Chap.14 Felicis Pelt Parau

After staring at the tapestry for a minute, a name flashed into Tony's mind and he was able to connect all the dots.

Barnabas the Nutty!

-Harry Potter! Tony exclaimed happily. "I'm at Hogwarts!" But the question now is when? he wondered. "Before Harry came?" Is he now he in school? Has he already graduated?

That would explain why he didn't find anyone in the halls apart from a cat, which must be Mrs. Norris. They were all in class!

"Well, let's go to the tower of lions and find out."

A few minutes later Tony located the Fat Lady and walked through the portrait like it was nothing. When he noticed that he entered the girl's dorm by mistake, he hurried out and searched the boy's dorm.

"At least I can confirm that Harry is still here," she stated after noticing his trunk at the foot of the bed. "Since he's still attending school and the castle isn't wrecked, it's safe to say he should be in his early years study. I have no idea where he is right now, but I can either wait here or go to the Great Hall.

Tony's intention was limited to seeing the famous magician in person, nothing more.

"Wait, maybe…" he thought after a moment.

A few hours later.

"I swear Snape heard what we said about him in Potions!" A redhead complained, "Why else would he give us an eight foot parchment homework assignment on the uses of bezoar?"

"Shut up Ron!" The girl next to her told her. "Professor Snape has given everyone the same homework." If you keep saying things like that, they'll end up deducting points from us.

The bespectacled boy between them just nodded his head showing support for the girl.

"Whatever," Ron grumbled. "Let's get something to eat, I'm starving."

The trio arrived at the table in the Great Hall and helped themselves to a heaping helping of roast turkey with apple pie and a glass of pumpkin juice.

—Oh! The girl suddenly yelled as she jumped out of the seat and fell on her back with her eyes wide.

"Hermione! —Shouted the boy with glasses when he saw the fall of his friend —Are you okay? What happened?

-I have to go to the bathroom! —She answered while she escaped like an exhalation from the place.

-What happens? Ron asked around a mouth full of food, splattering it all over the table.

But the only response he got was a shrug, which he promptly mimicked and popped food back into his mouth.

Meanwhile, Hermione entered an abandoned room and closed the door behind her.

"Good heavens!" She yelled in disbelief. "You're real!"

…Little flashback…

"They're finally here," Tony complained. "Don't you know how frustrating it is to watch all these people eat while I can't?"

He discovered that in his current form, he could not and did not need to eat and seeing the feast of the students, he could not help but drool with envy.

Should he see if it's possible to get a house elf from the kitchens?

"Let's put the plan in motion." Tony approached the trio and after looking at them for a few moments to sate his curiosity, he smacked Hermione on the forehead with a snap.


"Before you try to say anything," Tony pointed out to the girl, "let me make it clear that only you can see and hear me." If you answer me, you'll look crazy, so I suggest you find a different place for our conversation." Saying that, he stayed there floating while he looked at her with an amused expression.

"Hermione! —Shouted the boy with glasses when he saw the fall of his friend —Are you okay? What happened?

Perhaps only then did the girl believe what she was saying and she understood that she really couldn't speak here.

-I have to go to the bathroom!

…End of flashback…

"You are a Felicis Pelt Parau!" Hermione yelled, still raising her voice.

(I clarify that I have completely invented the term and creature.)

"Yes, I am that thing you said," Tony nodded with a satisfied expression, "I knew a smart girl like you would recognize me and not mistake me for a painted ghost." She assured you that she is outrageous when it happens to me.

"Well, I read about beings like you in the Book of Untraceable Creatures, Volume Three," he answered unconsciously. "Wait!" Why have you chosen me? Can you still let others see you? What is the deal? What type of payment do you accept? How much time do I have? Because…?

"Wait, wait, I tell you!" Tony knew that Hermione might get a little excited at the sight of him, but he forgot that the girl was an ardent seeker of knowledge with an insatiable appetite. If I let her continue with her questions, she would never go anywhere— I chose you because you seemed the most sensible to me after days of observation, I can still allow a few more people, my deal is information, payment is food and I will only be here for a few days . So, interested?

"Can I bring my friends?" she asked, her voice growing sharper by the moment.

—Of course, you can also bring Minerva —Tony agreed, assuming his role — BUT! I won't make a deal if anyone else finds out about me, so I'd suggest bringing these people in discreetly and quickly. Have I been clear?

Hermione quickly nods and is much relieved to know that Professor McGonagall may be present. She runs off again and after a few minutes she returns to the same place with two children snorting and an older woman trying to regain her composure.

"Well, Miss Granger?" McGonagall asked. "What is this important thing that she desperately needed to show me?"

Harry and Ron had the same question in their puzzled looks.

Little did they know that Hermione could pull them so hard and run so fast!

The girl looked nervously at Tony and he just smiled reassuringly at her before punching the teacher and Harry in the forehead.

-Hello! Tony yelled.

"By Merlin's beard!" Harry jumped in fright at the sudden appearance of someone else in the room.

On the other hand, Professor McGonagall stared blankly for a few seconds before reacting.

"A Felicis Pelt Parau!" Ella —she shouted excitedly like a little girl, shocking everyone present, Tony included.