Chapter 52 - Finished Testing

Phil took them over to the area that was filled with equipment to be used. More specifically, he took her over to a machine to test her strength, her punching force first.

The machine looked similar to one of those boxing games you would find in an arcade; however, it was much better made. It was metallic with a flat surface covered in padding that was meant to be hit.

The screen above it would display various factors, such as the speed of the hit, the recoil of the impact, the force of the blow, and even the way the force of the collision was distributed over the machine.

It was clearly very well built and maintained, most likely used as one of the various machines that were, or even still is, used to test the capabilities of Super Soldiers and Mutants.

"This is a machine we use to test the force behind punches and even kicks. It's the easiest machine, so let's begin with this."

Phil stopped in front of the machine and turned to Lily, explaining how it worked to her.

"All you have to do is punch it, use as much force as you can, and don't worry about getting injured; the padding is made to absorb much of the force and leave your hand safe."

Once he finished explaining it, Lily spoke.

"I'll try my best."

She had no intentions of trying her best.

She would show half or even a fraction of her strength at most. Just enough to be of use to them, enough use to be turned into an Agent, but not enough use to be strapped to a table.

With Phil stepping out of the way, she walked closer to the machine and readied her fist.

Putting on a show of giving it her all, she swung her fist forward and slammed it into the machine, a loud bang echoing as she did from the impact.

The sound of the bang surprised the onlookers, Phil, and her parents, causing their eyes to quickly shift to the numbers being calculated by the machine.

Of course, the machine didn't break; this wasn't some third-rate cultivation story.

The machine was naturally made to withstand very powerful blows; it was made to be used by top-notch super soldiers. It would be foolish if it broke with just a little of her strength.

It took a minute or so, but eventually, the numbers settled and showed the report on the different factors of her punch.

Lily had no clue how to read it, so she turned towards Phil to try and get him to explain it.

"What does that mean?"

Phil looked over the report with a thoughtful expression before hearing the girl's voice. He quickly looked towards her and explained it in a way she could understand.

Or rather, in a way, he thought a young girl would understand.

"Well, it basically means the force of your punch is strong enough to break through a normal person's body. Which is very impressive."

And dangerous.

She could see it in his face, a certain level of wariness about her abnormally high strength. As an Agent that worked for S.H.I.E.L.D., he had obviously dealt with such things before, so he knew the threat they could pose.

Lily also noticed the look on her parents' faces when he said that, obviously not expecting the young girl they had been looking over and taking care of for the last few days would be strong enough to injure them with a single punch.

Even kill them.

"Now, while that's impressive, it's not all we're testing. Let's move on to how durable you are, shall we?"

Phil led them over to another machine that looked like a large standing stasis pod, with an area for someone to enter and stand in.

"This machine is designed to rapidly scan a person's body and exert a different amount of force over the body using pressured wind to test how durable that body part is."

Phil explained it as he stood beside the machine and opened it with a code. Ushering her in.

"Don't worry, the machine will stop by itself when it deems you can no longer handle the next level of pressure, so you won't be injured. However, it may be somewhat discomforting, so please endure it."

When he explained it to her, he had an apologetic look, but she wasn't sure if it was real or him simply playing his part.

However, from what Lily knew, it was probably real. Phil had always been a rather emotional person and would easily start caring for people he was fond of. So it only made since he would be worried about the safety of a young girl.

"It's ok; I'll do my best."

Lily said as she entered the pod door, which closed, sealing her within the small space.

Honestly, it reminded her of her egg, but without the liquid inside, so she wasn't bothered by it at all. In fact, it felt somewhat comfortable, welcoming even.

Slowly the device began to work, pressured air being shot out from it and testing the durability of her skin. While also constantly scanning her to measure it and inspect for damage to the skin.

It went on for a while until it eventually stopped and released the girl.

She had purposefully lowered the durability of her skin, which was much harder to do than holding back her strength, but she could do it nonetheless.

Giving them a false number once more so that they wouldn't be able to know her full capabilities.

Once out, she pretended to be somewhat sore so that she would sell frowning from the pain she felt.

"That wasn't too bad, right? Are you alright?"

Ask her mother from the side while Phil was reviewing the machine's report.

"Impressive, her body is durable enough to resist some low-caliber bullets."

He spoke, glancing over at the girl. Upon hearing this, both Agents were once again amazed; they didn't expect the girl to be that much of a durable target.

If they had to fight her, god forbid, they would struggle.

After that test, most other tests went by quickly without much surprise since they already expected her to have a special body.

For her speed test, she made sure to get somewhat above the speed of top-level athletes, as she wanted to show off only a little of her speed. Her current top speed was actually faster than cars, and she wanted to keep that as a trump card.

For her senses, they didn't test her much on that. Just some hand-to-eye coordination, her hearing capabilities, smell, and sight.

All of which she greatly downplayed.

But in the end, they all came to the same conclusion, everyone that viewed the testing, that is.

She had the body of a superhuman, even comparable to that of a Super Solider.

It was rather late once the testing was over, so Phil spoke.

"Why don't you head home and rest for the day? I'll contact you when we're ready again."

The two agents nodded and replied.

"Understood, Sir."

And with that, their little trip to S.H.I.E.L.D. ended without much happening.