Chapter 82 - Striking

Standing before the locked iron door, Lily examined it with a keen eye— noting the lack of any camera that would give it away. 

Despite its sturdy appearance, she knew she had the means to bypass it with relative ease. Her newfound abilities, combined with her previous ones— provided her with a wide range of tools she could use for the task.

However, the most useful ability for this situation would be Lily's superhuman strength; after all, she didn't care to be secretive about her break-in; they knew she was coming already.

Standing in front of the door, she firmly locked her foot in place, and with the slow, steady motion of bringing her palm backward— she launched it forward without hesitation.

Her action was swift— but powerful. 

Her open palm made contact with the door, and her strength rippled forth— it had to be said that Lily's strength was anything but weak. With her current capabilities, lifting and even throwing a car would be possible; as such, breaking the doors off its hinges was nothing.

And break it did— the door buckled from the impact and was sent flying backward with a loud thud— a groan following after.

The impact of her palm hitting the door had not only broken the door right off its hinges but had also sent it flying backward somewhat— causing the doorman behind it to be concaved with the impact.

The man was in immense pain from the unexpected attack, evident by the fact that he was constantly groaning and yelling for help— unable to get the metal door off his injured body.

Even without the yelling of the man, the people within the basement would be alerted of her arrival; after all, the door was not silent with its opening.

But she preferred a head-on fight— it gave her a chance to finally show off a little, testing her capabilities and getting accustomed to them better.

So far, she had only fought calculated battles— and while this one was still within her calculations— it could be said to be the first time she went in without getting the jump on them first.

Lily strode confidently through the now-open entrance, stepping upon the iron door that held the under it— causing his pain to increase even more.

But she wasn't cruel enough to leave him under there to suffer, so with one forceful stomp— she shattered the man's head— killing him in the process.

 Her eyes quickly flew over the startled group that stood before her— having gathered to find out what the sound was and had gathered into defensive positions.

Mutants and humans alike exchanged uneasy glances at each other, realizing that they were being invaded just like the other base had been— that too by one single girl.

The room was deadly silent— one could hear the drop of a pin at any moment— the flicking fluorescent lights that dimly lit the damp room provided a unique addition to the tension.

The group didn't want to make the first move out of caution, but Lily hadn't made the first move yet out of curiosity.

Her eyes scanned the figures before her, a mixture of mutants and humans— some of the mutants were very obvious due to their unnatural appearance. 

One possessed horns, while another possessed a long tail, and one had skin similar to glass— but that was just a few she could outright spot. 

This group was much smarter than the other one as they opted to rid themselves of their guns for this encounter and instead use melee weapons— wielding large blades and such.

Lily stepped forward without any fear— in fact, she was filled with anticipation to actually fight them head-on. As she did— the group held their ground, and their leader actually stepped forward.

A relatively tall, slim female with a scar running along the side of her face and down her neck— a lightning bolt shape. Her body rippled with electricity from her fingertips to her hair— as she openly used her power.

She held no fear in her face; in fact, she stood tall and proud, the added theatrics of her electricity giving her quite the presence amongst the group.

Maybe even boosting their morale.

"Who are you, and how dare you intrude upon our place?"

The lady declared with a loud and stern voice— her voice booming with the amplified effect of her electricity coursing through her body.

Their eyes locked as they spoke— Lily was actually taller than the woman, who added to her domineering appearance— given that she was covered in blood, it wasn't hard.

"Don't ask a foolish question you already know the answer to."

Lily replied without care, a small smile decorating her lips as she said it, taunting the lady to do something.

While electricity was dangerous— Lily was sure she could deal with it as long as she was careful— plus she had quite a few meat shields around her she could use.

The tension in the room instantly spiked upon the unexpected answer— combined with her demeanor and almost predatory aura— it only made the group more uneasy.

To her mild surprise, however, the leader was undeterred by her presence or answer— in fact, she didn't outright attack out of anger; instead, she waved her hand and ordered her ground to space out.

It was a wise decision since their powers might conflict with each other— but they were inside a building, and the space was limited.

"You won't be leaving here alive."

The leader replied, her electricity jolting through her lower body and into the ground below her— a powerful wave of electricity being sent toward Lily.

With a faint smile and quick reaction, Lily responded.

"We'll see about that."

With a swift side jump— she avoided the incoming electric attack but was met with a blade swinging towards her body.

Instantly hardening, the blade was met by her hard skin— breaking upon impact and flying off. Wasting no time, she spun her body and grabbed the man that had tried to attack her, grabbing him by the neck and swinging him.

She threw the man's body towards the lady— using him as both a shield to block her vision and attacks, as well as distract her for some time so she could deal with the other pests.