Chapter 5: Trip To Dwargon

[ 3rd Person Pov ]

It's been a day since we defeated the Direwolve's currently all of them are sitting in a single spot

[ MC Pov ]

Rimuru: " Finally took you five minutes to shut up " Rimuru said while trying to make a joke

D.W/G: *Confused*

Me: " ' Rimuru you Idiot! It's not our old world so they'll not understand the jokes you make plus your jokes are lame ' "

Rimuru: " Hey!! That's not true back in my world i was the god of Jokes haha. " He went rambling that he was the god of jokes and what not.

Rimuru: " *Cough* Anyways now all of you will pair up alright? "

Direwolve's: " Pair..

Goblins: " Up..?

Me: " Basically each one of you Will pair up together like one Goblin and onee Direwolve Alright? "

D.W/G: " Yes Lord cosmo! "

(A/N- Alright timeskip to when Rimuru will give them names same things happened as canon)

Rimuru: " Ah yes elder say what's your name "

Elder: " Ah lord Rimuru We monsters don't usually have names those who have are unique "

Rimuru: " Oh yeah I forgot about that anyways it's a bit inconvenient calling you without names so how about giving all of you names!! "

D.W/G: " Really Lord Rimuru!! It will be our greatest honour if you do that! "

Rimuru: " Alright now Cosmo what will you do? you will also give names won't you? "

Me: " No i won't i will only give names to 5 monsters 2 of them are dragon and 2 are Pheonixs. " I replied

Rimuru: " *Shocked as heck* How did you even found them!! "

Me: " There is no need for you to know."

' But let me tell you guys.'

[ Flashback ]

Me: []

Athena: ["Of course Cosmo it's possible with [God Of supreme Creation: Brahma], [God of Life: Protogonus] and [Knowledge of world's: Atlas] it's possible to create any life-form"]

Me: []

Athena: ["Of course some suggestions are-


Nine-Tailed Fox



Me: []

Athena: ["Of course now how many do you want to create?"]

Me: []

Athena: ["Affirmative: Beginning the creation process... Ding Creation of A male and female [{Highest Tier Fire/Ice Dragon}] species body starting... 10%... 15%... 25%... 45%... Error Energy unstable using Stardust and Primitive magic as a substitute stable the energy, 10%... 15%... 25%... 45%... 65%... 75%... 100%.. Creation of [{Highest Tier Fire/Ice Dragon}] body Completed,, Ding Creation of A male and female [{Highest Tier Fire/Ice Pheonix}] species body starting... 10%... 15%... 25%... 45%... 65%... Error Energy unstable using Stardust and Primitive magic as a substitute to stable the energy, 10%... 15%... 25%... 45%... 65%... 75%... 100%.. Creation of [{Highest Tier Fire/Ice Pheonix}] Body Completed"]

Athena: ["Creation of [{Highest Tier Fire/Ice Dragon}] and [{Highest Tier Fire/Ice Pheonix}] Soul starting... Ding Error Process can't be completed due to not having enough information searching for solutions... Confirmed: using [Knowledge of world's: Atlas] for the necessary information... Ding Creation of [{Highest Tier Fire/Ice Dragon}] and [{Highest Tier Fire/Ice Pheonix}] soul resuming... 10%... 20%... 30%... 40%... 50%... 60%... 70%... 80%... 90%... 95%... 100%...., Ding Creation of [{Highest Tier Fire/Ice Dragon}] and [{Highest Tier Fire/Ice Pheonix}] Soul completed"]

Me: " Alright now i just have to create the eggs alright Athena create them "

Athena: [" Understood, Creation of necessary shell for the birth of [{Highest Tier Fire/Ice Dragon}] and [{Highest Tier Fire/Ice Pheonix}] Starting... Ding Shell Creation Completed.. "]

(A/N- Male dragon image- Ice dragon image-

Male pheonix image- Female pheonix image-)

Me: []

Athena: [" It will take 40 years for them to hatch "]

Me: []

Athena: [" But you can speed up the process by using sub skill(Magicule Dimension) of [{Primordial: Breeder Reacter}]. to create a infinitely large dimension completely made of Magicules and Stardust "]

Me: [< Oh thanks Athena can you create the dimension please?>]

Athena: ["Affirmative: Beginning the process..., Ding process completed, Do you want to enter the dimension? Y/N"]

Me: [< Y >]

suddenly a white light enveloped me and i lost consciousness.

Me: " Arghh it hurts how long have i been out for? "

Athena: [" You've been unconscious of 50 year 10 month 60 weeks 120days 20 hours 50 minutes and 60- "]

Me: [< Alright it's enough no need to go into milliseconds. But what the actual Fu--ing HE-- I've been out for Fu--ing 50 YEARS!!!!>]

Athena: [" No it's been only 0.000000000x-200 nanoseconds outside because the time is extremely slow in this dimension"]

Me: [< Oh *Whew* So now that's settled can you start the process of hatching them?>]

Athena: [" Affirmative: Starting the process of hatching... Error Error!! Unknown interface detected process failed searching for alternative methods... Method found starting the process of absorbing Stardust and Turn-Null starting... Ding Process completed"]

Suddenly a bright light started glowing from the eggs when it ended there were 4 monsters 2 dragons and 2 pheonixs

[ Flashback ] End..

Rimuru: " Whatever i am gonna name them you do you."

Me: " Whatever alright you Alpha Direwolve your name will be Raiga crimson "

Raiga: " Yes master *Huff* "

Me: " And you little fire dragon your name will be Bahanmut Crimson, you ice dragon your name will be Crystal Crimson "

Crystal/Bahanmut: " Happy dragon noises* Awee Awrr "

Me: And you pheonix you name will be Ignite Crimson, and Aurora Crimson "

Ignite/Aurora: " Happy pheonix noises* Awee Awrr "

[ Flashback ] End...

[ MC Pov ]

currently Rimuru Rigurd and I are watching a hut built by goblins fell down haha.I thought to my self

Rimuru: " Yeah no You weren't lying when you said you were bad at building "

Rigurd: " *Blushing from embarassment* I am sorry Rimuru-Sama it's the best we could build "

Rimuru: " No need but do you know anyone ho can build houses and clothing? "

Rigurd: " Well there are dwarves who can help us and if you are planning to go to Dwargon i suggest taking gobota with you he knows where it is "

Rimuru: " What dwarves they exist!

Me: " Alright we'll take him anyways bye we will probably be there back in 8-9 days."

Rigurd: " Of course have a good trip Cosmo-sama "

[ MC Pov ] End...

(Timeskip-To when they reached Dwargon, A/N- I know it's just straight to point but please bear with it)

[ 3rd Person Pov ]

???: Who look what we have here..

???: " Some monsters technically we are outside the nation so we can kill them....


A/N- Finally i finished the 5th chapter huhh Anyways guys i will see you in the next Chapter. And don't forget to like this novel and comment. Anyways peace out!