Chapter 334 : Battle in the Future (II)

"That's it?"

Despite being hit hard, Thanos didn't sustain significant damage. It was just blood on his hands. He let out a roar, forcefully stomped his feet, shattered the ground, and soared into the sky like a cannonball.

Shortly after, Thanos descended from the sky, wielding his large sword that produced a violent space crack as it slashed towards Hulk.

Hulk was about to evade, but in that moment, a dazzling wave of energy surged towards Thanos' chest from a short distance away. Thanos was sent flying like a meteor, courtesy of Captain Marvel's surprise attack.

With a contemptuous glance at Hulk, Captain Marvel pursued Thanos with a brilliant light covering her body.

"Pests, swarming like bugs."

Thanos was truly furious—why were there so many damn bugs?

Removing his golden helmet, Thanos used it as a weapon and fiercely struck Captain Marvel, resulting in a resounding sonic boom. Captain Marvel couldn't dodge and was struck hard, crashing to the ground and rolling over repeatedly.

Before Captain Marvel could rise, Thanos charged forward, slashing through space with his sword, launching a rapid attack at Captain Marvel.

In a nimble maneuver, Captain Marvel evaded the spatial crack, preparing to take flight. However, Thanos stomped the ground forcefully, causing tremors that disrupted Captain Marvel's balance.

Seizing the opportunity, Thanos approached Captain Marvel, unleashing a flurry of sword strikes. Captain Marvel couldn't afford to face them head-on.

Thanos' sword was swift and relentless, leaving Captain Marvel with dwindling options for escape. At that critical moment, a series of bone spears descended from the sky, propelled by sonic booms, hurtling towards Thanos.

Not daring to underestimate the situation, Thanos swiftly wielded his large sword, shattering the bone spears one by one into powder. This allowed Captain Marvel to retreat and join forces with the two Hulks who had arrived to offer support.

"Square-faced bitch, this guy is stronger than us. We can't take him on individually. We must unite our forces," Hulk shouted, acknowledging that Thanos possessed greater strength. However, he recognized the astounding defense and swordsmanship of Thanos, making victory uncertain unless Hulk abandoned his reason and succumbed to the Wrath state of mind mentioned by Bert.

In that state, Hulk is indeed formidable, but he fails to differentiate between friend and foe. Perhaps, after the battle, the Earth would cease to exist.

Future Hulk roared, "Kill Thanos!"

"Let's join, but remember, after this battle, I'll be the one to kill you, you heartless bastard," Captain Marvel glared at Hulk and warned.

Hulk laughed and replied, "You can't. The other you is nearly as powerful as me in my world. In that world, you revered the Blood God as your mentor, incredibly mighty. Once you activate your Binary form, even I would find it hard to fight."

"Binary form?" Captain Marvel was slightly taken aback but chose not to inquire further. The reason was simple — Thanos was attacking.

"Kill these three bastards first, then proceed to seize the Infinity Gloves. No matter how formidable the Blood God may be, he cannot stand against the Goddess. He is destined to perish." Thanos' eyes gleamed with murderous intent as his charge alone caused the void to tremble as if a malevolent force had descended.

The two Hulks and Captain Marvel took a deep breath and valiantly confronted him. Moments later, their fists collided with Thanos' massive sword.


The ground sank wildly, and the shockwaves swept through the surroundings like a typhoon, obliterating flowers, plants, and trees as if doomsday had arrived.

The four of them engaged in a fierce battle on the battlefield. Neither superheroes nor vanguards dared to approach the vicinity, unable to withstand even the aftermath.

Thanos was undeniably formidable, but the three of them were no pushovers.

While two Thanos and the superheroes clashed, others fought to subdue the Vanguard and Chitauri forces.

"There are so many monsters, Dad. Let's see who can take down more," Mindy, now in her adult form, engulfed in green flames, shouted to Damon, the Ghost Rider, as she rode her motorcycle.

Over the past year, Mindy had gained considerable fame in her adult form and was known as the Green Fire Knight.

"Some will meet their end today," Damon grinned, transforming from a human into a skeleton engulfed in blue flames. The flames of vengeance spread to his motorcycle, which swiftly morphed into a formidable and imposing form.

"Let's begin."

Simultaneously, Damon and Mindy revved their motorcycles, roaring forward with flames engulfing their bodies. Wherever they passed, whether it was the Vanguard Guards or the Chitauri, they were reduced to ashes, leaving behind a dazzling trail of flames on the ground.

In a short span of time, hundreds of monsters fell at the hands of these father and daughter duo, as death itself seemed to descend.

