Chapter 24 - Finding the Morcave

Their digging speed was so fast that it even surprised her somewhat— and she made them. But it was a pleasant surprise as it meant finding the mutants she was looking for much faster.

With that out of the way, she sat there for a few more minutes, trying to avoid looking suspicious to the camera before she eventually grew bored and stood up, walking back inside.

Inside her caregivers were doing their own things but when they saw her they stopped and called her over.

"Lily, please come for a second we need to talk to you."

Well, it seemed they had something to speak to her about— she didn't pay any mind to it and walked over to the living room where they were sitting.

Her eyes gazed across the two of them as they sat beside each other, looking over at her. At times like these you would think they were just a normal couple of parents that wished to speak to their child.

But they weren't.

"Lily please have a seat."

Roxy said with a soft smile as she motioned towards the other couch.

She did as they asked and took a seat, very curious as to where this was going as she had just arrived there. They couldn't already be making their move, could they?

No that would be foolish— unless they were desperate.

"Lily we know you have been through a lot, and while we would like you to experience the same things normal kids your age would, we can't do that right now due to the situation."

A situation that didn't actually exist and that she made up— with this thought in her mind she listened to what Roxy was saying.

"As such, we think it would be best for you to be homeschooled."

'So that's how they were going to do it.'

She thought in her mind with an inner chuckle. She obviously knew what they were planning— they were going to use this chance to indoctrinate their own ideas into her mind.

After all, they wanted a useful mutant soldier and starting to train her from a young age would be the best thing they could do.

She decided to play along since getting some knowledge about this world wouldn't be too bad— and if she rejected the idea they might find other means to push it.

So, with a fake look of reluctance on her face, she agreed.


Was all she said— which made them quite pleased.

"Good, don't worry we will give you this week to settle down and lessons will start next week. Also, I'm sure you want some things of your own to decorate your room and clothing, so why don't we go shopping tomorrow?"

That would be convenient as it would allow her to get a layout of the areas above ground since her worms couldn't do so. As such, she nodded her head once more.


The caregivers didn't do much about her anti-social behavior as it was expected from a girl in her situation— in reality, she just didn't feel the need to speak too much.

With that out of the way they allowed her to return to her room.

As she returned to her room she focused on the actions of her workers so far— having already dug very far in all directions. They had split up because that would cast the widest net to find what she was looking for.

And it seems she had came upon just that— with one of her worms having found what seemed like a large underground tunnel system.

Not some small tunnel system made by animals or a subway of the sort— no it was a large system of tunnels that seemed to be from a long time ago.

Maybe it had been here for ages— but it showed little sign of being old, in fact, it seemed to be kept well.

This was just what she was looking for.

She knew the Morlocks lived under the city and would often move around using the tunnel systems under the city— so how could such a big system go unfound by her workers if they just dig around a lot?

The speed at which she found it was unexpected— but it made things so much easier.

She just had one problem now— finding and eating Morlocks.

If she wasn't worried that the information in their bodies would go to waste and she wouldn't gain the mutant ability she would've just had her workers deal with it— but the Morlocks were already weak mutants.

If she didn't eat them herself she wouldn't gain anything useful— aside from mass and a little bit of their information.

But she wanted much more than just a little, she wanted everything they had to offer.

Their deaths and body would be her growth— so she needed to find a way to get out of there.

'What if I make a worker that looks like me?'

It wasn't impossible, but it would take quite a bit of mass to do so— and she didn't have that much mass right now.

She was quite disappointed that she no longer gained mass from just eating dirt and stone but it seemed that the stronger her body become the less mass certain things would give her.

That was understandable— after all once you became dense, less dense things affected you less.

She had two options right now before her.

Spend a large portion of her mass she currently had to make a unit that looked like her.

Or use the mass to improve herself and wait for a chance to come in the future where she could slip out undetected.