Chap.15 I want frogs and fire

-What are you talking about? Ron asked blankly as he stared at the empty space in front of him.

—Oh! Hermione remembered that Tony didn't touch Ron on his own initiative, so the Weasley couldn't see or hear him. "Can you let Ron see you too?"

"I was planning on doing it, but after remembering what he did to you, I decided to leave it out." Tony refused before acting as if he had inadvertently let something out. "Don't listen to me, he hasn't done it yet, but he will."

Hermione was suddenly puzzled by the answer.

"Hermione, what is it?" Harry asked after recovering from the shock.

"It's a Felicis Pelt Parau!" —He replied as he forgot what he was thinking in favor of enthusiastically explaining what he knew— It is a special creature even rarer to see than thestral, unicorns or phoenixes! It is said that the number of people who have been able to talk and even manage to make deals with them is no more than a dozen in the last two millennia.

"What's so special about them?" Harry asked curiously.

"Just as the Patronus embodies the happiness of our memories, the Parau are what we could call merchants of truth," this time it was Professor McGonagall who answered, "As long as you manage to make a deal with them, they can reveal truthful information that you otherwise you might never know. And they can, because they are able to move free from the shackles of time and space.

"And why can't I see it and you can?" Ron asked, still taken aback by the situation.

"Those of their kind can choose who they reveal themselves to and who they don't," Hermione answered. "It's their form of protection, as long as they don't want to be seen, nothing can notice, touch or hear them."

"Well, it doesn't seem that special." Ron's brows furrowed as he realized that the reason he was the only one who couldn't see the creature was because the creature itself didn't want to.

"There's one more thing they're known for," Professor McGonagall added, realizing from Ron's comment. "Their moods affect their surroundings in a special way."

-How? Harry wanted to know.

"That's something that hasn't been figured out yet, because it hasn't been studied due to lack of contact with them," Hermione answered. "We just know that if they're happy, good things can happen for years even after they're gone." While if they get upset, the opposite can happen. They are very spiteful at times," she then murmured softly. "It is said that the lycanthropy of werewolves arose because someone tried to attack one of them.

—Yes, yes, we are the cane —Tony interrupted after letting them talk a bit, he felt left out— So, do you want to make a deal? Guys? Minerva?

"What do you want in return?" Minerva wanted to know.

"Food," Tony replied. "More specifically, food for witches and wizards."

"How does the deal work?"

"You have to give me the food first, I won't say anything if you don't pay for it first," Tony explained. You can understand that the more variety you give me, the more points I will return to you in the form of information.

"Why can't we ask?" Hermione wanted to know.

"Because there are certain things that could do us more harm than good if we knew them." Minerva replied as she turned to look at Hermione. it is always beneficial to the other party, even if it is painful or difficult to accept.

"Why do you want food?" Harry asked suddenly and they all turned to look at him at once, intimidating the boy a bit. "I mean, it doesn't look like you're going to eat them."

"I never said they were for me," Tony told him while he thought otherwise: They are, all of them.

"Is there anything in particular you would like to have?" Minerva asked.

"Chocolate frogs, jelly beans of all flavors, firewhiskey, levitating ice cream, exploding chocolates, ice cream mice, jelly slugs, peppermint toads, butterbeer, sugar feathers, lemon drops…" Tony mentioned absolutely everything. what he remembered— That would be the basics, the more variety, the better! I only need two of each, more won't count.

"I think we'll go faster if we raid Honeydukes and the Three Broomsticks," Hermione sighed.

-Oh, wow! I almost forgot," Tony added. "And I need the recipe for Hagrid's rock cakes, not just the cake, the recipe!

Okay, that last request did put them completely out of his mind.

I told them I would walk around the castle and see each other again in three days. Also, I made it clear that if anyone found out what the food they were ordering was for, I would leave without a second thought.

There's only one reason for it, he didn't want Dumbledore, that manipulative old man trying to do something stupid.

If he does, I'll turn the Sorting Hat into an ice cream cone!

I swear by dessert! And I NEVER joked about dessert.

As expected, the sudden increase in candy orders caught the attention of many people. Harry and Hermione had to keep a close eye on Ron to make sure he didn't let loose or eat the merchandise on the sly. Apparently, he's pretty pissed off at being rejected by such an amazing creature like me.

But I don't care if he gets annoyed.

When I found out that the boy put his sticky hands on Hermione to follow the Weasley heritage, he made an irreconcilable enemy for life. Think of all that the girl studied and strove to achieve, she could have been a scholar of her time or a great researcher.

She could have become the idol of thousands of witches and the inspiration for her for decades!

But then Ron came along.

I mean, look at his current behavior. Just because I don't want to talk to him, he's willing to ruin others' chances without thinking too much just to make himself feel better.

It is the shame of his family.

Even Fred and George, despite being mischievous, prove to be enterprising. Thinking about it a bit, the Weasley family doesn't have to suffer because of that idiot. I'll do you guys a favor as a reward for having the patience to raise Ron. Anyone would deserve an award for that.

Three days passed and I had fun making food appear out of nowhere in front of the students and teachers.

Even tease Dumbledore by transforming his lemon drops into extra hot tabasco drops!

I think Usopp would be proud of me.

Too bad I won't be here to watch.

The moment of truth arrived and I could see boxes and boxes of sweets, snacks and drinks piled in a corner of the room where we met. I think the harvest will be satisfying enough.