Chapter 7 : New Found Hope

"Master Onvyr, we need to move. Why are you just standing there?"

Onvyr couldn't move after the realization dawned on him. He was injured and his magic was dried up, he couldn't beat the average elite demon in this state, so a fight with the human, Adam, was completely out of question.

"Master Onvyr this is not the time to space out, we need to leave before the terrorist gets here. We'll send a message to the Ash'ai clan once we get to safety."

What a nightmare… if he gets here we're all dead, Ash'ai clan or not...So, he was a true immortal? If so why did he not revive on the road to the capital?

Onvyr was deep in thought, he paid no attention to the words thrown his way and only dove deeper into his pondering; however, his contemplation didn't go unnoticed by the demon lord.

Can we even escape the palace in time? If he is back to full strength he might use the Iai again to annihilate the entire place, taking us along with it. perhaps we should—

"Onvyr… what are you hiding from me?"

His tone was not the usual calm, calculated one that Onvyr was used to, nor was it the same irritated one he displayed when he was confronted with the news of the human's death.

It was a cold and slightly crooked tone-It hid true wrath behind it. wrath stemming from the thought of betrayal coming from his most trusted advisor and precious mentor.

Everything from his gaze to his posture indicated his anger, causing Onvyr to flinch at the sight.

"m-my lord, I hide nothing from you. I'm merely—"

"I will not stand here and be lied to Onvyr… if the next words coming out of your mouth are anything but the truth the consequences will be dire"

The demon lord's stare pierced through Onvyr's soul, causing the old demon to shiver as memories of the first demon lord, the one whose strength reached the realm of gods, surfaced in his mind.

"…my lord I'm afraid I know the identity of the intruder."

The demon lord's eyes opened wide in disbelief, and the unfortunate guard who was tasked with escorting them grew quiet, not daring to speak a word.

"and I'm afraid escape won't be an option… he'll likely catch up to us before we can get far."

"Onvyr… what is the meaning of this? Did you collaborate with terrorists to bring down the palace?"

"no, I would never—"

"how else could you know the identity of the terrorist? Explain yourself NOW!"

"I-It's the human warrior my lord"

Onvyr hoped his honest response would quell the anger of the demon lord; however, it had the opposite effect on him.

"y—you dare mock me? you brought half of a mangled corpse back from the forest, and you expect me to believe it stood up and killed the guards?"

"no my lord… he must have regenerated his lost limbs somehow."


A loud explosion sounded in the distance, overshadowing the intense sound of the demon lord.

The three looked out of the beautifully decorated windows to see another building destroyed in the distance. what was once a luxurious construction, crafted by the best artists the demons had to offer, was reduced to a pile of rubble amongst the smoldering flames feasting on it.

"…this madness, no terrorist would dare… is it true master Onvyr? is the human back from the dead?"

The guard who was listening to their conversation until now finally spoke up, his voice was plagued with doubt, fear, and anxiety.

His trembling words were met with a glare from the Demon lord, who refused to believe Onvyr's outlandish idea.

Another explosion sounded, this time much closer to the group. All three glanced out of the window once more, expecting to glimpse more destroyed buildings and roaring flames.

"I-It can't be…"

The demon lord exclaimed. His breathing almost seizing for a second.

"I-It was true… he has no horns… that's no demon, it's a human! the human came back from the dead to take vengeance."

On top of the ruble and fire, he stood, so close to where the demon lord and the others were that they could see blood dripping from his hands and covering his tattered clothes.

He was looking around the burning palace in a daze, breathing quickly and heavily.

"master Onvyr, how did this happen."

The guard asked Onvyr in a quivering tone, but it was the demon lord who replied.

"It doesn't matter, we need to flee and call on the Ash'ai clan to deal with him again… I never thought that the royal guards would fall so easily."

If the Ash'ai clan tries to stop him they will get annihilated… damn it, I did everything I could to reserve the balance of power just for it to come tumbling down now?

Onvyr's mind raced. He knew the faith awaiting the Ash'ai clan if they try fighting Adam alone, and he was powerless to change it.

If he asks the Demon lord to not summon the Ash'ai clan his loyalty will come to question, and trying to convince the human warrior whom he killed to surrender would probably not end well.

I need to get out of here first before dealing with the Ash'ai clan

"my lord, we must run. The human is more powerful than you imagine, we stand no chance against him."

The demon lord watched as a group of royal guards approached Adam. They wore heavy silver armor, decorated with many runes and markings. The chest piece took the shape of a roaring dragon's head, identifying the guards as elite warriors of the Dra'ig clan.

Massive great swords were the warriors' weapons of choice, named the dragon slayers by the first head of the Dra'ig clan, they were weapons capable of decapitating the legendary dragons with a single slash. the scarlet blades put fear in the hearts of those who opposed the demon lord, and their jagged edges would tear their bodies asunder before they could even glimpse his royal figure.

The demon lord was always proud of his guard, they were a force second only to the Ash'ai clan. Powerful, ruthless, and absolutely loyal, the Dra'ig clan was the shining example of what a demon clan should be. For all those reasons, he had hope.

Maybe they can win

the demon lord thought, a smile surfaced on his face.

The human must be tired from fighting for so long, they stand a chance against him, they must.

With newfound hope, the demon lord glances at Onvyr expecting to see an expression that matches his.

Why are you looking at them like that…?

But alas the expression that he was faced with was one of sorrow and pity.

Onvyr… you're looking at them as if they're already dead… why? I understand that the human is possible, and I now believe that he managed to heal his body and come back from the dead, but he is no god…is he?

Doubt and fear started to creep in, slowly infesting the precious hope he just obtained.

No… he will fall here.

The demon lord steeled himself and watched with peeled eyes as the battle started, the battle that he hung his hope on.