Chapter 335 : Battle in the Future (III)

Looking at the stalemate on the battlefield, Elektra nodded with satisfaction. "Very good, Master's hard work over the years has not been in vain, and the two armies of Thanos have been blocked."

Wanda also breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at Bert, who had not returned to normal, and asked worriedly, "Elektra, will Bert be okay?"

Elektra, with a frenzy on her face, said, "Trust the master; he is invincible. Even death cannot kill him."


In Bert's MIndspace,

"Your little maid has great confidence in you." Death smiled at Bert. "Knowing that I am death, you still think you will win."

Death had a very hot body, but with a skull, it looked very weird.

In fact, this is only the appearance of death, and only those who are approved by death can see her true appearance.

Bert was not recognized. He looked at the skull and said, "Everyone who knows me has great confidence in me. After all, I have never lost."

"Never lost? Boy, how many years can you live?"

Death covered her mouth and chuckled. She said, "Although the Infinity Stones protect your life, Thanos will soon kill you and end you completely."

"To be honest, I really didn't expect you to do it yourself." Bert sighed and said, "I'm a little bit conflicted."

"In the original universe, I did have some restrictions, and I couldn't take it lightly."

Death said frankly, "But in this universe, I don't have to worry about anything. The great thing is that this force of death is destroyed, and the body will not suffer any damage."


Bert said, "Win or lose, there is no need to argue; it is meaningless. You have confidence in Thanos, and I also have confidence in superheroes. Death, it's hard to meet. Let's talk."

Death smiled and said, "Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

"Talk about your plan to destroy half of life in the universe."

Bert asked, "Why do you do this? Are you bored, or do you want to increase your strength? I heard that the more people die, the stronger your strength will be."

"No, I am doing my duty." Death said, "I am the administrator of the universe, and every Cosmic Beings has a responsibility that must be fulfilled and cannot be neglected."

"Fulfill your duties?"

Bert was puzzled. "Is that right? Your duty should be to maintain the natural death of all living beings, not to slaughter all living beings and actively create death."

"It's not that simple. The purpose of death is to maintain the balance of the universe."

Death shook her head and said, "In the past thousands of years, the universe has developed rapidly, and the number of lives far exceeds the capacity that the universe can bear. If this continues, the universe will be destroyed sooner or later. So, I sent Thanos to perform his duty, kill half of them, and let half remain, greatly reducing the population of the universe."

"The problem is, it doesn't make sense. According to mathematical models, doubling the population is very simple, and it doesn't even take a hundred years."

Bert said, "That means even if Thanos successfully snaps his fingers, it can only maintain a balance for a few decades. After a few decades, the population will explode again."

Death laughed dumbly. "Do you think that Thanos and I don't even know such a simple model?"

"Yeah, that's what I think." Bert nodded, and he said, "In my opinion, Thanos has a hole in his head, and so do you."

"Dare to speak like this in front of me, you are the first."

Death smiled and said, "I'm not that stupid. Intelligent life has feelings. If the population suddenly disappears by half, the entire universe will fall into sadness and death. In this case, the population will definitely decrease significantly."

More importantly, all sentient beings will remember this lesson, and at that time, they will honestly control the population to prevent the population from expanding and putting the universe in crisis again.

In simple terms, this is a lesson for all beings to be honest. Only through suffering can people truly understand and cherish.

"It seems like I've seen this idea in some comic book," Bert said, looking at Death.

"Ms. Death, wouldn't it be too costly to exchange half of all life for a lesson?" Bert asked.

"Do you play computer games?" Death inquired.

Bert complained, "It feels strange to hear the word 'computer' from your mouth."

Death replied, "I am the God of Creation, not an antique. I have a deeper understanding of technology than you, a high school student."

"I'm a college graduate, I have a certificate," Bert replied indignantly, but he felt a slight unease. Did Death actually know that he was a high school student? This entity had been observing him.

Upon reflection, it made sense. With such grandiosity and power, Death couldn't have been unaware.

