Chapter 337 : Battle in the Future (V)

The strength of the two Wanda is so terrifying that even Thanos couldn't dispel the psionic energy. He roared, "Ebony Maw, shoot it down!"

"Ebony Maw is dead. Burn the paper if you have something to do." Doom's voice came through Thanos' communicator, "By the way, your Sanctuary II is terrible."

Thanos' Sanctuary II has been captured by Doom, and Jarvis is cracking the main control program, preparing to take control and attack another Sanctuary II together.

As for Ebony Maw, The Penance Stare has rendered his judgment.

"Ebony Maw is dead?"

Thanos' heart sank, and he teetered on the edge of despair. He wasn't afraid; instead, he grew more fierce. He roared and struggled with all his might, causing the psionic energy on his body to quickly dissipate under his brute force.

"Don't even think about it."

The two Wandas shouted simultaneously, exerting their utmost to suppress Thanos. Before they knew it, the psionic energy on their bodies converged.

Immediately after, the two merged forcefully and transformed into a single Wanda. Simultaneously, the phantom behind them became remarkably clear — an image of Wanda wearing a red crown, red clothes, and a red cloak.

Or rather, Scarlet Witch.

With Wanda's fusion, the psionic energy surged, overwhelming Thanos. The bones in his body even made a cracking sound, as if they were on the verge of being crushed.

At that moment, Hulk, fully prepared, bellowed, shattered the ground, and leaped high into the sky. With all his strength, he hurled the bone spear, gleaming with bright light, in his hand.

This time, there was no sonic boom or any sound at all. The void was directly torn open, and the bone spear descended from the sky like a flash of light. It pierced through Thanos' head in an instant and vanished into the ground.

"I am... Destiny. Why do I meet my end here?"

Thanos' eyes brimmed with unwillingness and resentment. After a while, he fell to the ground with a loud thud, announcing his demise. Notably, his eyes remained open even in death.

Thanos' physical body perished, but his soul endured. A wave of Death emanated from the depths of his soul, prepared to guide him back to the original universe. This was the boon bestowed upon him by Death.

Thanos' soul hesitated for a moment, but instead of choosing to return to the parallel world, he employed the power of Death to extract his own essence. Transformed into an invisible light, it soared towards Thanos.

Thanos had to use himself to fulfill his Destiny. Thanos can die, but destiny must be fulfilled first!

When Thanos received this power, he swore in his heart, "Don't worry, I will definitely fulfill destiny because we are Inevitable."

It took a while to fuse the power, and Thanos fought against the Avengers as he always did, with a terrifying intent to kill in his heart. He was determined to eliminate these disgusting bugs no matter what.


Hulk landed on the ground with a loud thud, gasping for breath. Captain Marvel sighed, "This Thanos is the strongest opponent I have ever faced."

"The strongest?"

Hulk shook his head, "He is much weaker than your master. If your master hadn't snapped his fingers and weakened, Thanos would never have dared to attack him."

Curiously, Captain Marvel asked, "Is he really my master? Also, how powerful am I in your timeline?"

Hulk smiled and said, "You're amazing. Once this is all over, I'll take you to our world, and then you'll see how terrifying she is."

Captain Marvel, filled with determination, replied, "That will be an incredible experience."

"Finally, we got revenge, Wanda. Are you happy now? Hey, Wanda, where are you?"

Wanda exhaled and dissipated the psionic energy. She turned to look to the side, but to her astonishment, there was no one beside her—the phantom of the Scarlet Witch behind her had vanished.

"I'm right here. Wait, how did I merge with you?"

Future Wanda responded first, then reacted with shock, shouting, "You're actually inside my body?"

"You're inside me too, and we're fused."

Future Wanda's face twisted in an unpleasant manner. Yes, the two women were fused, even their clothes were melded together.

To others, it seemed like Wanda was talking to herself. Hulk asked in amazement, "Wanda, what's happening?"

Wanda wore a saddened expression and said, "I merged with Wanda from this time. She is inside my body, and I don't know how to separate."


Both Hulks and Captain Marvel were stunned. Was that even possible?

Realizing Hulk's concerns, he quickly said to the future Hulk, "Stay away from me. I can't afford to lose myself."

Future Hulk, annoyed, responded by flipping Hulk off, then strode towards the other Thanos.

Hulk chuckled at his own thoughts, "If Bert knew about this, he'd be really happy to get a wife without trying."

