Departure of the Queen and the Commander

The queen bee and the captain departed after the final, with the captain urging the queen to leave for Argentina to attend the festivities and prepare for the World Cup-winning Argentina national team.400

The queen carried her young from Qatar, heading to Argentina

The bird's farewell day was a very sad scene. The queen was weeping over the separation of his friend, the sparrow, telling him: Take care of the children.401

My flying friend, you are my dear friend. We enjoyed happy days that will be written in golden pens in football history. We witnessed one of the most amazing tournaments in the history of football and we will tell it to the children.

We have gathered this first home, where our feelings mixed with human feelings402

We were created for him, to help him and feed him, and he cannot live alone, on this planet, just as we cannot live alone.

They migrate, meet and rejoice once every four years in a beautiful game in which they compete and get to know each other, rejoicing and moments filled with sadness.403

As for us, we leave as we like and gather anywhere, we do not know pessimism and anxiety, nature is our life, it makes us happy and sad, we know that there is a logic of the strong eating the weak, this is the prevailing law in nature

But everyone has a positive role to play in this life. We were created for balance to occur in nature404

We lived inside him and removed those molars from his teeth so the pain would go away and he would wake up