"A certificate in exchange for money?" Death sneered. "When you play strategy games, do you care about the lives of those NPCs? I understand what you're trying to say. In my view, there is no difference between sentient beings and NPCs."

"That's why I don't want to be a god," Bert said. "If you become a god, you cease to be human."

"God is above all," Death replied lightly. "Blood God, I am fulfilling my duty to save the universe. That's why other gods of creation do not intervene. For the greater good, you should give up resistance."

"If you are willing to give up, I can grant you a position as a god. You will be my god from now on, enjoying eternal life and supreme glory alongside me," Death proposed.

Bert smiled and asked, "Are you trying to buy me?"

"Blood God, do you know how many people desire to be my slave?" Death responded. "This is the best opportunity of your life."

Bert expressed a hint of sadness and questioned, "Do you lack confidence in Thanos? Otherwise, why would you try to bribe me?"

Death assured, "I have complete confidence in him. Don't forget, there are two Thanos, which means there are two forces of death."

"No wonder Thanos was resurrected. Your thoughts truly align," Bert remarked. "It seems I must deal with you quickly, or they may not hold on."

"Defeat me? Blood God, are you being too arrogant?" Death smiled and asserted, "I am Death."

"I Know, I Know... but I am Blood God," Bert responded.

Bert's mind shifted, and the Space Stone detached from the Infinity Gauntlet, merging into his body. Gradually, the Space Stone absorbed the power of the other stones, sealing away the power of death.

Death was astonished. "You devoured the Space Stone?"

"Yes, you possess trump cards, and so do I," Bert replied with a smile. "Though I've been a bit overconfident lately, I am not one to shy away from taking risks."

"Interesting," Death responded, not angered. She asked, "Blood God, are you truly going to pass up the opportunity I offered?"

Bert stated, "Ms. Death, I am a human being, and I have never entertained the idea of becoming a True god."

"You will soon regret it," Death shook her head. "Although you have sealed away the power of death, you cannot utilize the infinite stones as a result. How will you resist another force of death without the infinite stones?"

Bert shrugged and remarked, "There is always a way. But even if it comes to the worst, it's not a big deal. I am merely a clone, and my death would have no significant impact."

"If you agree to my terms, I can make you an independent individual," Death proposed. "It is within my capabilities."

"Death, you truly understand the desires of men," Bert replied with a smile. "If it were someone else, they would have likely succumbed to your charm."

"But I am different. I possess a perfect body — handsome, knowledgeable, talented, and wealthy. I excel both in civil and military matters. I will not betray such perfection," Bert confidently stated.

"You certainly have thick skin," Death remarked, somewhat speechless. "Fine, I will wait here for you to step into death, and then you will beg me."

"No, let's discuss it further. In case you discover my charm, everything can be resolved. For the sake of the universe, I am willing to sacrifice myself. I can play the role of a handsome young man," Bert playfully added.

"You are shameless. Even if I were to genuinely like you, I would not forsake my responsibilities," Death sneered. "As part of the universe, to abandon my duty is to abandon myself."

"Alright then, you can show mercy when the time comes. I know a woman named Phoenix. Even if she turns dark, she will still show mercy to her man," Bert commented. "By the way, how far have you progressed with Thanos? You won't keep him hanging forever, will you? If so, I might have to pursue you..."

While Bert engaged in playful banter with Death, he sealed all the power of death within the Space Stone. The Space Stone reappeared on the Infinity Gauntlet, and the combined glow of the six gems suppressed the power of death.

Bert breathed a sigh of relief, absorbing the energy of space and rapidly regenerating his body. It wouldn't be long before he regained his fighting prowess.

The only disappointment was that due to the power of death, Bert wouldn't be able to utilize the Infinity Gauntlet indefinitely. Once the power of death was cleared away, the Infinity Stones would return to their normal state.

"The power of the God of Creation is truly formidable," Bert quietly sighed. He acknowledged that the power of death had been particularly potent due to Thanos' involvement. Under normal circumstances, Bert, with all six Infinity Stones, would never have been so overwhelmed by the power of death.

