Plans change sometimes

Fang Xian laid Zhang Liuwei down in someone's residence and then made his way over to the disciple section of the sect, seeking out his brother and other disciples, he planned to kill them all.

The disciple section was secluded from the rest of the sect, Fang Xian had to break the wall of it to enter which took him a while, thus informing all the disciples that he was attempting to break in.

'What is Fang Ling going to think when he sees me? Haha, I can't wait to see his face.' Fang Xian laughed.

He used his dragon arm and pummelled the wall several times, forming cracks each time and eventually breaking, creating a hole he could barely fit through.

He climbed through the hole and saw an army of young disciples, teachers and residents each with weapons raised and pointing at Fang Xian.

He burst out into laughter and to his surprise, Fang Ling shouted: "Brother! It is my brother, please stand down!"

Fang Xian was confused: 'I literally killed you, dumbass.'

"Brother, are you here to save us?" Fang Ling ran to Fang Xian, asking with a hopeful expression.

"Yes." The cogs in Fang Xian's mind worked rapidly.

'Zhang Liuwei should be able to eventually break out of the lamentation, I can use Fang Ling to gain a greater benefit.' Fang Xian decided.

For his new plan, Fang Ling was the only crucial component, the other disciples were not needed.

"Oh! I forgot something in a different area of the sect, please excuse me, I shall go retrieve it." Fang Xian lied, running back into the first-rate sect section and once he was far enough, he used Dragon Transfiguration, charging to the disciple section.

Southern Continent, True Heaven Sect's headquarters.

"Sir, a dragon has been spotted at Crimson Heavenly Sect. It has committed a mass murder, everyone in the sect is now dead according to our intel." A rank six immortal informed the new lead immortal of True Heaven Sect, Bai Xiong Yuan.

Bai Xiong Yuan was an extremely old man, he had lived for over forty-eight thousand years and had accumulated unfathomable life experiences, furthermore, he was an immortal rank seven cultivator but if he and Zhang Liuwei fought, he would undoubtedly win.

In Fang Xian's first life, he never became the lead immortal of True Heaven Sect, he died before Zhang Liuwei left.

Even though he was substantially stronger than Zhang Liuwei, he was kept at the secondary position in the sect due to his old age and deteriorating cognitive abilities.

Now, True Heaven Sect had no choice but to appoint him as the lead immortal, otherwise they would be without an immortal rank seven cultivator as the lead immortal for the first time in their history.

True Heaven Sect was the reason super sects were created in the first place, even late into Fang Xian's first life, it were considered the greatest sect in the world and that was due to its immense power.

It was founded by an overlord back at the end of the Primordial Era and he ruled over them through two entire eras of human existence before eventually succumbing to the erosion of time and passing away.

That wasn't the only overlord that has been a member of the sect though, there were three in total.

The first overlord to ever exist, Life Essence Heavenly Overlord, then Myriad Starlight Heavenly Overlord succeeded him, and finally Fate Overseeing Heavenly Overlord.

There was a phrase in Fang Xian's previous life, "True Heaven Sect from the south and Eternal Chaos Demon Sect from the middle, the prime example of the battle of heaven and chaos and the war of the conflicting ideologies of the heavenly way and the demonic way."

Those were the two greatest sects, both of them possessing overlords as rulers of the sect.

Eternal Chaos Demon Sect only possessed Eternal Demon Overlord, yet its history could contend with a sect that had three overlord, that spoke the truth of Eternal Demon Overlord's strength.

Back at True Heaven Sect, Fang Xian charged into the disciple section, creating a larger hole that could fit his draconic body and entering, bringing immense fright to everyone present.

Chaotic Dragon Formless Blade, Third Form: Dragon Transfiguration: Demonic Dragon Breath!

Chaotic Dragon Formless Blade, Second Form: Dragon Transfiguration: Dragon Blade!

Chaotic Dragon Formless Blade, First Form: Formless Dragon!

He activated all three moves simultaneously, killing many disciples.

This time, he identified Fang Ling and made sure not to injure him while not being overly obvious, instead killing everyone else and leaving when only Fang Ling was left.

Fang Xian transformed back into human form when he was far enough and ran into the disciple section, crying: "Fang Ling! Are you there?! Don't tell me you are dead!"

He put on an extremely upset and hopeful tone as he continued to scream.

"Brother?" Fang Ling crawled out of the hiding place he had created and asked hesitantly.

After seeing Fang Xian, his eyes widened as he began to tear up due to the sadness of the fact that all of his associates had died and also out of happiness that his brother was still here and he wasn't alone.

He ran to his brother and held him in a tight embrace, not seeing Fang Xian's evil grin as he patted his back.

'Haha, plans change sometimes.' Fang Xian remarked to himself.