammed into Thanos with incredible force, causing the surrounding air to be sucked away, creating a powerful gust that swept the vicinity.

Thanos didn't dare to underestimate the impact of the fist and quickly positioned his blade in front of him. With a thunderous crash, he was pushed back more than ten steps, leaving deep footprints on the ground.

It was the Hulk who had made the attack. He wore white bone wings and a green battle armor composed of symbiotes, emanating a formidable presence.

"Square-faced girl, you're nowhere near as good as Carol in our world. Just cooperate with me obediently for now," Hulk arrogantly shouted at Captain Marvel. He couldn't defeat Carol, so he took the opportunity to belittle her.

It's worth mentioning that the Hulk had entered a state of uncontrollable rage, relying on his anger to push himself further. He was truly furious, considering Thanos to be the culprit responsible for the annihilation of half the lives in the universe.

"Square-faced girl?" Captain Marvel felt a mix of gratitude for the Hulk saving her and anger at being addressed in such a derogatory manner.

"Carol, we need to focus on the bigger picture," Future Banner rushed over and shouted. Hulk impatiently retorted, "Let Hulk take care of Thanos."

Future Banner sighed helplessly, slapping his arm as the symbiote enveloped his body. The future version of Hulk emerged, bellowing angrily at Thanos.

"You insignificant pests," Thanos sneered. Instead of retreating, he charged at the trio with his massive blade. Hulk grinned, leaped high into the air, and launched an assault towards Thanos.

Observing this, Thanos halted in his tracks, raising his blade and slashing at Hulk with a space rupture. Hulk flapped his wings, altering his trajectory in a V shape, successfully evading the powerful blade.

Then, the symbiote covering Hulk expelled a repugnant black slime onto Thanos's face, obscuring his vision.

Thanos was filled with fear and anger as he hurriedly scraped off the slime from his face with his left hand. Hulk took advantage of the situation, flying to Thanos's side and delivering a powerful punch, striking his cheek.

Reacting quickly after removing the symbiote tissue, Thanos raised his left arm to block Hulk's punch. The impact created a tremendous surge of airwaves, resembling a typhoon. Simultaneously, Thanos slid back hastily, leaving behind two deep gashes on the ground.

Hulk showed no mercy, charging at Thanos with incredible speed and launching a relentless barrage of punches. Caught off guard, Thanos couldn't utilize his big blade effectively in close combat, and he was continuously pushed back by Hulk's assault.

Both Hulk and Thanos possessed immense strength, and their clash turned the surrounding area into a vacuum. From a distance, it appeared as if the very sky was tearing apart—a truly terrifying sight.

Captain Marvel stood in awe, exclaiming, "This guy is incredibly strong!"

"Hulk is the strongest," Future Hulk glanced at Captain Marvel and rushed forward to assist Hulk.

Captain Marvel felt displeased by Future Hulk's gaze, fueling her determination. She soared into the sky, gathering energy frantically, preparing to unleash a devastating attack.

She harbored no fear of either Hulk or Thanos because she considered herself the strongest.

"Pests," Thanos seethed, being relentlessly beaten by Hulk. He seized a moment and forcefully headbutted Hulk. It was his secret move, a last resort.

As the surroundings became a vacuum, no sound escaped, but the vibrations in the air revealed the intensity of the collision. However, it surpassed Thanos's expectations. Hulk remained undeterred, while Thanos himself became dizzy from the impact.

Thanos was taken aback. "How is it possible for someone in this world to possess a tougher head than mine?"

"Your head is far worse than that square-faced bitch," Hulk sneered, delivering a series of powerful punches to Thanos's face. Thanos staggered backward, his steps faltering.

Although Hulk had never trained in the art of using his head as a weapon, Carol had headbutted him a thousand times before — her insults were too much to bear, making his skull incredibly sturdy.

"Hulk, smash!"

Realizing that the battle was nearing its end, Hulk clenched his fists tightly, leaped into the air, and brought his mighty force crashing down onto Thanos's head. Even the fabric of space couldn't withstand the tremendous power, resulting in numerous cracks.

In that moment, Thanos regained his senses. Seeing Hulk in mid-air, he hastily gripped his blade with both hands and blocked the incoming attack.

In the next second, Hulk's fists landed heavily on Thanos's hilt, causing Thanos to sink halfway into the ground. The earth rumbled and cracked, giving way beneath them. Within an instant, a massive crater appeared, stretching thousands of meters wide and tens of meters deep.