Chapter 9: The Orc Lord

[ MC Pov ]

Currently Me, Rimuru, The kajins and all the important people of our village are in a meeting.

Rigurd: " So you're saying that orcs attacked your village! "

Hakuro: " Hm yes they attacked us but a important thing is that they were wearing iron armour and and iron weapons "

Me: " Huh my suspicion is growing more and more it can't be "that" maybe it is "I whispered but i want to create a hype

Benimaru: " Hm so how many orcs are there Rimuru-sama "

Rimuru: " * Uses map * There are about 600,000 orcs near marshland "

(A/N- Hey reader's well i decided to change the amount of orcs and orc generals because well it's my book)

S/S/R: " What how can be- "

Souie: " Cosmo-sama my clone encountered someone I think you are already aware of it"

Me: " Hm yeah alright let that dryad in "

Suddenly a green light glows and a strange person comes out

???: " Ruler of monsters Cosmo-sama Rimuru-sama i have come to ask for your help "

Benimaru: " Isn't that much for something who came out of nowhere? who are you "

Me: " She is Tryni a dryad. We will help you but tell me that it isn't "that" "

Tryni: " So you are already aware of the Orc Lord huh Cosmo-sama "

Rimuru: " Wait wait what the he-- * cough * i mean who is orc lord "

Tryni: " It's a monster that is born every 100 years in orc tribes it's a demon class monster "

Rimuru: " What A demon class monster and Cosmo you were already aware of it "

Me: " Yeah i knew but i wasn't 100% sure. And it's not a threat anyways even hakuro can 1 shot him so it's not much of a problem now this meeting is over we will talk tomorrow, and Souie come to my house later i have something for you"

[ MC Pov ] End...

[ Lizardmen chief pov ]

Chief: " Son go and gather as much soilders you can in the Jura forest"

Gabiru: " Grr father why do even need them we are enough to kill them "

Chief: " Are you a fool! Fighting against so many orcs is impossible now go and do what i told you "

Gabiru: " Tch yes father "

Chief: " * sigh * what am I gonna do with hi- "

Suddenly a terrifying pressure pushes all the lizardmen on the ground "

Lizardmen1: " Chief there is someone who wants to meet you! "

Chief: " Gr-gr * panting * L-Let him in "

Soiue: " Greetings chief of lizardmen i am Souie "

Chief: " Yes we are thankful but why did you come here and a ogre? "

Souie: " Haha no i am only a mere messenger of my master and i am here to make a proposal and i am a Oni not a ogre "

Lizardmen1: " Huh a Oni must be a weak race like your master haven't hear- * Head cuts of * "

Souie: " I am sorry but you can insult me but not my master * Releases pressure *

Chief: " I am sorry for his Behaviour but what proposal do you mean "

Souie: " Well -

[ Flashback ]

Souie: " I am here master you called me "

Me: " Ahh. yes Souie come here "

He walks to me

Me: " I want you to go to the Lizardmen tribe and forge an alliance if possible if they don't agree use force and tell them to stay out of the battle "

Souie: " Yes Cosmo-sama i will go right now "

[ Flashback ] End...

Chief: " But what will we get from this alliance "

Souie: " We will keep you safe from the battle at any costs and protect you men if they are in danger "

Chief: " * Thinking * But what do you want from us "

Souie: " It's simple you will not be at the battle we will come for the battle in 3 days until then you can't participate in battle you have to hide "

Chief: " Ok we accept this alliance "

And after that Souie vanishes from there

[ Lizardmen chief pov ] End...

[|Timeskip-3 days|]

[ MC Pov ]

Currently i was chilling in my room watching anime yeah no i was watching them from my memories but suddenly Rimuru came barging in

Rimuru: " Hey Cosmo let's go we are going to battle the orc lord "

Me: " Alright i am coming "

And then we make our way to the orc lord

Rimuru: " Woah so many orcs hmm aren't they the lizardmen that came to our village whatever gobota ranga go save them . "

Gobota/Ranga: " Yes Rimuru-sama! "

Me: " Raiga you also go i want to see how strong you have become "

Raiga: " Yes master! "

And then Raiga absolutely obliterates 100k orcs and 6 orc generals there are 18 of them in only a single move which he calls storm of crimson and i like that as hell and y'know what everybody is shocked haha

Me: " Very well done Raiga after this i will give you a reward "

Me: " Now Bahanmut/Crystal and Ignite/Aurora go and attack them "

And they also obliterate 200k orcs(A/N- The signature move of them are Bahanmut-Supernova/Crystal- Freezeing Nova and Ignite- Eruption/Aurora- Aurora of death)

And again everyone is shocked and then i decided to kill the orc lord and about the Demon Seed i can create it for Rimuru

Me: " Your time has come orc lord "

(A/N- Aight i'mma skip this sh-- and i will say again please bear with it this is my first book i will do a lot and i mean a LOT of timeskips and skipping so yeah please bear with it)

Me: " Why are you looking at me like that? "

All: " ... You do realise that you literally ended the battle in like 15 minutes "

Me: " And? not like i care about that I wanna go home and read my manga that i didn't read "

[|Timeskip- Again |]

Currently we are in a room with races like orcs/Lizardmen and more and our all the people that participated in the war

Rimuru: " Alright let's began this meeting "

Rimuru: " First i would like to say my things and then you can your thoughts later "

Me: " Yeah yeah do it fast "

All: "...."

Rimuru: " * cough * Anyways i would like to charge the orcs no charges and i know that it will offend a lot of monsters mainly the lizardmen "

L.C: " No we don't have any problem with your decision "

Rimuru: " Then i have a dream that may be impossible but i would like to create a country where all monsters and humans can live in peace. And i would like to make an alliance where we will provide shelter and food, Lizardmen will provide fresh water and fishes, And dryads will provide fruits if isn't a problems "

Tryni: " Ofcourse it will not be a problem "

Geld' son: " S-So you mean we can be a part of this alliance? "

Rimuru: " Ofcourse but we won't tolerate slackers "

All orcs: " Hai we will work with all our heart "

Tryni: " So then it's decided from now on Rimuru-sama and Cosmo-sama will be the chancellors of the Jura Forest! "


A/N- Alright finally chapter 9 done thanks for reading it