Chapter 10: Wild Demon Lord

It's been 4 weeks since the Events of Orc Lord and Tempest has developed greatly let me tell you what had happened to Tempest. First it is 5

4x Larger than in the canon 60% is ruled by me and the rest by Rimuru. The area ruled by me is much more devloped than City Rimuru like we have advanced roads advanced machinery in short my area is about 20-40x more devloped then City Rimuru as of Right now i have 6 major cities under my name Those are- Avalon, Aurora, Fallfrost, Empearal, Halocross, Starfall and 60 more small cities we ALSO have a barrier which protects the citizens from Attacks be it any like Holy/Demonic and more which is located in the centre of our my Uhh... Yeah i forgot to tell you The area which Rimuru rule's is a separate kingdom and my is different he hasn't came up with a name yet the name of my Kingdom is The Kingdom of Dragons

Yeah my citizens compose of angels, Dragons and wyverns each of them have a human form and they are very beautiful even the weakest of them are B+ And the strongest are S- so yeah. Anyways enough about that now let's get to what i am doing....

[ MC Pov ]

Currently i was sleeping peacefully in my room after the paper and managing my Kingdom and Al of a sudden Rimuru send me a thought communication

Rimuru: " Hey Cosmo teleport to me quick there is a concentration of high magicules comming towards My Town! And be quick "

Me: " Alright i am comming ", ' Looks like Milim is comming ' And then i teleport to Rimuru

Me: " * Looks Around * Hey why are we in the hills? "

Rimuru: " To make sure whoever is comming doesn't harm my citi-!! "


Suddenly a explosion happens and there is dust everywhere

???: " Hello! "

Rimuru: " What the- * whispers * She is flat * Ahem * who are you "

Milim: " My name is Milim the Destroyer and The only dragoniod "

Rimuru: " So why did you come here? Did you come to avenge the Demon Lord Geld? "

Milim: " Wah- No! I only came to introduce myself as you are the strongest in this town... Err Kingdom yes Kingdom "

Rimuru: " Pff-t Strongest i ain't the strongest here "

Milim: " Then who's the strongest who can even fool my Milim eye!? "

Me: " I am the strongest here "

Milim: " Hmm but you are chil-!!* Gets lamed to the ground and is struggling to breath " H-Hh? "

Me: " What did you say kid? I didn't hear it Hm Ah right i am a child huh well let's show you what this child can do * I say in a dark tone while stopping my aura * Fight me"

Milim: ' H-How is he so strong he is millions of times stronger than me he's a monster how do I fight him guess i have to do what i can ', " Alright i will fight you "

Me: " Good but not here " And then i teleport us to a separate planet AND i make it so that all the powerful people in the world can see the battle

[ 3rd Person Pov ]

Guy Crimson: " Haha Who does he think he is it's isn't even worth watching"

Velzard: " Hmm a fool thinking he can defeat my niece "

Velgrynd: " Hmm someone actually challenged my niece "

Rudra: " Tch let's see if he can defeat her "


[ MC Pov ]

Me: " So can we begin now? "

Milim: " * Silent * * Transforms into battle form. * "

Me: " Hmm B.M right of the bat huh "

Milim: " Speak less Fight more " As she said that she changed at me with full power punch

Me: " * Blocks it * it's weak "

And we continue hand-to-hand combact

[ 3rd Person Pov ]

Guy Crimson: " * Shocked * H-How How the hell is he able to keep up with her!! "

Velzard/Velgrynd: " Someone can actually keep up with our niece "

[ MC Pov ]

Milim: " Draco Nova full power! "

And she released a full power Draco Nova and i simply just flick but it destroys the Draco Nova

All: " H-How " Milim and all the people that were watching the battle ware shocked because he anhilated the Draco Nova like nothing and the Destruction it caused was breath taking. Everything in the radius of 50k lightyears was destroyed hell even spritons weren't spared

Me: " So Milim do you give up? "

Milim: " * Sigh * Yes i give up "

Me: " Good now let's go back

(A/N- Alright don't judge me i suck at battle sences alright)


Currently I, Rimuru, Milim were together talking

Me: " So what was the reason you came here "

Milim: " As i said before i wanted to introduce myself noda! "

Milim: " Say Rimuru do you plan on becoming a demon lord? noda! "

Rimuru: " Demon Lord? Does something happens when you become one? "

Milim: " Yes! Strong people come to fight you! Noda! "

Rimuru: " No thanks we already have more stuff to do than that alright anything else happens? "

Milim: " You get to boss around monsters and majins Noda! "

Rimuru: " No thanks "

Milim: " Ah Cosmo do you plan on becoming a demon lord Noda! "

Me: " I actually do maybe in 1-2 months since it will further increase the safety of my citizens so yeah i plan on becoming one in the future "

Rimuru: " What you actually plan on becoming one it's dangerous you know and again with the safety they will be fine "

Me: " You don't realise the danger of this world it's not like our previous one it's completely different "

Rimuru: " tch whatever anyways Milim do you want to go to the Hot Tub "

Milim: " Hmm is it something fun Noda! "

Rimuru: " Yes it's every fun everyone here enjoys it the experience is very good " Rimuru tried to subdue her and it worked

Milim: " Yay Then i will go Noda! "

Rimuru: " Yess * Ahem * What are you waiting for let's goo " He says as he runs of

Milim: " Wait for me Noda! "

Me: " * Sigh * what will I do with you... "

[|Timeskip- After Bath|]

[ 3rd Person Pov ]

Benimaru: " You do realise that Milim-sama is here "

All: " Yes we know "

Benimaru: " Then what should we do with her? "

Hakuro: " Nothing let Cosmo-sama handle it he defeated her after all "

All: " * Nods * "

[ MC Pov ]

Me: " Rimuru I suggest you again you should apply the Barrier in Tempest "

Rimuru: " For the last time no! You keep it i don't need it i know no-one will attack without us attacking " And he leaves the place in anger

Me: " Sometimes i don't know what to do even with my Omniscient... " I say as i look up into the vast everlasting dangerous and chaosful yet beautiful and peaceful cosmos