Chap.10 The serpent's smile

It was Anko Mitarashi!

What the hell? Since when is Anko in charge of a team?

Or rather, how did Sarutobi allow something like that with her past with Orochimaru?

No matter if she was in the series or in the fanfics, Anko could be considered an outcast among the ninja. Her past with Orochimaru earned her the displeasure of many classmates and the mistrust of the village superiors. Most of her missions were high-risk or even suicidal missions. Perhaps due to all that, Anko had a character, let's say, strong, depending on the situation.

And that was the exact moment where my suspicions were aroused. Either my butterfly effect already works in ways I can't understand or this world of Naruto has deviations from what I know.

Wait, does that mean Rob sent me to a flawed Naruto world? I want to make a claim!

On the other hand, the fact that Anko is in charge of team eight is…unexpectedly clever?

I mean, she with her personality will be able to keep Kiba and Akamaru in line and discipline for sure. Although they may take some scares until they get used to her way of being. Both deal with animals, perhaps they will find a common theme.

Hinata will have to wake up and if she manages to assimilate even though she is a part of Anko's drive, her clan will no longer give her those disappointed looks. Anko also knows the human body well, so she would be a great help in improving the practice of the gentle fist. She could even stand up to some of the elders who won't stop complaining about anything.

And then there's me, the man of the moment, Tony Akimichi. Knowing that she will be responsible for us, my goal would be to get her to allow me to learn about some poisons and the creation of antidotes. Not only that, I'm interested to know if she could also sign a contract with the snakes to later visit her cave and try to learn sage mode from her.

If I have to choose between being a slug sage, a toad sage, and a dragon sage, the latter certainly sounds much cooler. Although I understand that it is the most dangerous method.

But I also have some ideas for the snake sage to help me a little…

"Well little chicks, are you ready?" —Anko appeared on top of one of the three trunks in the middle of the field and looked at us as if we were her new toys — No questions. I am Anko Mitarashi and I could become your team captain, as long as you pass my Test to officially become a genin.

I see that Kiba is about to reply to her and from her expression, I don't think it's kind words, so I block her mouth with one hand before she does something she'll regret and give her a warning look.

"Two smart and one impulsive, huh?" She assessed with a crooked smile. "Since you're so motivated, let's get down to business." My Test is very simple, you must endure. Survive my summons for say… five minutes? As long as you can stand at the end of time, I will accept you and if you fail, I will kick you back to the academy." He looked at the three of them and added something else as if he remembered it at the last minute. "Don't worry, with me here, you don't have chances of fleeing. Give it all or you will die~

It disappears with a burst of smoke and in its place appears a brown snake with black spots, the size of an ox.

[Ding! New Quest: Let's BBQ Snake Tonight!]

[Task: You and your team must hold out for the time stipulated by Anko Mitarashi.]

[Optional Task: Defeat the summon before the time is up!]

[Reward: Official Promotion to Genin + All Shokugeki no Soma cooking skills, experiences and techniques.]

[Optional Reward: Interdimensional Travel Ticket (single-use item).]

[Note: The meat of this snake is edible, very chewy, and poison free! Bon Appetite.]

Tony spent no more than the time reading the objectives, not knowing what the rewards were going to be because from the moment the mission appeared, it meant that the countdown had begun.

"Hinata! —Tony snapped the ninja out of her trance and brought her back to reality— Can you check if she has poisonous glands in her body? They should be in the jaws! —Then without looking away from the snake, he continued and assumed the role of leader, "Kiba, protect her from her in the meantime and watch out for any sneak attacks!" Don't let him catch you!

-Right away! Hinata didn't question and raised her hand in a gesture. "Byakugan!"

"Come on Akamaru!" Kiba and his dog moved to Hinata's sides at the same time.

Meanwhile, in the foliage of some trees beyond.

—Just a decent reaction among everyone, eh —Anko was not only waiting for time to pass, but not to get bored, she began to analyze the three— Both have reacted to her orders without even realizing it. I don't know if they are very familiar or if they have leader material. huh? She has put the shy girl in the rear while she searches for information and has not left her alone, it is already a better strategy than most recent graduates. What will she do she now she?

Back to combat...

"She doesn't have any venom glands or ducts in her fangs!" Hinata informed.

"Then it must be a snake that focuses on strangling and biting," Tony quickly analyzed.

The snake wouldn't wait for the trio to strategize against it, so after understanding its purpose, its first target was Kiba and his cub.

"Double piercing fang!" —Kiba used his signature technique together with Akamaru and collided with the snake. Causing heavy damage to the scales— Ha! What did you think of that?

-Be careful! Hinata yelled. "That's just her shedding!

-What? —Before Kiba could react, a high-speed tail hits him in the stomach and sends him into a tree. Akamaru narrowly avoids being swallowed in one bite by the snake and regroups with Kiba.

"Why am I not surprised that he is the first to fall?" —Anko commented to herself— The counterattack was fine, but in this case they should have attacked separately and not let their guard down after hitting. Typical rookie mistake, on the battlefield he would already be dead. What will the other two do?

"Hinata, would your soft fist work on her?" Tony asked.

"I should," Hinata replied, "But it's too fast, my domain isn't enough to hit her yet."

"If I slow it down, will you be able to do it?"

Hinata falls silent as she quickly calculates and dodges the snake's attacks, although she manages to avoid the heavy blows, she still has skin scraped off in places.

-Yes! She replies confidently.

-Then let's do! Tony yelled as he pressed his palms together and began to mobilize her chakra by making some gestures. He must admit that he was a little excited to be able to wear this in public at last.

-Oh? It seems they have a plan —Anko commented as she looked at the clock— They've been here for a minute and they have four more to go. Wait, those seals… I have no idea what technique it will be. Perhaps it is an own invention? Let's see what it will be.

Tony made the last gesture and smiled at the snake that swooped down on him with open jaws.