Chapter 4: The Goblin Village

[ 3rd Person Pov ]

_It's been around a month since Rimuru ate Veldora and most of the he was Just eating the stuff in the cave and getting skills and i also got many skills like Universal Detect, Universal Shapeshift and i also unlocked some of my skills as well. For the last few days we've been searching for the exit of the cave._

[ MC Pov ]

Rimuru: " finally we found the exit! "

Me: " Yeah but how do we open it ? "

Rimuru: "I dont know how bout just blowing it up-"

Me: " shhh someone is coming lets hide behind the rock Alright. *creaking noises*

???: " Finally The door opened for a second I thought It wont! "

???: " Well it's been locked up for 300 years so it's natural just for a lizard "

???: " Alright you can do you bonding later let me activate my stealth art "

[|After They Left|]

Me: " Alright they are gone now let's go. "

Rimuru: " I know that. "

Rimuru: " Ahh finally after a whole month I see sunlight again it tastes good Wait I can't even taste well whatever "

[ 3rd Person Pov ]

_While Rimuru And Cosmo were walking in the forest a group of certain monsters was walking towards them_

???: " Oh strong ones! What is your work here?"

Me: " No we were just walking and do you have any problems with that? " I said in a scary tone

Rimuru: " Cosmo! Sorry about that MY NAME IS RIMURU TEMPEST!! "

???: " Oh strong ones we know you are strong!! please low the voice! "

Rimuru: " *Cough* sorry about that. Anyways what do you from us? "

???: " Oh strong ones! we are currently in a very dire situation we will be grateful if you come with us to our village. "

Me: " Isn't that to much to ask for being a Goblin. And my name is Cosmo Tempest by the way but i prefer Cosmo Crimson Tempest or Cosmo.

Rimuru: " Cosmo! What's wrong with you. They are weak and we can help them so why not!. Anyways Goblins lead us to your village. "

???: " Of course Strong ones! "

[|Timeskip- 20 minutes|]

_Currently Rimuru And Cosmo and be seen sitting inside a House well it can't called be a house it's just a shabby tent that may fall any second now let's switch to our MC's Pov_

[ 3rd Person Pov ] end...

[ MC Pov ]

Me: " Alright let's get straight to the point what do want us to do? "

???: " Oh' strong one's we will tell you but please can you please recall you aura? "

Rimuru: " Huh what aura i don't see any aura around here. And why do you keep calling us strong one's? "

???: " Haha surely you jest we all can see the monstrous aura' around you. "

Me: " ' Rimuru!! You idiot can't you see the aura around you and if you can't just ask great sage!! ' "

Rimuru: " ' Alright no need to shout. A- Ahh! we were releasing this aura all the time!!. And more importantly why didn't you tell me ' "

Me: " ' I wanted you to figure out this on your own after all I can't be here with you all the sometimes you will have to learn things yourself ' "

Rimuru: " ' Whatever ' ", "So you noticed the aura huh hahaha you are great "

???: " Oh lord we are not worthy for your praise and was it a test? "

Rimuru: " Kuhahaha haha yes! it was a test to see weather you will notice it or not to see your potential and you passed hahahahaha!. Anyways can you tell me what's the situation here for what you called us for "

???: " Well you see for the longest time we can remember out deity has been protection us from the monsters nearby by recently a month ago our deity disappeared from the forest and the monsters specially direwolve's have been attacking our vilage. "

Rimuru: " I see. So how many fighters do we currently have? "

???: " Currently we only have 60 fighters including women and 10 of us can only fight a single direwolf and there are 100 of them and the rest are injured. "

Rimuru: " I see but how do you know all this? "

???: " You see that was my son Rigur the first Goblin that had a name and he gave us his life to give us this information. "

Rimuru: " I see ", " ' Hey Cosmo do you think that Veldora was their diety? ' "

Me: " ' Yes it is i used one of my skills's to figure it out and the timing was also perfect ' " I said even though already knowing about all this.

