Chapter 2

Kelly and her dad, left the hospital hours later, their mum still hospitalized leaving both of them at home.

Kelly laid on the bed in her room with her back facing up while she was on her laptop browsing through social media.

She couldn't stop thinking about her mum, she decided to get a glass of hot milk to make her feel sleepy.

Everywhere was dark but she was able to see a little

She was in her top and shorts.

As she was grabbed a glass for the milk she felt someone hug her

"hi babe"

"dad?, u are still awake"

"yeah, I couldn't sleep"

Her dad hugged her more, pressing his dick on her butt. " u are a little to close"

she said while trying to push her dad away

Her dad turned her making her face him dragged her close to him and whispered in her ear.

"I want you"

His hot and deep voice ringed in her ear


"I said I want u kel"

He said again this time kissing and licking her ear.

Kelly moaned, she tried to push him away even though she liked it but it was still wrong cause he was her dad.

"Dad please stop" she said shaking.

"oh really, I've seen the way u look at me and I know u want me badly and so do I, so don't hold back"

This time his dick was hard and it was pressing on her's.

she tried to control herself and pushed him away with force

"Dad stop, for Christ sake u are my dad, I can't have sex with you and again mum is in a serious condition and u should be comforting her not cheating on her and not even with her daughter!!" she shouted and left the room leaving her dad still standing there.