Chapter 336 : Battle in the Future (IV)

Thanos' words sent a wave of despair through everyone's hearts. For a long time, Bert had been their savior. Now when they thought Bert was dying, what were they supposed to do?

"Doom, prepare for impact, the sooner the better," Tony said helplessly.

Just then, Bert's voice came through the communicator, interrupting Tony, "Hey, hey, don't say it so lightly. Knowhere cost me trillions of funds. You think it's that easy to crash into it? Moreover, it's indestructible. There's an Ancient god in the meteorite."

Everyone was momentarily stunned, then overwhelmed with joy as if they had found a lifeline. Tony cursed, "You're a bastard. I knew you wouldn't die so easily."

"Sounds familiar, if you spout nonsense again, I'll sue you for slander," Bert retorted, sounding dissatisfied. Elektra and Wanda felt relief wash over them as Bert returned to his usual self. The master (Bert) wouldn't let them down, after all.

"It's impossible! How can Death not be able to kill him?" Both Thanos exclaimed in disbelief. Blood God had actually thwarted Death!

"Of course, I'm no match for Death. But she's taken a liking to my good looks and wants me to be her god. So she let me go," Bert explained, spreading his hands. "It's a world that values appearances, you two are too ugly to be anything but lapdogs. But don't worry, I didn't agree, because I have a wife, and I'm a faithful person."

"What did you say?" The two tyrants erupted in anger instantly. If it weren't for the superheroes restraining them, they would have rushed at Bert and hacked him to death.

"Don't you understand? It means your girlfriends aren't up to par," Hulk sneered. "Uh, forget it, you haven't had a taste of Death, Blood God. Help me ask Death if she would like me. I'm willing to sacrifice."

"You'll die by my hands," Thanos raged, attempting to destroy the barricade and striking at Hulk. Captain Marvel seized the opportunity and headbutted Thanos in the forehead. Thanos staggered back, dazed. This woman's head is too damn hard!

Hulk and Future Hulk swiftly charged forward, pummeling Thanos relentlessly. Future Hulk was elated to finally have his revenge.

With bloodshot eyes, Thanos roared at Bert, "Blood God, if you dare to insult Death, I will definitely kill you."

"Insult? I find her quite pleasant. Besides, isn't a god meant to be blasphemed?" Bert smirked contemptuously. "Elektra, go help them deal with Thanos. I'll handle the meteorites in space. No one else can handle it except me."

"Yes, Master," Elektra promptly transformed into a shadow and vanished. Wanda cautioned, "Bert, be careful. You're the only one for me."

"Don't worry," Bert assured her, embracing Wanda and planting a kiss on her lips. Then, he teleported into space, gazing at the Eldritch god Knull located across half the solar system.

'I never expected Knull from the main universe to be absent, only to have Knull from the future time appear. It seems that fate works in mysterious ways,' Bert mused, realizing that Knull in this particular timeline didn't know who he was. Using his mental power, Bert shouted, "Back off, or die."

Bert's tone turned icy as he declared, "Is that all you've got? You and I are destined to fight. Let's get on with it."

Mocking him, Knull smiled disdainfully and manipulated the meteorite, altering its trajectory to collide with Bert at an alarming speed and force. Even a God would be obliterated.

Bert opened his arms, and his body swiftly expanded and contorted. Within moments, he transformed into a massive space vortex.

Caught off guard, Knull scrambled to redirect the meteorite using his own power. However, the space vortex spun rapidly, creating an immense suction force that pulled the meteorite helplessly toward it.

Not only was the meteorite affected, but even the rotation of the moon and Earth was disrupted. Fortunately, Bert was far away; otherwise, the Future Earth might have seen the absence of the moon.

"This guy is actually on the level of an Elder God?" Knull was taken aback. The meteorite was moving too quickly, making it impossible to escape the vortex's suction. He pondered for a moment and decided to employ his divine power to send the symbiote army to Earth. The symbiotes swiftly scattered through the air, converging towards the Avengers' base.

"If you wish to protect the Earth, then I shall destroy it," Knull declared coldly. "Rest assured, I will grant you the opportunity to witness the Earth's annihilation with your own eyes."

Bert sneered, "With me around, the Earth will never be destroyed."

"Too bad you won't be here to witness it," Knull retorted. Using his divine power, he harnessed the space vortex, dragging Bert along in a teleportation.

"If you desire death, I shall oblige," Bert anticipated Knull's counterattack. Without wasting any time, he vanished from the universe alongside Knull.

"Bert never fails to deliver," everyone remarked.

Relieved to see the meteorite vanish, a collective sigh escaped their lips. Tony shouted at the top of his lungs, "We cannot allow the symbiotes in the sky to reach the ground. Remember, they are vulnerable to fire and high-frequency sound waves."

