Chapter 9 : A change of Heart


As soon as that word left Adam's mouth the demons attacked.

Kiila was the one to lead the charge with her massive shield, followed by Jaavir who wielded his colossal crimson sword with the same grace and mobility one would expect from a rapier, a testament to his strength and honed technique.

The other three stood back, their swords still sheathed. Adam glanced at them, contemplating the reasoning behind such an odd tactic.

"you won't be participating? Does your clan permit cowardice amongst its warriors?"

Adam spoke with a calm, inquisitive tone.

His demeanor was not one of a soldier on the battlefield, it was far too relaxed, far too casual. Even his stance was hollow, it left many openings even an amateur swordsman could exploit.

Kiila collided with Adam, her shield powered by her large muscular frame created enough impact to shatter bones, but all that power was nullified by Adam's relatively tiny sword.

h-he didn't even budge? But I went as far as casting enhancement magic on myself… this is ridiculous! How did he manage to guard with that sword?

Kiila was shocked that her charge had no effect.

"your shield is all I can see, what a needlessly large piece of metal, however, now that I look at it closely I can see that it's well-used. As I thought you and the old one are far more experienced than the others."

Adam expected an answer. Perhaps gratitude from the compliment or even mockery, but the only thing that greeted him back was the sound of shuffling and loud, rapid breathing.

In an almost comical view, the demons watched with open eyes as the gigantic Kiila put all her power behind her shield, trying to push the human backward, and failing miserably.

"hah. Hah. Hah… you are… strong… but are you strong enough to stay standing after this [WIND RELEASE]."

A powerful blast of wind erupted from her shield, destroying everything in front of it. the ruins left behind by Adam were hurled far away, the fires and embers that littered the ground were scattered to the wind, and Adam himself finally dropped his nigh impregnable guard and fall to the ground, dropping his sword along the way.

he was on the ground, unarmed, and open wide for all attacks. The excitement in the eyes of the demon warriors could be seen from a mile away. They knew that this was the best chance they'll ever get, the chance to both save the royal palace and honor their fallen clanmates who were fell in battle before them.


Kiila took a knee and held her shield up, waiting for Jaavir to respond to her battle cry.

"good job Kiila, leave the rest to me."

In the blink of an eye, Jaavir closed the distance between him and kneeling Kiila. he soared to the sky using her shoulder as a sturdy platform to launch himself, bringing his massive sword down right on Adam's chest.


Jaavir's crimson sword erupted into flames as he approached his target, and once he made contact with the defenseless Adam, flames engulfed their surroundings, shrouding the two in a thick cloud of fire and smoke.

Kiila had to hide behind her shield to avoid the melting heat of the flames and the other three were forced to deploy magic barriers to withstand it.

"Is… is it over?"

Kiila spoke as the thick smoke began to clear.

"not bad at all… I suppose the first demon I fought in the forest was just especially incompetent. Your strategy was good, your vanguard lures me in and breaks my guard and then you finish me off with a single powerful attack. impressive teamwork."

The smoke cleared, revealing a sight that struck fear into the demons' hearts.

Jaavir's massive sword, the one said to be capable of beheading dragons, was stopped in place by a single finger.

Kiila's face was filled with dread, and her body trembled behind her shield. She could hear her own heart, it was beating faster than it ever has. The thumping mixed with the gasping of Jaavir and the terrified whimpers of the others who watched from a distance created a melody of fear unlike any other she ever had the displeasure of hearing.

She gazed at Adam, more specifically at his right arm. It was coated in a shifting dark blue energy with small shining white dots swimming in it.

It was like armor forged from the night sky itself, a gauntlet made of the very stars and the space they resided in. it pulsated and shifted as if it was a flame dancing to the night breeze, making it look alive.

"but let me demonstrate why it doesn't work against augments."

Adam flicked the sword away. A slow, frail, weak flick that looked like it couldn't harm a fly, however, its power was enough to shatter Jaavir's sword.

The shockwave from the flick was as powerful as Kiila's spell, a spell she needed years of training of discipline to master along with her magic-infused shield to use consistently.

Jaavir flew back, falling right beside the trembling Kiila, still grasping the hilt of his now shattered sword. his arm was quivering from the pain, and his eyes lost the excitement and fire they had when he first challenged his human foe, now replaced with a look of amazement and glee.

Adam's form as he stood up was breathtaking in the eyes of Jaavir. His calm expression and outstanding power compelled the old demon to stare in both fear and awe.

Happiness filled Jaavir's heart. For years he thought that he saw the limit of what a mortal can achieve, and even though he himself never reached that level, he always thought there had to be more.

He faced the strongest demon, Uzan Ash'ai, and while he lost to the young warrior, he was unsatisfied. The strongest should be powerful enough to make those who face him die with a feeling of honor in their heart, not shame and bitterness. A smile formed on his face as his father's words surfaced in his mind.

I have found it father, the absolute power you were searching for… I have found the strongest.

"Kiila, you and the others are to leave right now… do not come back here no matter what. Just find and escort the demon lord out of the capital."

"have you gone mad? No, we are not—"

"you are the captain now… wear that title with honor."

Jaavir looked Kiila in the eye, his expression showing no sign of pain or sorrow, just pure contentment and happiness to her surprise.

All she could muster as a response was a painful nod before lifting up her shield and running back to the rest of her team who were still shocked by the unexpected turn of events.

Adam noticed Kiila's early departure and with a face void of emotion, he slowly pointed an open palm at her.

The augment armor covering his arm shifted and pulsated violently, the star-like shining dots gathering in the middle of his palm, forming a white orb radiating with power.


an unarmed Jaavir stood in his way, intentionally blocking his aim.

"I thought I was going to spend my final years as an old, retired soldier. Perhaps a trainer if I was lucky, but now… now I can fulfill my purpose. The purpose left to me by my father, and his father before him. I shall battle with the strongest, and bring honor to my name, so thank you for granting me a worthy death."

Adam looked deep into Jaavir's eyes, yet he couldn't spot a hint of fear or malice. It was nothing but true and pure gratitude. A fleeing of guilt and regret assaulted him once again making him wonder if this whole battle, and maybe the whole war was a mistake.

He put his arm back down, dispelled the augment armor, and picked up the sword gifted to him by his foe.

"very well, I will give you the death you want."

For the first time in his entire life, Adam had feelings of doubt while on the battlefield. He saw this demon not as a parasite to be disposed of, but as a fellow warrior, one with pride, bravery, and guts, just like a human.