
Our steps are calculated, like soldiers embarking on a war. This is war, I think as I glance back at my warriors and ordinary members alike. Their will is strong, their heads held high and the legs of their wolves tall and eloquent in their steps.

We approach the boundary of the Los Padres Forest closest to Santa Clarita, slowing our steps and taking the stances of our predatorial innateness. This wasn't a hunt, but we're treating it as one - with Luthor and his minions being our prey.

I'm careful not to make a sound, and I nod my head at Kimon to signal him to warn the others to do the same. The ordinary wolves in my pack - those that have never fought before but volunteered tonight - tread close behind the warriors, matching their steps and awaiting the unknown. I wonder if this was a good idea. I don't want to lose anyone.

In the near distance, we hear a familiar howl. That wretched cry of dominance that cuts through our ears like the sharpest blade made of silver, meant to overpower us. But I now know better. The howl comes from the rogue leader, and I have no reason to be afraid. In fact, the sound fuels my purpose, and strengthens my resolve.

The silhouettes of the rogues come to view, illuminated only by the faint light provided by the moon. I know it's them, the rogues, because I warned the pack from Santa Barbara to steer clear of the woods tonight. We would have joined forces if it wasn't for my vendetta, and my need to avenge my father all by myself.

I stop just behind a row of trees, turning to face the pack one last time before we enter into battle, and narrow my eyes as I use my inner voice, 'Remember your training, Blood Moon wolves, and don't let Luthor get away.'

They nod in unison, and I turn back to face our unsuspecting opponents before charging forward. The pack follows and we rush towards the rogues, who cry out their surprise when I grab the closest one with my teeth, bearing down into its arm and send it flying a few meters away.

Luthor, who stands close to the cliff's edge, turns and snarls at me. I narrow my wolf eyes in challenge, but the rogues take formation forming a protective line in front of their leader. The growl that escapes my throat is guttural and threatening - a warning to the leader that I am coming for him.

I charge forward, leaping on any wolf that seeks to come in my way. The sound of heavy steps behind me gets louder as my pack members follow my lead and take down the rogues one by one. The rogue I've trained my eyes on snaps its teeth in my direction. It's fast, leaping on me and taking us both tumbling down away from its leader.

Saliva drips on the fur on my face as the gray wolf imprisons my arms on my sides and snaps its teeth trying to get a grip on my neck. I allow it to believe it'd gained the upper hand, and the moment I feel the tips of its canine dig into my skin. I relish in the feeling of coming so close to death I could almost taste it, before willing all my strength to flip it over onto its back. The wolf whimpers as it realizes it's been overpowered, and I set my lips into a smirk as I carve my claws into its ribcage.

I step away from the fallen wolf and descend on my next rival, sparing a glance at the rest of the pack as the rogues cry their losses. My eyes focus on the leader, who stands behind two rogues who guard him.

'Coward!' My mind spits the word like venom, and I spring forward with Kimon beside me to take down the guard dogs. We knock them off their feet, but as I rip through the wolf's flesh, I hear that familiar, treacherous howl just as more rogues appear out of nowhere. My head snaps in all directions, realizing that Blood Moon is outnumbered. I turn back to Luthor, only to see that he's getting away with a small group of the newly appeared rogues.

'I'm going after him!' I yell out to Kimon, who's just taken down another rogue.

'There's too many of them, Alpha!' Kimon's eyes are large with worry as he looks all around us.

'I can't let him es-'

A shooting pain rips through my gut, and the cry of one of our own sears my eardrums as it begs to be saved. Kimon and I rush to Connor's side, but as soon as we're able to get the rogue off him, more come towards us. Connor gets to his feet just in time for us to wrestle our enemies, leaving me with no option but to stay behind and fight to protect my pack.

Chasing Luthor would mean I leave my pack behind, vulnerable to the countless rogues in the woods. I turn back just in time to attack the rogue that comes bolting my way, and continue fighting alongside my pack.

One by one, the rogues fall to the ground, some succumbing to their fatal wounds, others whinnying as they crawl with haste in the direction of their fleeing leader.

'Don't!' I call out to Kimon when he makes to chase those that get away. He stops and turns to face me in disbelief, but I shake my head. 'We don't know if a battalion awaits us on the other side of the cliff.'

Kimon rushes towards me, 'Alpha, you're injured.'

It's only when I look down that I notice the blood trickling from my arm. I stare at the oozing gash for the longest time, until Kimon nudges my shoulder with his muzzle.

'We need to get you to the healer, now!'

Taking a step back, I shake my head slowly. 'I'll be alright. Gather the others and take them back to the den. And get those with injuries to the healer.'

'Are you not coming with us?'


Before the Delta can question me further, I turn and head into the depths of the woods in the direction of our territory. The quicker my paws, the more pain I feel, but there is something so delectable about tasting my own blood on my tongue. I know it's from my wound, but the sharp pain shooting through my limbs is what carries my legs forward, and I feel intoxicated by the pain.

I wonder if I feel like this because yet again, I failed to catch the rogue leader, and he escaped again. But as soon as I reach the edge of the woods and near my house. A familiar yellow car is parked in my driveway, and when I get closer, I slow my steps. The ache in my arm slowly disappears as a new ache presents itself.

The ache in my heart.

From where I stand at the back of my driveway, I can see clearly inside Derek's car. Anastasia's fiery head as she leans in, Derek's hand as he threads his fingers through her hair. And their heads tilting as their lips meet.

I stop dead in my tracks, and watch them from a safe distance - safe enough behind the shadows so they wouldn't know I was there like a thief in the night, stealing on their intimate moment. A moment shared by two werewolves who decided to finally heed to Lord Selene's decree and give their mate-bond a fighting chance. Ana melts into Derek's arms, and my heart crumbles as I realize I've lost her forever.

I've lost her to fate, and drop my head, unable to look up at the moon and question why my lord had ever put feelings in my heart just to have those same feelings cut deeper than the injury on my arm. Trying to ignore the pain in my chest to focus on the bleeding pain, I stick to the shadows and trudge towards the back entrance of my house.

Where neither of them could see me. Where the Moon Goddess can't see me either. I just want to be alone, where I can mourn the loss of the love I'll never have.