Wanda cursed, "Happy my ass! If he didn't try to separate us, I won't even let him touch a finger."

Future Wanda's complexion changed upon hearing those words and she asked, "Will the Blood God not resurrect Vision because of this?"

Wanda hesitated and replied, "From what I know about him, he will never resurrect Vision until we are separated."

"Why is that?"

Future Wanda felt utterly miserable. Did she really offend the screenwriter? There was finally hope, but the journey was filled with twists and turns.

Wanda comforted her, saying, "Trust Bert, he must have a solution."

"I hope so."

Future Wanda nodded. She couldn't help but feel envious and jealous of Wanda — how could she be so happy while she was so miserable, despite being the same person?

If only she could be herself.

"What's the matter? Let's discuss it after the battle. Wanda, square-faced bitch, let's go and clean up the other Thanos together."

Hulk stood up and shouted. Captain Marvel couldn't bear it any longer and kicked Hulk hard from behind. Hulk screamed, like a cannonball and crashed into Thanos.

"When the battle is over, if I don't beat you up, then I'm not a square-faced bitch,"

Captain Marvel cursed and transformed into a ray of light, flying towards Thanos. Wanda and Future Wanda focused their minds and followed closely.

Surrounded by so many superheroes, Thanos found himself suddenly engulfed in danger, fueling the anger within him. "You bugs can be arrogant for now, but it won't be long before I crush each and every one of you."

Sometimes, one plus one doesn't equal two, and Thanos still possessed some unused power of Death.


Setting aside the situation on the battlefield, let's shift the focus to Bert.

Bert chose Hell as the teleportation location, instead of the extraterrestrial void. The white-haired Knull smelled the sulfur around him and complained, "You actually brought me to Hell?"

"Yes, Welcome to Hell!" Bert said, as Hell was his home turf, and this universe was no exception. As soon as he arrived in Hell, the will of Hell would willingly embrace him and grant him permission.

The Will of Hell always believed that Bert was highly armored to be the Satan.

"Just you?"

Knull grew tired of nonsense and utilized his divine power to create a massive dark sword. It shattered the void and swung towards Bert.

Not only did it disrupt the void, but Knull even disturbed time itself. Almost instantly after releasing the sword, it was already in front of Bert.

Without delay, Bert constructed a spatial portal and materialized in front of Knull out of thin air. He gathered the energy of the surrounding space with one palm and delivered an overwhelming strike towards Knull.

Before the palm reached him, the space around Knull solidified, entrapping him like a shackle and rendering him immobile.

Knull was taken aback as the surrounding space cracked like a spider's web.

In the next moment, the space around them shattered completely, and the mountain below was instantly reduced to nothingness by the violent spatial energy. Nearby demons witnessing this sight were filled with fear and desperately fled.

Bert and Knull both floated backward simultaneously. Knull looked at Bert in astonishment and asked, "Whose reincarnation are you?"

"Why must I be someone's reincarnation? Can't I be myself?"

Bert sneered, but deep down, he was slightly astonished. It was true that Knull's grasp of the laws of time couldn't compare to his own. He truly deserved the title of an Eldritch Elder God.

If not for that, Knull would never have been able to anticipate his previous strike.

"You jest, you are young. If you weren't the reincarnation of some big guy, how could you comprehend the concept of space and become the master of it?"

Knull looked disdainful. He then pondered for a moment and said, "Forget it, don't bother answering."

Considering Knull's life goal of destroying the universe, it was unsurprising that he lacked companionship.

Bert remarked, "I suddenly feel sorry for you."

"Pity me, because you're about to die soon."

Knull sneered. Just then, an enraged voice resounded, "Who in the Hell is daring to fight me?"

Along with the voice, the visage of an elderly gentleman appeared in the air. It was the devil of this Hell, Mephisto. After all, Bert was most familiar with this particular realm.

Mephisto was genuinely annoyed. Five years ago, the population of Hell inexplicably halved, greatly diminishing Mephisto's power.

That, in itself, wasn't much of a problem since demons would eventually replenish their numbers. However, five years later, Mephisto couldn't discern which bastard was responsible, as all the previously vanished demons had returned.

"This is my mountain! Why are you taking it?"

"This is my succubus! Why are you riding it?"

"This is my seat! Why are you sitting there?"


The group of demons who had returned found their belongings stolen and immediately began fighting among themselves. The entire Hell descended into chaos, exhausting Mephisto.