With those words, Tony maneuvered Veronica into the sky, emitting high-frequency sound waves that caused numerous symbiotes to violently vibrate and explode in mid-air. Human Torch, Ghost Rider, and others followed armor, taking flight and incinerating the symbiotes with flames. Doom conjured a scorching sun, reducing the surrounding symbiotes to ashes rapidly.

Witnessing this, Thanos pushed Fat Thor away and unleashed a barrage of powerful punches, propelling numerous air cannonballs into the sky. Tony and the others soared through the air like meteors, ready to engage in battle.

Immediately, Thanos forcefully thrust his blade into the blazing sun in the air and bellowed, "Merge with the symbiotes and strengthen your power! Kill these abominable bugs!"

"Kill!" General Deathblade was the first to ascend, fusing with the symbiote. Witnessing this, the Vanguard Guard and the Chitauri remained in place, willingly accepting the symbiote's parasitic embrace.

Despite the superheroes' valiant efforts to eliminate the symbiotes, their sheer numbers were overwhelming, descending like an unrelenting rain. It proved impossible to eradicate them all. Countless creatures merged with the symbiote, transforming into repulsive, venom-like monsters.

Disgusting as they were, the symbiotes possessed formidable strength and even the ability to regenerate themselves. The Vanguard Guard and the Chitauri grew exponentially more powerful, causing the superheroes to gradually falter.

Thanos retrieved the blade and merged with a group of golden god-level symbiotes. Raising the blade high, he bellowed at Fat Thor and the others, "Today, the Earth shall be destroyed!"

"The Earth will never be destroyed. We defeated you before, and we can do it again," Future Steve shouted defiantly. Just then, a voice sounded through his communicator, "Captain, it's Sam. Can you hear me?"

Future Steve's face lit up with joy, and he hastily replied, "I hear you. you want to say, 'on your left' right?"

"How did you know?" Sam was taken aback. Suddenly, massive portals materialized behind the Avengers, and a multitude of reinforcements emerged.

Among them were the Dora Milaje and the Wakanda army led by Black Panther, superheroes like Doctor Strange who had opened portals from outer space, remnants of Asgard, airborne battleships, masters from Kamar-Taj, and the Earth Alliance.

"Yibambe," Black Panther roared, and the entire coalition forces echoed in unison, "Yibambe!"

Future Steve couldn't contain his excitement as he summoned Mjølnir, preparing to utter the most glorious words of his life.

At that moment, shouts erupted simultaneously from the left and right sides, "Avengers, Assemble!"

The reinforcements wasted no time, rushing forward and engaging the Vanguard and the Chitauri in battle. Future Steve cast a dissatisfied look at the two Tonys and remarked, "Hey, you two went a bit overboard. I was about to say that. It's been a long time coming."

The two Tonys offered somewhat sheepish smiles. They couldn't help themselves; their flair for the dramatic was hard to suppress.

"Two Tonys?"

Pepper, who arrived in a battle armor to lend a hand, expressed her surprise. Tony smiled and reassured her, "I'm just here to help, Pepper. Don't worry, I'll never let you become a widow."

After speaking, Tony steered Veronica towards the larger Thanos. In this battle, they couldn't afford to lose, nor would they allow it.

Pepper furrowed her brow. "Widow? Tony, it seems like you're keeping something from me."

"No, how could a good man like me keep something from his wife?" Future Tony chuckled. Just then, Spider-Man interjected, jumping in front of Future Tony and exclaiming, "Mr. Stark..."

Future Tony didn't let Spider-Man finish. He embraced Spider-Man tightly and said, "You've come back. I won't let you die again."

Spider-Man blinked, sensing that something was amiss. Pepper rolled her eyes, closed her visor, and joined the ongoing attack.

At that moment, Future Tony spotted Future Doctor Strange and released Spider-Man, turning his attention to the sorcerer. "Doctor, when you raise your finger, do you want me to snap it, or does it means something else?"

"Wait, can you see the future too?" Doctor Strange expressed surprise. He inquired, "Stark, what's happening now? Why are there two Thanos?"

"It's too complicated to explain. We'll talk about it after the battle," Future Tony shook his head. "Let's make it clear: no fooling around, Doctor. Join us in fighting Thanos."

"I'm not fooling around. I was manipulating the tides," Doctor Strange explained. Future Tony sneered, thinking, I know your true capabilities. He stated, "Later on, sneak attack and push out Thanos' astral projection."

Doctor Strange grew more astonished. "You even know about that? Thanos is incredibly powerful. I'm not sure I can do it."