"It's so cool. Too bad I don't have any flashy powers," Quicksilver Pietro, who had recently joined the Avengers and donned a magnificent fringed battle armor, exclaimed, gazing at the rapidly spreading flames ahead.

"Fortunately, I'm not too shabby either."

With that, Pietro donned windproof sunglasses and dashed forward like a bolt of lightning. Due to his incredible speed, the fringes on his armor transformed into sharp blades, slicing through the monsters on either side.

When Pietro came to a halt a thousand meters away, the monsters behind him were all split in two, meeting a tragic demise on the spot.

"Nice, this brother-in-law didn't disappoint," Pietro chuckled and resumed running. With this battle armor, as long as he kept running, he could eliminate the enemy.

This lightning armor was specially developed by S.W.O.R.D. (Bert) for Pietro. The seemingly ordinary tassels were actually composed of nano-Vibranium particles, which transformed into formidable blades when he sprinted.

"The newcomers these days keep getting more incredible. Looks like I need to step up my game, or I'll be outshined by the rookies sooner or later."

Veteran superhero Johnny Storm, now assuming the form of Human Torch, rushed into a group of vanguards. He let out a shout as fire spread wildly over his body, engulfing the surrounding vanguards.

"You're definitely going to be outshined. Just remind yourself, how many messes have you caused this month? By the way, it's only the fifth today," The Thing said casually, swinging a gravity stick effortlessly, causing the monsters around him to scream and be sent flying.

In addition to the Thing, the Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic Dr. Reed were also present. They couldn't miss out on such a thrilling encounter in the future.

Alongside the Fantastic Four, S.W.O.R.D. dispatched Hawkeye Barton, Black Widow Natasha, Iron Fist Danny Rand, Daredevil, and some Inhumans. Though their numbers weren't large, they held their own against the enemies.

The Avengers performed admirably, and the Overwatch Company was equally impressive. Electro's railgun swept through the area, clearing the path with each shot.

Such a cool appearance naturally attracted the attention of the general. It was unclear which side the Black Dwarf approached from, but he struck down Electro with an axe, shouting, "Weak human, die!"

The Black Dwarf was a massive creature with a towering stature. Among the five Dreadlords, it boasted the strongest defense.

Electro transformed into electric light, evading the Black Dwarf's axe. Then, thunder and lightning surged violently across his body, transforming him into a mighty thunder giant exuding a destructive aura.

This was a technique taught to Electro by Dr. Doom himself. In order to learn this skill, Electro spent a year on a planet filled with lightning, ultimately transforming from a mere battery into a generator.

Even Dr. Doom praised Electro, and if he took another step, he would ascend to another level.

"Weak? What qualifications do you have to say that to me?" the thunder giant sneered, stepping on the Black Dwarf with his massive feet. The Black Dwarf hastily raised his axe to resist.

In the next moment, the electric current from the Thunder Giant's feet surged through the axe, engulfing the Black Dwarf's body. The Black Dwarf was electrified, and even his bones became visible amidst the electric onslaught.

"But that's not enough."

The thunder giant snorted coldly and hurled a spear crackling with thunder and lightning, instantly impaling the Black Dwarf. Despite being pierced, the Black Dwarf displayed his tenacious vitality and refused to die. He didn't even remove the lightning spear, instead turning around and fleeing, with the thunder giant hot on his heels.

"You monsters all deserve to die."

Colleen Wing, who had only made her debut two years ago, swiftly wielded her Vibranium Long Sword, leaving a trail of death in her wake as monsters fell in large numbers.

Witnessing this, Proxima Midnight of the Five Generals immediately launched an attack on Colleen Wing, spear in hand. Colleen Wing glanced at her indifferently, sheathed her sword, and in an instant, her sword was unsheathed again. A dark aura composed of spatial power swept across Proxima Midnight. When Colleen Wing retracted her sword, Proxima Midnight's weapon and body were severed into two parts simultaneously.

Colleen Wing's body contains a spatial dragon, invincible and unbeatable when it came to attacking.

"Hey, buddy, what's gotten into you? How dare you betray S.W.O.R.D.?"

Ant-Man flapped his wings and pursued the future Ant-Man riding on Anton Ant. He never imagined that his future self would betray Earth and bring Thanos to the future timeline.

Ant-Man expressed his disbelief. Although he enjoyed taking advantage of others, had questionable morals, stole things, and deceived the police, he was by no means a traitor.

"You're an agent of S.W.O.R.D., I'm not, Scott. Humanity is doomed. If you want to protect your little pumpkin, you'd better cooperate with me."

