Ferit's project, Stella's mother revenge

At the same time, Diana came to the company

(she wore a white sweetheart neckline top, with a green two-button coat and white jeggings fit jeans.)

with two colleagues, holding files in her hands.

Guard asked Diana, "May I help you?"

She stopped and answered,

"We're here for our eleven o'clock appointment with Mr. Denzel."

He replied, "Okay, I'll be right back" and went to tell, Mr. Denzel.

Amira was coming out of the office, and as soon as she saw Diana, she looked her up and down and said immediately, "Morning, Diana. How are you doing?"

Amira looked at Diana and the other two colleagues standing behind her and asked, "Where is Ferit? Don't tell me he's disappeared again."

Immediately Ferit entered through the door and took off his spectacles he was holding a file in his hand and looked at Amira and smiled and said,

"We can't seem to get rid of you."

and then he looked at Diana and asked, "and how are you?"

Diana smiled and said, "Alright" and showed him the file and said,

"We can't keep the client waiting."

and looked at Amira and again said, "It won't help to hang around here"

Ferit laughed and looked at the file that Diana was holding in her hand and said,

"We're not going to submit that"

and pointed to the file in his hand and said, "This is our proposal"

And went to the office. Amira was looking at him in surprise. Ferit pointed to Diana and both colleagues and signaled them to come with him.

Amira was staring at them and immediately called Ryan who was busy in his office.

As soon as he looked at his phone, he immediately picked up and said,

"Hello, my love."

Amira angrily said, "Ryan, your brother is going to submit something else"

Ryan confidently asked, "But how? How do you know this? calm down, please."

Amira angrily said, "I can handle it! Do you realize how many issues this will bring forth for us?"

Ryan replied, "You need not be concerned. The client hasn't made a decision yet, has it?"

Amira laughed and said, "You are seated on your throne and are aware of your brother. I am the only one who works for the business." and she angrily hang up her phone.

Ferit started giving his presentation He showed his presentation to Mr. Denzel and started telling everything with the help of his hands Everyone was listening to him very attentively and was very impressed by him.

As soon as he gave the whole presentation, they were all cheering so he smiled and looked at Diana and winked and smiled.




Stella's mother comes out of the house and stops near her husband's shop where her husband is reading a newspaper.

As soon as he sees his wife, he happily gets up from his seat and speaks, "Morning, my sweet darling. You didn't sleep at all. Is everything alright?"

She angrily replied, "Enjoy your day...I want One Kilo tomato and a bottle of garlic sauce. Don't make me wait!"

and she sits on the chair angrily, her husband goes inside and starts taking all products.

After a while, Alexander and his mother passed by this grocery shop. As soon as Stella's mother looks at them, she starts laughing and tells the people around, "Don't be late! I have prepared some delicious snacks for you."

But Alexander's mother completely ignores her and leaves.



Stella, KD, and Vera are standing at a place drinking tea in the company, when Ferit, Diana, and both colleagues come back from the meeting. Ferit glance at Stella and ignores her and moves on.

KD stopped Diana.

and looked at Diana and asked, "It looks like the meeting went well"

Diana replied, "It did go well"

Stella sadly asked, "Why does it look like Mr. Ferit is sulking"

Vera smiled and said, "That's what cool people look like."

Alexander's mother was sitting in the paperbound Aunt Selin was doing her hairstyle

"This style suitor. No one could be better than this"

Selin spoke while styling her hair.

Nazli smiled and looked at the mirror and said, "Thanks, you're such a good hairdresser"

A woman from their neighborhood came to her smilingly and said,

"Hey, Selin...we're late, Aren't you coming?"

Selin turned her face back and said, "I'm coming, dear! You go ahead"

and she pulls out her handbag from the answer immediately when Nazli looked at her and asked, "Selin, where are you going?"

"Oh, you know...well you might not know, my dear Nazli. Leyla invited the entire neighborhood. She prepared a feast for us. We're going to stuff ourselves, I can't wait" She says, slung over her shoulder.

and she immediately comes out of her parlor and tells the maid,

"Lock the shop and come through"

and Stella's door starts ringing. Nazli runs away and comes to her and angrily told her, "Listen, tell Nazli not to gossip about me. Do you hear me?"

Selin smiled and asked, "Why would she want to do something like that? There is no way we would gossip about you. We are not like that."

Stella's mother opens the door and hugs her lovingly and says, "how long have I been waiting for you" and ignores seeing Nazli.

Ferit was sitting in his office looking at the file when immediately Ryan came to his office in anger and said to him,

"What's going on now? You gave a different proposal. Why didn't I know about it?"

"When did you start becoming interested in projects, I believe you had a financial interest." Ferit inquired when he approached him.

Ryan shouted as he slammed both fists down on Ferit's desk., "Before you arrived, I handled projects with Dad."

Ferit looked at him with anger and asked, "What's wrong with you? Since when should I get your permission before changing a proposal?"

Ryan Furiously remarked:

"We are partners in this venture. You act any way you want because you believe you are the boss."

Ferit grinned and said,

"I understand that the work is not the source of your issue. This relates to another topic... Rather go back to work."

Ryan yelled aggressively, gesturing with his finger toward Ferit, "I've had enough of your games. I am fully aware of your actions. You cannot attempt to mislead me. You get that, right?" and walked out of his office.



Stella's mother had prepared that table with food and all the people of the neighborhood had gathered at her house Julia was serving food to everyone when an aunt spoke to her,

"Listen, I heard Stella got a new job...I suppose you're going to look after the shop now."

Julia ignore her, then Julia was served the food to another aunt and asked, "Do you need to work at the shop now that I've heard that?

She angrily said, "That's nonsense. Where did you hear that?"

she replied, "The rumors flying."

Julia angrily placed the pot on the table and spoke,

"Who told you such nonsense?" She replied, "You know how people talk, my child"

Selin tells her to ignore all of them and second sit with me,

"Don't give them any attention. They are a group of gossip, that much is clear. Disregard them. a bunch of fools. Eat your meal."

Julia's mother fell asleep sitting on the couch due to fatigue. Whoever was eating was praising her food and her house a lot because the house and food were very clean and very pleasant.

Selin's eyes fall on Julia's mother, she looks at her in surprise because she was talking in her sleep.

"Nazli...What are you doing to me?... I am the best,...I'll beat you, Nazli.. I'll show to you how things are done in this area."

Selin surprisedly stand from her seat and said to Julia,

"Can you believe your mother slept through a company? She is daydreaming... I must awaken her."

and she holds her hand and pulls her and starts lifting her. Julia angrily said,

"Aunty Selin, What on earth are you doing?"

She replied, "You're asking me what I am doing? She's my neighbor. I'm supporting my neighbor. Are you aware that if she doesn't look after herself, she will die?"

And takes her to her room and advises her to rest and asks everyone to leave the house.