Chapter 2: The Devil is Mad

After scolding Anna, Cethin began to talk with everyone. He laughed, smiled and talked.


"Hey, you know that Harry Brillet is such a jerk." Anna spoke with a frown.

Anya and Elina nodded but Julia remained silent.

Seeing this, an unknown rage welled up in his heart. His left eyes started to turn red.

He turned towards Anna and spoke, "What happened?"

Anna wanted to say something but Julia shook her head. Thus, Anna couldn't say anything. This action didn't escape Cethin's eyes.

"Anna, tell me what happened." Cethin's chains that were controlling him were breaking.

Julia again shook her head but this time Cethin's chains were broken.



Cethin shouted, "Julia, you shut the fuck up."

Julia got scared followed by everyone else. Cethin would always get mad when it was something related to his family and friends.

Then, he looked at Anna and spoke but this time his voice changed a bit to a demonic, "What happened?"

Anna gulped seeing him slowly transform into his devil form. He was a half-devil. So they knew he could transform into the devil but still it swept a wave of fear through them.

"Harry mixed aphrodisiac inside Julia's offee." Anna spoke.

"When? How?" Cethin calmed down a bit now but it didn't mean he wasn't angry.

"Actually, we went to an amusement park yesterday and he was there. First, he kept trying to talk to us. Then, he crossed all the limits and mixed an aphrodisiac inside Julia's coffee. Thank goodness we saw that and she didn't drink the coffee."

Cethin nodded upon hearing this. He returned to his normal state. Everyone got relieved. Harry Brillet was the heir of a big corporation the same as Blue Fallen Corporation.

His corporation's name was Brillet Corporation. So, they couldn't just go kill anyone. It may seem cowardly but it was the only way to no start a war against the corporation.

After all, if Cethin's mom got to know about it. She will not wait for anything and then, just for mass destruction.

After that, everyone talked and left. The girls had to do their things so they went to do their things while Cethin walked toward his room.


Inside his room on top floor, Cethin was sitting on the sofa. Two maids came and served him some juice.

One had blue hair and blue eyes. She had G-cup breast and a voluptuous body. She had a curvaceous body. She reached 1.82 metre. She was a human. Her name was Sara, Cethin's personal maid.

Other one had blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She had H-cup breast and thick thighs and legs. She had hourglass figure. She reached 1.88 metre of height, the same as Cethin. She was a vampire. Her name was Alia, Cethin's second personal maid.

Actually, in this world where people have flair. Humans physique changed since five hundred years ago. The change was they had a bigger lifespan and their height was increased. Nothing else. Even though their height and lifespan increased, still humans were the weakest living beings present.

He didn't turn to see them and just continued sitting. After about one minute, a portal opened in front of him and from the portal a girl with long silver hair that reached her back thigh appeared. She had golden eyes. She had a voluptuous body having H-cup chest, thick thighs and a plump ass. She also a hourglass figure. She reached 1.86 metre. She was Julia's friend, Anya Ivele. She was wearing the same clothes as before.

She came and stood before Cethin. Her hands were behind her back.

"Anya, why didn't you report about Harry before?" Cethin asked as he picked up the juice.

"I am sorry, Sir. Last night, I was on a mission and I forgot." Anya spoke in a professional tone.

"Sigh, even though I trained you to speak truth. It feels a bit funny that you admit this foolish mistake and speak without stuttering." Cethin sighed.

He then added, "Any report where he is? I know you. You should have done something."

"Yes, he is currently in Majestic Hotel of Fliro City." Anya spoke in the same professional tone.

"Okay, thank you." He spoke and took out his phone. He typed something on the phone and placed it on the table in front of him.

He looked at Anya and saw her a bit nervous. He knew what it was. He put down his crossed leg.

He tapped his right thigh. Anya understood and walked toward him and sat on her thigh. If you focus on her face, you would know she had a small smile on her face.

Cethin then started caressing her hair and spoke, "I told you to protect Julia and you did a good work until now. And this was your first mistake, so I will not punish you but next time be careful."

Anya nodded with a smile.

It has been nine years since he made Sin of Pride Corporation. Currently, it was the best corporation in the world, standing at top 1. He recruited people from slums. Because he knew that a genius can even emerge from a slum or even a gutter. To be a genius, it doesn't matter of you are high in status or low, if you are rich or poor. Genius is a genius, just that genius should be used right.

Cethin had recruited Anya 7 years ago. She was just a kid back then whose parents died in a dungeon raid.

"You know, Anya. You should be honest." Cethin spoke while patting her head.

Anya looked at him curiously.

"I mean I know what you feel about me."

Anya got a bit red.

"Oh? So you don't?"

"No. I really really love you. I want to date you and become your lover. I know you will have many lovers and I just want one spot among them." Anya spoke while looking at Cethin.

In this world, polygamy was a norm. A man can have a harem of women and a woman can also have a harem of men or reverse harem.

"Oho? That is great. But what about me?" Cethin spoke with a smile.

"You know you are 3 three years older than me and I am not interested in older women. So how about a no?" Cethin continued.

Hearing this, tears formed in her eyes but before she could say something. Cethin pulled her toward him and kissed her on the lips.

"Just kidding. This is my practical way of saying 'Yes'." Cethin spoke after breaking the kiss. It was a normal kiss. No use of tongue, no lewdness.

But it was enough for Anya to become happy.

Then a moment later, a call rang on the phone.