The future Ant-Man shouted as he fled, while Supergiant used her abilities to discreetly infiltrate Ant-Man's mind, preparing to control him together.

"Alert: Psychic energy intrusion detected."

Ant-Man's intelligent system sent a warning, and he suddenly realized that his future self was being controlled by someone.

Bert possessed psychic energy. In collaboration with a certain Idiot, who was often controlled by enemies, he developed a system to resist psychic energy for S.W.O.R.D. agents and others.

"This system isn't flawless. I only have one chance. I have to save the future Ant-Man no matter what. Little Pumpkin can't grow up without a father." Ant-Man thought to himself, deciding to execute his plan and give Supergiant a ruthless blow.

Thinking of something, Ant-Man let out a quiet sigh, "Following the big boss would have given me a brighter future. The reason why Future me is so miserable in the future is mainly due to his poor equipment."

Meanwhile, Hellcat Trish, Wonder Man, Wind Demon, Earth Demon, and other superheroes fought fiercely, aided by Jarvis and a multitude of unmanned armors. The situation was far from being hopeless.

"Stay below and focus on our mission of destroying the two Sanctuary," Doom said indifferently, and a group of Black Widows responded in unison, "No problem, we will ensure the destruction of the Sanctuaries and prove our worth."

At that moment, the two Sanctuaries unleashed a massive assault, sending waves of Chitauri fighters to attack Knowhere simultaneously. Doom smiled disdainfully and commanded, "Deploy unmanned fighters and clone armies."

"Should we deploy the Black Widow Fighter Jet Corps?" asked the Black Widow's adjutant. The Black Widow Fighter Jet Corps was a formidable force comprised of advanced fighter jets with the Black Widow as their core. The extra funding earned by Bert had mostly been invested in them.

"Not yet, save them for the main assault. It's not the right time to unleash our trump card," Doom replied confidently. The strength of the Black Widow Legion was unquestionable. In a recent training match, they defeated Xandar's proud Nova Corps at a ratio of one to five. Even the Centurion was left astonished, reevaluating Earth's combat capabilities.

"Very well," the adjutant Black Widow nodded without further question. Meanwhile, a multitude of drones and clone armies descended upon Knowhere.

Through continuous enhancements by Shuri, the unmanned fighters had reached fifth-generation status. They exhibited superior flight capabilities, maneuverability, and firepower, resulting in the destruction of numerous Chitauri fighters.

However, it was the clone armies that truly caught the eye. Dr. Lizard had integrated various genetic modifications into their bodies, creating cannon fodder armies such as the teleportation army, frozen army, thunder and lightning army, and more. Individually, a clone may not pose a significant threat, but when a group of clones unleashed lightning simultaneously, their power was truly terrifying. The clone army swiftly decimated the Chitauri fighters.

"How can these damn cannon fodder be so formidable?" Ebony Maw exclaimed in disbelief. He could see that the opposing forces were utilizing Chitauri technology, but their advancements had clearly surpassed his own.

What in the world was happening? Were the replicas truly stronger than the originals?

"It's truly tiresome. After all these years, their technology hasn't shown any improvement," Doom said disdainfully, observing the performance of the Chitauri. Both he and S.W.O.R.D., Stark Industries, and Oscorp had continuously upgraded their technology. Each time they engaged in battle, they brought something new to the table.

In contrast, Chitauri's technology remained stagnant, as if they had been living in isolation.

"The Chitauri are different from us. We fight for freedom and for Earth, while the Chitauri are merely slaves to Thanos," the adjutant Black Widow remarked. "They lack the motivation to innovate."

"You're right," Doom nodded, instructing, "The Sanctuary on the right lacks a quantum interference device. The Black Widow Special Operations Team, prepare for teleportation. Infiltrate the Sanctuary and neutralize the enemy from within."

"It seems they haven't experienced quantum teleportation before," the Black Widow's adjutant smiled. "The Black Widow Special Operations Team is ready. This will be their first official operation. Let's not disappoint the Blood God."

"Never," a vengeful angel led a hundred Black Widows, shouting in unison. Within moments, they were teleported into the Sanctuary II, which was engulfed in chaos. Ebony Maw was forced to lead his elite forces to confront the Black Widow brigade.

Witnessing this, the vengeful angel engaged Ebony Maw in combat, while the other Black Widows swiftly eliminated the so-called elite forces.

"How can these women be so formidable?" Ebony Maw secretly complained. This encounter was proving to be perilous.

The parallel world's Ebony Maw refused to believe in the Crimson Demon God.