Chapter 1: Yohoo, Ceth

On a road in Fliro City of Segil Empire, a black Lamborghini was running at a fast speed. Inside this Lamborghini, a boy with black hair and golden eyes was seated. He was driving this car.

He crossed all other cars in his way. He was driving at a top speed.

The screen on the front of car was connected to his phone. The screen started making sounds. An interface of call opened in this screen.

The name was Anna. He, who had the name of Cethin, smiled and accepted the call.

A girl's cheery voice was heard.

"Yohoo, Ceth, how is my boy?"

"Sigh, Anna you are as lively as ever." The boy spoke.

"Well, I am, though." Anna spoke, "Where are you?"

"I am coming home."

"Oh? Then, come quickly, your sister and everyone else is at your home." Anna spoke.

"Sure." He spoke and then the call was cut.

"She is as usual." Cethin spoke with a smile.

He looked outside and saw many skyscrapers and spoke, "The world really changed 500 years ago. First, there were only humans on Earth, then all other races came here and settled down."

He sighed and leaned back his head on his seat, "Tomorrow I will be 16 and then I will awaken my flair."

Flairs are superpowers that people possess for survival. People first manifested flairs five hundred years ago, when the world went a drastic change.


Lamborghini ran on the road while crossing many cars and other vehicles.


In a large mansion in Fliro City, four girls were sitting in the garden of that mansion. Mansion was really large. It had 4 floors. It was really large in width.

It's garden was equally large. In this garden, four women were talking and enjoying tea and snacks. They were sitting around a white square table. On their head was a big white umbrella that covered four of them.

Among the four girls, a black-haired and blue-eyed girl spoke, "Ceth is coming. You have to be ready, Elina."

The white-hiared girl who had heterochromatic eyes spoke, blushing, "I-i know, Anna." Her left eye was blue while right eyes was red. Her name was Elina.

"Stop teasing him, Anna." Another girl who had blonde-hair and blue eyes spoke.

"Oh, come on. You are Ceth's sister Julia. You should be happy a good girl like Elina like him." The black-haired girl, aka Anna, spoke.

"You never change." Julia spoke and took a sip of her green tea.

"Why are you silent, Anya?" Anna spoke as she looked at the girl beside her. She had silver-hair and golden eyes.

"No. Just thinking of something." Anya spoke without turning to look at Anna.

"Oh? About what?" Anna asked.

"The new labyrinth that appeared." Anya spoke.

Labyrinths and dungeons are basically same thing but difference is that labyrinths are longer and larger than dungeons.

"About that?" Anna asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm." Anya nodded and picked the biscuit cup filled with red drink.

"Why worried? You are one of the best flair users ever seen in this world and the company in which you work is just the best. I have applied for that company."

"Me too." Elina spoke. Everyone looked at her, shocked by what they heard.

"W-what?" Anna asked while stuttering.

"I thought you were going to join Blue Fallen Corporation as Ceth is it's heir." Anna added after a moment.

Blue Fallen Corporation, one of the biggest hunting and exploring corporations in the world. Cethin Greenfield was a heir to this corporation. As for why Julia is not the heir, because she was adopted. So, officially he was the heir. Current president of Blue Fallen Corporation was Cethin's mother, Camila Greenfield.

"I don't know. I had a feeling to join this corporation." Elina spoke.

'And it was right on mark.' Anya thought.

"It is fine if you want it." Julia spoke. Anna nodded.

Anna then spoke, "I hope I get in the corporation. People around me have such godly flairs. Anya has Dimensiokinesis, Elina has Chronokinesis and Julia has Cataclyikinesis. All have S Rank flairs."

"Hey," Julia spoke to Anna, "You also have S Rank flair, Mentokinesis."

"Still it feels a bit inferior to you guys." Anna spoke.

Next moment a male's voice was heard, "Ara, Ara, is that Anna really feeling down? The sky's gonna fall down today."

Everyone looked at the black-haired and golden-eyed boy. He had a lean and ripped body. He was tall in height but not that that tall. He had perfect height. All in all the boy was divinely beautiful.

"Here you are, Ceth. When did you arrive?" Anna asked.

"Just now. But what is it about being feeling inferior, huh?" Cethin spoke and sat down in between Anya and Anna.

As Anna was sitting opposite to Julia and Anya was on left of Anna and Elina was on right. He sat between Anna and Anya.

"To be honest, I am more than satisfied with my flair. It can directly affect the mind but still it is a but inferior to the these girl's abilities."

"Oh? So, you are being a fucking idiot." Cethin got a bit loud at two last words. Even the maid who was bringing tea and snacks for Cethin got scared. After all, Cethin was always a cool minded person but when he lost it, that was the bad news. Even though he was a battle maniac, still he was always cool minded even in fights.

Anna and everyone else was startled.

Seeing that, Cethin still didn't waver and spoke, "Why do you think you are inferior?"

"I-" Anna wanted to speak but he Cethin cut her words, "Your ability affects the fucking mind, you know. Let's say you fight against Julia. The match will be decided in one second. There can only be three outcomes like every match, you lose, you win or there is a draw. This outcome will all depend on who will make a move first. You will affect her mind or she will use her Destruction to defeat you. And if you two make a move at the same time, it will be a draw. She can give you a permanent injury and just like that you can also give her by affecting her mind permanently. You should know you can make a person go crazy."

Cethin spoke continuously and didn't avert his gaze from Anna. Anna was shocked that why she didn't think of that. Not only Anna everyone was shocked. They knew that every flair has weakness and strong points but still they didn't think about this mental affecting flair.

Anna looked at Cethin and spoke, "You are right. I shouldn't think of myself inferior."

"Good. You are in no way inferior to anyone. Not in flair nor in beauty." Cethin spoke as he picked up his tea cup.

Anna got a bit red. Everyone thought at the same time, 'Does he know what he spoke just now?'