Rimuru/Cosmo: " ' Then it's our responsibility to help them ' ", " Alright I, Rimuru Tempest/Cosmo Tempest Crimson, in the name of Veldora will fulfill you request!!. But what will we get"

???: " Oh strong ones we will give you our undying loyalty. "

Me: " Alright can you show us the injured goblins? "

???: " Of course Lord Cosmo! "

[|Timeskip- 10 minutes|]

???: " This is the place lord Cosmo "

Me: " Alright now let's heal them, [God Of Life: Protogonus], (Eternity Healing)!. '- And suddenly all the injured goblins began to glow purple and blue and healed le they were never injured to began with -'

???: " Woah! How magnificent Lord Cosmo you truly are the storngest! "

Me: " Alright now i only did that because now you are all under my protection "

Me: " Anyways First things first we have to make a barrier of sorts so tear the huts and bring them together in one place understand? "

???: " Yes Lord Cosmo! "

(A/N- Alright i know i do a lot of timeskips but please bear with it as i mentioned it's my first novel so please)

[|Timeskip- 2 hours later|]

???: " Lord Cosmo Lord Rimuru We have done what you said!! "

Me: " Alright i am coming! "

Cosmo/Rimuru: " We are here "

Me: " So you did the task huh good job. "

???: " Thank you Lord Cosmo "

Rimuru: " What do you plan to do with this anyways? "

Me: " Just watch * Wink* ' Supreme creation wood wall!. _As i thought that all the wood started flowing and floated and made a wall with holes in it_ Now |universal Thread|, Tungsten Thread!. i thought and threads durable as Tungsten enveloped the holes in the wood wall. "

Me: " Alright finished now all we have to do is wait for the direwolve's in the night. "

Rimuru: " What!! It's done already! But are you sure the thread's are strong enough? "

Me: " Haha very funny just to let you know these thread's are durable as Tungsten. "

Rimuru: " WHAT THE FUC--NG HE--. *cough*cough* anyways still as strong as TUNGSTEN!!.*cough*.

[|Timeskip Again- 10 hours later|]

[ Direwolve Pov ]

Direwolve Alpha: " *Howl* Finally the dragon Veldora is gone now it's time for us to rule this forest!!!. "

Other Direwolve's: " *Howling* yes!! now we will rule this forest! "

Direwolve Alpha: " What are you waiting for let's go and devover those goblins!

[ MC Pov ]

' Currently the direwolve's are running towards the village well in the canon Ranga' father died but I think i will save him this time. I thought to myself


(R.G - Random Goblin)

R.G.1: "" M-mummy i am scared! "

R.G.2: " A-Ahh the direwolve's are coming i don't think we will survive!! "

Rimuru: " Don't be scared we are here to protect you all! "

A.R.G.- " Yes Lord Rimuru! "

Direwolve Alpha: " Huh what's a human and i slime doing here? Not like it matters i will still kill them!! "

Rimuru: Stop if you yield or run away i won't kill you!! "

Direwolve Alpha: " Hahaha a mere slime talking big!! Come on let's kill him and the human "

Direwolve Alpha: '-Running towards us-'

Rimuru: " I tried to warn you but you didn't listen don't complain to me if you die ", -"uses Sticky thread on him.-'

Direwolve Alpha: " Huh what is this? ", '-Breaks out of it after struggling-'

Rimuru: '-Uses steel thread-'

Direwolve Alpha: " What is this! You dare play tricks on me!! "

Rimuru: About to kill him

Me: " Wait Rimuru let me talk to him "

Rimuru: " Alright "

Me: " Alright listen here Direwolve i will ask the same as him yield or die! "

Direwolve Alpha: " Haha a mere human talks to me like that!! And if don't what will you do haha-!! "

Me: '-Releasing My aura-' , " I've been trying to be nice but now if you don't yield i will instantly kill all of you here understand!!! "

D.A/A.O.D: " *Scared Shitless* Y-Y-Yes our pack yields to you!! "

Me: " Good Good now that's done "

Rimuru: " How the hell did you do that so easily!!. Anyways now what should we do now... "


A/N- Finally Fu-ker!! *Ahem* Finally 4th chapter done i wrote 1.4k words it's a new record let's go!!

anyways reader's i will see you in the next chapter