Pain and joy

The pain continues between us, it may be momentary, or it may last

And the permanent pain for us is that the minutes turn counterclockwise, when the climate changes, and wars and conflicts abound. There are some of us who did not enjoy joy. They may have been drowned in cold water, or suffocated by pollution, or dust fell upon them, or under bars, or dragged by torrents, or burned by fire.405

Even among humans, others did not enjoy this joy as a result of poverty, wars and conflicts

But life still goes on, and hope remains with the children so that they bring joy and peace406

Your father and my queen have fought for this pain to go away and for this player to rise up and catch his joy

My friend, may your joy and happiness last. The captain and I will fly to join the breezes of joy over there in Argentina407.

There are blue flowers, we will build our hive there, and our children will breathe that joy, and prepare to leave with him in the next tournament 2026

My bird friend, I know you are confused about your departure and have not made up your mind408

My friend, if you would like to leave with us now, we would be glad

See you soon. I wish you a long and healthy life

see you soon