Chap.13 Trip to another world

The next time period for Tony was going to be a bit confusing. He knows that the next important event is the chunin exam where Orochimaru will be able to help him eliminate Sarutobi.

But he can't remember exactly how much time is left until then. Only that Naruto's team was going to go through the mission where Zabuza and Haku would appear. He considered saying something to them, but finally gave up. Naruto has the plot armor, Sakura needs to get off the pink clouds, and Sasuke loves taking a beating.

That's how he got strong, right? Taking a beating. Yes, he was sure it was.

"Let's say it will be three months," he said to himself. "Let's try to prepare well for then."

The next thing he did for the next week were small-time missions within the village. Help clean, deliveries, chop wood, chase a cat...

How he hated the bloody cat!

That's what most genin would think, but Tony could catch him in less than a minute if he knew the area he was in. He just had to use his devil fruit to transform a piece of wood into smoked Norwegian salmon and the cat would lunge at him like it was in heat.

Tony didn't understand why his team gaped at him, until he remembered the cat's infamous recognition as the genin's nightmare. And that devil danced on Tony's palm as he directed.

After several days of boring missions and miserable pay, Anko announced a few days of free time for them to rest before starting the serious training plan.

Therefore, Tony returned to the Akimichi clan residence and was finally able to calmly check the rewards he got during Anko's test. It wasn't that he couldn't receive them sooner, he just wasn't in the mood for it.

And now that he was comfortable, what better time was there?

[The host has claimed ???!]

[??? revealed: Dragon King Derous's Twin Knives.]

[Dragon King Derous's Twin Knives: They are considered to be both weapons and cooking tools. Made from two fossilized fragments of the single fang of the Dragon King Derous, one of the legendary Eight Kings of Beasts.]

[Fun fact: The Derous was a giant beast with a length of 350 meters and a weight of 1,500,000 tons.]

[Knives will never dull, food cut with them will have enhanced flavor, they can return to the host at any time with a single thought, and still bear a trace of the creature's intent. No matter what you decide to cut the host with them, be it enemies or ingredients, thanks to a powerful cleaning and disinfection ability that the System has applied.]

"Well, that solves my dilemma with weapons," Tony commented after reading the description. "Just from what it says here, it's already superior to the seven blades of mist."

He took out the knives and fell in love with them at a glance. Straight but slightly curved at the tip. The grips fit perfectly in your hands and are styled to blend elegance and brutality in a subtle way. The edge is only on one side, but it has a beautiful snow finish.

It is hard to believe that it belonged to such a fearsome creature.

He kept them because he didn't want to be seen in the clan with the knives still and he would wait until he went to the training ground to test them.

"System, give me the other reward.

[Ding! The host has claimed: Interdimensional Travel Ticket (single-use item)]

"What kind of ticket is this?" Tony wondered. "I'm just getting used to this world and I'll be sent to another."

[Interdimensional Travel Ticket: As long as the host breaks the ticket, he will be allowed to temporarily go to another world in search of unique ingredients, dishes, and species before returning to this one. The world visited is random and the host's form can change to suit the location. As long as the host is away, time in the original world will stop completely.]

"Wait, so if I spent a month in that dimension, it would be like I only left for a second here?

[Yes, in addition, the host's age will not be affected due to the time mismatch.]

—I see —Tony thought for a while as he looked at the golden ticket in his hand, it looked very much like one he had seen in the past, with which you could access a very famous chocolate factory.

"Let's do it!" —Tony directly tore up the ticket.

Since time would not be affected in Naruto's world, why wait?

[The host will be sent in five seconds.]

At the end of the countdown, Tony disappeared from the scene with the sound of a bubble bursting.

"What a strange feeling," he commented as he stood in what he assumed was the limbo between worlds. "It's like being pressed all over by cold jelly with little shocks."

He didn't know how long he was in this state, but for him it was only a few moments before he felt a tug and saw the light again. It took him a moment to reorient himself and look around him.

"Let's see what world I've ended up in." He tried to walk to explore, but he discovered that he was floating a few inches off the ground. He looked down at him and he was surprised to see that although he retained his appearance, it was now half transparent with a hint of liquid gold.

-System! What happened to me?

[The host has only taken the form that allows it to access that world. It is only necessary for the host to think of his identity and the information will appear in his head.]

"Okay, I'll try." He stood still and tried to do as the System told him. A squeamish face emerged shortly after—I see, I'm quite different, but I could be described as a ghost. And this place"—he looked at the stone walls around him—"must be the ghost's castle.

It took him a while to learn to move in the direction he wanted in his new form, but soon he could move and walk through walls like nothing. He even discovered that he could use his powers by transforming a stool into a pile of pancakes with syrup.

"This is kind of fun, but I'd better try to get more information somehow." I can't stay too long and I don't want to come back empty handed.

The corridors were adorned with statues and the patios with some fountains and plants. The place was well kept, he had to admit.

"But why is this place so familiar to me?" Tony wondered, puzzled.

It wasn't until he passed a tapestry of a man dancing ballet in front of some trolls that he noticed the abnormality.

The images on the tapestry were moving!