'There's still a significant amount of death power remaining. Thanos has been ineffective. It's up to me now, and I must handle it carefully,' Bert thought to himself.

His eyes gleamed with determination as he realized, "Fortunately, I still have plenty of trump cards up my sleeve."


Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Thanos had just struck Fat Thor, and both of them were gasping for breath. The intensity of the battle had taken its toll on them.

"Thanos, I can do this all day," Steve, bloodied and determined, shouted while gripping Mjølnir. He turned to Fat Thor and asked, "Thor, can you continue? If not, give me the axe, I'll finish this guy."

Fat Thor, gritting his teeth, replied angrily, "I can do it, Steve. What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?"

The two Tonys exchanged a contemptuous look.

"Cheese" "Beer"

"Thanos, you will meet your end at my hands once again, mark my words," Ivan, with his tattered appearance, wielded two thunder whips and shouted in fury. He had already slain Thanos once, and the Mad Titan held a deep grudge against him, relentlessly pursuing him to exact revenge. Ivan had suffered the most injuries among them, even losing his black hole annihilation guns.

"Just you insects?" Thanos sneered, a grim smile on his face. He looked up at the sky, surprising everyone. Why was Thanos gazing at the sky? Was he expecting help from Sanctuary II? However, the two Sanctuary ships had been defeated by the Knowhere fleet and were unable to offer any support.

At that moment, Doom's solemn voice echoed through the communicator, delivering a shocking revelation: "No, there is a meteorite hurtling towards Earth at an alarming speed. It is expected to reach Earth in three minutes, and with its current kinetic energy, it will obliterate the entire American continent effortlessly."

"What?!" The group was taken aback by the news. Tony quickly mobilized satellites to confirm Doom's warning and discovered that a colossal meteorite was indeed approaching Earth at a rapid pace.

"Another meteorite? Thanos, can't you come up with something new?" Future Tony grumbled, still bearing the scars from a previous meteorite impact. Thanos responded with disdain, "I have no idea what you're talking about. This meteorite will annihilate Earth entirely. You're all doomed, hahaha."

In Thanos' eyes, it would be wasteful to use the power of death directly to kill people, so he chose to employ the power of death to resurrect himself and reach out to his allies.

That's right, within the meteorite, an ancient being known as Knull, along with countless symbiotes, lurked in the shadows.

The emaciated Knull spoke in a cold voice, "Thanos, I will assist you in destroying Earth. Afterward, we will have no further obligations to each other."

"But you must help me acquire the Infinity Stones," Thanos reminded him. Killing with the power of death was one thing, but having a helper from an Elder God or a super ancient being like Knull in the main universe was a different story.

"Infinity Stones?" Knull's eyes flickered, and he replied, "No problem. If you desire, I will acquire them for you."

"Hahaha!" Thanos burst into laughter. He pointed the blade at Tony and shouted, "Insects, your end is nigh."

"Thor, Steve, keep him occupied while we figure out a way to deal with that meteorite," Tony commanded. Fat Thor and Steve nodded, rushing in to engage Thanos once again. Thanos fought them with disdain, knowing that in three minutes, all these individuals would meet their demise.

As Tony calculated the impact force of the meteorite, he asked Doom, "Doom, can the Knowhere fleet destroy that meteorite?"

"No. The meteorite is enveloped in a layer of magical energy. It's no ordinary celestial body. It's controlled by a god-level powerhouse," Doom sensed, shaking his head. "The only solution is to control the collision between Knowhere and the meteorite. The problem is that the meteorite is too close. Even if it's shattered, it will still have catastrophic effects on Earth, potentially altering its ecological balance."

"Damn it!" Both Tonys cursed in frustration. Tony instinctively turned to look at Bert and asked, "Elektra, has Bert recovered? Only he can handle this situation."

Everyone's gaze shifted towards Bert, knowing that he was Earth's last hope.

"Not yet," Elektra shook her head, while Thanos laughed. "The Blood God may be formidable, but this time he can't save you. In fact, he can't even save himself. He will perish soon. No one can resist death, and if death decides it's your time, you will meet your end."