"One man can't do it alone. I know you have the power of duplication. Just make sure you don't mess things up."

Future Tony couldn't be bothered with unnecessary chatter and swiftly took Doctor Strange to tackle the more critical matters. Doctor Strange hesitated but didn't refuse. The future had changed, and he needed to give his best instead of adapting to the previous course of events.

"Whoever caused this mess, I hope it doesn't crumble. If it does, even the universe will be destroyed."

Doctor Strange shook his head and joined forces with Future Tony and the others to besiege Thanos. Although Thanos had become significantly more powerful, his situation didn't improve with the addition of Doctor Strange, who refrained from messing around.

Just then a figure descended from the sky, creating a crater in the ground near Thanos' battlefield.

"You took everything from me!"

Wanda, with her fiery red hair and a malevolent aura, akin to a demon unleashed upon the world, gazed at the two tyrants on either side. She resolved to take down the right-sided Thanos first and then turn around to confront the left-sided tyrant.

Just then, a slightly pitiful voice reached Wanda's ears, saying, "Hello, Wanda."

Future Wanda turned her head and saw another version of herself — a younger and more beautiful red-haired version.

Future Wanda was stunned. "Who are you?"

Without saying much, Wanda raised her hand, and psionic energy flew from her hand to Future Wanda's hand. Future Wanda absorbed the psionic energy and instantly understood everything.

"You have a happier life than me," Future Wanda said, a mix of envy and bitterness in her voice. "Although your boyfriend is a scumbag, at least he won't die, let alone die twice in a row. And he loves you so much."

The screenwriter must have some grudge against you; otherwise, it wouldn't be so miserable. Wanda sighed. "I asked Bert, and he said that the probability of resurrecting Vision with the Time Stone is about fifty-fifty, considering that Vision has already been resurrected once by the Time Stone."

Future Wanda asked in surprise, "Is there really a fifty-fifty chance of resurrecting Vision?"

"Bert wouldn't lie to me, and we'll find out soon enough," Wanda replied. "But before that, let's work together to defeat Thanos and avenge Vision."

"Agreed," Future Wanda nodded vehemently and flew towards Thanos alongside Wanda. The two women simultaneously controlled the surrounding stones with their psionic energy and hurled them at Thanos.

"Get out of here," Thanos commanded, wielding his large blade to shatter all the stones with a single strike. It's worth mentioning that this Thanos didn't merge with the symbiote as he had no faith in those repulsive beings.

"It's you who's going down," Future Wanda raised her hand in anger, enveloping Thanos' body in psionic energy, suspending him in mid-air.

Then, the psionic energy compressed intensely, causing Thanos' golden armor to dent.

"Wanda in this timeline is much stronger than me," Wanda controlled the psionic energy, quickly stripping away Thanos' golden armor and weapons. At that moment, the psionic energy of the two women suddenly merged, increasing their power exponentially.

"How is this possible?" The two Wandas were surprised, but they didn't dwell on it and continued their assault on Thanos.

Unbeknownst to the two Wandas, as their psionic energy fused, their bodies gradually became identical. Simultaneously, a phantom figure, indistinct in appearance, materialized behind them.

"Wow, even though I've seen this in the movies, it still feels incredible. Wanda is truly formidable," Banner's expression appeared on Hulk's face as he commented. "It seems like Tony was truly played by Strange. With Wanda's power, there's no need for him to snap his fingers."

"Wanda might not be able to handle it; their powers are very unstable," Hulk pondered for a moment, speaking in a low voice to Captain Marvel. "Hey, square-faced girl, can you weaponize energy?"

"Bitch, Call me square-faced one more time, and I'll show you how I beat you to Death," Captain Marvel cursed in dissatisfaction. "Energy weaponization means turning energy into weapons."

"Looks like you can't," Hulk remarked. After a moment of consideration, he transformed the wings on his back into a bone spear. He continued, "You channel all your energy into this spear, and I'll use it to strike Thanos down."

Captain Marvel asked, "Can you cut through him? His defense is incredibly strong."

"With your energy and the power of two Hulks combined, it shouldn't be a problem," Hulk responded confidently. The future Hulk, sounding a bit naive, asked, "Can the power of anger be transferred to others?"

"The power of anger resides within our cells. As the Hulk, I am the embodiment of anger and can transfer your power to me," Hulk explained.

"Understood," the future Hulk replied with a determined expression. Captain Marvel hesitated for a moment, then grabbed the bone spear, saying, "Alright, let's defeat this guy quickly and lend a hand to the others."

"No problem," Hulk nodded. He took a deep breath, transferred the power of the future Hulk's anger to himself, and quickly adjusted his state, preparing for his most powerful strike.