Why does Stella consider Ferit to be a mean guy?

At night, when Stella reaches her house, the whole house, So it was very dark in the whole house, she got a little worried and started going forward.

She saw that her mother was standing by the ironing stand in the living room, ironing the curtains. She anxiously came to her mother and asked, "What is this? What on the planet are you doing this late at night? Why are the curtains getting ironed?"

Her mother worriedly said, "I've noticed every wrinkle on my face. They were creased. The curtains were creases. They required ironing."

Stella was looking at her mother with so much happiness and surprise and then she kissed her mom and said, "You're talking to me again. You were so angry with me...I know I was stupid."

Her mother put her hand on Stella's face and spoke lovingly,

"There are a lot of other things to be concerned about. How can I stay angry with you?"

Stella silently listened to her mother.

Her mother looked around the whole house and said worriedly,

"Everything should be clean and neat and straightened too...What will I do?"

After a while Stella entered her room, she took off her jacket and placed it on the bed, and looked around worriedly, then she took out her phone from her pocket and lay on the bed, and zoomed in on Ferit's picture which Ferit had taken during their selfie and said to her self,

"Who is Eagle?"

And she put the phone by her pillow and closed her eyes and started smiling.

Ferit had also left for his home. He smiles all the way thinking about Stella, but then he remembers her ring.

He stopped his bike on the other side of the road and took off his helmet and put his hand in his jacket and took out his phone and called Aron and said, "Scrap the project I was working on. I am on my way back with a new idea."

The next day, as soon as Stella woke up, so as soon as she opened her eyes, Stella got scared to look at Julia, she was sitting in front of her and was staring at her angrily.

Stella angrily asked, "What are you doing? why are you staring at me?"

Stella said narrowing her eyes in anger, "Shh! You'll wake everyone up. You'd better not lie to me now...So tell me, Where were Mr. Ferit and you?"

Amina said getting up angrily, "Have you gone mad? Why are you acting like my boss...I don't have to explain anything...I don't work for you."

Julia said staring into her eyes, "Do not irritate me, Stella. How could you become his assistant in just two days?"

Stella began to make a bun of her messy hair with both hands and said,

"Whatever, my darling, whatever, what's your problem? Are you feel jealous?"

And Stella got up from there, Julia grabbed her hand angrily and said, "There is something wrong, I wasn't born yesterday"

Stella laughed and said, "You're going insane. You're vegan, but you need to eat some meat. If you don't eat meat, you go mad." and she left by ignoring her.

Ozan was sitting on the sofa in his yard and drinking tea. He held his phone in his hand

In which he was zooming and looking at Amina's picture again and again and smiling.

Molly came to her brother with a cup of tea in her hand and immediately spoke,

"My website is done. Do you want to know what I am calling?"

He raised one of his eyebrows and asked, "what?"

She replied, "Molly.com"

Ozan looked at her and said, "Molly.com? You could be a bit more creative than that."

Molly said narrowing her eyes,

"but I like it. It describes exactly who and what I am. Like what I do...what I like in life...I like personal development. I'd like to develop myself personally."

Ozan listened to all of her words and while yawning he spoke, "So, I gave you money for nothing?"

She worriedly said, "No, why are you saying that? Drink your tea. I am going to do some yoga.

and she left there. Ozan looked at her and asked, "Yoga?"

She smiled and immediately turned her face back and said, "I've surprised you completely...I will show you a different side of my personality...I want to surprise people."

Saying this Molly left and Ozan was smiling at her as soon as she went, he grabbed the phone from the table and opened it. He started zooming in on Julia's pictures again.

Molly sat in her room and raised both her hands and started doing yoga.

After a while, Stella entered Molly's room and smiled at her, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Molly immediately said, "Shh, leave me alone. I am trying to concentrate...Gosh, I am trying to be a yogi"

Stella was listening to her words and removed her bag from her shoulder and placed it on the bed and started looking at her.

Molly again said, "Check this out. I am sitting with my hands in the air...It's the chair pose."

Stella was sitting on a chair looking at her and spoke lovingly, "It's working. You look exactly like a chair."

Molly asked her, "And you? Are you well? What are you up to?"

Stella worriedly said, "Please don't ask. I had another argument with my sister. She is the world's worst pain. How is it possible that we share the same parents? This is why I don't understand how life works. My sibling is perfect. She usually knows what to do, so how did I end up here?"

Molly silently listened to her all words.

Suddenly Stella smiled and said, "They appeared to me in my dream, Julia and my parents, and they spoke to me.

(We must inform you that Julia was adopted; sadly, she is not your sister.)

How sweet would that be?"

Molly was sitting on the floor trying to hold her own feet with the help of her hands and speak to Stella,

"Maybe for you. Can I ask you a favor? Could you help me touch my toes? I can't reach them."

Stella immediately got up and came to her and placed both her hands on Molly's back and started pushing her forward."

Molly turned her face back and said, "Ouch! Come on, not so violently."

Stella slowly started pushing her back. Molly said to her, "Stella, please tell me more about your workplace. Why do you never tell me anything about them? You ought to perhaps show me some pictures."

Stella smiled and said, "Okay, I'll show you"

She started thinking about KD and said,

"KD, such a nice guy. and then, Vera, The fortune teller...Oh, Molly...She's psychic, she knows everything that's happening in the company"

Molly replied, "that makes sense"

Stella again said, "and then there is Ms. Diana...beautiful"

Molly immediately said, She undoubtedly appears to be attending Pilates sessions or something. She would appear calmer after doing yoga."

Stella smiled and said, "Yes, you might be right"

Stella asked, "How about Mr. Ryan"

Molly laughed and said, "Look at that! Looks like the boring type to me, And Molly starts doing yoga again

Stella puts her head on Molly's back and starts thinking and speaks with love how about Mr. Ferit"

Molly immediately said, "Whao..., Must be photoshopped...I've never seen such a handsome man in my life."

Stella replied, "But now I ask myself wondering: Why do gorgeous men always have to be so mean? He is naked, while everyone else is dressed."

Molly shocked looked at Stella and immediately said, "Wait...wait, He has a beard. He could be your eagle.

Stella angrily said, "I don't want him to be my eagle. He can't be."

She slung her bag on her should and said, "Anyhow, I need to leave for work. bye and I informed you that he is a mean person. He's awful. You know of all the plans he had with his brother. He's mean."

Molly smiled and said, "There is good and less good in the universe. We all possess both excellent and terrible qualities. That's the way life is."

Stella came close to Molly and hugged her and said, "May God give you wisdom." and she left.

Amira was presenting her project on an airline company, Amira was presenting her project on an airline company,

(She wore a purple tube top and straight-cut blue jeans)

she showed her work and said, "The new slogan is: "The world at our feet" and trying to present.

but Mr. Denzel said, "Nice, but it needs more work..."

Amira immediately said, "Of course, but we didn't have much time."

They replied, "It seems somewhat lacking. We'll talk about this with other companies as well and consider their suggestions before letting you know."

Amira smiled and said, "I understand" and started to close her files.