Mum's health Chapter 1

Kelly sat by her mum in the hospital bed crying, her mum was about to die at any moment.

Kelly came from a rich family but she was still trained and brought up to be a really cute and nice girl Kelly could see through her mum's acts, Kelly loved her mum so much and she wasn't ready to lose her When she was 14 her mum was diagnosed with leukemia and has just 3yrs left and now she's 17 and any moment soon her mum would leave the world.

Just then, her dad walked in, Her dad was tall, he had hazel eyes with a pointed nose.

He was wearing a yellow top exposing his muscular figure and black gean.

Dad is real I've even masturbated about him many times, he's fucking hot.

He sat next to Mum holding her hands, giving her one of his cute smiles.

Kelly felt hot looking at her dad, shaking her head to remove those sinful thoughts of hers.