Not only were the external demons fighting, but even the guards and maids in the palace were engaged in combat. The scene was extraordinary.

"My palace is destroyed again? Uh, why do I even bother saying it?"

Mephisto grew increasingly irritated. Suddenly, he sensed that there was a God and a powerful demon battling in Hell. This further fueled his anger, prompting him to summon reinforcements in preparation to confront the intruders.


Both Bert and Knull heard the sound and simultaneously turned their heads to look at Mephisto. The enraged Mephisto, doused with two buckets of cold water, felt a chill run through his heart.

"Fuck, two Elder Gods."

Mephisto had a keen sense of detecting auras and could instantly recognize the two figures in the sky as Elder Gods. He swallowed hard and attempted to please them, saying, "Would you two like some cheerleaders? I have plenty of demon beauties who can cheer you on."

Bert and Knull snorted coldly, paying no attention to Mephisto, the jumping clown, and redirected their gazes back to each other.

Mephisto breathed a secret sigh of relief, yet a deep sense of humiliation surged within him. What was wrong with being an Elder God? Couldn't the Ancient God show some respect?

"One day, I will become Satan and stand on equal footing with these Elder Gods."

Mephisto resolved in his heart. After some contemplation, he decided not to leave and quietly hid, observing the battle.

Unbeknownst to Mephisto, a faint flicker of yellow light glimmered in his eyes.

Knull paid no mind to any onlookers. He swung his great sword forcefully towards Bert. Just as before, the sword transcended time. The moment he raised his hand, the blade was already perilously close to Bert's hair.

As Knull raised his hand, Bert had already manipulated the space around him. Knull's great sword became ensnared in the space, preventing it from reaching Bert. The two were now distanced by space.

In the next instant, Bert pulled his hands, dragging the space beside Knull with him. Then, he employed the space as a spear and thrust it towards Knull's chest.

The speed of the spear was incredibly swift, resembling an electric flash. However, in Knull's eyes, the spear moved incredibly slowly. The reason was simple — Knull had slowed down time in the surrounding area.

Knull's sword blocked Bert's spear, and the two engaged in aerial combat. In a short span of time, their weapons clashed dozens of times.

Under the tremendous power of both adversaries, the surrounding space shattered in large fragments. With a wave of Bert's hand, the energy of space transformed into a long spear, shooting towards Knull.

Knull extended his left hand, and suddenly, a black hole materialized. The spears of space around them were all devoured by the black hole. Then, the black hole morphed into a massive space black dragon, engulfing Bert and the surrounding space in one gulp.

This black dragon was a manifestation of Knull's concept of devouring. It's worth noting that Knull's concept of devouring was not complete—his core concept was fusion.

All-Black, the symbiote weapon created by Knull, tore through the boundaries of his own concept.

Moments later, Bert tore through the back of the space black dragon with his spear and flew out. Immediately after, he extended his left hand, and the space black dragon transformed into a black energy ball, flying into his grasp.

"You're not qualified to play with space against me!"

Bert smirked disdainfully. The black energy ball transformed into a jet-black beam of destruction and hurtled towards Knull. However, Knull did not evade; instead, he grabbed the beam of destruction with his left hand, causing it to swiftly vanish into his palm, consumed and fused by him.

"A complete concept of space? How can you possess a complete concept of space?"

Knull was greatly perplexed. "You're merely a clone."

No ancient being would be foolish enough to entrust a complete concept to a clone. If the clone were to perish, where would the ancient being find solace?

Bert was no fool. The reason he bestowed the concept of space upon his avatar was because he possessed two concepts of Space gem.

"There's no way. I possess multiple concepts, unlike you, a poor soul."

Bert snorted coldly, then he rotated his hands, turning the sky upside down. Suddenly, the surroundings transformed into an infinite void. Countless lightning bolts materialized in the sky, writhing wildly like electric serpents.

These were no ordinary lightning bolts; they were lightning formed from space, each capable of obliterating an entire city.

Knull's expression shifted slightly. This individual had turned Hell into his home ground.

This was the power of the concept of space — anywhere could be a home because nowhere existed without space.

"Can't you devour everything? Let's see how much you can swallow!"

Bert pressed down with both hands, and the infinite thunder and lightning transformed into a dense, roaring dragon, descending upon Nar. At a glance, the entire world appeared as a dragon.