Chap.11 Gourmet ninja techniques!

Tony took a moment to make sure the snake couldn't dodge and used his technique at full power.

"Gluttony: Dragonbeard!" His cheeks puff out and he spits out hundreds of candy flosses as fine as silk.

The snake was unprepared for such a display and he tried to break the threads by force, which he partially succeeded in, but actually only succeeded in getting more entangled in them. He underestimated the threads because they were too thin, but they are the result of using the power of the devil fruit on the chakra. Even if they are weak, they will be a nuisance.

-Go ahead! —The technique was still in the process of being perfected and couldn't take too much of a fight.

Hinata hesitated a bit, but luckily she didn't miss the chance her teammates had won for her. She got into position and began to pound while being careful not to accidentally tangle herself in the candy floss.

The snake was getting more and more furious and despite being under Hinata's continuous blows, he focused on writhing violently to free himself from the threads. Tony underestimated the snake and broke free sooner than expected, landing a blunt blow to Hinata when he wasn't expecting it.

"Hinata! —Tony caught her in flight and watched as she spit up some blood. "We have to finish this soon." He frowned. Two members of the team had taken major hits and the only ones in decent condition were him and Akamaru.

Furthermore, they only needed two more minutes to pass the test.

"Akamaru! Tony tossed something at him that he pulled from the storage scroll and the snake paused for a moment to assess the threat. A paper bomb?

Akamaru bit into the object and it was revealed to be an ordinary looking stone.

-You already know what to do! Tony told him.

The snake was upset with itself and he turned his attention from himself to Tony. It was because of that child that his movements were hampered and he had been outsmarted. If he didn't break some bones, he couldn't rest.

—Gluttony: Liquid gold! Seeing that he had the enemy's focus on him, Tony switched to a more aggressive tack and spat a large amount of oil onto the snake and its surroundings.

The snake sneered at Tony with a look that said, Do you think this cheap trick could slow me down? You are dead!

Suddenly, the snake turned around midway due to a bad premonition sent by his instinct, sharpened after many life and death battles. The furry snack that escaped earlier had jumped up and was in the air as he scraped his fingernails at the stone in his mouth, causing sparks.

How could he not understand what the plan was?

Those damned toads have a similar tactic!

But by the time the snake was able to connect the dots, it was too late and the sparks touched the oil. The flames spread out at high speed and the oil-soaked snake began to burn and writhe in pain.

Anko was speechless at the duo's performance.

What she didn't know is that Tony would occasionally have barbecues at the Inuzuka clan and the dogs there loved to light the fire in all sorts of cool ways. Akamaru was still a cub and had no means of competing with his elders, so Tony lent him a piece of flint to join in the fun. That's why when Akamaru saw what he picked up, she understood Tony's plan.

"You have less than a minute left," Anko verified. "Don't you know how dangerous a beast is when cornered?" Her," she laughed.

Anko listened with interest, but she only watched as Akamaru pulled Kiba and Hinata away from the snake and Tony narrowed his eyes at the creature. What was he thinking?

—Gluttony: Liquid gold!

—Gluttony: Liquid gold!

Tony's thinking had been reduced to unquestionable logic.

If the snake didn't die with one mouthful of oil, give it two more!

By the time the five minutes were up, training ground number twelve was silent, but there was a certain scent in the air that caused those passing by to turn around as they wiped drool from the corners of their mouths.

Where did that fragrant smell come from?

Meanwhile, back to the training ground.

All three (four counting Akamaru) members of Team Eight could be seen standing, although half of them were bruised.

-Congratulations! You have passed the Test —Anko appeared and threw some bamboo tubes with fresh water at them— Time has passed and you are all able to stand. We don't even have a dead! It's not fun. But I must point out that I did not expect you to end my summoning.

"We weren't expecting a fight against a beast, either," Tony said as he sighed as he sat down on the ground. "I thought it would be something like the rattlesnake test."

Anko blinked at the interruption and stared at Tony.

—Don't worry —Tony raised his hands in surrender— We'll share the snake's meat among all of us, we can eat our fill.

Anko was speechless at Tony's statement.

That was the creature summoned from him!

Okay, I don't use their usual summons because it would be too much for them, so I use a normal snake, but come on!

—Don't worry Anko-sensei —assured Tony— After he tastes my food, he'll join my legion of evil, Ahem! Admirers of my kitchen, I assure you.

And where did the trust come from?

[The host has successfully completed the mission!]

[Rewards are being handed out.]

[The host has been officially promoted to Genin.]

[Sending all Shokugeki no Soma cooking skills, experiences and techniques.]

[Due to fulfilling the optional task, it has been delivered: Interdimensional Travel Ticket (single-use item). Can be claimed later]

Tony was about to get up to put out the fire and start working on the snake before Anko could think of an excuse to take all the meat with her, so he didn't expect the System to send him another warning at that time.

[Ding! The host has fulfilled a hidden achievement.]

[Hidden Achievement: It's Official, Let's Celebrate!]

[Condition: Become a full-fledged ninja recognized by the village.]

[Hidden Reward: ???. Can be claimed later]

-Wait a minute. System, we have been together for years and at this point I know that there are achievements?