Chapter 8 : Endless War

The heat of the fire coupled with the slow breeze of the air left a soft sensation on Adam's face. The old bruises and cuts from the war, now nearly invisible redden as his blood flew faster—a constant reminder of the painful wartorn world he fought for.

He stood atop a destroyed building, covered in blood. He couldn't remember whom it belonged to… just that it was not his own.

"they just keep coming… and they are well organized too. and that armor... I know that insignia I'm sure of it, but I can't remember what clan was it."

Adam held his head with a blood-covered hand, leaving a deep red stain on his face.

"w-what happened in that forest… I used the Iai didn't I? shouldn't I be dea—wait… don't tell me, I came back again?"

He contemplated in silence with only the howling of the wind and crackling of the fire to keep him company.

"but this doesn't look like the forest nor the wasteland that would be left of it after using the Iai… my body was moved. By who? And more importantly… where?"

The familiar steady sound of steel boots hitting the ground entered his ear, and he slowly removed his hand from his face uncovering the bloody stain it left on it.

In front of him stood 5 demon warriors in silver armor with chest plates decorated to look like a roaring dragon's head, the same uniform all the demons he has been fighting until now wore.

It was clear who the leader of the five was. A demon, much bigger than the others, stood ahead of the group with a flag draped over his right shoulder and going under his thick pauldron. His colossal frame made Adam look like a child in comparison.

The hulking demon removed his helmet revealing a wrinkled face with strong features. A scar ran across it all the way from his lip to the back of his bald head, a trophy from a challenging battle no doubt, but one that cost him the sight of his left eye.

The other demons removed their helmets hurriedly, mimicking their leader.

They were clearly young and inexperienced on the battlefield. Unlike the old scared demon, who was completely calm and relaxed, the others were clearly scared. They looked at Adam with fearful expressions, one was even shaking a little bit in his armor. it was quite an unusual sight for Adam to see such fear in the eyes of demon soldiers.

"why are you destroying the palace?"

The old demon asked in a calm tone.


Adam grimaced.

Palace? The palace? It can't be… no… it's impossible. no demon would bring a human, not even a corpse to their royal palace. that place is all the way in Japan, not to mention it's guarded by that monster… if he was here I'd been dead already.

"do you not know where you are?"

The old demon asked.


"you have no horns, your skin is miscolored, you're covered in blood, and are wearing nothing but tattered robes… if it wasn't for all the dead bodies you left behind I would've thought you were just a very ill demon, but you aren't. are you?"

"not at all… I have no horns, my skin is naturally pale, this blood isn't mine, and these robes were the only clothes I found when I woke up."

A smile surfaced on Adam's face, the demon was clearly an experienced, talented soldier, something about him was much different than the others he battled after he woke up. He reveled in the banter that only those versed in the art of war can have.

"I see… you're a human. the same human master Onvyr brought back. I was under the impression that you were but a mangled corpse."

"Indeed, but it doesn't matter, I'm here now in front of the enemy forces. You know what that means…don't you?"

A warm smile slowly took shape on the face of the old demon, and he spoke with a cheerful tone.

"hahaha, to think this old demon will get to face our race's greatest rival… my forefathers must be proud."

"…you won't try to convince me that the war is over and our people made peace? The other old one, Onvyr was it? seemed adamant about persuading me."

The old demon shook his head.

"that is the truth, but seeing that blood all over you makes me think that you won't believe nor care about anything I have to say."

Adam looked up to the sky with eyes full of pain and sorrow.

"the truth… perhaps it is. Maybe I've truly been dead for that long… long enough for humans and demons to achieve peace, but what of it? demons killed my family, friends, and comrades, and I in turn have killed many of them as revenge… peace means nothing to me, you came to our word and ravaged it. I don't care about the decision of some politician, this is personal… now… ready your blade."

Faint blue light enveloped Adam as he clenched his fists and prepared for battle.

The old demon, as if acknowledging Adam's challenge pulled out a sword. one far too short and slender for a member of the Dra'ig clan to use, and gifted it to the human.


Adam, just like the other demons, was shocked. Too confused to comment on the old demon's seemingly foolish act of generosity. And before he could regain his composure, the old demon pulled out his massive crimson sword and planted it on the ground with a powerful thrust.

"I am Jaavir Dra'ig son of Houx Dra'ig, the oldest one of my clan still in service. I'm honored to fight against a warrior such as yourself."

"…why hand me your weapon?"

The demon lord answered with a big grin on his face.

"what honor is there in defeating an unarmed opponent?"

A painful smile, too small to notice to anyone far away formed on Adams's face, and a feeling akin to regret started welling up within him.

"I see… I am Adam Williams, commander of the 7th Dragon Knights regiment… or at least I was, my regiment is probably long gone, and now I remember. The Dra'ig clan…"

it's the one in direct service of the demon lord… the so-called royal guard. So, I'm in the royal capital huh? that demon Onvyr… he wasn't lying, it's all true. Humanity is long gone.

Jaavir looked at his soldiers behind him and screamed at the top of his lungs, his voice filling the air and overpowering the peaceful sound of the crackling fire and howling wind.


The four young warriors shuddered and started with their introductions.

The first one to speak up was a young man with short black hair and eyes. he carried two daggers on his hips along with his massive sword.

"I'm Lou Dra'ig"

His eyes were darting all over the place and his face was drenched in sweat. He was clearly an amateur, one who hasn't seen many battles outside of the training ground.

The one who spoke up next was a young woman with long ashen hair and piercing yellow eyes. her physique was impressive, tall, and very well built. She was the only one of the five to carry a shield. And unlike the others, she was confident and fearless, showing the traits of a true leader.

"I'm Kiila Dra'ig, it is an honor to fight a warrior of your caliber"

That shield is as tall as me and thick enough to stop a cannonball…How ridiculous.

Adam looked at her shield with a puzzled expression.

"I-I'm Kiira D-Dra'ig, Killa's twin sister, p-please go easy on me."

Another young woman spoke up. She looked like the opposite version of Killa. She had a small build and was completely terrified. Her sword was clearly too large for her to wield, her struggle to even tug it around on her back made it obvious.

"such words are unfit for a warrior Kiira."

Jaavir sighed and tiredly scolded her. his tone made it clear that it wasn't the first time she said such things.

The last demon, a red-haired youth with a hateful look in his eyes stared at Adam. He refused to greet his enemy and only looked at him with scorn.

"Ark, do not shame the name of—"

"why? Why must I say anything to this monster? He came to our home and murdered our friends… he is our enemy, why are we honoring him?"

Adam chuckled at the irony of his words, which went unnoticed by the angry young warrior.

Young, hotheaded, and with only vengeance on his mind… to think I'd see myself in a demon.

Adam faced the vengeful warrior with a smile and a sarcastic attitude.

"to think a demon would make that complaint… how laughably ironic, but you are correct, young man. I killed every single guard that stood in my way so far... and I will kill you as well—so fight, fight for your revenge."

Adam took a stance with the sword gifted to him by Jaavir, signaling the demons to ready themselves.

That's right… this is all there is to it. there is nothing left for me here, only this endless war.
